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<br /> .��� � 1?.TransBer of 4he Pro�serty or e 1B�ueftda!IQi�rest tn Bor�o�er.If all or any part of the Propesty or any imerest in it � -
<br />����" " "� j� � � is�old or transfer�ed ts�s if a betteftcistl interest in Eoadwer is�old or dransferred and Borrower is not a natutel person)without _
<br />".,�,�t`•''�°.�`. • • LeadeFS prior wtitten consent. Lender may. at iu optTon, require immediate payment in fu11 of ali s�ums sECUred'by this _
<br /> "�1:` �F Se�nrity Im-t�umeat.Hvtvever,this optian si�il-not be exer�tised by I.ertder if exer�se is protubited by feiierai tata�as of We date �
<br /> ° of tius Security InstmmenL � . , =
<br /> . �� �'£ ,� If I.eader exercises this option.Lender shalt give Borrawer�tIce of acceteration.Tha notice shall provide a periud of rtot �
<br /> `��;<.-� less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ot cnailed witb�in which Horrower must pay all sums secumd by.this , �'
<br /> Se�urity Instrument.If Borro�ver fa�s to pay these swns priot to the expitatibrt of ihis petiod,Lender tnay imats�at+Y.s�n�i� _
<br /> • , ,.. •�` peraiiitted by fliis Security Inshument wi[hout fu�ther notice or demand on Barmcver. _
<br /> ��::� per
<br /> I���'. 18. Borm�'s Rtght t� Reia�inte. If Bomnwer meets certain coaditions..Borrower shall 6ave the right to have
<br />-`•'"""'�'� • enforceinent of this Sewrity L�rument disconYim�ed at anY wne PnoT�°the earlie�'af�a)S days(ar such other period.as
<br />- .-':�s'' spplicable taw mary specity fot reuutatement) beface snte of the Pmperty+,Puisuaat w any power of sale oontained.in tbis
<br /> �..`;:.':�.:� .r. Secunty Instmment;or(bj entry c�f a lud�nent enfo�ing this Security Insuumeni.Those coadit�ons a�+e that Borso�irer.ta1 pays�
<br /> �.:���,`�; • Letzder�11 sums wtrich then would 6e d�e�nder this Seauity�and the Note as if no acceleration 6ad occarred: N)
<br /> -i:�=s:�;; , : _.
<br /> ��', corps default of aag atfler covenants or agre�ments:(c}pays`all expeoses incamed in enforcing this 5ecuriry Instrun�eiu. ,
<br /> '�-'�,"t,`r:� incladi�,�ut crot limxted to.,reasanable attomeys'fe�s;and(d)ta4ces such action as L�ender may reasonably tequic�to assure�
<br /> "'"`-���:� tbat tite lien of this Security Instrument, l.ender's rights in the Propeit3►and Borrnwer s abligation to pay the sums secarad by ' -
<br />=�;�' ttns Security Instnimeztt sha11 continue unc�anged. Upon remstatement 6y Borrower, this Security Ins�t and she `
<br />- ..=�:-�.--`�-�`�.� obligadons seeured hereby shall temain fiilly effe�tive as if no acceleration t�ad occurred.However,this right'to reinstate shal!
<br /> � � not.appiy in the case of acceleratIon under paragraph 17-
<br /> -�_s.;�--- . 19.St�Ie of No3e;Change oS Ltiaa�ervioec. The Note or a partial interest in ti�Ntote (together with this Sewriry
<br /> ;� oe
<br /> :��,
<br />--6,�;:,��`� tnstrumerd)may Ise sold one or uwre times without prior notice to BoTrower.A sate u►ay result in a change in t11e eatity(knowu , _
<br /> -,%,,'.�4•,� as the°IASD SENIOCf°)that collerts monthlY Payments due under the Nate aud this S.eivrity Insbumeat.'IY�ere.also may be one
<br />-.=;�-_��;� or more changes of the Lqan Servicer annlaLed W a sa2e of the Note.If the�is a ehange of the Iman Servicer,Borrower a+ill6e
<br /> ,.,-�. 1� 614 above and appl�cabtelaw.The nodce_will_s�tate.th�.t4anne and..._.._...._..
<br />- f�,��. .�.� _._�veu iuritte"n aotii��tif the chauge in�accutdan¢e�vvith-ParagraP �-, .� .
<br />-�-�� address of ehe new L,oan Servirer and the address to wiuch payments s�ould be made.The notice will also conta3n aay other '
<br /> '_--� ir,fom�ation reguired by applicab2e taw. �
<br />_�;�� 20.H�r�ons Sabst�tc�s.�Barrower shait aot cause or pcimit the preswce, use,dispe��sa4, storage. or release of any _
<br />_,�::��
<br /> Ha7ardons Substances on or in the Property. Botrower shall not do, nor allow uryone else to.do. anything affecting the
<br /> ��;�� �ropectK that is im vioiation of any Environmental Iaw. The preceding two sentenc�s.shall•rtot apply�ta�ie presenae,use,or
<br /> ----- atonge on the Pro�rty of small quanhries of Hala�ons Substances that are geneially recogiiized w,be appmpriate fo normal
<br /> -''�'i� residential us�s a�ad w maintenance of the Property. �
<br />-=:`��`��%+� � Borrower shall pmmpdy give I.ender written n�otice of any investigarion,ciaim,d�emand, lawsuit or,other act�ori hy aay
<br /> ----��.� govemmental or regufr�tory agency or private party involving ihe Propeny.aus�:�y Haz�dous Substmice or Environa�ental Lavr..,. ..:
<br />�::�=�:�.;'� of�vrfuch Borrower Er:ss actual irnowled�e.If Borrower leums,or is noti�i.:L;Y any govemmentat or n�guiatory authority,tha �':,`_``
<br />=t=��=`��'� any removai or other remediation of an Ha7ard�us•Substance Affecting the'Frbperty ts,necessary.Borrower sUall promptly t� ,:;�
<br /> - �-�=�.� ali i�essary remedial actions in accordance wit6 Envimnntental Law. ',�'
<br /> -��--° As us�in tRis paragmph 20, "Ha�dous Sabstance�"�+e those subsrances'defin�l as wxic or hazardous�t,tsrs�,�ces bY
<br /> "
<br />