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<br /> pay�ents may no fonger be tequir+�.at the opt#�n of l.emder.if martg�e iRSUmnc�ceverage rn the amut►nt aad fos the ts�ia� '—
<br /> that Lei�der requires)pravided by an insu�+er.aPPmve�by Lender a�ain 6ecomes nvailubte and�is obYained.Borro�ver si�ili Pay
<br /> _� the premiums requir�d to maintain mortgage insuranoe in efgec2..or to pmvide u Ioss resene.until the requiremeat foa mongage —
<br /> i���������,ritta nny wciu¢n a�reemsnt b�+een Bormwer and i.ender ar applieabte tatv.
<br /> 9.1fns��Efon.Lender or its agent may m3ke reasonable enu�ies upon aod inspectians of the Properry. [,ectder s6all give,
<br /> _ go�rmver noti�at the time of or priar to an inspectlo�sgecifying reasoctuble cause for the,inspestion. _
<br /> ' ' 10. Cnttd�natton.The pro�s of any award or cfaicn for datnages.drecx or consequoniia!• in sasu�on��rith aa�€ .
<br /> condemnarion or other taking of any part of the Froperty.or for conve3rance in litu of condemnation.aze t�erebY aSSiSned ead
<br /> shali be paid to ixuder. '
<br /> In We eve�of a tolal taking of the�rogerty,the prateeds s1�a1j i�e ap➢ued to the s�uas secured by this S�urity Iasavment. ,
<br /> whether ur not then due,with any eac�ss paid to�orrower. In ths event of a partial taking of the Progerty in which the fair
<br /> mark�value of the Praperty immediatety 6efore the taking is ecloal to or greater tban Q►e arnount of.the sums secured by this
<br /> ��ty IaStnuuent immediatelY before the ta�ang,unless Barrowe�and Leader othernrise agcee in ivriting,the sums secared�Sy.
<br /> .this 3ecarity instnunent shall h� reduced by the arIIOnnt of the pmce�ds multipfied try the foUowing fiactian: (a)the total
<br /> �nount af thQ sums s�►red immediazely beforg the taking,divided by(b)the fair markei vatue af the Praperty.im�diatelY
<br /> before the takasg. MY batanse sball be paid to Bflrrower. In.the event of a partial taking of the Propeity 1n which the fair
<br /> matket valae of the Property immediaieil+befure the taking is less tt�the a�ount of t6e sums sc�m�ed s�t�diately befare the .
<br /> taking,un�ess Horrower and Lender othetwlse ag�ee it►writing cr unt�ss applit'able law athercvise piuvides. the proceEds sha11 '
<br /> be applied to t@e sums sec�ue�by tIus Security Ins�ment whethe*or trot the sums are then due. •
<br /> . If the property i$abandoned by Borrawer.or if,after notice by I.ender w Barcower that the c��denmor offers W make a�
<br /> ...-.. .--a�vard oF seule a�claim.for_damage&._�orrowet_fa�'Is.to.r�spo�w Lender wit6in_30 days afeer the date the noti�e�.s give�, � .
<br /> Lender is anthori�d do�oollece and appiY the Prooeeds.at its option,,either to resEoratta�or repair of the Properg'or to tt�sum� ._.. . :
<br /> secured by this Se�a�rity Inst�vrment.wh�iher oz not thea due: � , al shall not extrnd or
<br /> IIa2ess Lender and Boimwer otlterwise agr� in writing. anY aPPlication of pmceeds to pnaeip .
<br /> postpone the�date of the montbly Paymeats teferred t°in paragrdphs I and 2 or'ctiaange the amount of such paymeats.
<br /> Dl.�see►wer Nat Reteased;For6e�araaee By lxader Nat a Wptiver.Extsnsion of the time for paymeat or modiffcate�a
<br /> � of�nart'uatian af the sums s�by this Se�urity insuument granted by Le,nder t�a°3'suo�°r in interest of Boirower s1x:�1 •
<br /> aai opeiate to release the tiabiliry of the origi�l Bosrower or Borroyver's suooessors in interes�1.enM�s�1�°°�be reqvite3 to
<br /> . �n�prr�c�ings against nny successor in interest ar refuse w eatend rime for payiuem or othelwiss modify auio�tto�
<br /> . , nf the snms s�tid hy this Sscurity Instrament bY m�son of any dr�and tnade by ttie original Bomower or Bormv,ds,: .
<br /> • successoss in interes�Any forbearance by Lendec in exercising any ci{5ht or remEdy shall not be a�waiver.of or gteclude.ft�-;.,
<br /> exercise of anyrigh4 or�y. ' ,
<br /> , l2. Saccessors ant�%�;iat�s Bonnd:Joiut and Se�eral.Li'a6il�ty; Co-slg�t�•'The cove�s and.agroi�:tsts of't�s
<br /> <<•.. v�soas e�� • �•
<br /> Security Instrument shali b�ia�i`and be[te�it the saocessors and assigns of I.ender and Eoaower. subject to th*e'pio ' ' ,,. .
<br /> . paragraph 17. Borrovrer's covenants atad�,�reemenu shall 6e}aint and s�veial. A�y+ Borroaer who o�-�ig�s �S S�`�f��;}.
<br /> Instmment but daes not eaecute We Nd��:+�a)is co-signing this Security InsqvAtent only to.mortgage,grant and oonvey'��
<br /> Barrower's interest in the Pa'nperty ander the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is noi personally obligate3 ui.g�ay.the susiis
<br /> �xeA by this Securit'y Instznmem:and(c)agrezs t�at Le�rder and e°y other Bonawer may ag�e to excend,mudf�f�,forbear or
<br /> make any accommodarions with reg�d to the terms of this Security Insuument os tfie Note withoat tftat Bortuw�.�;t�odsent.
<br /> f3.T,o3n Charges.If the loan sec�re�6y this Security lnstrument is su6ject to a taw which sets trtaximutd'�man diu�.
<br /> .and thai law is finally interprezed so that the interest or other loan charges collected or w be ooflected in cam�eciion wid�:t�
<br /> , toan exceed the permitted t�tnits.th�: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduc�by t�e amotwt aieoessary�o n�tce•the c6ar� , '.
<br /> � to the permittQd limit;aa�(ti�:'t�Y sums already collected fmm Bo:rower which exoe�ded Ferantt�d limits wi1�.3X�.refunded to .
<br /> . � Borrower. Lender may cAoi�sp`to make this refEUtd by t+e�ttuing the principal cr�iurt wnder the•Note or by ti�iaidng a direct
<br /> Payirec�nt to Borrawer. If a refund redaces PrinciPal, the redurr,tiion cvill be mated as a 'pardial pn�aymeiit tiv'tthoat any
<br /> prepayment charge ander the Note. - � ' � -
<br /> � • i4.Nottcceg.Any nodce to Barrowerprovided for in this Security Instrument shal!be giveA 6y del�vering it or by mailirig '
<br /> � '�f��t`ay:fiist cta�s mail anless applicable law requires ase of as�other meahod.'I'he notioe shall be dis+ecced ta the•Fr+RPeMS+Ad�
<br /> . :,;-,px�y oiher addmss Borrower designates by ttatice w Lendesr. My nattoe.to l.tnder shall be givea�Y,'��,�"��:�lass mail to
<br /> ' Len�er's address stated hetein or any other address l.eader 8esigtates by notice to Borrower.�sY notice'pr�'+'�ed.for in this
<br /> � gecurity Instri�nt shaU 6e deemed tv have been given to Borrower or Lendeg a�hen given Bs pro:�ded i�t this pasagraph:: .••'.�::':
<br /> , '15.Governing I�w; Severabllity. This Sesurity �Iastniment .shali 6e gov�rned by.faderal law and the law o�;ti1�
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Pt�operty is locat�d. In the event that aity provision nr ctause of this Security Instrament or the Nflte
<br /> �eontlids witlL ugplicab2e[��x,such conflici shall aot effect othet provisinns of this Security Instmment ar the Nate wluch can be
<br /> given effect wi�lsont the conflicting provision.To thls end the prrnlsions o€this Secority InsIIrument aad the Note are declased
<br /> - to be severaSit:.
<br /> 16.Borrowes's Copy.Barrower shall be given one confarmed copY of the Note and of tlils Securiry Instrumenl• .
<br /> , c�8oas 9rao
<br /> - , � �4o�s .
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