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<br /> , 5. �oa Ptops�t Iffsvr�t�x:Borrotiver shsil! [ceep ehe isnpmv�nts arn+�e�'�g�o�(��ed on �ie . �
<br /> <Propeity iasared a�inst tass by fir� h�mrds incfudeSl�vithi�,the tem�"catended w�ersgc°and eny othet[tazards.including
<br /> ituods or Qondinn.for cvfiich Lcader requims insurance.T4is insu�nnce shall be maintuined in the am�unts and for the periods
<br /> that Leade¢requires.Tiie insumnae carrier providing�the insurwue s4�lt be cttasen dy Borrower subjec4 to Lender's ap�rova� .' .
<br /> wbicli shali rmt be unreasonsbly�itGEield.i�"�arro�vcr faiis to maintairt cuverage Gescri�e�i aEwve, Irender may, at Lender's -
<br /> optioa.obtai�s cavemge to pnateM I.eader's rights in the Fropeny in nFcoidanse with puragrapb 7. . .
<br /> , A91 insurance policies ac�d�ne�vuls sf�li be soceptable to Lettder And shall includ$a stundard martgage ctause. Lender -
<br /> `. stiall have ths right w hold the pnii�ies und reaewaTs.If LettdCr requixes.Bortocver shait pmmpttg�ive t��nder�ii re�pts of ' -
<br /> paid premtums and renewal n6tioes.In the event af toss.Bonawer shall give pra�pt n6tIce to the insar�m�c�rier imd L.ender.
<br /> t,ender may make proof of loss if not cn�de pmmptiy by Barrorrer. � �
<br /> . LTnle�Is�►der and Bmmwer othenvise�pee in cvtiting. insurance proceeds s1ia116e applie@ to restoiation or repair of the
<br /> Prapeety darnaged,if ehe ressosadoa or nepair is economic�lly feasibie and Leader's secarity is aot lessened.If the reswratIon or
<br /> repair is no3 eooaomicalty fea5ible or Lender's secarity wautd 6e tessened,th�e instuaticc praceeds shali be spplled to the sums ,
<br /> secure� 6y this Security[nsuvme�t,wheffier or nat thea d:::.,-zviih any eacess paid to 8armwer.If Horrawer abandons tfl�
<br /> - P�+nperty,or does not answer witJ�in 3Q days a nntice fiom i.�nder that the insurance carfeer has uffeced ta settle a claim.that
<br /> Lender may coDect the insnrance proceeds. Lendeg mnyr use the proceeds to nepair or reswre the Prop�rty or to pay sums '
<br /> secured by this Seca�iry Instntmen3.whetiter or noi then due.The 30-d.ay gerIod will begin when"ihe nntioe is givea. �' ,
<br /> ° Unt�ss�.ender and Borrowes athepavise ag,ree in writing. any apPlication af proceeds ta principal sjiall not extend or
<br /> postpone the d�e date of the monthly paymeiits re€errrd to in patageap6s 1 aad 2 or c�ange the amount of the payments.If
<br /> ander gara�aph 2t the Praperty is acqnined by Leuder.Barrower's sight ta aayr insurazice policies and prQCeed's resuIting fram
<br /> ` damage to the Pe�aperry�rior w�acquisitibn shall pass to Leadsr to the extent of the sums secared tsy this Security In.mumeru
<br /> imrr�ediately prior tv the acqaisi[iaa. • .
<br /> ... ......... ..___ _......---��---.. _..-------- -�----.._ .. - --. .._
<br /> -- -��- - - -- -� - - --- ----
<br /> . 6.Uaa�paBCy,Preser�atloa; tea�nse an Prm on of P�aperty; orrawer's Loan Appl�cat�an. lds. .
<br /> Borcower sball accupy,establish.and use the Property as Borrower's priasipal residence within sixty days after the executian oP
<br /> this S$curify Insaument and shati wntinue to ocwpy the Property as Bo�rnwer's principal_�esictence for a!�east oae year after . .
<br /> the date of occupancy,unle�s Lender•offieiarise agrees in wciNag>cvhicb conseut shatl not be unreasonabiy withheld,oY ualess
<br /> em�ciratnusta�ces exist wrficfn are beyond,l�ms�arr�'s ooutrol. Bomower sl�all riot desuoy. damage or i�,ur the .
<br /> Propert�,altow the Pra,perty to 8ezeriorat� or asir.�:o��on the Pmpgrty. Borro�rer shall be in defmilt if aay forfeiture :
<br /> . � acttan or prooeeding,whethec dvii or criminal,r,s:+�rc��tfiaf in,Lender's gaad faith f udgment�eoutd iesult ia fo�feidue of the .�. .
<br /> Pcapeny or otheiwise materially impair the liea a�s�F+�:t#iiis Security Insapment or I.eader's se�urity itttemst.Borro�er rnay. .
<br /> rure s�s default and reinstat�.as provided isi par��gi�aytg�I�,by causing the acbioa or proceeding to�i�2�dismissed witt�u auEittg •
<br /> t�at, ia l,�nder's gaod faith detetminataon, preciudes forf'einue of the Borrower's imerest in the Pcoperty or other t�ateriat
<br /> impairnaeat of the tien cre�atesi by tbis Security Insuument or I.emder's security inierest. Eorro'rver'shall also be in dc�fauit if • ,
<br /> Boriower.during the loan applic�eion process.gav�e materiaUy false or inacauate informatian or statements to Lender(ar�ailed
<br /> W provide l,�nder arith any materaal imforaia2ion)in,conriecxion•wiW the Loan evidedced by the Note,inclading,but not limited
<br /> tQ,representations conceming�orrower's ocxupancy of the Property ag a principal residence.ff this Secvrity Instrainent�ys on a
<br /> leasehold, Bo�istswer shall aompl�� with all the provisians of the lease. �f�oixower asquires fee tiUe to the Property. the '.
<br /> teasehoid'and the gee dtte sball not mc�rge unless Lersd:r agrees to the merger in arriting. •
<br /> 7.Prot�Kon of L�►der's R�g6ts!n the Prop�rty.If BQaower fails to perform�ttte coven�nts end a�reements c�alained in
<br /> ihis Secruity Enstrument,or there is a legal pmceading that 2nay signifc�asip•affeCt Lender's righw in thc Property{such as a.
<br /> pmcee�tin�in baakru�tcy,probate.fo�condemaattoa or fnrfeiti�re,or to e�far��[aw+s ot regulations),then�er mzy do sind.
<br /> pay far whatevet is ne�essary to protect the vaiae of the Praperty and i.eafler"s rights ia the Property.Lender's acttons tnay • �
<br /> inetnde paying azry sums seczued by a lie�s whicA has priority over tbis�Sesnrity �r,�trament, appearing�in cowrt; PayinB
<br /> teasunubl8 attarmeys'fees and entertag on the Ptoperty to maice repairs.Although I.ender may take uction wider.this paragrapb � '
<br /> 7,Ixnder dces noi have ta do so. �� " ' ' . .
<br /> My.amounis disbm�ed 6y L�ecs�r.�tuni�r t�is pxragraph 7 shall 6eoomc�dditFonal.deb:of Boirower seci�r�ir by thia
<br />, Security Insuumeat.Untess Borrawer and Lender agr�w other tenns of payment.thcse amnunts sha11 bear inte�`�'tom t�e
<br /> date of disbursetuent ai tDe Note rate�and shall be Qayable. witb int�rest,upoa rmticc from Leader to Boaowez�teqs.esti�
<br /> payment. � .
<br /> � 8.Mortgage Inmranc4. 1t.L.ender.requined mortgage insuramce as a oondition of malcing the�o�ri set.�red!sy t,tiis 5eai�iy,.;,':
<br /> • Ynstiument,Bomowei shail pay t�e premiums required to ma'ir►tain the mortgage insuiance in effect. If. for any.rpson,,iJz�;':`:�
<br /> �, mott�age insurance mverage reAuir..d by Lender Iapses�or ceases to he in effec�.Borrower shall pa,y the piemiums n�q,tzired to '
<br /> obtain coverage substantially equiva�ent to the mortgage insurance previously in effa;t,,at a oost stibstuntinlly equivat�n4 to t�he
<br /> , .00st to Bnnuwer'of the mortgage insutanoe previousty in ef£ect. firom an alteiaate mortgage insurer approved by Lcader. If
<br /> . substanti�lly equiva3eni snortgage inswraace coverage is not availtible,$orrower shall pay to Lender each manth.a suro equal ta �
<br /> ono�twelfth of the yoariy mortgage lnsuranee pr�mi�rm be3�g paid by Botrower when th�isisurauce uavernge tapsed or ceasad to
<br /> be iw effect.Lender wlll�ocept.use and retain Wese payments as a loss rc�erve in lie�s af mortgage insuraz►ce. Loss res�ve �
<br /> � . . , � ' Fcrm��28 8190
<br /> � vEgo a ur e � . .
<br /> , � i .
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