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<br /> s4f:� r :. ' ' . _ �;
<br />,:7• ; a`'` f� , . �15. Nliscellaaeous P�oVisions. � �r�� ��� �
<br /> Jc� ,,�� ,.
<br /> :'<.:�: `. . • ' ° �aD. � �rra�er �Not ReBeaseB. � S�tension .�fr the. ti�ms £os . -
<br /> � ', � paymsn� og modi cat o�a o€ affiort zation a� t�e avms secnsed by ��
<br /> �: :'`' � �hfa O�ed og Tsust grapted by Leni��r to any succsssor in interest
<br /> � `- _ . o€ Ho�rowes� sha,l.i not a�erate tio �e2ease. �n any �uxac�r, the '-
<br /> . . • :F �'" l�abi2i�y of the oriqinal B�rroraer and Borrowex's sucaeaeors in `
<br /> - ' ia�tere$t. Lenc4er sha1Z npt lbe requised ta eomffiez�ce pscccesdinqs ��'
<br /> = � _ � `agaixist such 'successor or refuse to extend titae for payinent or , ��;,`
<br /> �n"�-. :::;�•:- ,. � otherwise modif� am�rtization of the suats secured by 'Ehis�Deed of �.
<br /> `�� '� Ticust by �reason o€ any� demaads�made b� the original �oraas�er and
<br /> �� =� '�` Sor�owex's sucaessosa ira iAtereat. : , �-
<br /> ` �r� ;: }v . � �• =_
<br /> -�-t �-.s.� •:� ; �b) yencle=�s powere. Witlaout affecting ttie lia�ility . �_`
<br /> �F���-� � � �of any other persoa 1 le or the payment of �ny abligatfon E='
<br />={�-' �°��� '° herein �nen�faned, and without affecting tir.�: lien or charge af ��
<br /> �-�'�m''� this Deed af Trust upoa aay portioa o€ the P�opertg not then. or - -
<br />...'��.>r'[+`yi�zt,, �� � °--.
<br /> r �:;;:'�`; ` #.heretofoYe �eleased as .secnrity '�� f�ie f�.3�. a�r�?�nt of all �Y
<br /> r`� { .,::�, � nnpaid obligations,-=�endv�.:r�ay• fg�at. tisu� t�. ��` �td w#��ut : � , �
<br /> c- 5 C` :�_ i
<br /> f . { i._ -
<br /> , ..
<br /> ���Y��^ :. ...:_._n�tice .f�.�i.:°:�zeiease aAp p��sma� sa I;��7le.: 8:�.� ?..���m.�..�� ���r, �_.
<br /> os .a3,�eic'��n5.�v �ii�;:f�-"term� 'a��--aa�.:�aa�:-a�&�s1'��a�����. �f a.�b����ant
<br /> RFt� . �Y. ' - . .. � _
<br /> �n�t' � o� ir�cEaa�g�a�c��; .{iv?' release ��c��. �ec�e�p, ��:';�s� to be , -
<br /> '"4����;�,-_._ • . re]I�a$ed os reco�agi�yecl at anp�t�Q at ��render°�'�ption, aay -
<br /> - �'..:�r,� gasael, pertion o���ail.`vf te�ie Progr��y. �ab take or�ra2easc� awp
<br /> ���°--s.-�� • o�7rter or ad@i�i.ona�. security €or any ob2ie��teton_�aere�.n ment�oned, �
<br /> _Ji'�`�?�"� o� tvi) make coa�pa��tiona as otlasr arraragemehts �v��h debtars in �
<br />." ..='.'a7,'.'.S� y� }� - . . . . . �
<br />�,`y.Y.�s�Ta� i����OA WB���O• � .. . ' .
<br /> _� L.r�� � . :. - . ` .
<br /> __^. ��� • - �c� Por eaa�nce b Leader Not a F�aiver. Any forbear-
<br /> -:�'�•-.�`.���� an�e_by Y,ea�dex n exere s ng �ny s q or reme y hexe►snd�r„ or .
<br /> �- '��1"���+•;p�}�� otherwi.se afforded by applicabla lac�, ahall no� be a waiaer oE or • �
<br />=A..::-.�i,�=..;..?� f � �
<br /> - :.-__� _ - � pre�clud� the exerciee� of any such rig�t oz remedy: The procurep
<br />:-_=��:� men� of 3n�urance or tha. paytnent og tcaxe� or other 3iens .og
<br /> =_-_== chm�rgea b�r Lender ehall •no� �ba a�waive�r of Lender'e sig2�� �o <
<br />--��-�';;�,i� acaalera�e �he maturl.�y o� the in$ebgeda��es s�cure� by this D�ed
<br /> �_--— of Trus�. � . . .
<br /> -------�-- (d) � Successors and Aee� ns eound �ciat a�ad Saveral
<br /> ------ � E.iabilit C�a t�ons. T, e covenants and agreements here n con-
<br /> - ta ne s a �b-in�T;:anp� 'the sighte riereuude= sY�sll inuse to, �he � ..
<br /> . respeebive suacesaoza and assigns of Letider aud, 8orrawer, sub�ect � �
<br /> - � to the provisioas of pasagraph iQ�e) h�reo�. Ali ceveaante and.
<br /> ` � � agreem�ent� o� eorr�war shal.l be jaint and aeneral. The captiions
<br /> -- �nd head�.nge of the paragaraphs af �ie� Deed. o� Trust are €or � �
<br /> � : convenfence orily and are not to be used to. iaterpse� or d�£�.ne
<br /> _— � �he provie�.on� hereof.� � • . �
<br /> - �� � te) Re �est tor Notiaes. Thc: parties hes�bp requeat � '
<br /> - �° that a copy of aa� not ce c e�aul� heseun�ex,and. a copy oE 'an� .
<br /> -----`- notice of e�le heseunder lbe mai].ed to each party �cs this• Deeci O�
<br /> -��� � Tru�t at the addresa set fos��t above� iA the �anner prescritte8 by . .
<br /> __--- appiieable la�. Except for any other aatiae required �n8er �
<br /> s— � � appli�al�le lak �o be qiven in enother manaer, any notiae p�ovided .
<br /> - � fox in th�e Oeed o� Truat ehail be given by mailing ettch: notice �
<br /> --_- - by certi�ied mail� ad8reese8 to the o�her parties, at� the ,ad�rese , . .
<br /> --_ - � � �et forth abone. �
<br /> _ ,,,,�'��. . .. . . ,
<br /> - ����. �� � Any not�.ce prnvide8 for 3.ri tbie Deed af. Trust ,
<br /> --�=_��;`� ahall be effective upon m�iZing in the snanner doeignatcd haraia. � -
<br /> �.-�'�
<br /> " '����_-;� if Horrawer io moro ti�an one persoa anfllor entity, •notfce� sea! to , _
<br /> ��'�"`�` the aBdrese set fo�th above ahall be notice to aii euch pereoas -
<br /> ; r��-�� , _
<br /> _'.�•:," aa8/or entStiee. � � �. . � . _
<br /> _-',«,•,�T ;`�;:, .
<br /> � ,� (g) 2n� ectien. Lende= may �ake or aatase �to be �nado
<br /> _ �.._��•; �Qasonab2e antx es upom a�d.inspectiions of the Property, provided _
<br /> T.�r,�z�_--,.. • �hat�La�ader 93�ai1. give B�rrawer no�fee garior to any euch in�gsac- � _
<br /> -,;:..�;;,.�,,,�- ��on specifyiag seasonabla, cana¢ theregm� reletasl �o Lender s _ _
<br /> ��:;�:��,�:�� - . ' ii�e�ereet in thfl L��operty. _
<br /> ' � � Uypon payircco�L•of all suma ���tare8 .8y �
<br /> -. � � � � �{9� R��ortve �cCc��a �
<br /> ._, . .
<br /> - �; �•..
<br /> ��,>.,_ •
<br /> ' � �'��� �� � • ,thie �ee� o¢. T�as�� �n ex eh$la reqtiea� ��ustee. to reccr�voy the �
<br /> __. _ _ ._ •: �..
<br /> � � . Pro orty and ah�2�8 eurren�er �Yafs bee� of �Crus� anci� all notes -
<br /> .: ���'�y �'� � anideneing �adeb�Qdneas e�cnre8 by �his Deed of �srust �o Tsuate�. � �
<br /> . • �6- ` .
<br /> ,
<br /> _ ._ .{.: , � .
<br />