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<br /> �. ��<�"`i gyae and� payable and Y.he eaiae shall ther�nPoA be+eome due ancl k. �
<br /> • • � •;.: payable v�ithout aay p�eseatmeant, demand. Profea� or uotioe of aay -�iF�:_
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<br /> '- ..�. � OF SAt�B g�anted herein, ana Tsustee eha21 thereafter
<br /> ,�a�,::��:•�.'`: �..1 cause Borro�aer's interest fn the Proper�y to be sald �s =
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<br /> , .� � �eed of �su�t as a mo���e. aPPoint. a.Se�e3��. +�g -
<br /> ° � "'' ' of the coven,ayt�� hereo�. � '
<br /> --.���..�f Yr ,$�Laif���a�.ly enforce aaa� --
<br /> ��1��`,j Y • . ' . .•f_ :• �..•• ---.
<br /> y��'�'��� � �.' Ra r�dy herein. conferred upon or resesroed to Trnstee or I+endez'
<br />-:�;:�'��"''��. ��� fp intended to be .exclusive of aap other reiaedY hesefn 3.a �e
<br /> '� `:•;�''. � I,oan instx�uueats or by ,law providecl or per�aitted. but eac�a Bhal7� --
<br /> ��`��l=-��'Z�°�1�� be cumulative, etaalY bQ ,ia addi�tioa to eveap other semed� given. ' ---
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<br /> ��� 2�tw or in equfLy or •by a�atutce. an8 may lbe exe;cieed cQn�nr � .
<br /> _,_,,,=3:;�j�,-�L::�� . rentiy, indepen8e�tly ar euccessiveip. . . . .
<br /> ==������'� 12. Tsustee: Tbe Truetee may res�gn �►t any tt�►e� with' �
<br /> __ __= N�;�,�s � � � out ca�ae� axid L�n gr may at �any.time a:i¢7 �vi�hout cguse appoint a .
<br /> �_ -- " c3uacessor or substitttte Truatea. Truetiee ehall nat be liable �o .
<br /> -- - --� �Y Pa�Y. �aalucling• withaut limitation, Lend�r, Borrawes o�c at►y �
<br /> - �� . purahaser of the ProPertiy, for any loss or dama9e unless due to
<br /> recYsBess or willful miacoaduet, and shall not be required to take
<br /> — aay action in conneation with the enforcement of t.7a�Es Deed of, . . .
<br /> � � Tsust w�.ess fndemntffed; ia wrtting, Fvz a7.1 coats. co�e�ea�tien , .
<br /> — ar exgenses whieh may be associa�ed therewitta. Ira,�adcY��.�m� . . �
<br /> _����; �. �rustee may become a purchaser a$ m�y sale of t��.. 8�i�pert7� . �
<br /> ----=--=�=- • i�uaicial oz unfler the perwe� of sale gsanted here�.r��l,l Pag�Po�e
<br /> � -�_�--� the eale of ail` or any portioa of the Prm��tY.• �8 BrOV��'�'� by '
<br /> --
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