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<br /> o!them,shaU be,entiUed to entorce th?s Trust Deed ana�ny qtf►er seeurity now Ar haeaRer tmid by 8sna+ctary ar Trustes ln such arQer an9 rr+artnyr —
<br /> as they ar�itRer of them may tn their absoNta Eise�ation.d4temdna Mn remedy Rersin conterted upon pr resorved to Trustes ar BeneRctary t�tmm�dee
<br /> to be ex�usi�ra o!erry ather rem�dy herein or ty faw prm�ded or peimitted.but eaeh sh91!Qs wmutadiv�dnd shaD Oe in add�tion ta 4veqt offi3r remedy .
<br /> givenpereur•derarnowarhereaft�rexistingatta�vorineqtrityorDy.S�e.��Yp�rrerai.temadypravtQedurtdErlhisTntslOesdtoTrus[m�aiHartQttdary �, _
<br /> o:.tn idJificheid�er of them may tre.othemise entiile0,may be esercises,conamentry or tndepartdenty,trom time to Ume as+d as often as may Ce d2smed —
<br /> �ucp;,d?em Dl+Trustaa as Beneficiary and either ot th°m may puwis Incansistent remediss.Nothing h�tetn shall bo canstrued es prehthiting @e�e9id2ry =
<br /> troms$ekirtg�dofiaer}cy judgmenf against the Tru3toc to the ex�nt sscch actian is permittad tty k'nv. -�
<br /> ��,TRqp;gFEq Cp TyB pttpPFfiTY;ASSUMP7lQN.If ali mr any paA of the Progerry or interest therein is soid,Ransferred or otnendse comrayeti =
<br /> tsy TntStnr v�rithaut Bartefic�►yr'8 prior written aonssnt,exaludirtg(a)the e�atton of a lien ar enCUmDrance suEordnate to thfs TruSt gee�.(b)a Vansfer . .--
<br /> py aperatien at taw upon the deat�'r of a Tmstor who is a jaint tenant or(c)the�ar►t bt atry leasehotd interast oi threa(3)years nr l�s wNCh des�r4t
<br /> , eamain.an opilan ib purch�se,sucA artian ts a breacA ot tus agreament.and Benefictary may,st Bensftdaryt's optton,dectare aII the sums seaued try.
<br /> . this Trust Deed to be immediately due and payabte,pfovided,further.tAis Truct Qeed may,at Bertefic�ary's aption,6e QaetareQ immediatety Qus ar[0 ,
<br /> �ayablg,if(t}Trus[arisaparDZershipandanyinterestlntheparinetstiip3ssotdarassignQdbyanymean�wnatsoever,m(2�ittheTruS*.��isacnrparafiari ••
<br /> •and a G�riskc�r o!tAe majarity stock asvnership interest tn 4he corparaUon err.urs.ar the Trtutor carporation merges in any torat wittt anotlt�r corparatl�► .
<br /> pr ert6ty.6rznefcCl3rY�ita11 have v�aiw3d such option tn ar.Ceferal9 if,ptto►to the saie,trans!er or�nvayanee.Benefictary and tris��to whom She ,
<br /> Pioysrty is to b�soJd ar tr2nsferred seaCA agreement io writing that the cr�dit o!sueh p2r�ssi Is sazisfaetnry to Beneficiary arsd that tt�irierest payab?s .
<br /> � on the sums secured by tkrsTrast Oeed shan ba at susVa;r�te as Benefictary sh8tt[eq�lssS. , ;
<br /> t2.A�nQ�UPOHQffAtli4.Rr.�llID:��Thefaiturebyth$Trustar,tomakearrypaymentartopodarmaerroft�atermsandcandllons ` _
<br /> 01 t�ts Trust Oeed,ar tAe terms and car.c:�-�.�s ot the.t�'z'�.or arry�snewats,madi(tcatlans or eidensians tAereot ur 1he Ea:"3�re to mako paYment o�any
<br /> oUier indeDteOness.priar or subsequent m this Yrust Qeed,and secured by this property,or tn�Qeath ot one o►more Trusibis shall be a Dre2c4�art+d
<br /> �default of this Trust Oeed and Me BeneHciary rhaY��a detauit and�ay dectare a11 sums secured bareby imme���y d¢9 end paya0te ar�d tha'
<br /> s8mg shall thereupon treceme due and payahte vi�the� •�snbnent,deman�,protest or.notice ol any kind.pr4vided,grtna�.cr shati hava any staMmy
<br /> � cigM ta cuss.the defautt be4o:e any nauce ot detault and.�rna,�d tar sato may bo de�ivered to the Tru�tee.The�eaftar.6a'�rdfir�ary inay deliv8r to Trustee .
<br /> e wr�ten dectaratfan a�QeTauli ano derir�d far safe.Sn,sior agcees an�i�erebY.Br'aszG it�.^t tl:a Tr�si�=ha!!l�ve tt��of�19�st U+e Pro�►ty artd -
<br /> if Benefiotary QeciQes tRe Property is tm�8qid�`t shall depasit.vrith Trus�this Trust�eed and the Nole ov notes and any.otl{et docur•'..,taar�s evidencfng .
<br /> � expenditures�eciued hereby,and ehait cfe7nreT to Trusies a+rrcitten no^�ac,`deiautt and electlon to causa the D�Pert!!��.�Td,ar,�$rr,asiee,in wm. , �
<br /> ,._..: .
<br /> , sflail��epssd e similar Aatice tn the torm required by Ia�,vfiieh ShaU�a'dviy fdad feu record Isy Trustee. . , `+ - - _
<br /> (a) Atter the lapse+o't such time as may be requ:ta3 by lavi tollowing ths record�+�►o!Notice of Oetauit,8nd t�o1'Detault artd Notice.of ;;.;:�.;-.
<br /> , Sate having 6ean given as requtred by tavi,F�^.gtea.witfiout demand oo Tn�':.i►,shal!ssD the P�operty,B r-i�fr,�deemed,_in arre Or ams�g �
<br /> parcefs and in such orCer a's''TaGBe may d�termine an the Qate and the time and ptate dssignated tn sald Nafic�ot Saie,at pubitC aucttob, ��
<br /> ' accarding to Iaw. _ � � �
<br /> , (b) When Tnistee sells pursuant t��ie po�veig?+�@in,Tn�stee shall apply ths proceads of the sale to paymani�i:AtJe coste�and expons9s of�
<br /> , gxercis(ng tfie power otsate and ot the 9a1?;�t;YCYrding,t4i2h01tt IiroiYdtV]n,ettOtltey'8 fEe9 8tid th8 p8ylrt8nt af TTj�tE9'e FeSe9 iRCUned,wtdC�
<br /> � � Trustea's Fees shalt not in the 9q�reg�te eiazed the foltor+ing amounts based upan the amount secur�ed h�8sa+and remaining unQafd at'�:'' '
<br /> „ the time echeduted far sa1e:5 parGentum on the bafanee thereof;and then to the items itt subyaragraph(��tu^+tAe'mder there s[ated.
<br /> • (c) Rfter paytng ttt9 items speci��,ila�suDparagraph(b),it the sato��y TNStoe,or H tha saie is pursuant.to judlcial breCtqsure.t7te Droceeds
<br /> � of sate ahaB be applied in t`.sa:�at'owirtg order. , • . . , ,
<br /> (t)Cost of a�,ev".den�a G.�ti�e procured in connectloa with such eate'and'o'�a:�j►�evenuetr'anster fee requtred to te paid: ,
<br /> (2)AII obtiga�ort��uted bq thls TN3t Reed: . ' , .
<br /> . (3yJnnior trus4�tl:sds,rr,ar�::As,ar otherJienhotders,: �: .
<br /> • (4)The remainder,it arry,t:�;�e person tegatty entitted tnereta . . , � :
<br /> 13.AVPOfHTM1ENY Og S�a:aUS�'�"r.8eneiiaary msy�i�.itntet�tima.by a�:�rtttssslr�tn:rAnt execu�3a��r.x.4edg3d by Beneftd2rY.
<br /> ma!!ed to Truscor and reoorCed in the cpwrty or counties in vfifch the Praperiy is tocata4 and hq otherwiS�iomptping with tt�a provisioRg ot tAe appticahLi �
<br /> � taws ot the State oi Netrraska substitute e succes:,o►or suce�ssora to the Trustee nameA hetein at 8cting he�eunder., , . .
<br /> � t4:INSPECTiONS.Baneficiary.or its agents,�epresentatives or emptoyees,arv suthorlu�w entel at any rQasonat°r�Uma upon or in any paat of ths '.
<br /> • PrpprrtytorthepurpPSeo�inspectinglhesameandfarthapurposeotpeAa(mtngany►oltheacbitisautR�.�'�btopertormunderthetermsofUieTiustQ9�d.
<br /> 15.00T101tTOFORECI�SUHE.UpontheGCCUrrenceoferry6reacMSi:r;:uponthedeclaraUonotd�`.JiJfiTrterettnder.8eneflCiaryel�if�^�tVatAQOpthbn � .
<br /> 2a tarectosa t�is 7rusl D.e�d In the manner provide0 Dy law(or thetpreC6sure of_mOrtgages on roa!�riY. ' � � '
<br /> 1g.FOREBFAFtAHCEBY BENEFIqARY QR TRUSTEE NOTA WAt1�E8.Any foreb�'�ncm bp Beneficiary orT�ustea in exercisingeny rightor reme�`�'�� : �
<br /> • h8reundBr,pr othen�rise nffarded by appl�ca0le law,s,hatd qot ba a wafvor oT ot prectudo tAa t,xercise of any sucfi rlgAi or remedy.LikB�aiiSe,the waiver'
<br /> • 6y Beneficiary ot Trustee of any Qe}auls bf Trustor under this 7rust Deed shall not ba deomed ta Do e waivar M an)other or simitar defaults subsequentty •
<br /> ocCUrr(n� . � � , • _
<br /> 17.BEHEFi�iARY'S POWF.R�.WithoN�ffecting arr�leasing the liab�ity o1 the Tnistor or arty Ajhlif person(labie fo►the payme�t pf any oBfigaNan
<br /> �• herqin mentioned,end wlthout aNecting the lien.qt charge of this Trust�oed upon amt pOrtia�01 the PYOpolly.Benaftclary may,frorrht(me to time and
<br /> � without potfce althe tequest of ane or more Trustora.(i)retease any person iiabta,Qq extenQ or renow th0 maturity or aiter gny ot thviartns�t any sueh
<br /> � oWigations,(i!f)grant otdor indutgences,(iv)retease or rewnvey,ar cause to be reteaced or reconveyad at eny time et BenCticiary's optlon arry pareet
<br /> � or all o!the Properry,(v)tdke or release any other pr addetional securiry far any oDiigatfon heretn mantioned,(vi}make setttements ar other attengemente
<br /> �" with Ttustar In relatfon thereto.All Trustara shail be jointty and severat'Sp�ligatad and bound by the actiona ot the Beneficiary or eny ane or more Ttusta
<br /> as atated tn this pa�agrapb. ' , . • ' • . , ,
<br /> 18:ATTOANEV fEEt�.�&OS48.AND ERPENSE9.The 8eneficiary of tBis,7rus1 Qeed is qiRNted to th3 payme►l ot attorney'�feos,cosb and expens�s ..
<br /> as prpvtded in this Tru�t�.�ead,except as othervvise prflhib(ted by law: ' .
<br /> 19.i�CONYBNAl�CE�6Y TiiuSTEC.�Upon vnitten request of Esn:Sciary and upon payment bp 7n:stor oi Trustee's fses,Trustee 6�a11 recomroy to
<br /> 7russ�.,cr the persan ar peraorts legalty enitted thereto,withoutv+arrar.ry,any ponion ot tha Property Ys:n hetd hereunQer.Recitals In suet�recomeyence
<br /> pt eny rnatters ar tacts ahall be,�conctu,:,7�e prool o!tho truthfutness thereot The gtanteo in any reconveyance may be Qescribed as thg person ot persarr9 , .
<br /> legaily entitled thereto" � •
<br /> ' • 2D.(Y017CE3.Excopt for noUees,tlemands,requests orather cummunlCations r,equired un{Far appllcable tawto bo givan in anather mannor,wttenever •
<br /> , �9neticiary.Trustnr or Trust�e gtyos or serves any notice(incfuding,wlthout Iimitation,nodce ot d8iautt and notice o!sate),damanda,reattests nr other . '
<br /> cammunlcaUon inqth�espect to this Trusi Oee4.each such noilce.demand:request ar oiher eommunlcaliorrshali be in writing and shall b9 stteCUve anty
<br /> i}the s�mA 19 tlolivered by per�onal Setvlce or Is m�iled by cerlifiBd rt►ail,postage prepald,aQdrss�ed to Me aQcttoss a9 cet taM at tfio beginn(ng ot this
<br /> Trust Ooed.My partyr may ef any time cAange its sddress tar such noticos by doltvoring or mailing to thg other party hareto,as aforesald,a noUcQ of
<br /> sucA chqhgo..Any notice her�undor�hall he deemed to hFVO been g1v8n to T�uStor or 8enoficiary,v�hen.givert in thQ manner deslgnated herein.
<br /> 21:REQUEST FOA NOTtCE.Trustar and Boneficiary hereDy request a eopy ot i�ny n6UCe of Qetault,and e capy ol.any npUCO ot sete thereunder,be
<br /> , mailed to eaGh parson vrha is a party hereto at the adQ�es9 tor such person sot foM in M0 fitst paragraph ot thls TrusC Oeea. . '-�
<br />- 22.GaVEBNiNG LAW.This Trust Qeed shail be govemed by tha,tavis ot the State o1 Nebraska: . �
<br />- 23.S1tCCE�SORS AND ASSiRNS,Tnis Trust Oeed,and all terms,conditions and obtigations hereln,appiy to and inurb to tho banefit of and btnds
<br />- all parties hereto,ih�ir heirs,tegatees,devisees,personal representatives,successtlrs and assigns,The term Boneficlery"shatl m¢an the ovmer artd .
<br /> :� .....ltatdgr et ths iVntw,whather or mt named as BeneLclarv herein.• _ .
<br />