r:•� r°�..� ..�.�_i'^__f.����. � }�.;.:.:..� � <� . . . . . . :.; �
<br /> } r ti d• ''t� iE o +c, c—o-j� -�".L r i' _ '�yc�"'�- t z .c �-�
<br /> �'3 ',�G �i., tc< < ,5�. ( � },, v:..- ....,.-,.,-.,...•••?.`',�-`'4;,`y �' �' x ���.f._
<br /> { '` '. .� � :: ( ,.`" ,� �, t- '�txA f, }�r ' r � , L���;E... ,
<br /> .. y�7 . L � � . . ,k�_ - .t . . ! � ,wr�z��asa�:�
<br /> "t� `'y�-`1! _:':� .i . F t e • -t- �t� ., _S r ..�i �_ t' 8�. _ _
<br /> � �f. t.f. . .r h� .Y �4 r ..tii� u; .< < `�vi �t-F[-� -
<br /> ..i_ -� ,.=.a'_, f . ` —
<br /> , ' _ , � . ` , , � , ��9����s��� � � �
<br /> L PAYIAENT OF PRIHCiBIC1.AHD IDf1EREST.Trustor shail prompUy pay when dua the principat o�and interest on the indebtedness evldenced by __
<br /> � tA�Neca,and att ather charg3s�d teas as provtded in the Note,anbthe pdncipal of an4 interese on any F�mue Advances sscured by tNs Trust Qsed. __
<br /> � 2.WdIRAAliYY Or TITl.�.trusms Is IawfuUy se3zed and passessed o!good and inQoto3sible tiue�d estatB to the Ptoperpj f►ereDy ConVeyed 8nd �';s
<br /> R8S ttte�ignt t0�8rtt•and ConVey thfl Propesty:tAe Property is trea end ctQar of all lisns gr►d enwmbrartces except Iiens novi oi recorG:an0 Trtr�tcr vdll s
<br /> tiv�c8nt ettd defend.#h�fiHe m li�e FroDertl►e3�+�Y atk ctaims at�d Qema:sd9- ' ` . �-'
<br /> � 3,61AlI3TLNANCEAHDCO�!!DLlAPICEifliiHLAVlS.TnutorshaltkeeptheProAertS►irrgaodreps3tandeand;tionandshallnotr�mmitwesteorpsmtil. ��'
<br /> iRepalrment or ttetettoraiton ef tha Property and shatl cpmpiy wiU�the pravisions ot any IeaEe if Mis Trust Oeed is en a leasehotd.No improvement now �-_
<br /> �ot hereafter erecta0 upon th@ 1'roperty shatl Ce eltered,terrsoved or damof➢shed vr�ttiouttl�e prfor written consont of 8eneflciary.Trustor shatl campty c�ittt _._
<br /> 'a!�taws,ordlnances,rkgu[attnns:eovenants,cenditions anC�esVictlans affecdng ihe Praperry and not commit,sufter or permit arry act to b9 done in ar
<br /> u�n the Prapeity in viotaUan of any taw,ardtnance,regutaUon,cavenant,condition or restriction.Tn�star shati oompfete ar restnre promptty and in gqod
<br /> waiiurtaniikemanaer enyimpravament an the Properiywh3ch may Eedamagedardestroyedand yay,whendus,allclaimstor taCOrpsrfarmedand materiais
<br /> tumishc�thereior and for arry aiteraxions thereof. . ` . , � • , '
<br /> 4.EN9UHAtdCE.Trustor.at it9 expeetse,wi0 maSntain vrith insurors apprOV,ed by�grteflciery,insurance�vith respedtfl the impravementS anG pere�t
<br /> pfaA�S+.�nsUU�Un9 tAa P�ePertY.against lass by fire,Gghming,tomada,and other P�Ls and hazards covered by standc..�!w�e�Aea covera9e tsidmsom:..-�"
<br /> irt an amount equal m at laast one hurtQred pareent(100��,)o!the tult septacement�ratue thereot and insuran�e agaracst such other hazazds antt tn sucti
<br /> �a�s e;y fs customarity canied�p cs�naCS and operators at slmilar paaperties oi as Heneftciary may�ecpuire for its prot�fOn.Tna�ar will eompfy wifh � .
<br /> s�a�o2to-z requiremeniges 8eneb�3�Y from Gmetntims requesETa�eprotectiort by insurance of the interestsofthe respech'k�p'—'�1es.Ail insurance
<br /> �rafi��yinlamed purssiani to ths�'nast�eed shali name Trustor at�9�net'iciary as(qsured.as thei�resDeaive interesis'mayr�.�►d provlds that , .
<br /> pteap0 rtp canc��_a?9onotmodifipUunwitho�IIat least i5d�ys priorwriRsr�noti'Fxarmn�TrusteaendBensficiary maypmtvres�char�''�C$in8ccor��e
<br /> wiU►the prOvfsipnsoT�ragraph 6 hereof.Tiustar shaSt�et:hrer K�Benefrciary the�iginal polides ot insuranc9 and reae+lrais there�€�r memp t�g%��f
<br /> sruh yruscies and rer�wais itsereat.Fait�ue!a tumish s�}ch inen►encs Ay Tnistar,ar renawals as reQuired�ereunder shall,af the a�ry of Bss�efr�al`y. . . _
<br /> - - --�___.....--�------ --- --- -.. .-----.._............ .._. ....:, _. .....
<br /> ----caqstitista a dataun......_.._._._ �.... _ .._.,_...._... ..--- .... .,._..-- ---._......
<br /> S�fA)IE.9.AS3ES3lNB�1T8ANDGHAHGES.TrustashaUp3yaUtztt�.assessmer�and_othercharges.inGuding,vrifrioutluntt�on,furNsbtotbe�iefiCiary .
<br /> atUibt�t2btetotRePcppertyandfeasehot6paqmentsar$roundrent�it2ary.bstorethssame6eCQm9detlnquentTrusfarshFtUpro?nG?�Y__ , _
<br /> eft notis�s dartiauntsttue unQerthis paragtaph,and in the everttTNStor sha11 make paymentdirecity.Trustorshall pmmpttytumishtoBen§ncia►yrecelpis
<br /> BvtEencfng gaeh paymecHs.Trustor shall pay aU taxes and assessments vuh�ch may 6e Ievled upon Ben�fieiary's Interest herein or upon this Tn�st Oeed
<br /> xrithoui regard to arry tavi that may be enacted irt�pasing payment of,ffie vfio18 oi any pett thBrBDf upo�+.the B8n8fiCi�y. �- ,
<br /> ' g.qpDRIOHAL LlEHS AFJD pROTECT[ON OF BQaEF[[GARY'S SECElAIT1f.trustor afiall mako ail paymenfs af(nterest sitd princiyai 8nA paymenb..
<br /> � , o€am��ther'charges,fees and expenses conuacted to ba paiA to any existing or subsequent Itenhaldar or benaf[ciary.under arry►existing or su6sequQnt
<br /> mmr�qz,�a or truat deetf 6efure the date thay are delinquam or!rt detaWR ane prqmpUy pay and dtscharge any ancl all other Itens,cf8fms or chargos u+filcf�
<br /> m�y�caep�rdize t�e�apuhty granted herein..(f Tn,stor fa(is tn make any such pa�rt:erri er taila to pcfrform anY of the covenants and a�eementa corf�nod . •
<br /> in tA1s,Tiust aasC,oi ttia Note referred W herein,or in any priar or subsequent CL.s^ta�9ed,or(f eny acti0n ar prOCee�i�,31s comrrtanced wf�ich mat@tiGity_
<br /> afitapts�eneflciary's interest in the Praperty,including,but not limited to emineRt domatn proceedings,proceedings�ir.w^tving e deeedertt,�ot(ce of sare•
<br /> �yTiustea,Aoticeotdatauttby7custeo,moRgageforectosureac6on,at��"r;stolfaitstopayTrustaPsdebisgenerallyastteYdeeomaQue,thon8enaftciary. ;
<br /> �i68l�tici�rylsopttonandvrittiaut naticetaosdemand uponTn�taren��ru£'ya�,R rek3singTnistorfram anyr o��igatlon hereunaer,mayir-.,�2 sucheppearanoe3.
<br /> Q�sbiu''sesuch sums andtakesuch acHon as Is aecessatyto 0rotect8e:'1�`n?��'�+�erest,including,but not IlmEted co,dis6ursemet�t c!.'l�ezzonatilg etmrrteY's
<br /> fees,paymen�purehase,contest or compramise of any encumtrrence,C`;•�ar 11en�en:ry upon the Properry to make repairs,ar dectatatlon ot detauit
<br /> under this Tru�t Dead.tn the event thatTrustor ahail tail to procure insurance ar to p8y taxes,assessmente.or arryother chargesor to make ar►y payments
<br /> tc erty existfng or subsequent iienhotders ot exlsting or subsequent tienefldazies,Beneftciary may prxure such insuranee and rttatce such payment,Dut „
<br /> � s�all�iatheo0ligatedtodoso.MyamountsCisbuisedbyBeneAei�y�:su�nttnthESParagraph8shallbecomsadd'Rienalin�eDtednessMtrustor&ecured� �
<br /> �y tt�s•'frus!p�ed.S��ch amn�,nts shaU bs payahte upon'�otics�c�ii�.ineficiary to Trustar requesting paymant thereot,and st�all t�ar Interest frort�the _
<br /> Batgofdlshursementattharatepayab►efromtlmetatlmeonoutstah9�rgpinl sTafun�eii6eNoteunitl5sp�y+MAtiTOtintere�tatsu�firdre+'iroutdbacontrarY� `
<br /> � coap,�lic8btelaw,in•whi�heventsuehamountssAallbe�rinisr6statthehignestratopermiss161eundarappticablelaw.IJathingcontainedirithlaPam�eph
<br /> 6 shal cequire Bsr+df$�fy,to incur any eupense nr i2JcQ any action bereurtder.. . ' '
<br /> • �t.4�T�NYEHTOfR�NTB.Ben�flcfaryshatlhavetherighi,'perrerandauthorityrQuringtheconUnuanceatthisTcust•Deedtocaltecifperents.tsauQS .
<br /> • and�r�is ot tfie Praperty and of arr,r�er�onal properry tacated tt�rig�n vAth ar without takfng possession of the prope►ty aftec'�.'.hsreby,and Trv9tw
<br /> Rera1rj ah�o►ute►y anA unconditlonasly assigns ait Such rents,issu�:��nd profifs to Beneticlary.Befieflc(ary,hoxever,hereDy��ts to 1he T►uatar�s .
<br /> colleCtton and retenttan of auch renW,iscues and profits as thay accroo and becums payabta sv long as Trustor is not,flt sucb tims,ji�detauTtwith respeCt
<br /> topayment ot any indeDtednesa secured heretiy,or bn tCe performanceof any agreemant hereunder.Upon any such defaUtt,8eneficlary may ats�y time: .
<br /> eithet in person,by agent,orbya receherto be aFpqi�ted by acoud,withoul notica andwithoutregar4 to theedequaCy of any sscusitytqrthe inQebtBQne�
<br /> herehy secured,(a)onter upon and take passessionof the Property or any Dart thereot,and In its own rtame sue tor mr otherwisecoliectsUCh ronts,fssues
<br /> • andpr�ts,fncludingthasepastd�andunpaid,andapptythesame,tesswstsandexpensasntoperatlonandcollecttan.inctudtrteraasonabteattomey's
<br /> fees;upon any inCebtatfness secur+an nere6y,an�in such order as Beneflclary may QeferMna:(b)portorm such acts of repalr car r„r,�tectton as may De
<br /> necasstuy ot proper to consenre the v�tue of tfie Proparty;(c)leaso me same or any part t�ereol for such rentat,tarm,and up��r�lc".Pi�oondlUons ea(ts
<br /> judgmatrt trt�y dictate,or terminate or adjustlP�e tGn+xti•�d conditions otexispnp Ip�a.Uniass Ttustor and BerteficiarytAeteof ngtda�6thervvi�e inwriGng,
<br /> any appiECation ot�ents,,i5sues ar profits to eny ir,�.t4F�°adness secured hereby ahtzii not extend or pastpone the du9 ct�'.a of the instetimt3nt pal��m.".�as ' .
<br /> pravided in said promissory note or change the amount o1 such instatlments.The entering upon and talcing poss�'-Cn oi the PropeRy;tha eo;�cqon
<br /> • • nfsuCh rente.issues an0 profits,and the application theraot as�;r�i�l4,ahall not waive or eure_any default or notiee of deteutt heceunder or inv2lidtttD
<br /> any aat donA pursuant to such rmtice.Trustor atso essigns to Bar��P.;ciery,as furth�r Secudry fot the pedormance of the a�ligs�,:rz�secured fiereby,ali
<br /> • prepafd rents end al�monies which may h�ve 6een or may hereak8'r 6e deposited with saia Trustor Oy any lessee of t�e Pro�.r�s�cure the paymeni �
<br /> . ofenyreMOrdamagss,orupondefauitint�ieper7,x.^�=,nceolenyottheprov(sion8hereol,Trustorayeestodeliver��'hrentsAnOCepositstoBeneftClary.
<br /> Detivery of wr6tten notice ot 8eneftclary's exercT�ac.tthe rights granted heraln,to eny terta►n occupying satd Dfem-.:xo shall Oa suN'ucient to reqaira eatd
<br /> tanant to pay rent to the 6eneticiary unW turther naace. �
<br /> 8.CON�EMNATION.H titta to any part ol ihe Prcperty shatl p3taken in eondemnation proceedings,by right of eminer,t doz^.:.��a�r s;milas aC�on,or
<br /> shall bo sa:d unQer threat o1 conQamnatlon,all avrards,damag,os snd praeeQs are hereby assJgnsd and sfiail 6e pald to Ber.c"-'�ti,�y vfio shali apply
<br /> SuCh awarQs,Eamages end proceeda to the sum s:cured by this Trust�eed,witb the excess,it any,pald to Trustor.if Trustor receives ar�y rr�CO or
<br />= othev intatmat(on regarding sueh acUons or procee0ings,Trustor shall give prompt vnitten notice thereol tp BeneBCiary.Boneflciary shall be or�iti��,et
<br /> iES apUon,to commence,appear in anC prosecute in�5 ovm namo any such aCtion or proceedings end sha11 b9 entiUed to make any camAtomtse or se^:zme�
<br /> in conneetlon vtltt�any sueh action or procesdings. .
<br /> g.FldTl)ftF ADVAHCH8.lJpon request o}Trusto►.Bertsflciery at Beneficiary's option,p�Wr to reconveyance of tho P►operty to Trustor,may melce
<br /> fuluro advances to Truswr.Such future advances,vrith Interest thereon,shal!be secured 6y this Trust Oeed vfien evldenced by promissory notas staUng,
<br /> i tnat 5810 notqs ere securud hereby:pravided that at no time shall the secured principai end tuture advanCes,not Inciuding sums advanced to prptect _
<br /> = th9 soeuriry,oxeae0 tv�o hwdred percent(200�h)ot the odginal prtnctpa►amounts secured hereDy. • �
<br /> � .
<br />:9 10.AF.A�tEDtES HOT FJ(CWSNE.Trustee and Beneticiary,and each of them,shali bo onliUed to entorce payment and pertormance of any(ndetrtednes9
<br /> - or obligaUons securad hereby and to exercise eil rtghts and pov�era under this Trust Oeed nr under arry othar agreetnent exeduted in connectlan herewitri _
<br />'" or eny lar+s nov�or hereaftei ln(orca,notviitt�standing some or ail of the sucb indebtedness end obtigaeons seeured hereby msy n6N oi hereefter pe -
<br /> o � otAerwlse 6eeuted.v�hethe►by martgaga,6ust deed.ptedge,�ien,assignment or othenviso.Neither the axeptance ot this Trost Oeed nor its eniorcement � _
<br /> y a�hothnrbycoutlecUonorpursuarntothepowerolsateorotherpowersherelncontainAd.ShallpreJudiceorinanymanrteraNectTrust89'sol88netiCiety'9
<br /> � . rl�t t4 realize upn�ar entorco any other securiry naw or hereafte�held by Trusteo or Beneflciary,if being agreed that Trustea ana Baneficiary,and each
<br /> �. ,
<br />