;, �-n �� x�,` ` -.. � �' �,;,..r...,...%..�.--=-� �_
<br /> ,'<.� � � _.�.�.._.�,__, _—e�-' �.,x- -r.' . . .
<br /> - � - a` .� � -, ' _.....�,.,.,,_.�-. -,��:"cr-' .�. :ic v_t_'S-'':'.
<br /> •y��. '� _�.�� � .' i G. ¢ • . 4.`, �� , f -�( ..u Y' Y _
<br /> i ..�'. . �:t_[ ��—.
<br /> a• , .
<br /> � - `E" :� .�tt r C i � �4 . r . , '?it . _ . �; .' a �� n . ",44��
<br /> �E }�;e„ ..r{vt� l �.'.�'.'� . �u �. }. �- fy k �t� `� p�+�`y��t�x,,r:� _
<br /> �y" � � .� �✓ ..ce �„i,.Ss .P.
<br /> -� — i. �
<br /> �z.�...Tfs a ict.!_..yx-T`4,r,-. �;�7'"a-$' ` xF"1?... , _
<br /> .
<br /> s i �F• �' ,�,�, . :.?�.:. _ .."T�C?'1-: . r E. . . .-.
<br /> . � _
<br />. ` . ' . , -. . "
<br /> � ( ' � ,���� �V���H . • . � � � �.
<br /> 8.��•��e�tais,Trw�*.or$t�ll Eceep tha PraQeRy in c9mp;l�nC��+(th etl ap�lfcabtfl tav�ra.ordtn�zne�s artd t�Su�aUoeta �
<br /> t�la�ng to Irtdustrial hyglens or envtranm8r�t R¢O�cHon�eollecti�etY refened t°Rer�in Qs°Environment�l daw�'}.Tru3t�t et�1t =
<br /> ,wcey 4tie Praperty tree from efl au4s�nces deemed to be ha:ardous c�toxic under arry Er►vtronmental I.aws(�aitaetivety tefarred ta _
<br /> herefi�s°f�t�ardou�.Materlats"►.Tr�ator heroby cvarrac�te eRd re�resenta to Lendet Nat there sre rto HaYarQoua Maisrtats an er _
<br /> undertt�ePrap3rhl•Tru.��torltnre�yegre�s4otndemnil�andhotdhermJe3sLsndar.ibdirecto�,afRcero.em�togsssand�a�:r.amd �=-
<br /> �ny suac¢s�ra ta LandeT's In�ereaL irom and agalnat eny artd ati ctaims��mags�.lasses and ItabiEltIes eri3ing(n csnt�stton wtSP► �
<br /> the presonce.us�dis�osa!or�ansAort c1 ar�y l�ir6ous Matariale on.undor,hom or about tfta Property.�THE FG6iEQfllNfl -
<br />• SURVtVE 13ECOi�7UEY61t�tCE OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. ravtdaQiAstTrust9t �
<br /> ' � 10:Ats?�S�at a!Renb.7Yusmr hereDy asslgns to Lender ttte rsnts.(sti�a�profib a!the ProD�Y:P _
<br /> ehall.untUtn�occurreneoatanEventof�eTautthereurttler.have4hedgl�tt�coltectandrehtns�Areme.issuasan�prafitsasthaY _
<br /> become dice artd payabl�Uport the occurtsnce ot an�vent af Dafautt Lendsr.may,either tn person or by egsn�witt�or vrithaut
<br /> �rin8irtg arry aci�on or proceedln�o�by s receiver�ppointet!bya couR end wlthout regard to ttie adeQuacy at(ffi securiry.eater _
<br /> ugon and faka p�ssessian MUte Properiy.vr atry Parttttoreof;tn Its awn n&me or tn the n�ne�Y1tRaYrustea.and doacrya�wfllcb it
<br /> aesms neces;aryardeslrabietopresenrethevatua,Inarke9abilityor rernability atthA�oA�l►.oranytpartfhereolar tntasestthereir►.
<br /> tnerease tha tneoma therefrom or pratect tics sacudty hereo!and.with or witt�out haktng passession of tt�e Prupet4y.sue tar or
<br /> • oths�srise r.miteat the rar�b.issues and pmfita Mar�at.tncidding those Qast dua and unp�ld.end appty fhe sa�r�e.!e�eos�.s ectd _
<br /> �xpensesof oyezatlan and cotte�fJnn inctudtag attomeys'fass.upon any inQe4todness secured hereby.all In such orderea 1.�nQer
<br /> tmay determirte.'ifts ertteritsg upafi end takfrtg possesstan 8!the Praperty.the colfectfa�of such rer�ts.Isseies aflQ�roTffi and 41ts
<br /> apASfcatian BP�eres�f es afaresaid.stiali noi cnre or�rafve amt detautt or notice ot defauR hereunder or im►attdate erry aet�Eons En
<br /> rsaponsatosuch def�ultor pursuantto such nottceof detauRanQ nohvftl�stas[dingtneconSnuaned in passesstnn of the Praperty'or
<br /> ttie ca4tectlon.re�elA=end aODficaBon o}eenti.issuss or OrotitB,snd Trustee and L.ende�8ha11 tse enqUed to exercise�very d9ht � ,
<br /> pcovfQe�torinarty(afthaLvanDocumsritsorBytawuponaccurrem�anfa�►Y.Eve�atQefa�f.inc�sdJr�gwith�autUmitattontnettghtto -
<br /> � �tBrCfse titB power of sa:a Farther.Lender's rigt�.s and remedies under this P�S�AR ahafl be cusnulaUve with,8nd tn a��ay e , _
<br /> lim�tattanan.6er�der'srigMsand remediesunderamrassignmsntaf teasesand renb oecordedagsinsttl�e PraDerty.Eendet,Truatee
<br /> ._.._. _eit3 tPie raoefver sTta9 6a Ita�hle to ec�unt onty thosa[eYtffi achialty re�ived.-- .--.-.--. ------. ---.:_---- _.>_ -_...`..:_. . . .
<br /> .....- =-----.. .... .
<br /> it.Ev�b af Qr�Sault.'Thm tolln�nring shal!cansUtute an Event ot OefauR under 6its Oeed b9 Trast • �.
<br /> {a) FeilurQ ta pay any insialtmerd oi pdncipal or intere�t ot arry other sum secured herefi►When du�
<br /> � (b� Ah�SCtrofordefaIIftunderertYProvi3toeieortlEtatsdintheE:t�le.thiaDeedofT�usLanyafthal.aanOacumer�ta.orany _
<br /> afher tlen os encumbrance upon the ProDartY. ` ,
<br /> (c) Awcstpleu8cu�onoratffichmeMOra�tsimitarprocesssha�6Qfaenteredagainst'�nismrwhichshallaecomeatienen
<br /> the Proyerty or eny portlon thereof or.Enterost theretn: , . - - . .
<br /> � (0� There shatf be fited tiy ar a�atnat Trust+or or Bo!rowas an action under any present or tutur��tederal.state Or othet,
<br /> statute,taw ai�gufation relating to bantwAti7►��nsotveney or other rettet for debtar�pr there shali be sppotnted any truatee� ,
<br /> recefverar Itqut�tor atTrustoi or Borrower orot ail orany partof the PrapeRy,or t�►s rorne.iascces or profits ttte�eof.arTrusior
<br /> ur BorrA�xer ahal)make airy generat'assignment tor the benefi�ot ae�d(to�e: � •. •
<br /> . (e�?hs,sriffe,transter.lease.asstgnmem,conve,rance or turther encurt�brence of a11 or�r:t�rt at ar arry(nterest to� .
<br /> Property,,eithar volun�rify or involun'tatity,w(thout the express wririen consent ot Lertdc-r:�nrsided that'Frostor shall�be
<br /> perm(Ked to execute a te�..�a otthe Properey that does t►ot contain en aption to Rurchase and tfs9�..=ir�of whtch�aes not exce�d
<br /> . ,.07�8 yP.$t; „'.:,.: ., �:.. '.:. • . r;:'.•'' .
<br /> (fl Al�,�^.�c±��Entr�t'tfn�?roperty.ar , � . .
<br /> � (gy tf _:�3�nc2c�:5nd{vlduaRlt�aissuance.sate,transtes,esE`�ment�cort�y3nceorencumbranceotrtit�4hanatC�t,.
<br /> . �.:.:,,.:.
<br /> • • ' of,,,_____._percent at�:i e wiporatton�tts isaued and outa'mnding a�ock or�i4��larfierat�ip�a tota�01 perGe:racu�";�
<br /> p3rb�prshlp Interest��''.�g the period thts Qeed of Trust remains a Ben on tt�F�eoeriy. .� :.. �.
<br /> L�
<br /> ��,g�kppa�aPaanUpan 0etaui�inthe evenlof any Eventaf 0efauYt Lea�kSrs�+�aX,wlt�outnoUceexce�tes requtred f�,r"��,�.
<br /> faw.Qeclare etl indebtednes�s�acured hereby to be dus ancf payabte and the sarrt��„ap ihsreupon become Que an@ payabie
<br /> • wlthnut srry presentrnenL derr:��Q,protest a�notke os any kind.Therea�er LenQer ma� � �
<br /> - � (a)Demand that Tn�atee exercise.fhe POWER OF 3ALE gran4ed herein,and Trustee shai�thereai�r causs?ruae�r'� .'
<br /> tnterest In!Ae Propsrry to be soi4 and the praceeds to be distrfbuted,�il In the mann�t provlded in 9�ia NebraskaTruet Qeeds
<br /> . � a��bj 6cerciapgnyan��,)�tghtsprovidadtorinai►yF�QGneLoanOoeumentsarCegL�wuponoc�uRenceotany.Eve�toipetaul�
<br /> ,:, �d . , �•� � .
<br /> ' � (cD�mmencaanec':�nto(oceclosethisDeedotTrustasan��ga,ap��:'ttateCeiver,orspectflcailye'rti:�tceanyolUt9
<br /> ' .cevenarrts heteol.
<br /> No remedy I�rein c�nterre0�5en or rgserved to Trustee or Lender Is€r,�cnded to be exctusivo o��r;�other remedy heretn,in�_'
<br /> I.oan��awmenb or by tarwar,c�tQed or pecmitteQ,but eECh ahail be cumutative,s4►aif�e in add��to every other rsmedy givu�+
<br /> hereunder.tnttteLaantM.�r.a�c�tsor now or I�reaft9r existing at�aw or in equiry as��tute.an0 may ha exerctse4cancunently,
<br /> I�cteper�Qer►tfy or auc�7� . . ..
<br /> ig.1'ru�.TIag.YRus►.ee may rasign at ariy Ums wtthout cause,aRd E.ender mflY 81�Y�!�►�.�d W(thoat cavse aADQtrt a •
<br /> s.uccesso[orsubsttiuteTrust�e•Ttustea shaii not�e llahteta any p�rry.(nctuding without pmttatialt 6�6er.Borrawe►,Truatotor�sy
<br /> purchaaer of4tte Pto�erty.for any losu ordamage unte3sdueta reaktessoc wlilful miscanduct and�J'vail notbe requtred tDtak9 any
<br /> � aCttan In cannecUOn Wlth th�enfvrcement ot this�eed o!Trust unless Indesnnifted.I�wriUnQ,tar afl costs,compenaation or .
<br /> expenges which may be assa�iated therewith.In aQdiUon,Trustee may become a Pu�chaser at any eais of the Property Qudiclal or
<br /> under ttre powr�r at sale granted Ptereln};postpone the sata of ap or any portton of the.Propergr,a9 D���Q��'J�a�':or se41 tha
<br /> PropeRy as e whofe,or in separate parcels ar tr►�at T�ustee's discreUOn. � � •
<br /> t4. Fap and�tD��.�n the eyent Trusteo se11a the PropeRy Ey exercis9 of power of sate,Tru.,Mee sha11 be entlUed So ap�t�
<br /> any safe procEeds tirst to payment ot all aosts and expenses o1 exercising�wer of eate.tnct¢dirtg all Trustee a tses,and Len�s
<br />- an0•Tru�tee'gattomeyefees.acKUattylacurredtoextentpermtttedbyaDpi'.aa0letaw.InthoeventBarroxrarorTrustflrexercisasany
<br />- rlght provlded by 1aw to cur�an Eveni ot Oetaulf.Londer ehali be enUUed to recover trom Trestor all costa and expensss actualry
<br /> Incurred�s a reauri ot Tru�4cPs defeuft•incleding witfiout Itrt�itaUon a1!Trustee's and ettorneys tees,to ths extent pennitted by
<br />- appflcabte law. . . •
<br />= 15.Futura Ildvaness.Upon request ot E3orrowor,landor may�at tts opUon.make additionai and tuture advartces an0 r�
<br />� advancestoBarrower.Suehadvancesand�eadvanees,withfcrterestthereon,ehallbesscure�bythlsDeedoTTruatAtnotlmeshati
<br />= tlteprinclpalamauntoithelndebteQnes�securedbythts0esdoiTiu�t,rtyl����ir�umsedvaneedtoprotectthesecurltyotthi� .
<br /> Oeed of T�uSL exceea the orf�inai principal amount stafid heretn,o►S • ,wttfchever is greatar.
<br />- te.lSbct9�r�wba Prov3dan�. �
<br />_� (a)Bratrowar Not iU:��t�.Extenslon ot tRe 8me tor paymont or modiflca8on of amor4ltatlon ot the eums sacured by tht9�
<br /> _� . �eadalTrustgrantedbyl.endertoanysuccescaNnintnrestotBorrowershalinolopsratetorelease.inanymanner.tholta�fit�►
<br />�- oftheorlglnal8onawerand8orrower'88uCCBSSarstnirrterestLandorshatinotberequlredtocammenceproaesslirtgsagatnsl
<br /> - suchsuccessorbrrpfusataextenAtimetorpaymentotothRnwisemadlfyemortlwUonottheautnas3curedby,thl�DeeOofTruot
<br />= by r�aason oi any demanda rrsaQe by the origlnnt Borrower ard Bflrrowefs successnre in interest •
<br /> - (�)LenQ�Pe Powin.lMthout affecting tho Ilablltry ot arry other person IiaDlo tor the payment oi any obllgation heroin
<br /> menUanad,and w(tltaut aftectlng the llon or charge a1 this 0eod o.f Tiust upon any poiUon of the PraAertynotthAn ot thorein4are
<br /> rai,.a�ad es saca�rity torthe tu11 amaunt of a11 unpald obltgeUans�,Lender tt18y.from UmetoUmo ar�d withoutnotic9(�retease any�
<br /> parson eo liGbio.(i�oxtend the maturity or altar any olthe terms of eny such oD11QaUOns.(iii)grent othOrinduigences.(IN refease
<br /> 6r rgcanvr3y,or caoso�tra rc�as�or racor�reyoc����,-+��i,��t��:'s c�:,.=ser��:cr..�po-��r et!at f�s Pro�cr�!�,. .
<br /> ' (�take or roteasv any athflr or 6QdiUonal sccurify tar bny obfigatlon hdrafn menUoneQ ar(vi)make comSas(ttana or other
<br /> � unari�9trtonta wit�de4tora in rot�tton therelo. • • . � �
<br /> � `• . . •�y '_�c , �
<br />;3 . . .
<br />