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<br /> -- <.- ' 7HtS i1�OF.TRUST.18 est�e�9�0!ti48 •iisf� �y pf Au4• ,,18�g�by Eutd emo� .-.,
<br /> �`' `` < �"`' ' � .
<br /> I ```• :,;��_ . . � fh9Thtstor. �AROLQ F R�bSEt7KQ?T„Ei�F�e J!lt3ITH A 3�05�tdH01'TER . hucba�d and vrif2
<br /> ; �_ .
<br /> - '4`: �t ' " , � 3:15�Goidenrnd �r;� Grand Island tde §8 0i-8760 ,`
<br /> ° v�hos�mall eddres9 I� (tieretn"Trus�tcr. w�siher ane or more�, .
<br /> • , � 4, titsYNS4e�. Five 'Points Banis. a Kebraska Corporation _ __� � .
<br /> - . ������� P.O: Bois 15fl7 Grand Islan�. tdE fi880z ���R��„�.�d
<br /> `.•,,,�� ����� Five Pqfnts Banit � � •
<br /> _.� «_' . ;;�,.,, ' . ' _ ,`.
<br /> d`:;,�`�E; . � ' ' Z0I5 N. Braadvell•Grand Ialand. NE. 6�@02-1507 '
<br />_ `� .�:-,,,-, .`� wha�se maiting addreas ta .�.� -(heredn"i�ende�"! �.�F
<br /> `�� ' • � . HAfiOLD F. ROSE2�K�T'i'EB .. '`� :
<br />= •`-• `j4�' . ` : : • FOR V�11tAf1ELE CON3I�ERATiON.tnciuding Lendefa extensta�ot oredR fdenttBed�eretn to �x`�:
<br /> ".�� ' � ' & JUDI7N A. �QSEPIHOT'fE!? -`�_--
<br /> __ ,.., _ _
<br /> ^f:>=:,y..,_::,�. :;. (heraln"Borrawef.whether ane or more)and tha trast herein oreateQ. a.•.:._
<br /> � ;:.�, ;' . �_ , the[�ceipt�oi wDieh is lseseby acknowtedged.Truator hereSoy irrevacabiY 9tanL9.trflnst�rs.convsys.end esstBns to Tntste�IN L:..•
<br /> - `�.:��. -,':. .,,;-�� . YRUST.WIYH�WEROF�AI$tort�ebenefilandeecuNtyolLende►.urtderand8ubjecttoth9termsertdcandftt�nsheretnaft�rset
<br /> _..;. . .��. fa�,�}�Q�p�g�y.,describe�as tollcuuu� ' �,!
<br /> �� � SEE EXHIBiT 'A `.�`
<br /> . � ��±
<br /> c. i. . 1:.� � ' af��.
<br /> � "'Y=��It::t'{��t..,,�� ' •—�'
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<br /> } T` S �
<br /> T ��. � ' � ���
<br /> ,, ,;.:.,. -,:;�, • Together with a!t tiuitdings,impravament�,fixturss.sir�eYs.elteYs.R�ssageH►�Ys�easemants.d8hb.Vfirilege9 and ap�urta- � �
<br /> � ��„�, '. r. T= . --nances�tocated there�on orin e�xrise peAaining-thereta and tAe rents.is,gues and profKs.�reverstons and remalnders thereof.sad... ..---.. -_
<br />� .7. �i • � �_ _�u�1' -�-.r_..
<br /> -,,.- -- suoh parsonal proporty that ta attactrad to tti8 impravemenb so as to const3tute a fi�Nre.Inctad(rtg,but nat 1lmited to,heatlr►g and �-=;�.
<br /> �;._f;�`:;•:.• : - cocling equiptrtent and together with tAe homesGead or mariffiI Interesisr(f arry.�vhicA(nterests are Aereby reteased and waiveQ;efl . __-
<br /> --;.iz�<"=:: . ' .elwhict�Inclu4ingre�la�tn�ntaendaE�ifiQnsthetet�iahsrehyd�clsrettio�a�8ttofthsreala��satt�b�tt�Uen�l�ile .-- - ---_
<br /> n
<br /> — �. .' - � • • � ` �eed ai Trusl snd a1101 fhe toregaing batng refened to herein es id�e"PrapeR�'. °°-
<br /> - `�` . __
<br /> �� " ��,. '. -
<br /> .•;.=,'.;; ::. �•;�.�. . . . °--
<br /> , -
<br /> _ . . _ _
<br /> - -
<br /> This Deed ot Trust ehall saeure(a)the payrnerit of fhe prtncipal aum and Interest evtdenced tiyr a promTs§ory nbts or credit '"'�
<br /> ,� . ����• . 5eptember 12th�2000 � ---
<br /> ,: -
<br />=a��:?;�;�::�;:::�;'• Auguet 3iat 1395 �
<br />_� '-r'a:, $QT89Ri9i1t d8�d �--_---�h8V(Ila 8 tfl8lUf�ty d8t9 0�
<br /> ��°'°;�.�-'• 63►132.95 �
<br />- ,->}�`-M4:^fc'."�-;`, tn the arlgta�al p�neipal emawt of S end any and afi modiflc�►Uons�exten9Ions and reree►vats ___
<br />--- :.+:'r.•'-;;3� ��'�•� • thereo!cfr Lfiereiu end any and all fu4ure advartces and readv�s�ta Borrower(or any o1 tlsem if more than one)hareunQBr
<br /> '•,,'.!•�.�"` �. , pu�suarttta onq or more promi�sory na`�3 or creditagreement9(Ae�ain caJled"Nate'�:(b)!he payment of other sums advance0 by _
<br /> �� � �=r=''� • LenQarbprotecttttesecuiityot@�etoto�;(c)thepeAormanceofeficuvenanbandegreemerrtsotTrus4orsstfertt�hsrefrr.end(c�811 -
<br /> -_�`�.: � present and tuwre tndebtedness and obitgaUorta of Borrowar(or eny o!them H mare fhan one)!o L'ender wiu�.sr dir�ct indlrect .
<br />- ''�`'''� -'' ' �.�: absofute or conUngsnt and whether edsing by note,guaranry.ovardraft or otherwi�e.'Phe�tote.thi�Desd of Tnist and arry and a(i
<br />_- �., , ' at�erdncua�nsthatsecuretheHoteor¢�3rerwtseexec�rtedincormec�tiantherewi#b,includingwHfioutitmidationguarantses�secerityr
<br />;��II �'�a � agreemer►2sand a�ignments o1 teas�and rente,shatl be reterred to herein ea the"Loan Ooaurttent9".
<br /> � �� Tlvstor covenants aad 8grees wfth LenBor as fo!(ows:
<br /> � �s.--�-= t:Pa�ant M IndsSst�dnu�.WI indebiednsr�sr•bcured hereby ahall be P�d whan dua.
<br /> �°j'''��--��4���• • . 2 Titla Tre�awr is Yrta owner o!tfla Properry.lm the�tght end euthority to canvey ihe Properry.and wartanfs that Ute Ilen
<br /> created hereDy ts a flr�t snd prlor Iten on the Prcg�arty.except tor Ilens an9�encumbrancea sat forth by Tnistor in wrlUng and
<br />�.�{� deitvefed!y�lender Celore executton olahts 0eed olTrust,and tho�acecutton anddativery ollfiis Oeed af Trustdaea notviotate 4t►y
<br />_ � eontraciic,�other o�ligatlon to which T�ustor ts subject •,.
<br /> 3.Y�ba,A�mqnb.To pay before del(nquenay atl taxes,spccial assessmenta and e0 mher charpes againn tAe Proper'ty
<br /> _-- . now ar hereafter leqied
<br /> ------ , . 4.(n�saHlca To keeP the Proporty ir�sured aga�n�t damage by Rre.hazarQ�lacfud8d wHhta thetarm°e�urdsd caveraya:end
<br />= ='- — such other hatards as lettd£1 may requlre,in emo�end wtth comyantes accepffi6te to lsnQer.neinin�6act4fiiii as an a.daitiot�t
<br /> --�W= . � named tnsurett,with loss payaD[e to the Lerldet.!n�se of losa under taach policles,the I.ender t�authori�tb adjust col+�eci afld .
<br /> -`°�.^°� � • , • eampromise,aUC(a9mathereurtdeffanQshallhavetheoptlonofeppfyingaliotpaAoiB�etnsur�r.qproceeda�toanyinQebtednes�
<br /> securedherebyandtnsuchorderasLenSermayEetefmine�pgtotheTruatortobs�ssedtorfhq��palrnr.restorattonotUtaProperty .
<br /> � orpt�tor atfyotlfer purpaao orob�ect satlstactary to L+ender.wtthoutaftecUngthe lien o{thia DaeA otTrusttar,t'r�futl emourt2 aocured
<br />- hereby bofara sacb peyc�ant eve►took place.My appttcatton ot proc�ds to tn�eDtedrteas aheH not exoaad;s��Aoatpone the du�
<br /> _' _------- dat�at any payments Urr�r the Note�or�ure any default thereundet or hereur�. '•' '�
<br /> •� � . 5.�orv.Upon wriKen demartd by Lender.Trustor shalf pay to Lender.ia�x�h manner a�Lender m�r+Cestgnate,sufflcient
<br />��'` _ _„f,�„� ' ' sum9tQait�bteLortdertopa}tnatheyPbecomedueoneormoreattiira.foltowln�(i�ailtexes,ssa�c3mendsanda�tsrcharges�alnst
<br /> -_ -�--�;.� . tfie Pro�ei'ty,(i�the premiuma on the praperty.inaurartee roqu:�c�ereundsr,unm pf�tRa pea�vms on eny mortgags tr,�u�nce
<br /> -- ------°°:=�� requiredGylEnde� �, . , , .
<br /> 8.AAaUN�nanc�.R�pain�nd CampQan�c�sst�i Law�.Truator shall keep the Property In$oo�e�uudlltcn and reQalr.aAa11
<br /> ; promptry repatr.or reptace eny ImproYement w�rir�1 may bo damaged ar destraye�o�all not ccmmi�.cw,�rmt3 any t�aste ar
<br /> � detedoraUon o!the Property►,ahatl nat remove,Q�llsh or aubstanUatty aiter any ot the Impravemsrrt�arr�St�PropeRy:ahefl not
<br /> • commttaufterorpermltarryacttobed�nsinorupontliePropeRylnvtofaUonoteirytaw.ordinQar,�,arr�guta�on;andsheilpayana
<br /> .�. 1;, �,��;,;,�, promp�y dtacharge at Trustor'e cest Ercd expenss ell liena.encumbr�nces and charges lev�md�;t�nposed or aasesaed aSainat the
<br /> �3',,,_..,�,{,.4'.:.�;•. ProAe�l1 Or 8f1y QSR thereof. ' ' �'_
<br /> ��,r • 7.EanUienf Daina�s l.ander ts hereby assiae�all com,pensation,awar6a damages and other pay^�ac,�or re11e1(Aereinafter =-
<br /> �,�:,,..,.
<br />��`�ri�^n;,' ' "Ptocaeda'�(nconree�anwitheortQemnattonord'�ettaidngoltheProRerlya��rtthereof�o�toicomep}�.�EnlienolconGsmna- `'``
<br /> -�'"�'=-;:;;��°.iir:,'� tlap.LenQereh8il be enUtted at i�opUon to camrr,ence,eppear in an0 prosecu�in tts oam name ar��C�cr�or proceedln�s.a�td ��_:
<br />�-;:�;; ,� :- shafl a!so 6e errtJ�ed to makeany compramtse or seritement In caemectlon with auch taking ar�amaga(n the event any poRion oi �;�;,;
<br /> �.- -�, the PropeRy ia so faicen or Qemaged.Lender ahail have the eRCiarb in lte aele and ehsofuts�etion.to appty a!i aucA Praceeds. � �
<br /> s:�,�,,.:llu� ,, aftcr de6ucUng theretram al I co�end exper�se9 tncurrc-sf by it lo conneaUon with such P�oceeC�s.uDon any lrtQebteQnass aecured � ,�
<br /> - :�';•. :, �.,
<br /> ;,��:..,;:-,�: .:~� hereby 8nd In such�rder,ea Leqder maq determins.or to eppty ail such Praceed�,after auob deducttons�to the rearoratlan af the .,,
<br /><<�.�_: ,?�: ProDerty►uponsuchcondi�onsesLendermaydetermine.AnyapDitcatlonolProceedstoinAebteQnessahafinotexten9mpos�one ,
<br /> _ ::r�;` �,;;,
<br /> _��;;.:, •.;:. ..• the due dateof any paymonts undar tho Hste,o�cure any datauit therounQer or hereundor.My una�plted funQa ahafl bo patd to
<br />_ :- �:.._a.... ..... :: . . 171t32ot. '
<br />-;;� •:,r�+k�ryr.•:�,, . 8.itirtarnatic�bY L�ndfr.Upon the occurrence ei an Event of Qatault hereunde►.or tf eny ec!Ia taken or teaaf pmceedinp =___
<br />- cQmc�ertcadxrMoh ma�rialtyaffecta Lender'eiMerostin tho ProperSy.Lertdermay In ita own dlscre�ar�.but�rithoyt obftgattcnto Qo
<br /> �;�. sa�and�ritfiout nottce m or damand upon Trustor end wtMaut retaasin8 Trustor trom eny obltga8on,do flny sct whtrfi Tn�r has
<br /> .. • egread b�+t falla to do end may olso do erry other act It deem�aecessary to protect tha secur(ry hereoL Trusior st�atll,tmmadfat9h �:�_'
<br /> ', upmf damandt�erefar by 4on�r.pay 4oLandetaticostsertd oxpensssincurretland sumsa�xpon6ed by Londer ln canrtactlonwith
<br />�.�y> '' ' tAeexer�Iss6yLertQeratthafosogo�n8righL9,to�athorwlthUU�rostthereonotthedsfau{lrateprovidsdlntheKab,whicl�e�a!!6s .�
<br /> . .
<br />- � ���• � • � ' ' aQ6o0 to tAo tnQab�Qners 8�cure0 hereLy.LenQ�r stl�ll�ot incur Bny lit3bliiry 6ecause oi�tnythUg tt may do ar omit to dn �'
<br /> , -
<br /> , , .. , ..
<br /> :,.. ------ : . .
<br /> .. : rFrraunQ6f. , � . _ .
<br /> . . ,.
<br /> • .� . . . ,
<br /> . .�.
<br />_ .. . _,�.
<br />