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<br /> �,;,�.�,. : ,,. .�. .
<br /> � 16.Yimrrower's Co�y. Bairawe.r sL�ill De given one wnfasmed oopy af the Not�and of tbis Sec�iiy rnse�nmeat. ,.
<br /> . 17.°8ranstez af the P,r� or e Benet'xdai Interc�tn Borrow� If a1D or any��art og the Pcoperty ar�y►�a�est ia it is
<br /> � , : .�`[. . sotd ar transfe�ed(ar if a b�ccial igtaest in Boaawer is sotsl ar teansfe�red and BaaowPa 6s not e�a�ual s�n)wiihouY =
<br /> �
<br /> . . LRnde�'s prior mitoea oonse.nt,Lender may,at us a�ti�,requite immediate paym�at in fuII os ali snms secu�d�sy this 5er�m't�t ='� .
<br /> . ' ` ' I�struatenL However,tbis apaon shall nat be exe�sEd iry Leadea if ex�e is proLibired Dy fedcaallaw as of the date of t�.s
<br /> Ins�um�L
<br /> ,.`��,.- � ��der exercises thisaprian.Le�dee sha11 give Sotrowrr notice of ar,ceie:arion.'I8e notice s�aIlpmvideap�n d of aotiess
<br /> thaii 30 days fram t3�e date tHe noaoe is detivered ar ma�ed withm wtdch Bormwrd must pay aII smas�d tsy�is Sec�uity
<br /> ;'•. .; .;, ` Inslr�ment if Bo�wer f�'Ls ta pay these sams grioF bu tha acpiratina of this periurl.�der may�nvoke aaY�F�� `
<br /> ' -��� . by this Secarity Inswment without f�uthes natae or de�aaafl on Bormw�r. .
<br /> �`' .�;.
<br />� . - ' 18.Bmsawer's RIg6t bu Rt[nsmte� if Bm:ow�r meers ca�aia wadiam�s. Bormwer sball have t�e rig6t m I�ave .
<br /> atforcecacnt of tt�s Securriy tasaumr,nt @ismntInued ai any dme priar to the e�tier o�(a)5 days(or sarh othea pe�d as
<br /> ' � ''. flpplicabls iaw may spec�'f�t fot reins7ateat�ant)be�'oie sa2e 4f ths Pivpeaty pursvant to any powea of sale can�in�in tLss S�y _-
<br /> � . . I�SO'am�atfi ar @?�uy of a j�dg�c a►forcing this Seca�riry Ins�ument�hnse amdi�oas aie thaa Baimwea:(a3 FaYs IaAder all --
<br /> ' • sna�s whict►th$n would he dae nade,r this SeCUity+Instn�ment�d the Norc as if aA�h��@)�s anY
<br /> . , default of aay mher covenanb or ageement�(c)DaYs aII expe�ses mca�l in e�fo�ring t�is Sec�iayr In4uameat,inctud'm8,6irt �'.
<br /> , , ' mt l'united t�.reasonable auomeys'fee�an�(�mkes sac�ac�io�ag L�der ma�i reasoflably requue w as�rae thas the tie,a�tLis �`�
<br /> • . . � �- Secnr�ty Ins�ume�t.Lendea's �ghts in ih� Piup�ny �d Barrowec's obligat� to gay r�e snms seaued by this S� �
<br /> cnre ,
<br /> . , .'�° .. IIIS7UIIICAT SI13U CAAIIItlI�IIIlCI1tlIIgCd. UgOD ICiDSf8f�11�j/BOAnWfJs�.S� �n.strame�,t and Hie oD1i�Ioas secarted �'�r,
<br /> . +� hereby sltaU remam fnllY e�ective as if na acteIeaation had accmreQ.Howevea,this n t W re�shaII tWt agply fn the c�uf :�,
<br /> , . �"`•'. acreierai�ois tmder patag�aph.17. ' '
<br /> �; 19.�aleotNote;Ch�geoil.oan 5��: 1f►e Note or a paidal mtearest ia the Nate (to� wub this � '`
<br /> ' •� -� ' ' ' - � own
<br /> ._:.
<br /> .�. i�s�mnent)may►be sold one ar�nre ames withoui or uottce ta Brnmwer.A s�Ie resulLan a�"'�in� � ' (&'a
<br /> ...,.
<br /> ,- -.,.-- -- . __.,
<br /> ;,.,.. .�.._ '� :::..: . . . . ... .as the-"I:oa�►-S�vicar"Tthat wltects monthIYP�Y��-d�e�mdr�the No�c a�th�s Sec��rity Instr�n�►�.-7hhc�e alsa ma�y i��ar-.:.. _.... ._ -��
<br /> � :.� �_ '..• mn�change§of ghe l.flaa Senricea ur�clated m a sa2e bf the Note.U there is ac�e of tPie Loan Savicer,Baa�ea w�be ��'.'
<br /> - •-'�':�' given wriven uotic�of the change in 2ocoidanoe w�di paragiapD 1�above andepgtird�2e la�r 11ie aotice wU siate the iiame� �=�
<br /> � ` address of the new Luan Seavicer end the.addies4 tu which payments should be made.'11�uoti�e w�l also canta�a aay othar �t,x:
<br /> informatian rcciaaed hY ePDlicable law. � • � � , —-.
<br /> _ --_-•>:'.' . Z0.Nazardaus Sabs�anoes. Burmwea st�all aat_c�uss or.peanit the p�seace.us�.d�sp�.�."e� ar s�]ease of a�+ . _-
<br /> � ' Har�rdaus Sn6stances on or in the Bormwea shall not do.nor alIow anyoice ets�ae cTo.�ry a�ecdng the Fmperty . "'�'
<br /> ,'4"`�'' ,.•,&� ti�i is in vintarian of an Bnvironmen�tal�I.aw.'Il�e pr�ae�mg two seaLenoes shal!n o i sp�I�'u u s�e��dc�,as�ar stn�on dte —_
<br /> ��' ` ' '`�a r Ptopeaty of smaU qnanb�ti�c of Aamrdous Subsiaaces ihat are geaeiaIIy recagnized to�i�iognzte�uanaal re.ade�tiai ases �
<br /> - ' � . �. �d to muiatamnce of the Prapeaty. , . • �•
<br /> . '''� :. Boisower shrili pmmptly�ive I,endea�vri�t�aotioe of any invesdgatia�,claim. de�2ud,Iau�ai&�s�r other acdon by tm�r �
<br /> '' ' � govemmeatal or negalawry agent.y or pnvate ga¢�inwi'ving ths Prbgeny and any Ha�rdo�s Subst�aa Eavironmenrdl Law =
<br /> .. ' � • of which Bonower has actual knowledge.If B�mwea leams.or is notified by any govean�n�tat ar regu�amtyr audtoriry.Q�at any
<br /> ea
<br /> .:;'.:,r`, rercwval_ar ath�reanedia3ian of aay�Iazardous Subsr�ce af€aG'Jng the Prapeaty is a�.Bvaowea shaU Prom�tIS►taice alt �'�``
<br /> .; necc-�y ce�edial asdons i�accard�ce wd�h Envimnraientai L� . . . �
<br /> {.. As used in this paragraph Z0.°Haz�dous Sabsqnces" are those sabstances dePmed as toxic oz 6aza�doas sn6stauaes by ,
<br /> ;:��.-� : '� Farvironme.nta! Lavv and the follawuig sabstanc4s: 8asoline�'ker�osea�, ot�e,r ftarnmable or tamc pe�vie��raducts. tmdc
<br /> :;`;�..'.. ppiiades and Q�abicides.volat�le solvents.material9 containing as�s or faimaldehyde,and radioa�tive mafe�als.As a5ed tn •
<br /> '��� :.,�:. : •,, y�Y� � t�is paragraph 20."Environmea�tal law"means federallaws and lav�s of the jurisdicrion wheae t�e Aayerty is toc�ted that relaGe
<br /> _=_�:.::,���. :� ` --
<br /> '�X'4.?"��.'P',
<br /> -' =°r�n,• fD 6eaTltt,S2fCty Or e,�vlronaa4�t31 gtofCCtiOn. ' '
<br /> ; _;•���rk,..�:� � �
<br /> _-.,�;;�:;c;_;;- NON-UNffORM COVENANTS:Bmm�vr�and Lendes further cav�antand�ee�s foIIow�
<br /> - f:=:�..�.;�w Zl.Acceleration;Remedic4.l.en8er �ve aottee 6o Barmwer prlar to aaceleratioa foUowimg 8ursawda brwch at
<br /> -_=_-_°_'-. �.' �_ . any covenant or agreemeat in th��Se�i�Ie�strameat (bat uot prlas to accekration artder D�E�Pd 17 �less
<br /> ___-_--�� . . aDDlicable Law psovidES oth�rwise).7'he notice r,bzO specuy:(a�the deianit,tb3 tte aRiop rer�tred to cm�re the dcfau�;{c)�
<br /> ���c��� a dn�,not less tdan 30 Qays firom t[�e date the nattce is given to Borrower.by w'�a�e 9�x def�t mast 6e cartd;�d(�
<br /> -.���7;n:;1�� t6aE�nre to cure t6e defantt on or 6efose t�e date specificd in the noSce mn,y r��n seceleratioa at the smns stca�etII
<br /> �x�r�r.�-..� by t6is 5ecurity�ent and sate ot the Property.T6e aot�ae shaR�er i�'c�i Borrower af t�e rJ�tt to rtinstate. � �
<br /> _?:,,u^�y�!-s,,,
<br /> '�'�",�;"s ottep acceleratFn�au+�.the rig6t to 6ring s opurt•actton ta acscrt the aa��alstaaoz of s Qefaa�t or any other d'efense a!�
<br /> '���"�"� Bort�vver to acc�teTSt�on an�sate.It tl�e QetaWt is not a�red on or beiure the date s^ec�Ret1 in the no�ict,Lender.at it� � _
<br /> --:�.�„s}�_?k;�;:�. 'f' � _.
<br /> --.'_ --.=-.-� . a�iidn�,�nay requfre tmmedfu�.�,�men!in tall of all�nms s4cared 6y this SecarItg�ent withunt tbrths�t demand --
<br /> �'iaR".�f�'�:;�.,. aut�cr�'y invoke the power o?c�t11�ss�td any other remedies permtit�l bq app9ic�ble I�w:Zendcr s6aD 6e entttkd to c�lkct -
<br /> _ „ ,.:.:"� aD�aip�nses inemred in parsiiing the remc�ies pmvided fn t6ts paregrapb 21,fnciading,but c�t#limited to.reasoas�bk
<br /> s�'� ;'�. .
<br /> �. �.:;. . attoraey5'tees and co5ts of titis evtdenee. . ,. `,-
<br /> ° '�?�_ U the pawer o!sule i�invoked,Trustee sBaII record a nolke o?defaWt tn eac6 �omat�in wiilch ang part.of the -
<br /> :;_.�,,.��:�:;,�; . . �
<br /> _:.�:rF`�,i.�j•,� �PtoPert9 is Iocated and.shaD mail capies of sacb not�ce in t6e manner prescribed b�Q�y�?cable law tfl Borrawer and t�the _
<br /> 'R' other ersons prescribed by����icaDle Iaw.ARer the time requlreA by appllcable Ih�,9'rastee sha�i p'�ve pnDfic nattce af
<br /> :'-�rj;,t,. . . sh _._
<br /> =��a.:;:._- ,°:, p
<br /> ::r�,; ::.'i">"::� ': saie to the persons an�l in the mannct prescribea!6y eppltw6Ie l�w.Trustee,wttho�ii demamd an Borrawer,S�aD sdl the -
<br /> ":;,':'�".�'�.�: Pro e a3 ubltc auctlon tn the hT Uest Didder at tGe ttme and lace srnd aader t�e terms d ted(n the notke ols�e �
<br /> - �.;� • .., � P nY P g P �� �'.
<br /> :5�:���;��fi° �:: �''��":
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