�.�,t_ t�.�•.��C � • ^ . 4�4�a¢r•C�+r..�'. _...vS ,n . `
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<br /> � r ^-rL��,� < . �. _ L-, s' `c n .� i.� F �'A� : .F, -
<br /> _ -:+t.. � L��' av� .. � c .. .t'. . . , �:. ... ���'. <
<br /> _' . ( �.• _ � Fc ., � .:E. � , c <.. i'� �r'` •`S.F,. �t� i ,� � ',. ` / . � t '•.+.:�--
<br /> ��` ..k. 4'" _ _ _ .S— _ _ �
<br /> '� �'a ai., � � � • - - � - `. - -- " `° . `— .,.. �• 'x�-`� �- ���-
<br /> r • . - �;' . , �. ti�. ; ,�4 .,.�' �.r:� `,i' ''�• fn .
<br /> . . .4 , . . , , t,� . , "<.
<br /> - ' ... . . . � ... � .. -i 4. .�
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<br />.. `+t ' ` � '� ` � . .��: •!: c�.t ' _ ,. - . .. .. . , . .Sc't'is.
<br />. . � o , ,. )��.. . ... . . -( .. tFF� . . ,� . � .,.. " �, . '` `r �. ` .. . ` ' _ ' . ,. .�•
<br /> � � `�+�V :. ,i<�•. c , � � p , Y: . . u' , , . . ,:�' . .
<br />. . a '��4 C:� �,, ' ' r. . o �. .. . ` � � '4 l.
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<br /> . . . . . ' _ . ` � , ��������� .` ' ..
<br /> •' '`. � .,'�`�°•.�. �. gayments may no tongcrrl�e rc:qu3red.at t�e op�on of IcnQer.if mor�e insu�ance oo�er�ge('in the ffiarnmi�d for the geaiod .
<br /> . . . Wat Lacdea iequires)provided by an insum�appioved by Lender asain becomes evailable�cd is obrained.Bmro�s�all�ay the .
<br /> • ,�' - mefnmma�w m�intafin mort�e�insivairde in effea,or m provide a toss res�erve.until tde reqa�immeat for tna�g,uge
<br /> - -- � msm�ce euds m�aadance wim eny writGen agreemeni betareea Bosrmver and Latder ar agp�ble it►vi. • .
<br /> . 9.InspesxIon. 1�der or itg agent may make reas�nabte en�ies apon aIId�spe�tians of ttca Pmgerty.Latder shall give
<br /> L.'. Bouox+ea notice at tlie rime of ar prfor to an insPeaiom specifyinB reasonabte�nse f�the insp�an. , < � .
<br /> 10.Coad�natfon. '�he pioceeds of anp award or cIaun far damage�di�t Qr wnr.eque�ual,in oonuear�n�vith�u►y
<br /> , '.�`�.a; . �dPmnatinn OT oIllti I2Ics�g Of 8IIy p2R Of fhC Progelly.or fnr waveyamse in iieu of oondemii�Ian.sre h�tebY�8�� '
<br />_ , .s6at1 be p�d m I.�dci � �
<br /> `� � In the even2 of a tomt tatcing of�e Praperty,th$pmceeds sball b�applied ta the sums sewued by tlus Sec�ity Instrnaarat+ '
<br /> wketh�r or noi the�n dae,with any eacess paifl to Soimwrd In the eve�t of a y�tial tat�B of the Pmge�ty ia wbich tJse��t -
<br /> ;,,, . ,..'I� valae of the.ProPe�tY immediaiely 6cSosE dse Y�Sing i�equai m or g�atrr t�the amotmt af ths s�uns�by this Secoxity ..
<br /> '�.;: ",.,.... � Instrume�t immed'raat,ely befene We taking, naless Boauwer aad Yrndea otf�eawi.�ag�e in wr�g, the sums se�uid hy thiv
<br /> ., - •, r Secariry Instnuaent shaII 6e reduoed by the amouat of the pmceeds mnt6plied by the fallawing 5�action:(a)ihe Wlal a�oaat of
<br /> . . �3 f the sums sec�ed�mediately irefare the�ng,divided by N)the fair maikei value of the Pc�npe�y:�mP ;arPiy befar�the
<br /> . ,. ~• talcmg.Any balance sGall be Qaad to Boizower.In the eveitt of a parZSSt halQr►g of the Fmgea4�r in which the fair madc�t vaIne of the
<br /> rti
<br /> . , Pt+ap�ty imtaediatsly befaae the�ICiag is less Uian the amount of the s�s sec�d�mediatcly tsefare the�g.unl�ss
<br /> ��f ` -, Borruwer and Lender otherwLse s�gree in writing or unless app�icabk!�►at�eawise,piavides.the yroceeds sLnll be applied t�the . '
<br />_'.'.J- - .��.,.,. -
<br />_ •,- .-. �" � -- --._. _...---._._._ ... �---�-- - -- - --.......----. ... . ... . . ..._._....._. _. __��-.
<br /> .- • �.. smms secured iiy th�s Securiiy Instsuaien3 aifietlier oi not ihe siims aie fhe�i diie: .. � .. , ,
<br /> �.. ;.�'. �. Jf the Propeny.is abandone�l by Bmmwer.oz if.afles ao3ice hy�i.�tder to Bmmwer tbat the condemaor offas to maYe an -
<br /> , �; award�set�2e a caaim f�damages,Eormwer fa�7s ta respond w Leadcr a�i�in 30 days aftea the date the aatiee is givee�.l�dPa :
<br /> , �'J is autha�ized w collect and 2pply th�Proceeds+at ics optia4 eathea.to restotation or re�air of the Pmpcaty ar m thee sums secvr�ed � .
<br /> _ -.---: ..
<br /> . : . .. .�;,::.: � by this S�uriry Instrus�ent,whether or not then due. �
<br /> .`•.:.��f'.�'�� It�',.�s L�der and Borrowed oth�arise agrce in cvridng,aa3!BPPlication of groceeds to prinagal shaU noi eatea�d ar postp�ae :;_.
<br /> :y r�,: . the dlrt��,ate of the manthly payiu�refeued w ia paragrapbs:a and 2 or cbaage the ammr�s of sach papmeats. . :
<br /> . �,_,.:
<br /> ��°j�r. ° .�.�urrower Not ReFPasedi Forbearance By Leuder N�fta Waiver. �xi�on of die tirne far payment ar�ud�cati,pn
<br /> _r�;,� � of a�on of t3�e svrns sec�red byi ttis Secu�ty Instrume�t gtanted t�y]Lac�rr w any s�coessar m�of Hamcawer shall
<br /> ; :�; '• 8A
<br /> • � � not a�erate to release ihe ltahiliry of the origin�at Borrow�or Borrowea's saccessuss in int�sl.I�d�r s?�aII not 6e req�ed to
<br /> � comc�wsice proceedings agaiust any successor ui inteaest or refa:.�to extead tmme fvr paymeat or othe�wise mndify amast�a�on of ,
<br /> , the�s,secnred by this Seauity Instmmea�t fsy reason of�dcmand m�de by th�original Sarmwer or Boimwer's s�ccessos�s . `',
<br /> � . , i�ii��t.Any forbear�ce by Leaida nn exercts�g any rig�t r�-remedy shal�not be a waiver of ot presdude thg ex�of any --
<br /> ::-�,���;. � - . rigfiii6'rremedy. ; , ; '=°
<br /> . '`::'""'`' 12.Saccessors nnd Ass; $oond-�o�n3 E�Several Lta6�i Co-st �rs. 7t►e wvcaauts 2u� ents �sF tPi7is .
<br /> . , � . t9: � � $ ;a<;�'
<br /> ,,;., �.. Se�riry Inssmment shall 6ind and bene�it the�cc�sors and assigns of Lender and Hormwer,su01�t�o the�ovis'sons of . :
<br /> 6�.
<br /> :�' f' • para,�-�:�.h 17. Borrqwer's covenants and ag�eements shalt.�e joint and seveaaL My Boscower who oo-signs t�•Se�rity
<br /> � � Ins��t but daes not acecute.c�e Note: (a)is oo-signing ti�.'ss Sec�airy Instrumgnt o co a► -=:L'
<br /> �..;� : �r ortga�o;�t nra3 tx�vey th�i
<br /> .�'`" . .' � Hormwea's inteaest ia the Prope�ty under t1Ye te�ms of tLis Seamity LQStra��(b)ls not pasonally aki'f�ted to.�y qhe siuns �:`
<br /> `-j=-,;,�,*:T�.. •. sectued by lhis Secsity Iasuumen�and(c)agr.�es that Lender�nd any a�Bo�xower ma to c�d.m . ``�
<br /> <�x ,. Y a� a�f�,forbear a�.
<br /> _= � matcea�iccomniOdaGons aith regard to the tesms of tJ►is$ecraity Iastrum�t os the Noics withont that Ba:towei's o�ti �
<br /> �"� �' ' lt3L�;,oan Ctmrgca If the Ioan secured'by thls Security L:�spument la subject W a l�►w whitb sets m�dmwa(ic�Charges. —
<br /> "��.
<br /> ._r� anc�'11h�'Caw is finalty iatetpreteA so that tAe inteaest or o1�er Bar�chmrges oollected vr w be oollecied ia camnection c�i�,the Ioan --
<br /> ' '' :� :� ettq��'�e pesmiued limits,then:(a)any such E�aa charge sria�be reduce�by the.amouat necessa:y soreduce the charge W the ' —
<br /> ;:'_'�°�"'`�'�'`• g�,�ted llmit;and�(b�any sums already collee.�fiom 8orrowe,r w1►ich e�cceeded perrcatttcd limits wi11 be m�'anded eo Bmmwra.. �`
<br /> - ;:-'�''.:..� ,. Lezt��nay choose to make thi�refimd by reducing fhe pratcipa�awed cmdea the Note 4r by makhig a d'uect payment to � � �°
<br /> , '
<br /> Ba�rxc�,If a refuntl reduses Rrincipal.thc reduotion wlll-t�:treatc�as e parrial prqlr�tent werhont any grepaya�t charge �;'
<br /> ::,�+- J ' Ultd�t i�t�s NotC. •. ' , ` [�,_•
<br /> _�<.,_.�;.,.,., .. � ,::.:;.
<br /> ;';;;�;:-,.-+•,' ..: . 14.Nottces. My notice w,Borrower provided fos in this Secarity Ir�mr�ent shall be given by delivermg ii or by m�7ing it •
<br /> .. . � . by Cust class mail unless appL�Cabte laiv requires use of anotRer method.Z�c:,motice shall be d�rected m the Fmprrty►Adaress qs :.,..�
<br /> ;��,k��°`.:;;;;�. : ' any o�address Eo;mwer designates by notice w Lender.Any nodce to�.endea shall be givea by fust elass mail co Lender's��: .
<br /> - addz�s stated tieaeha or any ather address Leaidea deslgnairs by notice to Baa�wea.My notitte pravided far in Ehis SecaAiry.
<br /> . • � ' Insavc:e�t sha11 be dcemed to have bte�given w Bouowra ar Lendcr whea gtv�as pmvIded in thls pazegaph. . :
<br /> = IIS.Goveming Law;Severa6llity. lhis Securiry Inswment sGall be gov�ned.by fat�al law aad tha Iao� of Poe
<br /> -_ • � ' jurisdicaon in which the Prop�aty is located.fr�dhe eveart that any provision or ctause of thls Securigr InsOrument or the Note
<br /> ':�.� ' oonflicts witt►applicable law,such conflict stialD ab;affect oth�provisions of this Seccwity Inst�ument or the Note whicb caa be .
<br /> -�n;. . given effect withwt the canflicdng provistaa.'Z`a this end the provisians of thls Security 1'nsaume�t and the Note are�clared w -
<br /> : h$ssverable. � . . =
<br /> � • i ' .;.' Rorm 3Q20 9l80
<br /> - ��98(NE)(82t2) • Pagosole � IMttah:
<br /> � C
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