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<br /> - �'7 • 4.�re,FWc►d end�iher�r�Insuruaac� Bormwer s1�al1 insuce all.impzovements on the FrogertY. -
<br /> p':�-�.T�i r`,,;,�i�'„ existencc ar subsequently ercrted,ag,ainst any hazaras.�as�atties.and wntEingencies.includir�g fire,for which Lend�r requires __:
<br /> -����='�,-�'�`�: . insurd!lce. Tiris.insurance sha11 be maintain�in the amautats and for the periods thai Lender re9uines. Bormwer shall also
<br /> .'�r•,'•` _,�,�,, _ ii�.cure a,i improveia�ents on the Property.whet�e:now in existence or subseq�sently erected•against ioss by Qoods to the exsent , _
<br /> � k � . � _
<br /> ired b the Sec�etary.`All insuraace sSali De carried��vith compaaies agtpr+avcd isy I�nder.T�e insurance policiss and any -
<br /> �`���' � Y' � �
<br /> __���;�;F� � renewals shall be fceld by.IRader and sliall inctade loss payable clauses in favar of.snd in a form axe�table co.l�nder. � -
<br /> --•=-°.�-= ' ti
<br /> "'�y�'� 1n tfte event�nY loss, Barrower sl�all give Lender imme�iate notice by mai2.Lender may make prooi of toss if not made
<br />��.:-:-���
<br /> � �'=��� pmII►PUY bY Eorrower. Each insurence company concesned is hereby aut�orize�and directed to make paymeM far such loss
<br /> __`°�_�� . dlse�ty tu L.ender, instead of te Borrovrer an8 tg Lender jaindy. All ar�nY Part of the insuraace pmceeds`may be appfied by
<br /> -- - ----- Lender,at i�s option,either(aa w ttie reductioa�of t6e indehtedness under the Nate arcd thls Se�EY�����o�
<br /> --`�—--__° de l i n q uent amounts a p plied in the ord�r�n para�aQh 3,and then to p�ayment of pri�cipat,or @)to the reswmtion ar repair
<br /> - --__° ' uf the damaged Property. AnY gPPlication of tlae pmoeeds to th�Prina�at s1�1�not extensl or postpone the due d a t e b f t h e
<br /> -_-_-��Q�r� mnnthly paymeats which are zefemd to ia paragraph 2.or chanSe the�mo�nt of sucb paymeats.Any eacess insurance pmce�s
<br /> ---__--= over an amount requit�d m pay aU outstanding indebt�s ander t�e Nmte and this�ecarity Inspmme�nt shal!�ae paid w the
<br /> --_-- enbt7+:legallY entitled�thereio. .
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<br /> � _ • ,:.`�. �CCapaatcY, Pteseavts��, .ib� r•�'�:r.T��4ertion of tt3e �r,'�ascc�z�,s '�"� .4�cn8o�
<br /> . �
<br /> -- -_ _= • y�rclais. Borrower shall ac�sy,estab4is�, an�us���i,��eoperty as Sorrower's�a}.residez�within�'�g� �
<br /> =--_=_==-= the executicm of this Sea�riry.Ins�ument and shaII corrtmas'�o;4cruPY the PraP�Y as @�uirawe�'s�al re�idesa��CSi at ieast � .
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