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<br /> ,� .. . .� F� 9. Cand�naBon. 7�e proaoeds of any award or ctaim for damages,dinec[or cons�queatial�in oonne�on witfi any
<br /> . , � • �. ... aoademnation or othes ta�g of�ny part of�1te Propea4yr,or fos conveyance in pla,ce of coademnatian,are heteby ass� ed
<br /> � �''•�' �4°, �� �and shaU be paid w ixndgr w ttie extent of the fWl amovnf of the inde6teduess Ifist cem2inc unpeid uIldes the Noie�d1is �
<br /> . . . •. ° ? - Securlty IasOnmsent Lea�+er sbaU,sppty such proc�eds w the�edus�ou of d►e indebtedness under the Note and this Se�riry
<br /> , .� � �•• L►staumeat, fust co aay delinquatt amovatg aPPlied in the ordec provided,in Faaagmph 3. and t&en topmp syme�t of
<br /> ` �� : ..�'� ,principaL Any application of the pmceeds to the pnnaQaf sha11�not extead or postpone the du� date of the mantlily
<br /> ;°s Pa]+m�m.cvWcl�are referred W is Pa�agaph 2.or change the amonnt of sucb payments. Aay exoess pmceeds over an =
<br /> - ` , amomt�req�i taf$sy�u�siaz�ng indebtedness uader the Note shaIl lse paid to the entity legally entitied the�eto."
<br /> . �r,.%�, 8. Fe� Ixttd�s�m�o�ll�ct fees et�charg�authorized by the SeQerary. ' ' _.
<br /> • , 9. Gro�sf6rA�'f�m�YDebL
<br /> '-�'"` (e)DeiauI6 Ir�dei maY•except as limited by segWations issued 6y ttte Secretar�r in the c�ase of payment defantt�.
<br /> . � , "•�" ' requi�immediatepay�ent in fuYl of a!1 swns secu�ed by Ehis Sec�sity Inswment�
<br /> � C)Bormwer dtfauit�by fa�ing w pay in full any montiily payment reqaired by tIus Securiry Insuumeat prior _
<br /> _ . ," ta or oa the due date of 81e aea�t moatl�ity payment,'or �=
<br /> . °;'�,' � Sn��Bonow�ts by fa�ing,far a perind of thirty days.to p�rF�m�y other obligations cantained in this
<br /> ',.;�r,-.`, � (b)Ss�Ls Wttinaut Css�t Ags�vu� Lendea sha11,ii permi'tted lryappHcable taw aqd witb tbe prior approval of tJ�
<br /> Secc�etary,ceqaire imanediate payment ini fiill of aIl tJie swns seaued by this Security I�trument I�
<br /> t,: .' ._ , • (i)AI1 or part of the Praperty,or a benefclal interest in a uust oomiag aII csr part of t�he Fitiperty.is sold or
<br /> .,,.. .' . otherwise transfeme�(offier th�by devise ordescent)8y the Bvrcawer,and ..
<br /> .. `.�°°� (ii)T6e Property is not ocaspied by the pu�aser or giaatee as his on hea principal�esi¢enc�,or the p�.,3s�r , _
<br /> ".'; ;;-,..�;:;,: �' :•">., or grantee daes sa aocaPY dte PcopenY trat his or hea credit has nnt been appmved ia accbrdm±� _.
<br /> ., . �f, ,�<...<. wit�the ceqwmments af the . � .
<br /> ;. . ' � .. (c)No V�Taiver. ff ci�umsmace.s�at wanld�mit I�eaide�to requm��m.ed9ate payment in fn11,but Lender
<br /> ,,,,•;�-,-..�.-.;-�f� does not�'esacb paymea��does nat wa�ve it�rightY witb eci ta tevents.
<br /> '�. �, . •... - -- . . -.(d Liegoitio�-of�E� -�ia-many 'cu�acesregntations�'�ssuedby-� w71-iimitieader's .. .... --
<br /> _ '.� : ,:`:: rigtsts, in the cxss of paym�nt deefautts. w teq�Ir+e immediate payment ia fuil and f�se if,not gaid. 71�s
<br /> ,� �.. •�,�-.,.�: Seiurity Insrmment daes aot antJ�ntize�accelet^�on or foiec2osiue if not p�by regnlations of the Secretary.
<br /> „
<br /> .r>. . " (e)144��igage Nioi Insnt+e8. Bormwea agrees tLai shou2d dus Sec�ity Ins�ment and the note secuied thereby uot .
<br /> �. .��..,
<br /> '- ----..�.,� ` 6e eligi'ble for insurance under the Narional Rousing Act within !7�� from the _
<br /> '...� .. j. .. . _ e . date heieo�Lsnder ma.at its tion and-notovithsfandin ari , ' '
<br /> � , Y aP g Y����r�9 tetIuue imi�diate PaYme?ut it► _
<br /> ,;� full of al�sums secvred•iry this Secur,ity InstrameaG A written staferaeut of any a�uthorized a�ent of ttte Secretary _
<br /> . . �2 . dated xabsequeat to 8 � � fram the date hereof,dectining ta ictsure tRis Sec�uity -
<br /> _ . Instrument and the note secur���,shari Be deemed conclusive proof of such iaelig�s� Notwh�staading ' =
<br /> • • . the fonegaing,this option may not i�execcised by I.euder whea the unavaila6�ity oF in�is so�ely due w =
<br /> . . '.�.: , Lender's�ailare to remit a mortgage i�sirrance premium to the Se�iacy. :
<br /> � �`�;�.���•... lU RelnsIIateineut. Boaac.�a has a ri�ht w 6e reinstated if Lender�as c�guired"rnt.*^..ediate payment in fuU because of =.
<br /> ==±��ir�%%,';;:�,�:�:.. Horrowef s faiI�e w�pay an a�*�rt'due ander the Note or this Sec�uity Ict��vraen� 1T.�z�ght applies even after fo�tosvr�a --
<br /> ';;,.,,',:;'.;;.�::,� �` pmreedin8s are iastiarted. To�inshate ttee Secutiry Iastiument,Horrowe��i!tcnder in a Iump�um at3.amounis required to =
<br /> _�:�.�..:�:=-��•f;•: bring Barrowe�s eocouat carre�it iacli�ding.to the extent they are obli�s�s of Bosmarer�mder this Seauity Ins�ent, _
<br /> =`� ' .. .', .`�. fos+�closune costs and reasonabte aad wstomary.attomeys' fees and c�ses pruperty associated with the fa�c2osiue =
<br /> : .,-.:":���� t groceedin Upon ninstate�ent by Borrower,tWs Secun Instrwnent�r3 the obligations that it secut�zs shall remain in -
<br /> � g e ry _
<br /> � _.,. � effect as if Lender had aoi reqnued immediate payment in full. However,Lender is not reguired w peqnit reinstatement if .
<br /> - � ` � (i�lxa�r tscs acregtes!zems�me�t afi�!he eamm��-�^:-o€fc:�csun gs����imia�:��;�i�.; -, --_- _
<br /> f� � A �� prece�img tiie commeacement of a cument fomlosure pmoceding,(n�reinstatement wU precIude fomc2osure on diffecent
<br /> gronnds m the fuhue�or('w'y transtatememt wr�l adverseiy affect the pnoisty of the lien created by this Securi�yr Instrument
<br /> � .5��;�:'.�,� �, 1L'Bnrr+awer Not Ret¢ased; F� tfy I.�der Not a Q'�aiver. Extensioa of the t�me of payment or
<br /> -_---: �;�.� ,;:.' madifica6on of amortizeuon of the snms sc�by this Secnrit�,+Inststc�grar►ted by Leader to any successor in"utterest
<br /> _�-•=. , of Barrower sha11 s�ot operate to,,stease sDe��1iiCity of ttt�a�i�ttal Bd��r or$vrmwe�s suooessor in iat� Lender
<br /> - �'- st�all not be regaired to camm��►:gmree�i.*�s agaInst�;-successar d�,'interest oa�fuse w extend paae for pa�irnt or �
<br /> -'_�-�� oth:rwiso modxfy a�mortizati���tte sums secured by t�Security .�.��Shument by ieason of any demand �6y tlie •
<br /> orlginal Borrower ac Bprsawer"s suc�cesstins ir�imtecest �iy forhearaav.��iy�.ender in ex�ng eay d�ht oz remedy ahaU'
<br /> n
<br /> `,��5.,: not be a waiver aP�onpreClude 8�e eaencise c�'��right or remedy. ' � . . ' . .
<br /> ----,. lZ.5uac�s e�nd Asslgas Bona�;��ttt ead 5everal Llabil��g; �rSignet� 'Ihe covenants and a�eements of this .
<br /> °'.y=��? � � Secwity Iastr�ment shalt�8ind an�benefit the successors and assigcs c��der and Borrower,svb1'ect to the pmVisions of
<br /> '�i{;�,� :.- `� Paragraph 9(6).•Bormwer's cowenants ead a�reemenb shaII(se joint an,d severci�. Any Banouwes who co-sIgas ttiis Seauity
<br /> '� � � ( igoing tY Y � a8e,;grant and cAnvey that
<br /> �.:..��A Insownent but does not execute the Note: a)is co-s �g Sesuri lnstrumeni onl w motg
<br /> =-��,�,7�`-'"� Borrowe�"'s terest in the Property urcder�he t�as oP.this Securiry Insa�.�enx(b)is not personalTy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> EII
<br /> _-_ -._�_,, secured by Security Iastrument;end(�)q�w�s I�hat Lender and a4y adfier Borrower may agree t�e�ad,m.odify.forbear �
<br /> -���'-° � or make any acctrmmodations with regxarb t�4ie terms of thia Sec�it�n Lt�s'irutnent or the PIo4e aiitm»t tbat Borrowej's . _.
<br /> �=�Q�: . wnsent �
<br /> -- 13 Nott�. Any uo�ae w Borrower piuvided for in tbis Secnrity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by '
<br /> ``,":���5��;�y5�` mailing it by fitst class m�it ar�T�ss ayglicable law rcquires use of mtather methad. The natice shall be directeA to the
<br /> _ ; :'r��;�°. Fioperty AdQress or any other�C�ess Borc�ower designates 6y notice W d.eader. My no�ce to Lender shall.be given by fiist
<br /> _ : ._ ctass mail to Lea�'s address stated here�c�sany address Leader desi�ates by notice to Borrower. Any noticepravided
<br /> -- _c��-���.:` . for in this Securiegr Iasomment shay be d��to hnve i�een given to�a�rower or Lender when glves�as provided 'ia this
<br /> - . � '...,'s.,,: patag�h.
<br /> ��J♦ . • -14. Coveming Law;Severebitity 17�is Security Insavment shall be govemed hy Federal law and the law of tPie =
<br /> :::�;,,�. . � jutisdiction in whlch the Property is loca�ed. In the event that any provision o7 clanse of dus Secwity Ynswment or tLe Nate�
<br /> , coaflicts with applicable law.sucb wnflitt ahall not affect ot�er proviscons of tJus Security lnstrument or the No�e whisb can
<br /> . be,g�ven� effect arithaut the conflicdng provision. To this end the provisians of tti3s Securiry IasWment sutd the Note su�e
<br /> _ � '.� : � ' � declared to be severab2e.
<br /> - �' 15.Bor+�owes's CApy. Borrotiver sha116e given one oonformed oopy of this Security Insaument
<br /> ;•��:�r�•� 16. Asstgament ot YiFnEs. $orrower ianconditiaaally assi�ns and.vansfers to Lender aU the rents end revenues of the -
<br /> -- - Borrower authorizes i.ender or Lender's agents to coltect the rents and revenues unA hereby directs each tenant of �
<br /> •: , • � t6�perty to p�y the renfs to Lender or I.endefs agents. Hov�ever,prior to Lende�'s notice to Borrower of Borrowe�s =
<br /> - breach of any cavenant orsgreement in the Security Inswmen�Borrower shall collect and receive aU�nts und reveaues of e
<br /> � , the Ftoperty as iru�tee for the 6enefi3 of Lender nnd Botrower. 'll�is assignment of rents constia�tes an absolute assignment :.
<br /> °��' ;...`�;:'. _:.. . and not an esslgnmeat fdr additional security onty. ' _
<br /> '• �' If Leadet gives nodce of bc�ch to�orrawer: (a)all rents t�ived by Borrower shall be hetd by Borrower as trustee
<br /> � for benefit of I,.ender oaly.to beapplied w the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b) LenBer shall be entitted to =
<br /> _-_, -- collect mnd receive all of she rents o�-the PropeRy:and(c)each tenan�of the Fropeny shall pay all rents dne and unpaid to
<br /> . .• • ' Lender or i,ende�s egent on Lendera.written detnand w the tenant -
<br /> . • Borrower has.not executed any prior asslgpment of the rents and has rtot and will not�erFoma any act that wonld '
<br /> . t prevent Lender fram eaercis�n�its righb under this Paragaph 16. -
<br /> .- , Le,'►Q�situ3�ttot Ge:eqt�trzdr w c�►i�e u�U:1�ac�-cn,iavi vi or maintamr fhe Prupertybefvre vr�ter na�of -
<br /> _ , ._..:• _• . .
<br /> , : : •. bmacb to Boaower. However,l.snd�r or a judic«lJy aypointed receiver mny do so at uny time there isa�br$�ac�. My �
<br /> ___ • appliGntion of renis shall not c�tre or waive uny Qefnult or mvalidute any other dght or remedy of Lender. 'ttus assignmezn of
<br />___ • rents of tha Praperty shall teiminute when the debt secured by the Secutiry instrument is paid in full. , �� r� �
<br />_ ' IPage 3 oJd pagea)
<br /> A ... ,
<br />