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<br /> ' ' BORROWEat COVENA,'�iTS t�nt Bormwer is Iawfully seize�l of the�he�eby conveyed ond h3s fhe dght to g�ant . ` . �
<br /> -" �� ..` � iind canvey the Fropei'ty aad that the Property is urr�acumbezed.eaccept fvr enaunbr�nses of teaord. Bonower�vascunts anb [ :_
<br /> .,..°� •`�` a r i D d e f e n d g e n e r a l l y she�!e co the Property egauut a11 claims and demaads,subject to any enaunbrences of re�ord.. . . '� �
<br /> . . �.t .
<br />-- � UNIFO1tM COVENANTS} ' Borrocver shall a whe�dae the principal of.und interest on. � � .
<br /> 1. Y�epmt�t oYPtf�td�l,Zaterest t�ad Y.�te Cb�� p y. he .
<br /> - ` . � the dQbt evideaced by the Nnte and Iate ct�ges due undet the Not� � ' a meaa. i -
<br /> — ,-, . 2, Moathsy Pupm�nt of TASev,i�..�,�^�•�a�Ot$er t�tm'�� Barmwer sI�D inctutls.in�6 masithly� Y , ..
<br /> _ `+ �:�-�"'�`` to er.with the �I and interest as set forth ia the Note aad any late c3�arges. a sum far(a) taxes and special . _F'. ..,r
<br /> ` :�� as�assments leviedp�p be le�ned against the Poroperry. !1�)teasehold payments or ground rents on the Progelty..�d
<br /> - � ` ` . . (c}premiums for insurdace�Nired ander Faragtagh 4. In aay year m wluch the Lender must pay a mortgage iasuraace °s ; �,
<br />�:.•;;, ',.`a;,'�:., p�ium to the Secretary of Hous�ng and Utbun�velopmen!t°Secceta�Y"),or in any year in wtuch suc6 pieminm woWd (
<br /> �ave been�if LeRdcs st�71 keld the Seauiry Insuwnen�eacb monthIy paymeat shall also iaciue instead of�a mortgage '
<br /> � � ` the annual mo e mswrsnce premium to be paid 6y Lender to the S�,or(u)a monihly charg `:,,.:
<br />�4.. '`.:� - ias�a-ance prem�i i if this Secunty Insavment is he2d by the SeAet�yy,m a reasonahle amonnt m be dea�rmined by the ;: •`�f,
<br /> i T
<br />��,. ,..� ge�emsy. Except tor the mnnthly charge by the Secmtary,these items�+e called"Escrow It$ms"and the sums paid t�I.ender .
<br />�. �;,' � ate called"Fscrow Fwtds.° � ate amounY aat to eacceed the maximwn .
<br />----- Lendet may.at anY time.collact and 6o1d amonnts for Escmw It�s in an agSreg .
<br /> � , ammunt tbat may be requued for Boaowe�s esaow axount undet tLe Re�al Fstate Setdement F�uaedures AcE of 1974, 12 �:-,,
<br />_� � ' �`.,: US.C.� 2601 et r,ea. and implementmg regutations.?A �t Fart 3500. as they may be amended fro�time to timQ �.�`�r,,
<br /> -�°-` , ,. ("RESPA").excePt tbat the cashion or reserve pebutted�try RFSPA for ananticipazed disburse�nents os dasbutsements before '=?.:;:
<br /> �; �.,,!;.:�..�:;
<br />�` ;,'..� the Bormwe�s paymeats are ava�abte in the ac9count may.not 6e based on amnunts due foz the mortgag�iasurance premium.
<br />�• . . ' �•� • If the asnounis Qeld hy Lendes far F�ow Items ea�oeed the amounts permitt�d to be heid by RESPA,Lender shaD deal • ",_,
<br /> �. `'i,:°:�,�;< . vmh the excess fnnds as�eqaued by ItESPA. I�the amounts of funds tie2d by I�nder at aay time m�e not s�cient tQpay the t.`,� .f
<br /> s --� Borrowea ta maks u the shattage or deficieacy as �i
<br />� , : _._. . Escrow�Items�when.due.I.ender ma}r notifjt the Borrawer and iequue ; _. ._ . .p ...-. -.--.- . -- ..-.-- -.-.-- -. ....
<br /> g�mitted by RESPA
<br /> -= '.°,. •�:`'��,�. 1he Escrow Fimds are ptedged as additianal securi!Y for all sums sec�ued by tSis Security InstNment �f Batrower �1A�,�
<br /> . h �-�
<br />`�� ~..' . , t�end�s m L,eader the fuil payment of all sach sums,�s�a¢ower s ac�cwat shaU be ccedited with ths balaace remmiaiag for aIl �F,-_^'-
<br />,� a .« , inst�llment items(a).(b),and(c)and eny mm�tgage ias�nce premium installment d�ad Leridea t�aot become ubligated w.• ��.,F,,
<br /> a� ; :'` "'�t'' ..' paq ts the Se�y,aad l.cader shall pm�n�tly refund any.excess t�nds to Bo:rower Immediately priar w a foreclosute sale � -
<br /> •' of the Propetcy or ita uisi6on by I.ender: Barrowe.�s acoourn shall 6e credited �vith-arry balatc�.e.remaining for a11 �.�;
<br />=;��' : t °� - ' instalimeats fur mems(a). ),and(�)• � �°°�
<br /> :;;;,;.,:'°• `., ts�paraSsaPhs 1�d 2 shall be appli�d by Lender as follows: �•,-_
<br />� .:';:A�{°_, � 3. Appticatt9ao� eats. Allpaymen � b 'g�"�- �-
<br />— .,}��''`�: : ` � FIL�ST.m tli�mortgage insvisnce�Sae�+i�n to be paid by Leade,r ta the Secr�y or w the mon c�g�, Y �.u.�
<br /> s �y. �h2��tgage inspranre mium: l.,�_:
<br />_ , ,4� �pe u�stead of the mo F� ts� and�i: aa ocfler
<br />�'�';,. �;:ir��f �CO.�3 W any taxes.speSial �,,,� Ieasehotd payments or gmvnd cen ftood d =-__-
<br /> a.5�:� ts, ---
<br />_-�, :��s;� h�rd,,,�,•A„ce pmmiums,as required, ,. �._:__�-
<br /> ... ,. . „-,..,..
<br /> , .. D to iateiest due�mder tPte Note; � GL_�;t�r
<br /> G�
<br /> � ,... .. to amurtizatioa of the priacipal of th°Nu�;._ ,
<br />��,j'y�./�, . • to late chatges due uader the Nooe. � ` ' � - ___
<br /> � � :.. perty whether now
<br />- ;�}� .. ''- — -
<br /> -`,,;+�`,�r`� ` � :;` A. F�Tr,'€�od aind Ot�er Baza�+d Insoaano� i:r`airower sha�i insure a11 improvements on t6e Pro , _---
<br /> er far whi�Ixader �
<br />��;•i:���;"; �' ainst an ha2ards,.e�ual��'�and contingencies.iaaluding fine, _
<br /> .,��.,::�,,•.: , . in�xlstenoe�e.�sabseqaentIy erected ag y. _ rds Borrower . --
<br />�. .,s,;,:;,� •.�.•' nequices iasuranee. 'lbis insuranoe sball be maintFnned in the aar�..�aud for the pesiads tLat Lender requires.
<br />�Y:-r��•::'.. ,_ :. � shall also insure all'�mprovements on the Pro�rty whether now ia��cisteace or sabsequently erec�d.agaiast Iosa by flnnds _ ------
<br />�"�,_'�'"�.:��:` '"'.'� '.� -w tt�e e�tent required by the Secreta�Y. All ms�uaace si�l be carcied with compaaies approved by Lender. 'Yg�e insurasce , ___
<br /> '`����'•;:,' �-�' potis�ies and any reaewals ahaD be held by Lender and sha11 include loss payable clauses m favor of,ana in s fo;�acc:,y�tab2s' __
<br /> ' , � '°,_ w.l.ender. "
<br /> -�.'-'�;�;��;t�_�°��., � In the eveat of toss.Borrawer s6all give I.cnder immediate noti�e by ma7. Lender may makepmo f af loss if not made
<br />