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<br /> _ - .��-€....,.,.r:';:: to IndusVt81 h�glena or enviranmentaf protecUo�(coneoSveJy reterred to herefR as"Ern�[r�an���ecti eIy refemcd�to' �;} ..
<br /> �4-a k��BPcoparty►treet�atteupatancesdeemsd4oDahesardouaartoxicunderanyEnvlronme ( ,
<br /> he�n es''14szas��ualul�tHa[s"�-TrusUAr hereby wartar�and�epresents to tsndert4��t thare ate no Hamratoua Mat�teis an or y -*
<br /> itedlrestor�.ofttc�re�emA�aY�andeger�.and . < .
<br /> �� ,.",.�°'�,.. und�thaPirapertY•truetorhorebYfl9reastOtndetnnffyandhotdAartntasslsstdar. .
<br /> �- ` s efly suacossam to 1 e�de�a fateresx trom end eg�stnst e�+y e�s�etl cteim�,da�r.a8es.last�as artd ltaDtit�es artsfng in conne�tion wi9� �, �..,
<br /> `. .,,. .�
<br /> _- �_" ttte pr�n�use.dispusal ar tranBpoA ot eny H�zardaas Metsriats on,undar.frot�ot about the Pro8et4Y.n+�r�ac-c�oorsa f
<br /> '.'��.`�;;._�' . .
<br /> ,�•-"'�`� �UAilIyE R�CpNVEYA(SCE OF tFl(S DEED OF TRUST. �
<br /> ;,.:��°`; _ � � 10 Assisnm�t of Ranb.trustor heretiyl assigas to LenQer th�rents.tssuas and prof�ts of U�e Property:Pravtded that Tius4or '�,'
<br />,�c:�_ . �..<•",,. ���Lr�tl�fheoccurreneeofanEventofQe�4auk6ereurtder.havethedghtWcollectendretatnaucRrents.tss�asandproAtaestheY ��
<br /> `�,;?�?�.�; ..-'�•:� i�Upcn tha oc�ua�enca of an Event of Delautt Lenater may.either in peraon or by sgent�ttt�or�ertthaut =_
<br /> . . . ,':.}, become de�end(sayab or ti e�ecetvar eppofnied E�y a couR and wiihaut re�ard to ttte adeRuacy o1(ts securiall+eMar °_
<br />::?�:,'-:r'`:.`,:- f,� bringingaayectlonarproceedin$. Y =
<br /> �•�-.��.°`-0-:._ t�andtaicepassessiondlthePtoperty.erer►�►O�ther�of.initsownnameorinthenaeneattheTrus��ofor��it�ssttherein.
<br /> `:.,: � �:-•�..� . � � -
<br /> -�---�r`-�.: :� deem�necessatllardesirabfatopresetvethevatue.market�:siltryurren�tlt3y►otti�aProperly.oranYD� __
<br /> ��-.�,�� R' d D sEesston af the Rropsrry.sst0 tar cr
<br /> =�;.�:�•�:�, inc�ease the tncome theretram o� rotect tt�a sscudtit hereoT$nd,with or wiihout taicin9 pa
<br />����?_�,•__�^,.�x`{' othe r w i s e eo l te c t�a n e r n s,i s s u a s e n d p r o t i t s t h e r e o t i n c tudtrt g ttcasa piast d�an�8�ured ershy a t�I tn�c N o r d e r a sa t e n d a r k w
<br /> =;;L��;;.�•_�; � enyersesalaperaUooan6coltec'�toninciudingattasneys t6,e9.up �►5► _
<br /> .-,- ,.n�... . �rtd takin s5es�ton o i t he P r o p a rt y.t h e c o l t e c t t o n o i such�ents.tssue�and profits and tha =-
<br /> r: ,,. . may dster:ntne.�te entertng Wop 9 0° ---
<br /> ``�:�-�'��"�' applfcation thereof as abresaid.shatl not cure or waive a[�}I dstault or notice ot detautt hereunder ar imatidate anY act dona in -
<br /> _-=���� resApr�seto sach defauitof pursuantto such noUce of detaultand no���dingthe conUnuancetnpasseSSton offhe Properiytar
<br /> ''"''.`'�._ ." � t3ss coltsctlnA.�e�e1D!and apnitc�tlon of�^�.iasues or Praflts.and Toustea and Lender sAal1 be enf3lted to exorcibe cfvery ri9m
<br />_{�[�t'�!',.:..._":'-�� —
<br /> - ,.,f��,� prcvtdedtarinet�yoiM9Lo8nQocumaMsarlr�(ar+tupan�tanCeotanY�tof[Tafa�tallbeu�mulat[�rawii?►iffi�ontnep�� , _�
<br /> ,r�_ .��.,L�-�� cs�ctse the pavrar of safe.Fu�s.tendar's rig�s ersd c+�dtes artdar th�R�9►�D —
<br /> ;_n:
<br />. .��t,-�!t�,� •;
<br /> • Lendatsdghta��t+e�ttedi�underanyas�!�e�ofleasessndret�tsrecord�slagainsttSseProper4�l:Lsnder. ncstea
<br /> ,-,:.._<<°, ...tt�:astianon. � .
<br /> --.-"-,-•:.�'��� . . a�dtno�ehreret�alibelt80���caurRot�tyt_titCS�r�eGlueltyraceived.. . .. ... _ ... .
<br /> s�. ,, -. . ,
<br />_ :�`t'`f".��"�` 1t.�d D�faaR.Ths�oiio�rtRg s!►�ll constld�ta an Event M Qefault under thia Oeed o�Ynist. . ..: . • . —
<br /> �,,���,�i� • (� C�.�re to pay eny irista1fr�[ert�u��incdpal or Ir►i�:est at arry other sur•►secured herehy when du�
<br /> --°-fi;�:�� (b)A�r2ecAofar¢�3�altundeiE.�t�dstencaMainedinthe6�ate.thtsOeedofTnrst.ae�Yaft!►eLoanQoeumerne.or�y .
<br /> _ =�^,�. ather lten or Qnaumbranceyt�?the PiroDertY. .
<br /> `_�'�,=.`:•,•, . . (c)Awriiolexecu��aorattac8mentararrys��1�processshettbeentereaagainsiTru9torwhtcheha�►Isecomsatier�cn
<br /> -"'`�==� . .the Rrb0�44?i�Y Portlon thereM oY tnterest thec�
<br /> � (�Ttu��sha�!be med by or agafnst Tn,stor orBoROwar an ectlon urder a�►y present or tanute tederal.sta4e°T°S�er
<br /> statute,ta�ra n�regutation�etaUnfl w bast�cruptcy.Msatvency ar otts=s retie3 tor defstor�or there sf�aft Oe appot¢te�any tru�r�,
<br /> 'i.b_"�� .
<br /> `-" "��-�-_� receixetailtauidatorotTrustororBcr[awerorotaUoranypaRalttteProPerty,ortherenta.issueaerprotimthereoi.orYn�cs
<br /> ` .or Boaawer shall make arty Seneral ma�i8"ment tcr tt�e bensfit ot creditcr�; �a`�,
<br /> .: .� d`����� .. ,
<br /> :_„�;,�.,.,,�,., _ (e�'�he�ate.transter.tease.assignrtan�com�nce or turtber ertcumbrance ot ail or aeY�pa�de0�tha4'Trustor s�!!be
<br /> _ " .�:.rY.nx� .��
<br /> ,°•• ' • ' �'..Praparty�,�Ither valunt�Uliy or involu�arit�t.wi@�crs4�«:e exD�ess wri�en coitsent of Lender.p
<br /> _ �...: ,._: .- �
<br /> _� a__;o;_�
<br /> -_-_-_-_=� parmif+�ita,Bxecatt��tease oftliePro ...� tt�aS�ogsm7tcontalnenopUontoDu,rchaseandtltetrmtofwhi�",�snote
<br /> - _---_:-•��� . • oneye�: '• , , .;: .: . : : . . �:�_
<br /> ---_- _-_"" (fl AbandanmerttqfttsePropeRy:t�r �g�entconveyanceorencumbranceofsa►urethanatx�. ,
<br /> _� (gy It�rustcrisnatanindivtduat,tt�9is's�ac¢c�s�i�transfer.
<br /> --����t,.:�_�y . ercentoi
<br /> -- - • -���_percent ot Qt a corporaUon)its Issu�it��c+�nding atcck or pt a paRnorahip)a total W P
<br /> --- - = p�tr�ershtp interesta dJr(ng�he ped�ttais�eed oT T�ust remains e Ilen on the Rroperty. ,.
<br /> ---
<br />