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<br /> ��, ° � '4HIS C��D OF TFtUSY.la maQa as of tRS.l.Rt�day.�t e� 18�..6y cirsd amatsg d
<br /> J . ' . • . . �.-.
<br /> - = 3 � 4�� the Tn�stor. � _
<br /> ,"` `E< , � 'R .. wAu�rt►altinp c�ddcess is 1616 �i�g��a Av� 6rau� Ielub9�rein'Tn�r.���►e��or moreA R=
<br /> :�}`�` .. . � , �;
<br /> ��;'�, ,f � . �.' 1he Truate� . , �
<br /> -=�-t t--. P.O. E�s 3'�'!. d��tt9 'E�lott�s � 6�@02 (hsseta�Tn�stea"�ens �`:
<br /> - ,- �� � '' whoss matitng e6drsss ta -_
<br /> _ -` ^�. Piva @oiu�a Sa�6s -
<br /> ��, , fDt@ B9nsRCi8ry. ' •
<br /> _ _,..�
<br /> _ .'' �{';�,��<�,:' �,
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<br /> �`,°� :` . `• �Vliose melting aQQress Is 2015 N. HrosdYall [�sand E�land. K8. C:8�02-iS8?� (Agretn"Landei'�.
<br /> _ '_� ��`:` '''` '.•„� EOf!VA6UR.BLE COI�iSIDERATIQN�Iadudfng Lends�s exters�an of credit IQentifled herein� td �ovle -
<br /> .. ., i,r
<br /> �'r::. :'' ;..
<br />- _. ,�< �'�,`;. :` :< i Barbata A �o�le whether one or rnaca)and the trust harein a�
<br /> _. ;.•.,K_I.,. .,` @erein"Borto�e�'. -
<br /> - ., .:� • ,��:�r,,,. th��eceipt of whtch is hereDy ackaowladged,TNStor herebY(rte!ro�absY gi^ants.ttansfers.+xnveYS�and 2saigna to Trus�e.l�! -
<br /> �`y��".��( ;�;-` TRUST.�NRHRaWEROFSA1.E,gorBee6e�efitsndGecurtiya?Lsrcesar.undarandeubjecttPtheterensartdcondlfIonsh6reinet0erset --
<br /> ;_.,.3_,-��,_==;.t-�� • _
<br /> -�:�. . a. [prih.the real rcPe�►•desr.��ts tottow� --
<br /> J_ }.�r.i„:�...
<br /> �,m _ L}�oL S/t���c 6;, 2oak Feur t�) H.6. Clarlce dddittoa to 4he Citp at 8sand Ieland,
<br /> Y. �'1e�1' �yp� A� W��yt ��� . .
<br /> f :%.FmIL;s,r , . •
<br /> L�,t,,, �•--``.�ti.��`,��,�J . ' ' ,
<br /> •, :..:.., • - �,,
<br /> _ ' �m�.:�.' ...: . .
<br /> .^ . � , ....TaBether wtth ati�bufldin��improvemenb.fixtures.8tteeis.elieye,passt3gsweys�em3emen4s,rt9bts.Drivile(las ettd eyPuRe-
<br /> ?•-,:.�• .. �.z:,`;°
<br /> •.'�:::: � .• : --� rtances tocated thereon a�(n anywise pe�taining tAt�'et�s;an4 the�tenmr issuas-artd Prafita.��rerstor+s and rematndera Mereo'�an .
<br /> ,� V: such psrsonat property that la atmched to the tmprov�ments so as w constiNte a fixWre.inctudit��,but not Itmited to.heattrtg and '
<br />- r-.��"'4:'.,�.r.r�-�: � cooling equlprrr8nt ercd together wtth tt�e hom¢stead or marilal tnterest9.ti any.whicti lateresls are 4rereby�eteased and waive�;all
<br /> �t�2-.1<:�`':h'
<br /> -� :1���.,.:';;,�.a otra+idcb.inctudingreAlacemar�tsendeQdifionsthesetu,isAerebydec(aredtobeapartoitherealestatesecuredbytt►ellenoithis
<br /> Oeed of T�uat ead alt ct tSte foregoirt�betng�etarred to Qerein as ttre"ProDert�: ,
<br />- •,:�.„ ::.`-�� _
<br /> - �'f,�. ��`• , This Qeed oi Trust�shali seeure(a)the payment of the principat aum aitd interest avldenced by a promisaory ncta oT credit
<br />_ '����:;�{��y - � . . �.
<br /> �'�"�• `�i--.'• agreement dated AuQgit ib * 1996 — having e matudty daU�ot wa�� 13th �iN �
<br /> �-1 "L;YC.�I�
<br /> - Lilj�.�':'�I.H'�:.R-%
<br /> ���`�%���'�•' X, tn the adginai principat amount ot$ �•�°'� .an0 any and att modiScatEans.oxtensions and renawals
<br /> -�=�r,:':;::• .:��, thereof or thereto and any and all futura advances and�eadvances to BoROwer(qr a�y of them if more than one�hereundar
<br /> ' `� � pussuant to one or more pramissory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Nota'�;(D)the pr�ymento!athar sums aQvanceA by
<br /> I'� ' � b`�� " I.enderte,proLectths secai►(ty ot the Note;(c)the pertarmance oiall covanants and agreement�of Trustor sei faAh he�ele►;and(dj all .
<br /> ' �X��� present;,-,ts4 future indebtedness and obi[gatlona oi 8orrower(or any ot tttem it more than ona)to lsnder whether direc�Etvfirec�
<br /> ;,,:-i:L�.. �,:,+.;
<br /> absate'�as conttngeM end whet�Et�afsirtg 6y note,guaranty,averdraft or othenvi&e.The Not�.this Oesd of Truat end any�sd ait
<br /> .:�•�i • ,y;�xc ', . o9�erdaayssntst�atsecuretheKOte�ratherwiseexecutedincannectlontt�erew(th.tn�fa�ingwithoutNmttatfonguaranteos,security• ,
<br /> "• r��•'; agreemer.is an6 assigr+menta of teases and rents,shall ha reteRed to hereu�as the"Loan Documents".
<br /> 's 6�;��,� Tn.r s+s co�enant9 and a9rees with Lender es toitow� • •
<br /> -•;Q:_;;-r�.��i t.(FlE�cm�nt ol tndsbbdna�A!I indebteQness secured hereby shalt be patd when dua.
<br /> y����`�"4`"' 2�.Trustor is tho owner oi the Property,hae the rlght an0 auth9rfty to comrsy the Property.end warranta that E�is Uen
<br /> • ;• create^3�areby is o flrat and prior Iten on the Property,except for liens and encumbrences set tortl�by Trustur In wri��g and
<br /> � +�. , d9tivei�etltoLestderbetoreexeCUUonofthis0eedofTrust,andthaexecuttonenddeltveryaithls0aedotTrustdoeanotviotate�erry•
<br />- contraot or other obligatlon W whlch Trugtor Is oubject
<br /> ; 9,T�ss�.AsNa+rts�t.Ta pay defore deUnquency all faxes.spectal easessments aa�d all oth@r charges agatnst Ne Property
<br />- --- " now cr�:eaft�tevied. '
<br />�� --— a Os�iuruta.To keep the Properry InsureA agatnst damage by flre,hazards inotuQed wlthln tAe torrp"wcter�ded coverage;8nd
<br />_ �i,'� , such ot�er hazarda as Lender may.requlre,ln amounts and wltt�compantesecceDtaMe to tsnQer,namfng Lender as an aQdttfonal
<br /> eq
<br />_ ___�_��;, named insured.wftA tcss payabteto the lsnder.In case of loss under euch poticies,the Lender Ia authorized to adjasL coltect and
<br />- , t campromise,alletaimatP�oreunderandshallhavetheopUortofapplyingatlorpaROfthetnauranceproceeda(�toenylndebtedness
<br /> ;,.k; ,` secured herebyand in auch orderas Lender m�ydetermine.(il�to theTrustorto be used fortlte repairor restoraUon of th�Prcperty
<br /> , m(ilptoranyathsr�rposaorobjecteaUsiactorytoLenderwithoutaftectingtheUe�ofthls0eedatTna9tTorth�tullamountsecured ,
<br /> here0�8etore sucb payment evor took ptac@ Any appllcaUon o!procaeBs to Indebtedness shall nat extend or pastpoae the duo
<br />�� _=,�;�,;�'�''-"' date a�any paymenis under the Note,or cure any default thereunder ar hereunQar.
<br />�'� ' S. Eserow.Upon w�itten demand by lsnde�,trustor ehall pay to Lender.(n sucb manner as Lsnder may destgnate.sufficlenf
<br />-"' __-__•_� � � sumstoena6teLendertopayestheybeaome�f�s�aneormoreofthatollowl�7al�texes,aosegsmentoandot�erohargesagalnat
<br />� - - ��i°""' �fhe Properiy,pQ the ptemlums on the property ir�rence requiwd hereun6�r,��nd pli)the premlums on arry mortgag9 Insura�nce
<br /> - • requtred by lenEar. • •
<br /> . �.�Aslnt�nanc�.Pt�p�trs anC!�omA�an��wlth Vwa.Tr�tor shall keeA�e Proparty in good Conditlon and�epalr.eha11
<br /> ` ���, ��,�' prrar�ytL�j repair.or�eylaco any tcP(�mvement vrhicA may �e�imagec!or destrayted:sh2+3 rtat commit or pertntt any waste or
<br /> Cete�vratton o!tha Propertyr,shat�nat�emovay a�^noltsh or s:��art8alty alter arry of ths i:��vaments on 4he Rraperty;ahall�at.
<br /> y
<br /> ,�.,y�.:�, � commi�suiterorper�,ti�iariyacttobedonelnor�thePrapeRylnvtatatlonolanytaw,.ord:nance,orregutatla�►;endshalfpayand
<br />=- �y�-"�.';��..;:_�, . promptry dlscharge r�grustor's cost an0 exp�r:�alt liena,encumbran�es an�chaiges IavEeQ,tmpoaerl or assegsed BSelnat the . .
<br /> � {� Property or arry Rur!�fereot
<br /> �:''�'...``='',:'L:��. 7, �minertt Dosnfirt.LenQer isl�aroby esslgcred a(t com�e.*�aUon.award�,damages and other paymonis or�ellel(horeQnafter �
<br /> '�^":'• '�"�``=�� °Prra�s�tnconnectlanwltt�cors�amnatlonorothertaklrtgaf#hoPropertyorpaRthereot,arbrconveyartceinHeuotc�rr,�_mna-
<br />� -�'��'=`�' `��`�� : U�..�.U�Qer shatl be entltled at ii3 vDBon ta commoncv,ayp�v in and ptoseaute in Ita owrs name arry act1on ar procee�:'.�a ertd
<br />�'' �� � �•` sh�flatso be enlltled to make arry compromtse av seWement in�onneCtton MBth sach taking or damage.tn the sven4 aay.potiton af
<br /> ?. �:'.�-- : ,
<br /> ..i.- .,:..1•"., . •, t►ie propeRy Is so taken ot d�meged,l.ander s7:a.!have the ap8on,tn fta sa1D and ahsolute discretion,w e,ppty atl such Proceeds,
<br />�-���: :�,_�u�-.�••
<br /> -�.,,�:;.•. ; efier6educting thoretrom all coste and expsnses incurred by R In connecUOn with auch Proceeda,upon any tndabteda9sa accured
<br /> �'_�'� =-� �•�•=''��' artQ in such order es lender may d¢termine.or to epp1y a11 sucA ProeeeAs,after such deducttons.to the�eatoratton ef�e
<br /> ---_�-"w�.r:°;���.� ��
<br /> -_ _ ,�,��`rrt. PraperryuponsucflcondfUonsesLondormaydetermlrte.Mya�lic�tlano}Procsedstoln�ebtednessshattnotextendor�astpane
<br /> -.�-- • tha due daW of eny paymenb undar th�Nots,or cure any��'`.�vlt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funda a!�aCl�a pald to
<br />- - • ' . � ' � 7ruatar.
<br /> ��=�'�'•.'�°*" '"F 8. P�lann�ne�by I,�nda.Upon the occvsrenee of e�e�Event ot�etautt hereun4er,or It any aet Is fs6cen or fegal procee�tng
<br />- �``��••.�: '' . " . commencedwtdchmatedatlyafte�LenderalnteresttnthePropeRy;LanCermaytnitaowndiscretton.butwlttwutobliga�ontodo �
<br /> so.and ar:thout noUce to o�demand upon Trustor and wlthout reteasing Truxtor iram enyr obtigaUon,Co any act whlch Trustor has
<br /> ' � agrsed but falt9 to do and may atso do any o2her acl It deems neceoa�ry to protectthe security hereof.Trustor shall.tmmediat�ty
<br />�:�� upon aumand tt�eretor by Londer,pay to Lenderatl cas4sar�d expenses incunsd and aumsexpendsd by Lendar�n connsctton w18h
<br /> •� . � theexerelsebyLoaderofthetotegoingrighb,togetharvrt4�IntoresttAereonatthedotaukr�t�pravldedlntheNoto,whtchshallbe
<br /> : : „ .. .
<br /> ���' �� � ' _ �tl�0 to tlte 1naeMsdtts89 60C�red hereby. LenQmr ahall nct Incur tu►y Uabitity b�caus�of anyth�ng It moy do or omi4 to do �
<br /> �. . . �
<br /> ' hereundet. • � •
<br /> _ . ; ,.
<br /> . . .�, ;. „
<br /> � _ .
<br /> ;�• .. ..t. 1
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> r' , � • :� •'. _ ._--- ----_- _
<br />