, .. . .,
<br /> ..� , . . :. rt : - ----
<br /> __ ��.i ,�.._" _ _ _ _ _ _ i}.� -�.�
<br /> - -. ____.'-_--__ - ----__. -- . . - . . - '_ __.. . __
<br /> "__ __. _ _" ___. .__ .. - . . _ __. .. -. � . . 17r � . ` , - - l- .
<br /> + . . . . � ��� �v���, • '
<br /> 5. N�id ar�royes� Insuraace. Barrower sH�ll 6cesp 4he tmprove�nens�s aotirr existing ar hereafter e�ec�ed ou ahe
<br /> ' Property ic�svnd�aiast toss by Hr�,h�ards iaciuded.witAin tlie term"extsaded aaver,�e"and any other hazArds. iacluding .
<br /> floods or ltooding.fos whtcb:l.ender�eqnims_insutame.'�ia 3nsuranoe sha11 bs ma[ntained in the umounts and�ar the�Oeriods _
<br /> tflat Lender e�quires.The iasvrznce c;inier prmviding the insriianoe sT�itl be chosen by Borrower subject to ia�e''s ap�iavad .-
<br /> wtuch s6att Aoi be unceasaaably wit8held. if Sormwei fails to m�Iarain coverage desttiDed abave. Lender may.at Letuler's
<br /> opt3on,obiain ooverage w�rotect l.ender's ri�hts ia the Pmpertir in��^ntan�with panigr'r�,p h 7. ' . -
<br /> ' . A!!,ins�*�Rre polic�es aad�neaewals s�all be acceptable to�ender end st�all cncdude a standard mortgage ctause. Lender
<br /> shall tr�ve th�aght to hold the policies and re�wats..If I.ender requims,Borrower shal!promptly�,iva tv l.en�er all reoeipts of
<br /> .ga'sd premiums and re�wal nurices.In tbe eveat of tass,Bornnwer sT�asll give pmmgt natioe to tt��insorance raiti�r and Lender:
<br /> • Lender anay mafce pzoof of toss if not made prom�ity Isy Borrower. .
<br /> Untess Le�der sud Borrower otherWise a�ree in writidg.insuraaoe pracePds shalI be sp�tied eo restoratioa or�epair af t6e
<br /> �g�rty dam�od.if the restoraaian or repais is economic�liy feasible�nd I.ea�er's seauity is not lessened.If thG restoratian or
<br /> repair is not eoonomirally feaslb2e or I.ender's sec�uity wanld be lesseaed,the imsutance pdoceeds s�aU 6e a�iited to the svms
<br /> �..re3�sy t�is S�auity Iasicea�n�c�h�or aoi t�di�,�it�s aay e�e.ss Q:ud fi Ba:ro�er. If Banaele,r aban�aas the -
<br /> Rsapettq,or dces aot answer rbit�in.30 days a�Rvm Le�r that the insvra�ce qxri�hus offered ta seute a claim,tLen' .
<br /> Lt�er may �llec!the�„�n;�p�s, lcndar may use the proceeds W r�ep�air or restor� the Pro�ierty or;to�Y s�ms � .
<br /> _ serared b�this Security Instnunen�whe;lxr or not then dae:'l�ie 30�day per�od will l�n whea tlie notioe is gi�vcu. . �
<br /> ' Uniess ixnder ard Bo�wer otheiwise ttgae in writing, aay apgliration of proceeds to priacipa! shall aoY eat+�nd o; •
<br /> Pusipone tiie due date of the mnn;tilY Payments igfer.t�d w in_�arsgraplu 1 and 2 ar change the affianm di ti�e.Payments. if
<br /> under�h 2t the Propertp is aoqiiited by Lender,Bonrower's rIg$t to any ina�mn�polic[es aad proceeds resttltiag ftom
<br /> �aga t�the Property nri�s to the aa�uisidan shall pass w Ler�der to the exte�of the sum4 secured Isy this Sacurity Instrumeat�'.
<br /> imme�iatdy.prios co the scqoisition. . , .
<br /> : ' ' 6.Oocapaney.Ptesesvation,l4�aint�ance and Protedlon oi tbe�rnperty:Botruwer's Loan Appllcat�on;Leasd�old9. �
<br /> Bomower sha#1 occupy,establish,�nd ase.the pmpgrty as Bormwer's griaeipal residence arittwn sixry days after the exec�rtion of
<br /> , • .' this Saa�rity Inst�ument and s6all aontinne fo ocwgy the Property as Bo�rower's prlrsigal re�depoe fur at l�one yeas a11tt
<br /> the date of aoa�pancy,unIe�I.ender ath�nvise agrees in wriang,whIch oonsent shall not be unmasonably withheid,.csr unte�s. .
<br /> e�eaa8ting �s caist wluc6•are-beyand BPrrower's controf: Bomnwer shall not destmy, dam�Qe us.nu�:ir.thz , �
<br /> PcaPatY,allow the Propzrty to detedorate,or oommit waste on the Froperty.Borroprer shal!be in def�Nr if aoy•fa�
<br /> action or pcooceding,whether civil os criminal,is begun tisai in Lendra's goad faith jutlgmeni cnutd resuit in forfeittnre Q�C 1�
<br /> Froperty or ot�er9vise materially unPair the Hen caeated 6y t6is S�eurity Insuumeni or Lende,r's securfity Inter�,s�SofroRer vr,sy ..
<br /> � ciu+e s¢ch a BefaWt and ninstate.as providod in paiag,taph 18,by cavsi�ig the act�on os.Fr�oo�din8 to be 'd�missed with a niling �
<br /> ' tlrat, in Ixnder's good €aie�.detcrminaHon, Prectudes farfeiture of t6e�orrowar's iai� in th�Prap�rty oi othez matetia4•:
<br /> 1a�patra�ern af the�lien�byr this Saxuiry Iacuument or Ix,nder's searrIty iaterat.�Borrowu sE�all a�so b�in defa►zlt"sf :
<br /> . •Bormwer.du�ing t�e toan application prooess,gave materially false or inaocarate infom�lon ai statemeats so I,mdEr(ot f�Cd'
<br /> to pmvide Lender i�vith aay material' .�aX'i;ctr.�tion)in conneciion a+itb the loan evidenced Iry the Note,inci�intg,but noi l�ed
<br /> to.cepn,sentations canceraing BormW;�"?�txcupancy at tl�ee Fivpeety as a principal residenee.If this Se�urity Iastaumcnt is on a
<br /> lpseholrl. Bonower.si�ail comply aG�,.ti� the prov'�sioris of the lease. If Borrower aoquues fee title tQ tt� Prapesty, the
<br /> kasehotd and the feet'itk stritl c�ot mergt�i�ess I,aider agrees to the merger in writing. � '. �� .
<br /> 7.Ptottctbo o!Lender's RigMs itc I�e Ptoperty.If Borruwer faiis to perform the oovenants and agitemesats anntr�in
<br /> this Secutity Instramept.or ehere is a[egal'praceed:n$tGat aoay sigaificantiy affect Lender's rig�[ts in thc Property(such as a �
<br /> proceeding iD banh�uptc3r.pmbate.for condtmnatIon or forfeitare or to enfome Iaw�or i+egulations),thea T.aider inay do and .
<br /> PaY for what�ver is nece.ssary to protect the vaIue of the Property and l.ender's rights in tbe Pmperry.'l:endtr's acbioas n�y
<br /> . inchide paytn8�Y sums � bY_a iien whicb has prioritS' ovet this Se�u�iCy rnsmiment, appearimg iK� rourt, P�yu►$ .
<br /> . rpsonable attomeys'fas and e�[�ring on t�e Froperty to:malce repains.Althal}�ji-�f:rerider may tatce�ction aader tt�is paragrqrh
<br /> 7.i.a�der do�s,aas have to clo so. • ,, ,, - , . ,
<br /> - . -P.n-� �ww�is c�'vurr�xl kry i.ent;E.aUde:t�is ga���-ay,;-.3 sbaii i��ooasz a3mti�a1 irayt o!'£�v��er �ius�;:°� � _
<br /> � �urity Instramtnt.Uraless Borraw�r and I.ender agroe to oWer terms of paynoei►t.thcse amouats sball b�interest fmm tl�se. �
<br /> --- � -��r,i�io�i-uis'�ment aot the�Fate iate�d s�ii be p�ayaIrie, wim in[e�,apan ndtice frem ienderco�vver r�ziug -
<br /> PaYmeat• ' . ' . . .
<br /> 8.Marsgage I�raece.If Ltnder required mortgage insurance as a co�adition of making the loan•sacored 8y this S�cairy �
<br /> „ Lcstrnn�ent, Bonrawcr shaU'PaY th�pr�emIums t�gaind to maintain the mortgage.insuraace in ef�'xt. If. for any masoa;�e
<br /> mortgnge insarana ooveragt iequind by Lender lapses ax.oeases to be in effect.l3ormwer sball pay the ptemiums nqoirad w
<br /> . o6tain noverage sa6star�,ais'y oquivetent to the mortgage insurance prevIously in effect.at a oost substonrI�lty equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Bomower of.the�+ertgage insvrance.previoosly in effect. from an aItemate mortgage ias�er appmva]by'Lendes.If
<br /> su6stanteally equ9valem martgage lnsnrano�oaverage is c�t available.Borrower shall pay to Lender eacs monsh a sum�quaf to
<br /> oae-tweifth of the ycerly mortgage insuraace premium bein;p�id ts�Borrower when t6e insurac�e coverage lapsed or aased to
<br /> 6e in effec�.Lender will aooept.use and retain these payments as e toss resenre in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> � . Fam�3028 9190
<br /> � • va�p3o�e • . .
<br />