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, .:. . . .. . __ <br /> . . , : ;,,_ 1-_ .. : � fv�t-2xs�,r�,•e��.Ki <br /> ._ . :.- r,, z_ _ <br /> . .. . -' _" " .�"�.-.':.'::r_'J,'.:t��:¢.T-k c�"pi _ ��.a�--- _' .._. .. <br /> . - . "- �iw1�1"'1-`_'u`.. � . . _,� . ._"... _. . <br /> a,."___ - �_____""""-�-.-,.-.- ° - . -. " <br /> _-_'_----__�,-.� .-_-T--�a-_,.—�_�.� - �. _ ,� <br /> -__--_- _..._.� —�. ._ - -:.� <br /> -� ._s �.. ��� o�.�.� _�.',�—'__ <br /> _- - _ . ___v._�ssas+ar exe'3�±:__� ._� - .O3i!+`- �"' _: <br /> � _.�_. _ _ <br /> _ .� _ _—W,_�,.� - _-_ <br /> __ . ���w_�,..��._�... �-._ <br /> � <br /> .___� _. __._— -_ _��=�_�- � ,.- _ __ —.-.,_.-._-_____�_.. _ <br /> ��� <br /> .,._�—_ -_— - -"'�.;�- <br /> . . , , . 95�'i�56'78 ; , , , <br /> . ''i'OGETIiER WI'F#1 ail itie iiapmvem�ts now or h�c+eafter erected aa the pm�etty.aad all ea�emeata.,aPirurtenances.aa�ttfi .� <br /> . ' futeues naw os.her�after a part,of the Qrnperty. AI!re�slaceme�as ond additiu�s.shall Filso be ooverad hy this Setautty • <br /> � . Insttumen�AIt of the fo�going is nferre�ta in this Security Inst�um�nt as the°property.' <br /> ' BaRR+OWER QOVENANTS tUat SomnwCr es IawfullY��of the estate herehy wnveye0 aad has the righi to gtant and <br /> - .- �o�v�,[h�?�ty�d thax tte Yra�eaty is aae�mberad.ea�pt[or encumbrances af r�ca:d. Bnnowes warr�ts and wili . <br /> defead geneiafty the title w the Property against uli claims aad d�ar�,subject w an}r esta�mbranoes of record. <br /> TNIS SECiJRPCY IA1S3'RtJiUfEl�3'f'cumbines uniform onvenanis for n�tianal i2se and non-uniform eaovenants arith timited <br /> . oariations hy jmisfictiun to oom�titnte a utufarm securit3+insttu�ii 4�c�iag��ptog�t'�--� � ' � • <br /> UIVIFORN!COVENAI�TS.Borrawer aad Le�e�cavenant aad agree�follows: . � . <br /> l. P�ymeat of Pdn�pal and Int�'es�Pt+epayameat an�Late CBarges.Bomawer sh�li promptIy pay wh�a due the <br /> • pri�ipal of and in'�erst on the debt evideace�63►the Nate and�Y P�P���late charges due�es t�n Note. . <br /> 2.��ds far Taxes aad iosmaa�Sub�t.w sppiirable!aw or w a wn'tten waivet 6y Ixnder. Boirower shall PaY to . <br /> - Leuder on the day monddy payments are due�nder the.Nat�,antil the Nate is paid in fu!!,a snm("Ft�nds�for.(a)Y�Y�� <br /> and ass�ats which may attain prioriry ov�r this Seavity insaivaent a4 a lie�on the Prvperty:(b)Yearly Itas�old paymenis <br /> ' or groun+d re�is an the Property.if any:(c)YearlY�+d or propetty insnrance premiums;(d)YearJY flaoa insoraace pmmiums, <br /> if aDy;(e)Y�Y�SaBe U���1m��-`•if��:ar.d(f}aay sums paya�le 6q Barrawer to Lend�a,in aocordanoe arith . <br /> the ptovisia�s oF paragraph�.in IIeu of thc Qayment of mortgage instuance premiums.T6�.se items are cglled'Escrow Ite�." <br /> Lender any time,ooIIed an�hotd Fnads in an amount aat tP eace�the maximum�nt a.l�der 4'or a federally <br /> r�lated moztgage toan aray rtqaine for Bntrower's escrow acca�t rmder the federal Real Fstate Settleme�Procedures Acc of <br /> 1974 as�dad hom tinoe w titae, 12 il.S.C.Sec,tion seq..(°RFSPA');�Iess anmlher taw that applies w t6e Fcusd.s <br /> � sets a tess�r amo�nt. If so, l.�d� an� t�.ooltea and holc�Funds in an annau►t not w exceed�isser a�. _ <br />' , I�d�may�te tlsG aus�uat of Fu�ods due oa ttoe 6asi§of.s�nt dala and ee�sonable e�Amatrs of eape�ditu�res of fu3ur� <br /> Escrow Items az otI�erwise in a000rdaace with a�licabie taw. , <br /> .. The Funds s6ali be 6eid in an ic�stitution w�ose deposi3s ar�msEUed by a fe�leral agEacy, ins�r�licY, 03 ctuity ' <br /> . (iadading Lender,if Lender is s►s�an instimaon}or in any Federal Home H,,oan Bang.Lender shal�apply d�e�anQs to pay the . <br /> E�ssrocv I�ms.I.eader roay not c��ge Borrawer for fiaidiag a�d applying the Funds.annua4Y aaalYzing the�w aoeoum,�br . <br /> ` veriifying the Fscrow Items.unlCss I.ender pays Bortower i�t An the Fu�ds and appliCable law pennits I�nder ta a�aYe suCh <br /> a cfiarge.Hawever,l�odcr may�equir�Borroaer to pay a one-time charge for an independeat real est�e ta�c reporting sezvice <br /> � py � im connec�on witb this 1uan. unless 9pp1ica6le taw provides othetwise. iTntess an�agreetnem is ro�de or <br /> appficable law req�ures interest w he paid.I.ender shall aot 6e t�eqaired to pay Borrower aay int�rest or eantings on t�e Fiu�ds. � . <br /> Bmmn�er and Lender may a�ree in arriting,bawever,that imemst slt�Il be paid on ti;�,�ii�1�-.�Ader shali give t�,BonawqC. <br /> arithuui cbarge. an annual acca�'t��of the Fuuds,showing credits and debits tn tha ���;+��l,hi??urpose for'�hichi each • <br /> debit to the Fvads sx�s�ade.'Rie Funds a�ple�Zed as addiuonal security far all sums secured 6ji,dqt��l�iritY I�ment. <br /> uca6le law.Leadei��i.�acrrnrnt m Bomnwer <br /> ; [f�e�'r:r�ds.1� . ,�y Lender exGe�d the�i�nts Pemutted to be held t�Y�P. � , <br /> for ti�cc�€����a000rdence with the�of apPlirable law�.�If the amount of the Fuiu�,�fletd by.I�er et any . <br /> tinie'ss'mcrs�e-1�.":;�i1�pay the E�w Iiems when due.Le�may so tiatify Borrawer in writing.nad,in sa��:�arrower <br /> shail pay to i.ends�t�e amouat necessary to malce ap the de�`r.^�iency.$otrower shall make up the deficie�.r"ssN,�:>;�i'�rE than , <br /> � taeiva monthty pa;�nts,at Lender's sole diseretion. . �;. � ,';:;"• <br /> �Upon pay�.--:�in fall of all sums s� by tIvs Securiry t� ,Mi�:�e_ Lender sh�ll protQptty refand to Bm�rrtet a�k.';;;�;. . <br /> Fnnds hetd 6y i.en�z:If.under F�S�P6 2i.I.ender shafl acquire or sefl tile Property,Lender.Prior to the arquisition ar�:,'�'•�•::�'." <br /> of tlre Propaty._shall appIy any F�mds heId by Lendes at ttie time of a�cqnisition or sats as a craiit against the sams s�ucd''by� ; <br /> dus Sea�rity�t. ' . . <br /> � 3.Ap�ptia�lon ot Payme►ts.Unless applisab�e law pmvides othcrivise.all payments reoeived by Lender un¢u pazag�aphs � . <br /> ,. 1 and 2 ehap 6e appE.ed:first,W an}PTeP�Y��Ses due under the 1�C�te:seaond,to amounts payable ander parag�apb 2; . <br /> � tLir� inte��t daG fautt�,to principal due:and arry 1arP chargesdae uader the l�ote. . <br /> • 4.Ctmeg�s;t�.BorroweF shatl pay al!taxe.s.nssess�et►ts.charges.fines aad impositioas attn'butable w shc Property . <br /> � whic�may ett�iix pr.v�rity over t�3s Serurit��Ins�tnunem. and Yzaseitold pay�S ot graund�+eeuss. ii any. Batrow�r slrall pay <br /> � these o6ligabions isx t�ne manner p;ovide3 in paragraph 2.or if aot�paid in ti�t mazmer,i3or�owee�rdli pay taem ou tirue�iir�ty <br /> to the person oai�p�Yment.Bormarr sha11 promptiy furn3sh to Lender a!P Qotices of amowus to be paid under this paragraph. . <br /> _ . - If Horrowei nsaT�es tltese p�Ymenrs d�rec�lY.jsam�ver shaii promp[iy f�dsa to i.e�er receipe eviatc�ing�ix�y�t�r.cs:._ . — - — <br /> � BorroR•er sfiall pmtnptty discliarge any lien�whicb has prioriey ovex this Sewrity las,wment unless Boaower:(a)agrecs in : <br /> • writ4ng to ihe payrr.eni of the obtigation secvTed by tlie lien in a mannes ticceptabie co Lcu�er;(b)cantests in gaod faash the lien. • <br /> by. oi defends�a�ait�st enforcement of ehe tlen in. tegal prooeedings wturh in the 1..ender's opinian ope�ate to p�vent the <br /> � enfaraa�t of the lien;ar(c)sewres frAm the hotder of th�liea an ag�oement satisfactory to�ender su�ordinating the�ien to. • <br /> . this Secutiry iastruQeent.if Lender detemiines that any part of ttie Pmperty is subjoet ta aJien which may attain priority aYer <br /> Ihis Se�uriry inswment.Lender may give Borrower a notice identafying the tica.Borr�wer st�all satisfy the Gen or take mre or <br /> more of the actions�t fQ�th above arithin 10 days nf the giving of nodce. <br /> r�3oze sfsu <br /> � . �:�+s � <br /> - <br /> ----_—__—---_—__---_ �'t"�.�A�'.h��S�N1.4 i��Y��CY,—'_ <br /> �a.iu ' - �— = �.�'ii4:��w�._vl'�—..� ]IiTGY��{lliJ` - __--_..��..�..�a_�."'.-- <br /> — _ _—__—__----�=rr-r' —w'l�.yxr�Y . —_�_c'Y�v°r=. ��.���_ .__— <br /> —_ _ —__---__��.�_r _ — <br /> __ ' �_�;;tL?.1,x¢�'i.x��f�[i��«ill�liklfi�i!�-. <br /> �wtir���g.::. au:—i=�,=a-::w:a�i�e�+.��.�,:-a�—• �'�,t�'ssTa`�� <br /> '� " �.�:-���.��:��4:��.�,�ti����,.�,� b, x . _ - <br /> . ��!'TCq'ig7.°.r.r�s�. � ��� c='i+:aRF.c` �uT' ,r,::;pr��g'' �e�rni �•�.�. ,f Ys. � _ . . . . . <br /> -� .5 Lf : ty.4`.Cr4:; �71�4iu/^A,y,4'•'��':�R.rt. . �. 1 Y '�k r1T .--� <br /> -- "'34� �. S '7t .d.. ��vf� �[r }r v � `7._ �y .x1t ]'S 4: - <br /> ��. �l ��.i .�nyrY. z'� 4,. �n�1"`' h 1^"T!a' •I_"7� -_ <br /> '> �i ? ti; 'i• . ' �•' �,x - <br /> ,ti:.�S ...,�.,,. .�„ti, z+•. _ , N' , �r ' -- — -- — <br />—___, .. . . :� ,. . . . .. . , '\' ._ ':i. , . . � . , .,..,..— <br />