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1�....i�� _ }'' _ . =ae.� 4... 4r f.:..Y _ _-_ <br /> ..+:_�!�_....adrP . .. �•'.�� " . � . 7 5 � •t -.i_. <br /> .. •�C . . . � .l � �1'p t � .�� � 1. -�'�T G5 5' � 'C_`i'L� -�L�.. <br /> r... r x i:�. 4_`, " : ' �s � ". .�'��a f�_+��o< �N...ti � �_.r=_�� .r* - - —. <br /> ��i5:?�!�!. �,_�t i�l.o.��saf�.k+i -- ° — __ _— <br /> ---—1Li . . . . _ , � ; . . . <br /> . . . � .. . . � - i . .. . . <br /> � .. ��= �as� � `. __ <br /> y �densa�tio� 'if:e prooaeds of aw3rd or cinim for dam�ages.ctit�ct or consequendal�in connettiun wiW aay ` <br /> oond�tnnatwn or other Wcins of oay paet of��e Fioperty.or for wnveyance ia pf�e of oaud�mauaon.are hereby�ssigaai' .' — <br /> aad sha�1 be�aid ta Lend-.x co the extent of fmll nmonnc af 8�e inQtbiedness that cemaina mnpaid uader�s Note uad tAis � <br /> Sscuriry Instrument Lender s�ll.ngpiy sncti pmoeeds m t8e reductioa of the ind.zt►tedaess under the Hote aad tbis Securiry <br /> Ins�u� fi�t to su►y.deli�quent amounts epplie� in�s order provIded in �ph 3. aud then to p�epaym�at of � — <br /> ai. An applicanon of the tu th$prindgal shall aot eactend Qr pastpane the dae date of the snoAtNy . — <br /> ��w'�ir��faa�2�i� =s�-�=�-'�''��surh.�n�enis. AnY�ocss Dmoceds over ac�_-- --__- ° <br /> smount w pay all outsstanding ia btcdness unds�the No�:sLall be paid to tfie eantyT�IIjr eatt s� . - - - , . _ <br /> � ill <br /> ��Lender mmy colIect fees nnd ch�es mrthori�by the Seaemry►. � . � <br /> � 9 Graunde for 1#a�eieratMn of�Ei, , <br /> (a)Ddhvh. }�dar m�y.accept es limitsd by regi�I�tions issned by the S��uyr m the c�.se of payaieat defaults. . . _ <br /> is <br /> � ���tt� � �secvred by this Seairity Insau�e�t i�• ' — <br /> (i)B o�e r��1��� m f u ll a n y m o nthi y pa y u b e nt i e q u�e d b y t�is Se�uriti+Ins�nent lmor <br /> m or oa du��pf; . ��Y PaY��•� <br /> (ifl)$olrbw�t Its, `o a�pe�Iod of thuty,days,to�erfa�m any other o�ligations wntaiaed sa this <br /> Security Instrumtnt <br /> : (b)Sak Withoat t�aitt ApprnvaL E�der sball.if peamiued b]►appImable Iaw sad with the prior approval of the <br /> �(ry.crquut i�liate paym�ent cn full af aU iteF sums•se�auzd Hy this Se�miry Inst�us�nt iF <br /> ij AII or part o8 die Pcuperty,or a bene5cial inoerest in a trust owning all or part of the svld os <br /> othc�wise tcans�ett�d(ather t5�u hy devise ordesc�t)6y the Barmwbr,aa� � <br /> (n�'lhe Propetty is uut oon�2sted by the p�rchaser or grantee as fiis ar her prIncipai restdence.or the pnc��asa <br /> � or grantee dues so. aauFY � �D�Y b�t hfs ar her ece�it h2s not been appmved in accordaace <br /> arith the rcq�icetneats of the�e�y� <br /> (e)No Wa4vu. If circa�staaoes aacur th would Qe�mit L�eader ta m,qaire i�iati paYmecit in fal1,bnt Le,nder <br /> does nat roqnire suchpaym�m.L�ndet does uat wa�ve i4s rig�ts aritb cesQeet to suDsequent events. � <br /> (�R�tbas Qf H[1D S�+eWr9• In m�►y cacumstaaces cegulatians�ss�}ed iry the S�m�cy w�l linsit Leader's <br /> . rigt►t�, ia the case�f payment defa� cec�uue immediate paymeat ia.fuII aad faree3ose if nat paid. 'ihis <br /> --------� - ----- ---- -SecurIty Insua�n does uot�ixe aaaeetexa�on or foseelosure if noi peim�to�d by�guladons o�the Sxniacy. _ . . . <br /> (e)Mmtgpge Not iasuied. Bonower agrees dtat shontd this Seauity Ins�umeat aad th�note setauad the�eby aot . <br /> be elig�'6le far insurance under the Natianal Housing Act within from tt�e <br /> ' ' date f�nea�Y.ender its aption end notwithsmnding anything in Par�Siaph g.reqwre�nnaediaze Pt�Yment I°' <br /> full of aII sums s�by ttis Seautry Insh�+�eat. A wrimn ststement of any aathorized agent of the Sc�taiy .. . <br /> dated subsequent w $ fmm the date hereof,declining m insure this Sec�ity . <br /> Inst�utnent and the aote��y.5ird11 be deemed aracIas'sve pmof of such inelig��ity_ Natarit�smad'mg <br /> ' the�'oiegoing,this op6on may aot be exercised by I.eader when the unavailab�ity of i»sutaIIS��S soIe7y due ta <br /> ' Lende�'s fa��w remit a m6itgage insuraac�premiBm w the Secr�tary. <br /> IQ. Rdmtatranm6 Borrower has a n�ht ta►be reiastated if L�ender has reqnued inn�di�payment in foll because of <br /> '��r_:mwec's faiiure to pay an amount due uadea tHc Note or this Sesauiry Insaumen�. 'Itiis ri�s apphes evxn af�er foiectasvr� <br /> are mstim".ad. To teinstate the Sauriry Insaame�.Bo:rower s6�l1 tender tu a lump sum eIl amounLv requued to . <br /> , ' Boaowds acasunt aurent inchtt}a�g,oo eCr�axtent they are abligatio,as a€Bolrower unda tTris Soatrity Instcam�t, <br /> r� <br /> � forec2osure costs amd n�sonsb2e nnd aistn�a��ttomeys' fces aad eup�>�pmperiy associ�ed witL the forecIosure <br /> P�S� UP�n rei�aremeast Borrow� Sea�ty I�ament an�the bligadoas th�t it secures shail nmaia ia <br /> effect as ff Leader had not�immediate payment in fall. if�nwevea.Lender is aoi teq�ced to pecruit reinstatr.�snt If: _ <br /> (i)Leader has acoepted a�nstatement aftsr the comme�cemeni of fnreclosure pmacedmgs within twa ye�s I�iai�ty <br /> preceding the cammencement of a carrent foreclus�ne�a�cd�g,.(ti)reinsmtemwt w�l pneclude foreclosare on diffynent . <br /> grounds in the fabue,ar('iu7 reinstaument wiII�dve�sely affect tlie priority of the liea c�eated by thls Socutity Insuumant <br /> iL Borro�rsr Not �; Forbaran� by i.�adtr Not a Waiver. • Factension of the time of payt�at or <br /> modifcadon of amvttuadon of the sums seruned hy this Sectu�iy Instrameai gaauted by Leadea to any sut�ssor in latenest <br /> �of Borrower s6a11 not opeiate W release the fiabiTrry.of the a�aal Aortower ur Ean+awets smcxssor ia int�aest Leadet <br /> � shal}not be w wmmence pcxeedings agaznst an�y suocessor in iate�esE or�efu,se W extend time.for pa t or � <br /> c�thcivvise m�o�amo�ti�tion af tTie suias sers.�isy this Savrity Inst�ument by reasaA of eny dem�d��he <br /> � orig�nal Boirawer ot Borrowef s succ�sors iiE,i,. Any forbearance by Leada ia eaetdsing enY n�gt+t or remedy sba11 <br /> ii <br /> ' not be a waivdr of or precIude th�exer�ise of a�i�t -t ot remrdy. •. . <br /> IL Stx�oes�ore and Aa�Baund;Jofqtt icad Sever�l Ida6iGty3 Gr:�Si'gne�. Zhe covenaats and agwemmts of tbis . <br /> , Sec���i�isuumeat shall bind and benefit the successors aar3.a�sigas of��r and Borrowu,sub�ect to the provIsions af <br /> . para�t-.r,pb 4(6). Brnmw�'s covenants and ageeme�ts shaL tb¢ju;�t and seve�al. Any$orrower wbo co-signs thig Security <br /> � � . im�hva�ent 6ut does not�;t�thc Nmc: i�)ig c4- �° o��-�'+�}'n�st ar!sr to mo ��t t!nd convty that .. <br /> i. <br /> Burmwd s intete�t in the Progerty under tIIe ter�o�Se�c�uity�Tnsuum��(b)is not peiso y obli�nG9d to pa fhe swns� . , <br /> te <br />- sectiured by this Stemies'�as,�n�rmd ta)ag�es tuxt Le�end enq a�3�osru:era ma�a�to�_iz�,m�fy,forbear . . - <br /> � ' az make any accom�adanons wiW ngard to the terms of this•Securiry�Tr.sSrument ar t�e Nou withnUt that Boaowe�s . . <br /> consaax � . . . <br /> ° p3. Notloes.. My nusice'a��orrower providea.for in this Secnrity Instrument s�.;#f�e given by� oLvetit�g�nc.�ay - <br /> mail�ng it�y first,cL�ss ma�anlessapplicabie law requues use of another methad. '1�:.szotice sha11�directed.tm_iii:� <br /> Property AslQres.g�acy other address Hormwer designates by notice to Lender.' Any nor'�1u£;endar shaU be giv�n�y��fiust <br /> ctacs mail to I�e�.''a address sKated hereln oc�y address l.ender desig�►ates by notice to'E�oaower. Any norice pmvided <br /> � for ln this Secuaity tnshument ehall be deem�d:a�have ban�ven to Ssr�wer ar t�ernfes�vher►g►ven as provided. In tP�Ls <br /> � �-id. Gaverntaa I.�w:Se�'�IIity. ' Securiry Insuument shaD be govemed Fcdesa] law and the lav�q�the <br /> jurisc��ion in which the Property is located. !a�s event that�..*�y provIsion as clanse of�Securiry tastiument or ds� Note <br />- conflicts with aQplicable Eaa.ruch oonflict s6cIT r,�c effect other provisTOns of this 5ecvrity Luhumeat or u�e Note ��t;:s�c�rn . <br /> 6eg�ven� effect without the conflicting pt+ovim:cz. To this end the provisions of this Sequiry Instiv�.s aad the Note are <br /> declaced to be severabt� � . <br />- IS. Borrowe�e Copy. Barrower shaU be given one conformeA copy of this Secunty Instrnmen� _ <br />- t6. A�t oi Rmts. Botrower un¢oaditionally assigns and transfers to Lead�r all the rents and revenues of tt�e <br />- • Property. Bor;awer authorius Lender or Lendes's agents to coltect the rents and revenues and heieby diiects each teaant of <br /> - the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's ugents. However.prior w Lender's notioe to Borrower of Bo�wer's <br />� , �6ra�sh af riny wvenant or a�r�etnent ia the Scxuiity Insuumen�Borrower shaU oo11��t end r�ceive all renta and revenues of <br /> - . the Yrog�tyr as austee for the benefit oF Lender and Borrower. 'It�is assignment of cent�coasdtates an absoiute assignmem . <br /> ' ' tmd not s�n assigament far addiflon�l securiry only. � � _ <br /> - If Lender gives aotice of breacb to Borrower..(a)all rents received by Bomowes shatl be held by Boirower as orustee <br />- for benefit of t�nclra on1y,to de upplied to the sums serurcd by the Secusiry In.�nmen� @)Lender sr.till be entitled to <br /> ' collect and receive all of the nents of the Prope�ty:and(c)each tenant of the Pruperty sha12 pay oll tents due and unpaid to <br /> - � Lender or lanGer's agent oa Lende�a wriuen demand to the oenant <br /> ° Borrower has not e�cec�ted any prior�.ssi�nt of the rents and has rtot and wi11 not perform any act that would - <br /> ' ps�,went Lender fsom exe�isrng its ri�hhts under th�s Pamgxaph 16. <br /> p Lertder shall not be required 4o enter upon,take control of or.mainrain the Property 6efore or after giving nbtice of - <br /> � breach to Borrower. However.Lender ar a judicialty appointed receiver may do so at any time.there Is a bmach. Any _ <br /> ' uppti�ivn e�?r�ts sSfeif c�at�cura as wasv..any dcfanla or�r:alislata aay a�her.right ar nesa�=aF l.eader 'lbl�essi�at of . ' _ <br /> = rent�of the Property shall terminate when the debt secuned by the Secunry Instrument is paid m fu1L • • <br /> - IPage 3 oJ4 page.+1 = <br /> � <br /> 1 . <br /> ; � <br />