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<br /> -- ____.LT . _ . -- •c -. . - ' . . ` _
<br /> � � � � - � . ��- �a�s� -.
<br /> BOR�NER COVEIV�►N't5 tha#Sormwer is lativfutiy seited of the�heceDy conveyod and�as the dgLt to�rttat
<br /> . aad cQmey die Property nnd thes the Praperty Is uaencumbered.except far eacumbiances of reoor�. Bomowe�a►arrtue�s arc�
<br /> � w�l defend geasraUy the atie tb the PmpertSr agam�aU clmms and de�aads.subj�t w�ny eacmn�aaoes mF secord. ' .
<br /> , LJNIF�RM COVENAY�S'fS. ' �
<br /> _Tt--P�Y�ent ut F��,3nte1�4 at�l_�ate� Bamower shali PaY when due the priacipal of.and intetest on, -
<br /> . — _ - the de�3st evideacedby the Nots aa3 a�nz�es due und�rllie Na�= _ -_ .-- _- —-_- _ - - - Y PaY��► - -. -- --
<br /> 2. hieati�Iy 1�ayment mi'�aaes.tnintaaoG and�er�arge� Bamnwer sh�11 iac�nd�ia eacb montht __
<br /> . i4geth�r u�i�D tRe prinapal and in0�as set forth m tne l�ote aad eny tate c�atges,a swn for(a)raxes aad specia]. . -
<br /> ui
<br /> ass�Ievied os W be Ievied against t1� Fmperty. (b)2x�sselioid payme�ts.ar gmaa3 ients an tae Frope�iy. s�aci _
<br /> Ec)P�miums foi ias�rraace r�ai�ed under Pa�grapL 4. tn any year in cvhicD the I�eader nmst pay a mortgage iasnrance
<br /> prem�qm tu the S�y af Houslng and Urban DeYetapment("S�ry"),or ia any year in which sach prenuum woaid .
<br /> �ave tice�required if Leader sn�l Ue1Q thc�au�ty lnspu�eat,each�oathly pay�tent s6nII sLsu incLsQe eit�er:(�a sum for
<br /> iK
<br /> tl�e annua�mnrtgage iasiaanoe ptemirlm oa 6e�aid by Lende,r to the Sec�staiy►,ar Cu7 a��Y�e instcad of a mortgage
<br /> insuiaaoe p�u.m if this Seauity instr�eat u he1�4ry the Se�e�y.in a reasoaable amount w_be detamin�bi►die .
<br /> Se�r. Eaoept for the Ynon4hty rhaage bY dte Starctuy.t�items are raIIed°Essrow Items°and the suina p�d to Lender �
<br /> ffie called"Es�nw Fimds.° .
<br /> Leades may.a�aay tmt�oo�ect and hold asnuunts for Fsc�sw Items in aa aggtega�e amaant aot to txoaed the taa.�timum
<br /> a�t that may 6e zeq�ed fnr Boaowec's esixnw aa:oum anda die Real Fstate S�ttien�ent Ptooedtues Act of 1974.12. -
<br /> U.3.C.9. Z.601 ex seo: aad saqs�eating �egalations.2ei CER �uazt 350d, as theY snaY 6e s�dod fmm t�e to i6se
<br /> (°RFSPA"•�.�c that the cusbioa or reseave pe�i�ed by RESPA for unanticipated disbu�ts or disbu�ats�6efon
<br /> the Barmwec's gaymeats are available in the acoount may ao4 be 6ase�oa amounts due for[he iacnram�e p�imu- , ,
<br /> ' If the arrt�uats held by�ader for Escrow Itans eaceed t6e amonnts percnimed to be heW b�PA,Lender s�aD deal ,
<br /> witb t�e eaoESS fonds as reqauetl by 1ZESPA. If the amouab of fimds held by Leada at any tinoe a:e nnt sufhcient to paY the .
<br /> Fsasc'��tem�arhe�ctue,I�cder may noti�y the Bouower�nd reqaite Botrower to.malie ap.the shomge or defieieucy as
<br /> ' p�:-�bY RESPA ..
<br /> • _ _ . '1]ie Sscrow Fimds are plectged as add'irianaI s�alrity for alI sums.se�u�.bY t�a Sa�itY InstnuaeaG If Barraw��
<br /> tendeis w L'en�der the fnII payment oP aD snch sn�s.Bomowets aocaunt�II 6e�d'ited with the 6aTaaoe remainin8 for sil .
<br /> instatlment items(a).@),and(o)a�d anY mattgaBe iasinantoe premium�t ihat Ixt�da�as a�'a ba�ome obtigated to
<br /> . pay to the 5�e�cy,aad Ira�der shall prom�ptiy.�efimd aay excess fimds to�ower. Im�diaU�.Y�'"�-g'to�fo�ctos�me saI'e.
<br /> • of tl�t Prapeny,mr its ' 'ti�i by Lend�. Bomowet's aooa�t shall he��w�1,aay balanc�it�aining for aII
<br /> . � fat ma�s ta) ),a�(�)• ts nnde,r pazaag�aptts 1 and 2 s�ail be agp:�iry I.ande�r as follows:
<br /> �Apg�tlono� �qxnta Alipay°°en ar ga `,.
<br /> ' �IRST.tn tt�e mongage ins�uance praniwm to be paid by Lender to c1��eccetacy as to the montNy ci�arge by � _�.
<br /> the Se�aetary instead of the moatIIlY mortga8e Insaranco pt�um: . , `:-...�,`
<br /> • ,�,�Q�Jl,�,W aay ta�tes.special ass�neat�.tea�ehold paymentq or grouud nuts,aud frre.floud and.atber : �
<br /> ha7ard insu�aac�e�ag , � . -,'<.
<br /> �p,to intaest due under th� - ,
<br /> . �,m amortir�ioa of the ptinci�of the Notie; ,
<br /> co 1al�chazgss due uader the Ha•.c� •.
<br /> 4. F3e+�Fid��and�er Ha�sn�f�.Bocr+�wer shall�n.,��7 iunpcoveme�rs on the L�gerty,whether now
<br /> • � in existenck or subsoqnentIy erecced, a8�[iast�9 hp�arda.casualde.4.an�,�ws8�ncies..inclu�ding.�for which Ls�nder , .
<br /> � t+oq�cs iasucdn4e. 'fits ins�aanee cI�all be mamwizted ia the amnunt��d for the gena�ds tLat Ii�n�c�• Basmwu , .
<br /> shall also insuae a11' vements.on t�e Pro�erty.whether aow in existence or su6s�3Y e�;88�nst�ss�SY fl°°� .
<br /> � to the extent requi��[he Secietary. AU msu�anoe shaU be carri�wi�h campuaies appraved�y Leaide� 31ie insvtaaa , �
<br /> po}icies and aay renewals shall be held by Lender aud shall iactude lflss payaDle clauses uf favor of,�d ia a form t+oxptabk
<br /> � to,Lender. .
<br /> � In the evect of Iass,Bv�awer shall give Leades imm�ediate notice 6y rn�il. Lendec may malce piv��af Io�if not msde
<br /> p. `�' yy by Bonawer. Facb msarancc oampaay conoemed is hereby authoriud and direc�ed W make�rayti�eat for such Ioss
<br /> to Lendu,iastead of to Bot�wer and to lender joiatly. A11 or any pa:t�f tke insur�mce p�octeds aQay b�appltod bY
<br /> � 1�esder.at ib optioa.tith�(a)to the sedadioa of the indebtedaess nnda the Note aud tbis Seciuiry insav�men�f�st to��r
<br /> �kli�oqueat am�mts applied'm the arder tn Pa�aph,3.aad Wea to ptep:a�'�t of princlpal,ar(b)to the restaration or
<br /> n
<br /> of the dama8+�Pi'oP�Y• �Y applica6an of t�pmeceds to dse princ�Y�.�.�aD not exoend or postpc��the du�0ato o the
<br /> a�at6ly ts,wtuch�e roferted w in Y�graph 2,or chaage the�cunt of snch ts. Any exoess insurana .
<br /> pcooeeds ove�amouat�m pay aiI au�taad�ng indebtedness mr8afr t6e Note an this Stcarity instnr�t sheII bo ,
<br /> .Qaid to tI�ca�ty I en ed thsreto. . - .
<br /> _ � Ir.!he�eaL��_:Itts�!ip 4i Rb(a Caa�ritY Ioshm�ni or ether transfer of litle W.i�e P[O�etty t�t extinguishes the .
<br /> . ' mdebtedne�s.all right,6tle and inierest af�aer;�wer in and to insuranse poH�ies in force sbalt pass to t�e pa�'a�. . ,
<br /> � S. Oocap�ncys�atie�, M�tfisLt�aaoe +�nd Pe�Non of tlas i'nnpert9: Bonowtr's I.aaa ApaicytdAn_
<br /> B
<br /> - ---- Ld��.Hatrowa shut occaPY,es� � `aaQ ase We�opts�y es Bca�e�r a�eaiciysi cv�densa vrit�;,�ty�ys a..:.
<br /> � . the e�cxutlon of this Security Instrument�n�shall continue to oocuPy the F:vp�y as Borrowet's prin�ipal residence for at. �
<br /> kast oae year aRer the date of occupaacy,iu�Iass the Sxntary detemunes.th3s requ�ement will Cause undue hardsAip fa �
<br /> Borrower,•or uniess e�ctennatmg�txist aEuch ate beyand Sarmwet s ooatiol. Bacrawer shali notify I.endets af
<br /> any extenuatmg circumstances. Boirowet shall not oommit waste or Qestroy.dauiage or eubstantiaUy chaage the Avpeity ur
<br />- . allow die Ptopetty to c�eoerio�ate,reasonabk wese and dear exceptcd. LenQer may Inspa:t the Propeity�if the Praperry is .
<br /> vacant�ais�andunod ar tbe loan ls in default Lender ma}�takc rzasonable aaion to�notecK and pc�ve sucb vec�►t ar
<br /> abaadaned Prnperty. Bcamwer shaU also'6o io defaWt if Bormwer,dnring the loan appl�c�tiarj.pmoes.�.Bave m�a�aIIy false
<br /> or inaocarate infotmstioa or statements w Ixnder(or faiiod to vide Ixnder adth any m�aeanal informariun)in onumo5tion �
<br /> with tva Ioan evitleacrA by the Note.inslud'mg,but not limi to,representations conami�ng Bomc>we�s occupancy of the
<br />- Ropeny as a principal�d�nee. If tbis Secur►ty insuument is on a leaseholal.Borrower shall camp2y with the provistons of
<br />- the teas�. If Bosrower ac�quirc.s fce due to t�e Praperty.the ieasehoId and fee 6tle shaU not be m�age�¢c2ess Lender ogrees to
<br />- ths merger tn wridag. .
<br /> - 6. Chas�es to Borrowcr antl Yroteciian of Lcnder'�R�ls in tEte Ptoperty. Boaower shall pay all governntental
<br />- . ar municipal chaigea.6nes and impositioffi that are not inclnded in Paiagaph 2. Borrower shaU pay tnese obligatioas on
<br />"� wc�e direcdy ro the entity wtucB is owed the paymen� If failure tn pay would odvetseiy affect L.endet's interest in tht
<br /> - � Properiy.upun Lendef a request Bonvwer shall prompUy fimlish to i�ader�eipts evidencing these payments.
<br />= - If Bomower f�ls to xnake these payments or We payments res�uired hy Parag[aph 2.or fi3iLs w perfarm aay other
<br />� wvenants and agreemeats conuuaed in tf�is Securit�r Instrtmaen�.br the�e is a�legal ptooeec�ng that uiay significantty affect
<br /> ° Lender's rights in the i�mperty (such as a psoceaLng in bankrapts.y.,for condemnation or to enforce laws at regWetions),
<br /> = then Lender'may do aa8 pay whatever is necessary w pmtect ths_vaius of the�roperty aad Len�der's righss in the Pmperty, .
<br /> = includia�payment of taxes.ha�d insurance and other items msnuamed in Parag�apT�2: �
<br />`: Aay omounts disbursed by Leader under this Parag�aph strall become an additronal debt of Borratwer mqd 6e se�vred by
<br />,�, . tLis Security inswmcnt 'ihse amounts shall bear intErest fram the dau of disbu�semeat�at the Note iat�and et the opaon
<br />.;� of.I.ender.shall 6e iinmsAiatcly due an0 payable.
<br />�
<br /> � . .
<br /> � , � ' '
<br />;�. • . .
<br /> �pag�zofea��s�
<br />