rk�a "h' -;+.�'�i,;��.L �_2i,x� .�-�'.tz��w,.� ' _ ------ .
<br /> ____-._y.� _- '- ..�_.. -- _- -_ - ` -_ __ .. --
<br /> ) �i[�3iC�Yl��'.�.-`'2�1"�Kiv.:1.+�'- -._ .
<br /> 2�c�d� �.�- �
<br /> °m � — _� - �_ _-�s� -- . . .
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<br /> C
<br /> .._._. . __. :.- .__ - . i :���i��- ' '- ..
<br />. . , ' i '. . . �d 6 i�T---_.--'—_
<br /> - �—���Y�vzte��it�a�e tasur�se c�nverage is uot uva�a6 . ..� ._._._- .F� ._��.... .._._�t,L� _ _
<br /> aa�iR e1RA of ehe�y�u3y axo�tga�e i�;smauc�Premium bein�paut Dy Borrower wher�the ic�uaance oaversge ta�ed or a�sed to .,
<br /> . 6e in effe�t.�.c�er will ct�oept.�sc and retvn tiFese p�yments ss a�c°� resenre en l�eu oi inortgage insuraaae. Lgss res�n►e_
<br /> � � ixxyiaenES may�tongei be require�.at the optIan of Lender.if mongage instivanoc mveruge(Zn the ams�smt and fos the�acaic�- ` � .
<br /> . thzt t�er requires?P�vided hy an insurtir�rprovad b�u Lendsr a�6c�oa�s aq�t�b2e and u ohmiaed.Babtower sltall pay
<br /> � t6e piemiums require�to d�iatain mort,gege iIISUreac�e ia eff�ct:or to pravi�2 a loss resesvg.uhtil the requitement for�ortgage ,
<br /> i�������e with�ay wiitsen t�r�i b�tween Botrower aad'�.eader or applIcaDle faw. . �
<br /> 9.Iaspectian.I�1er vr its agent may pnake reaso�aDle en�ti�ugo��e�d ins�xions of the Ptagerey.I�ndet st�alt g�ve
<br /> Boirower notaoe at the dme of or prior to mn inspactidn spectfying rasansbie cuuse for the insp�ction.
<br /> � 1�:Ca�.���of any aw�d o�cta�m far dam�gES.dit�est Qe conscquentiat, i�wnae�Ioa aatL eny
<br /> caadeanaaribn ar ottter m2Qng a sny part of t�e Pcupe�'tS►,or far rnneeynnce in Ii�of eon�.,mnntYnn,si�e E�ereby ossi�d and
<br /> - -= ���r�.:.nrixt,-- ' -. - _. :- _- ' - �--- - - _
<br /> . Ia the eveat of a tatal takiaa af the Prop�.tty.the piuoee�s s�alf tie agp-fi�w the swns se"cu�this�ecu�tgTns�s�--� _, -
<br /> � rrhether or�+t then due.with any excess�d tD Boirower. In the evetu of s�p;�stial sakiug of tfie Praperty in whid�tbe fair ' ._
<br /> ' maaket value of the Properqy i�ediat�Iy beforz the tatring is eyual to or gi+eater�har�the amount of the sums s��y a'ies �
<br /> ��y��immc�iatPly befon'the tukjng.untess Botmwer�d Lender othenvise agee in cvriting,6h�sums secured by
<br /> tbis Sec�uity InsWmeat shall'be reduaea by�.�aoua�of the praceads"mufti�lied by t[te following fraction: 4a) t!�total
<br /> aa�tmt of the sums sec.vred immediazeiy befo�e taS�ag.dividad by(�the gair mazket value of the Praperty itu�ediatr3Y
<br /> bef"ore ti�e taScing. Any balaace shall 6e paid w Bozrower. Itr the event af a puiRial taging of the Pragerty in whicb the fair , .
<br /> market valuc of the Property immediately before the tat3n,g u tess th�a t1�e smoont of tite sums secured imaiediately 6�fore tRe -
<br /> taking.unless Bonower and Lender ottiernise agte�in writiag or ual�s epplira6le taw othetwise provldes,the Qtoceeds shall
<br /> be appii�d to the sams secured hy this Secariry Inspument whether or aot the sums are then due. �
<br /> If the Propaty is abandoaed by Borrower.os if.after notice by Lcnder ta�iorrower that ttr ooadea�nor offecs to make an
<br /> ,awatd or seule a ctaim foi damages.Bunoe+er faiZs to tespond to Lender wittnn 30 days afttt the date the notice is glven,
<br /> � Lender is suthorized to collect�ud apply the proceeds,at its aption.either M r�to�tion or repair of ctse Properiy or to th�sutns
<br /> � secured 6l+this Seauity Insaument.wlt�her or�t t�en due. •
<br /> Unl�ss I.euder and Bc►rmwer ot�erwise agree in writing, an3► application of pmooeds to princigal.shaU nat eMend or
<br /> � pc►stpone the due date o�the moathlY tefemad to iuy�ag�phs 1 and 2 or c6ange the aa�unt of such Paymems• .
<br /> 11.Boseu�Nat R�ed;Fo���BY�Not a wato�:E�te�oa of the t�me for paymeu2 or�auan
<br /> � of amorti�tian of the sums�cured by dus Secarity Ynsnnment g:anted by Lender to any saceessor�n Interest of Borrower ahall
<br /> nat opeiate oo ietease the Iiability ofi�e�nrig�nai Bomuwer or Barmwer's suooessors in interesi.I.e�er shall n4t be r�equ�rad to
<br /> ' oommen�Pra�ctinSs against any su�ar in interesL or refuse W eataad time for payatea�o�othetwise modifY amor��uoa ..
<br /> of the sums secun�by this Secunty Insuu�ent by reason of any demand made 6y tfie original Bomnwer or 8oirawer's
<br /> su�is in inieresi. Any forbeazance by t.endEr in eAercising any dght or remedy shall not�e a waiver of ar preciude the
<br /> exercise of auy rigi�t or re,medy. . �
<br /> l2..S�essots and AssFgas Bouud�;Jqin�t and Several LdabUlty, Co�sfgne�s.'IRe coveaants asd agceemeats af this
<br /> Se�uIt7+ Iasavm�t sHall 6i�and benefit t��rs anct a�signs of I�ender and Bormwer. subjeet to tt�proviscoas of,
<br /> ga�a�--.4"vh 17. 8orrower's covenants aad ag�nts shall be joint and ssveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Seai�ity •
<br /> o-s�
<br /> ' • t�,�i?�i�t 6ut dces not execute.the Note:(s)is co-signing this Secvriry Instrument only to moYigage.gn�nt and ocsmrey thaz
<br /> P�it�SCiC�i'6 iAteflest in tl�e Pmperty unde[the te�LS of tLis So�trIty in ,•n�nr(b)is nas pe�sonally obligate�w� gy die sums .
<br /> se,tt�°-d hy this Sovatity Insuument;and(c)aS�s that Lendz�a�d any other$orrawer may agree to ext�nd.m�fy.foi6air or
<br /> ' m31ce any accart�s��tions with regard.�o the terms of th�s S�curity f.�sstru.�nent or the Note wtthout thst t3nrtower's consani..
<br /> , �.LWtn�rg�.If the losn secured by this'Serurity Instrumeat Fs.su6Jed w a law wtuclt sets maxi�uas loan cbarges.
<br /> and tm:t law,is fiaalty i�terpreted so thai the interest or other toan charges collec�or to be collected in connection witA tbe
<br /> loao exceal the pemntted hauts.Q�n.(a)anY such loan charge shall tie reduoed by the amount neoessary w reduee the cfiarge .
<br /> to the ptriniued limit;and N)�'.�vms alre�dy corie�fmm Botrower whic�exeeeded perznitted'timits will I�c.refiu�ded to
<br /> . Bmrawer. Y.ender may choose to make tf�rs�fuad bY ���P�P� owed.nnder the Note or 4Y ��a� ..
<br /> � payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces��+'tacipal, the reduaron will be tr�tecl as a partiai pmpayment with�ut apsy
<br /> prepaymeat charge and�r the Note.
<br /> ,,l4 Noilcc4.Any notioe to�orrower proti-ided for in this Security Instmmens sLall be given byr�'avedng it or by mailing�.,�
<br /> � it Ee�,�:�t class maii unless a�plicabtc law re�uins use of arr��metdiad.TEie notice shall be directed to the Pmperty Addr+�"'� �
<br /> or attiy;�ther address Borcowec designates by notice to I.ender. An}+uotice tq I..e4der shali bg gfiven by fi�se�s maii•w
<br /> � .Ixnder''s addresa;�.:�ed herein d;�ny other address I.endes designates by noti�to Bormwer. Any me�:oe pravid�A•�'ar�n tIus �
<br /> R
<br /> SecUriry Inst�u;�f;�t Ds Qc�med w have becaa given to Borrower or L�er v�r6en given as pmvide�un this paxagrap1�
<br /> !S.Gov ,.,�Ziw; ��tsa6tllt�• T� Se�untY.Instnia�ent.sbaJk�('r�e.governed by fadera� �a► and the iaw of the
<br /> • jwisdiction�n v�f.� s'�ehe Ptc�" !r��s loeated.�In the evem tl�at aay pra�visiioD or elause.of this Secur.ty litsuument ar tBe Note _:
<br /> eot�flicts with applira�ie law:i-tid�r�nflict sball not affe�x ot�ter pruvisibns of this Se�si.i�y�dustrument or the Note which caa be
<br /> given e��ct whhout the oonflicK�:.-g provision.To this end the provlsions�f this Se�tf��r_T.nstrume�zt�aflrl the Note are decl.ared
<br /> to 6e severabfe. � �� �. . , . .
<br /> �. . 16.Borrowei'�CopY•Borrower shal l be,given one wnfa�d copy of the Note and of Wis�u.vi�±�Insmiment. ; • . .
<br /> we
<br /> • 19.'!'ransPer af We piroperty or u�ictal Int�st la Hosruwer.If all or any part af the�i!?�5'or airy interest in i�,.�.�': _
<br /> � is soid oT transfeaed(or if a tieaeficial intec�.c?a�Baaower.is sold or uransferted and Borrower is rno2 a natural pe�son)withcr�,.[. .:..::
<br /> Len,�er's prios written consent, Ler�der may. at dts optio�,..: :reqaire'immcdiate payment in full of all sums secured by t1�i� �':�
<br />- Sect1�}r Inshutnestt.H�ver;t�ds aptiorrsaaH mrt i�e aii�.iscc�.,�r I,ELd�r:���-rcS-�;:s�rr-�ii�itai�jr f��2�.�:.�� z°.
<br /> � oFti�Ys S�urity Insbument. ; .. .
<br /> ' If Lender c.sazases this opuon�Lender s h a l l give B orrowes aotice of acceleiatIon.The notiFe s1�a11 provide a p eriod of r.ox'' ,.�;,
<br /> � (ess thar�30 day�w.fi�m the date the nottce is delivered or maited withir�.'which Borrower must pay a U suu�s�cured by ct�ix; _'
<br /> Se�irity Inswntent,If Borcawer f��Ts tv pay these sums prior to the exp'�tion of.this period.Lender may invoYe any remedi'es�
<br /> pemritted by this Securiry Iastrumeflt without further nottce or dem�d on Borcower.
<br /> 1$. $o�rru�er's.Rtp�ht to Relasfstte. If�orrower m�ts certain'�condIduns. Uar�nwer sha11 �ave the dghi to have
<br /> mf'orce�nt of thls Secanty Instrument diseentinued at any time prior to the eazGer of (a) 5 days(or sueh ather perloct as
<br /> � applica6le taw may sp�icify for reinstatecarat)before sale of the Pro�ary puisuam to arry power qf sate contained in this
<br /> Security Insm�ment;or @)emry of a jicdgm:n�enfon�ing this Security Iastrument.Tho.se condition3 tzr�that Bonower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender att sums which then would be due t:t:�er this Securiry Insmtment tutd the Note as if no���iation had occ�rred; (b)
<br /> c+sms su�y default of any other covenanrs or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incvrred ia enforcing this Secnrity ta�strument,
<br /> ira:tuding,but not limited.to,reasonable atta�neys'.fees:and(d)takes suc6 action as I.ender may reasunably re,q�se to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in�he Froperty and Borrower's obligadon to pay the svms serured 6y •
<br /> tiyis 5ecurity instrument shall con8n+±e uncl�angecl. Upon reinstatement by Boaower, t6is Secunry Instwnsat and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fu11y effeciive as if no acaeleratIon had occurred.Ho�vever,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> no4 apply in the case of acceleration under parapaph 17.
<br /> 19.Sale oi Note; Chmsge oi Loan Ser��Cer. The Note or a partisl interest in the Note (tugether with thia Security
<br /> instrument)may be,sold one or more times wioheut prior notioe tn Borrowet.A sale may result in a change in the eatity•(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")th�c collects monthly payments due uader the Note and this Secunty instrument.There also may 6e one
<br /> or morechanges of the Loan�Servi�cer unrciated to'a sale of the Note.lf there is a cf�nge of the Loan Setvicer,Borrower aiti 6e
<br /> given wriiten norice of the chaage in accordance with paragrapf� 14 above and applica6le law.1'he natice�vill state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan 5ecvicer and th�.^.ddress to wAich Qayments shon!d be made.7'he no6ce will atso contsua any�ather
<br /> information required by npplicabte law. � �
<br /> - 20.Hasrdans Snbstances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use. disposai, storage. or release of any
<br />_- Hazacdous Substances on or in tfte Property. Bortower shatl not do. nor allow ctnyoae cise to do.,anything affecting the
<br /> ` pranecty that is in vlalation of any Environmenta[law. The prececling two sentences sh�ll not apply to the preseace, usc,or
<br />-_ storage on tTie Pruperty of sntalt quartHH�s 6f��tftfaus Sabsr��s tiiat�e�g�rcemiiY�r�#iu tuc upyru�i�inic t6 ii0i'i11N3 .
<br />- residential uses and ca muintenanca of the Praperty. �
<br />-� ' _ DtQo 3 of 4 p�� ' �' + Farm 3028 9150 .
<br /> y., •.
<br /> � .
<br /> . �
<br />