"'`°�"rrr�ics.°'.6 _....::.:-.a. �x,�.�'c�,��� Ti4� s � . � - - ;, 4 ..'t-.�"" . - -
<br /> , � .
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<br /> .'1T�e�Fwx�s shall,'be held in eFe insrifirtion �vho�e de�osiES.are iosured Hp u feQersl eger►cy, instr��mra�ity.�o:eatity ' .
<br /> �asrla�iiag Lem:er,if Leader i's s�tch an iastitution)or in any Fed�ra!Home L.nan Bank.1-ender sl�ali apPIy t6e Funds tio pay the
<br /> Esceaw Items. F�r m�►y aoi chatge�Bomnw�r far holdie�g and npplying th�Funds,aamially�yain�the�scrow aoo4nr.t.ar ,
<br /> verifying tQe F;scca�r Items,nnless Lendc�pays Borro4ver entecest on the Fu�tds und a�ticable law permits Len�er W make sucb .
<br /> , e chas�e.•Iiow-es�er..Le��t a�y reqnire�rroarer to p�y a oae-tlme c�arge for an tndep�dent mal estate uuc repurting service
<br /> uscd 6y LRnder ia oonnertion witb tius ta�.=eaPe,ss applica6le [aw pravides athe�vtise. Uniess_sa agi�nt�is made or •
<br /> � apglassbte Ysw requims 3ateiest to be paid,�ender shall aot be eequired to pay Bura+nwer aay imerest oz eamings oa the Fu�ds. .
<br /> �rrower and II ea�Yer may egce In writi�g,howeve:,tbat�irdecest shall be paid on tbe'Funds..d.eader s6aii giee to Baaower,
<br /> withaut charge.�n annua!_aca�ur�iing itf the Far�s,sjimvs+ing credits and de6its ta the Funds and t�e purpose far which r,a�h . ,
<br /> d?bit��thQ F,�rufs was ar�de.'IYie Funds r�re piedged c�s.additIunal.seauitv far all sums setured�b►�is.Secahty Tnsuat�m. � —_--
<br /> -- -- -if�e Futzds�heid'op ie�er exc�i��naoui►ts pecmut�to be�ald by sipp�icable Iadi,l:en�er�s�i scoount to ffatrowrer .
<br /> - � far the eao�ss�unds in atxondaaae with�the require[aeius.o�applicable law. If the amount of ths Funds heId by Leadei at.any .
<br /> tia►e is rmt snf�icieat to pay the Estrow Items wDen due.�.ender maY so aatify�orrowes in�vriting,sud,:in such case Snimwer
<br /> shali pay to I�nder tb�amnu�t to matce up the de&cteacy.Burrowe�sball make ap the defcaeacy in c►o�ore thasi
<br /> �ty�rahe uEO�bly p�}rments.at L.endea's s discntion. . � ' . �
<br /> Upon payment in fiil1 of all s�ns secnretl by tGis Seaasig►Iatstrumeut. Lender s4�aU ptrncpdy,refund to Borroarer auy
<br /> � Fucds 6eW by Lcnder:If,w�der paiagraph 21,Leadu s�aIl acqui�eqr setl the Pmperty,Lmder,prior w t7�e acqtsisitioa or sale
<br /> af the Pmpert�+.s�all appIy any Fnnds held by Ieader at tfie time of aoquisitIon ar sale 9s a credit against the s�ms sec�ed by
<br /> � �$��ty Inctmmrr�t_ •
<br /> 3.Appl&�tion at Pay�.Unl�ss ap�licable!aw pmvides oiherurise,aIl payments rece�r�by Let�iet under paragrap4�s
<br /> . i and 2 shrJl.be applied:fitst,to anY P�Y�nt c6aiges dae under the Note:seoon�.to amaants payabte under Pa�'dPb 2:
<br /> � third,to interesq due;fourth,to princip�l dus;and tast,to a�y late ct�arges due under tlie Note.
<br /> 4.Cbuges;Lieas.Barrower�a�ll pay sill taxes,� te���},c6aaz8es,fin�s and impositions amt'butabIa w the�v�erty ,
<br /> vvIticB a�,ay attaIn p�iarity over this Sa�aritY I�su�tu, and icase�oid pay�or ground rems.if any. Borrowea s�li.Fa3►
<br /> these obligativas ia the mann�r ProvIded ia paragiagD 2,or if not paid ia that�anner.Sorrower shall pay diem oa tna�cCzectly
<br /> � to the�etsan awed paymem.tiornaR�er shall pmmptly furnish to Lender all noaces of amosmts to be paid¢urlga ti�is pa�agcaph. _ ..
<br /> If B�rmwer malccs these payments diraxly,Bormwer shat�prompdy fiunish to Lender reoeipts evidcr�ing tinegaya�nt�. �
<br /> Borrower shait P��P�i►�e any lien w�ch has priority aver this Ser,arity tt�su�t ontess�arrower:(a)ag�ees in .
<br /> ` writmg oo the poyment of the abiigation se�red by the lieu in a mauner aboe�tabie to l�ndcr;@)watests ia good_faitti the}ien .
<br /> by. ot defends�uainst e�forcamdent mf,t3�e lien in, lega! Proceadings wluc6 in t�e Le�des's oFitrion operate.to g� thc
<br /> enforez�ent of the lien;os(c)seca�es�mm tEie holder bf the lien an ageement satisf�xory to I�ander suba�lia�ing she liea to
<br /> � this Secuiity Inshu�.If Leader deteaniaes that any part af the Property�s snbjest to a.I�n wluch ma�'aitain priarity over
<br /> dris Security Insau�ent,i�ender may give Borrewer a notioe rdeatifying the liea.BorroweT si�aall satisfy the lien c�r•ts�Ye one or
<br /> more of t$e 3c�iianc set farth above Rnthin 10 days of the giving of nfltise. ".
<br /> ' �5. H�srd or Prrigetp r.;�,Rn,�c�. Bomswer�a�! kceP the impmveasents now existing�or iierea�ia era�d an ti�e �
<br /> � praperty insviced against loss by 6re, haTards�vded within the term °eateodad coverage"and_aay other 5azands,iflciuding
<br /> flouds or�Ioodin�,for which I�ender reqaires insarat�oe.?his ins�uarce shall be�aintai�td in We amovnts aild for t�e periads .
<br /> ' shat Y.ender aecjµires.Ttre�insaianoe rarrfeY pravidiqr,the insur�:shall 6e�choseu 6y Sormwer subled tu Lender'8 approva!
<br /> . whi�t shall aot be aureasonably withhel�. If Borrower faifs to maintain oaverage d�'bed elwve,Ievder may,at Leader's ,.
<br /> ' option,a&te.in coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propeaty�n a000Nan�e with paragrapFa.9. .
<br /> � AfY��aace polic�es and:eaewals sUall be aceepta6te to Lender apd shall include a�ard snortg,age clanse. Leader
<br /> shall have the rig6t to.&old the policies and renewals.If Lender regs►ires.�Barrower sh3ll pro��y gice te k�nder a11 r�eeipss of
<br /> , "paid premiums and�newaf notiaes.In the event a�loss.Boirawet shal!pve prompt natice to the insu�am4ce��{rier and Lender:
<br /> ' Len�er may make proot of toss if not made P�Pfi'+Y by Bormv�er. , ;��� �, . . . .
<br /> Unless t�der and Borrower otb�urisc.ag�ee in wntmg,is�ssuranoe gmcxeds shall tie applied w restoriition or re�ir of tbe •
<br /> Qtaperty damage�.if the mstoration v�c�rair is eoanam4ca11y feasible aad Lendet's sa;urity is uot tassened.lf the zestoratIon or �
<br /> npau�s not economicafJy feasibte or�.xnder's securIty would 6a lessened,the insuranae proceods sball Ge applied to the sums
<br /> seairul by this.Security Isutrumen�, whetthpr or`not d�en due.wit3i a�r axoess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons.the
<br /> Froperty,or does r.ot�swar witbin 30 days u notioe frum Lender tbat the�nn�+��carrIer has offend to settle a claim,�1ien
<br /> Leaider may'colleot th�i�vt�ec proeeods.Lendec mayr nse the ymoeads to re�air or restore t�e Pr4pert3+or to pay sums
<br /> seasrod by this Security 4nstrament.whe,ther or nat then due.T6e 30-day period w�l!begin wisen the aotic�is given. �
<br /> . Ur1�i.e�der aAd Borruwer�crwise agrec in wri�ing.any appltcation of proce�ds.to principat•shall not ratecd or , • .
<br /> " , postpeae�._�;due date of t�e montt��;:paymqtts refer�d to in h9 1 an�2 or c��irg�the amoant of tbe gayments. if
<br /> � . 'under pai�aglt 21 t�:�coperty is a�qvlred by I.Cnder.Borrower's ri W at�i'ictsurance�Ij.tKes and procxed4 rrsrtlting ftvta
<br /> damage to th�I'c�}p�;i�r to tEae ac�u�sidon s�all pass to l.ender to tite ext�c��the sutns secared by tku�f�ity Insti¢metu '
<br /> '.'1�..�. . . , .
<br /> ;:;`-immodiaCely prior to tiv��oguis3don. °: . �` ,�:•
<br /> . .. • 6.Oocap�ncq,Prese�vattoa,11�L�*i�p sa0 Pcotection ot tUe Raperty,Ramawer's Loan AppZ�dan;Lra�eholdv.
<br /> Borc�wer shall accupy.establish,and nse tl�e Prvpenty as Borrawer's printipal residenoe within sixfy days after tke execution of'.
<br /> this Securnty Insnument a�shalt continne to occupy the Proyer�y as Barrower's principal residence for at lea.�^t one year afte'r
<br /> ' . [he date of oeruparicy,unless Lender otherayise agrees in writ3ng,which consent st►�,1f not be unreasonabiy withheId.or uniess� �
<br /> extenuating circuras��eaist whic� are beyond Borrower's oantrol. Borrower sl�aall not destroy; damage or impair t�e
<br /> ... Fn�a-iy. �Si�v il�e:3r:���t; ta dt�eor�ee.as�-�,ut ueste bn s�P��-�y�.•Ba���=:r�!t�in d�.^�2ult€��;forf�:--
<br /> . ' .aixion or procee�ling.whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment couId i�suIt in forfeituro of the ,
<br /> . �Property,a,s othenvise materialiy impair the lien created iry this 5ecunty Insavment or Len�'s seeadty interest.Borrower may .
<br /> . cure sucis.a defautt and reinstate,Ps�rovided'en paragraph 18,by c�using the aetion or prc�?�:ing to be dIsNssed with a ruliag
<br /> ihat, lis��,�nder''s good faith detet�sln,.ation. p�ecludes forFeitur�•bf'the $errrn�aer's intere.fa`fa the PropFrty'or other material
<br /> � :.impairment af the lien crcated by ibis Security����t os L�nder's seaufi.jc inte�est. Borrower Jla��..::�so be.in defanit if '
<br /> ` ' :Bbrrawer.during the�loan applicaqian pioc.ess,gay2�ateriaily false or ia�aurato infa,�tnation ot statem�a�to i.ender(or faited .
<br /> �:.,
<br /> • to provide Lender with atry material infarmation)in connection with the toan evide�ced iry t�Note,inctucling,�ut uot lir�ited
<br /> to.repres�itations concerning Borrau�'s ooc,vpaacy of the Propeny as a principal resIde�,.EPthis Securiry Iastnu�nt�s on a
<br /> leasehold, Bosrower shall compIX w,°�a!I the pmvisions of the lease. If Bomnwer acq�tfees fee tlt�s to the Yrn„*�e,rtq. the
<br /> Ieasehold and t5e fee��a11 nat r�e?�*oe unless Lender�agrces ta the nterget in wr�tin$• .
<br /> 7.Prote�tlon ot F.e�er'e IitgMs in tLe�perty.If Bonower falls to perform�".�cavenants and agreements conralaed in
<br /> this Security Insuu�nt,ar there is a legal proceeding t6at rnay significantly affect Le:edrr's rigi�ts in the Propeny(such as a
<br /> proa�eding in bankruptcy.probate.far aondemnatiaa ot fotfe#�or to enforce laws or regulations).then i.ender rnay do and
<br /> pay for w6atever is aecessary w protect the yatue of tbc Progerty IInd'Le�Wer's rights in thc Property. Lcadcr's acxiong•may
<br /> inctude p�ying any sums secared by a lien wiuch has priority over this Secvri�y Instrument, appeanng in oovrt, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and eatering on the Propeny to make re�airs.Altnough Lender may take act3on uader this parngapb .
<br /> '.' 7,t�ender does mn frsve to du so. � �
<br /> Any acrnnmts disBursed by.I.ender under this paragraph� shal! become.additional debt of Borrower secured Ay this
<br /> Sea�siry Instrument.Unless Borwwer and Lender agiee to other terq�of paymeat,these amounts shall bear interest from.the
<br /> date of disbursemeot at fhe Note rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon notice from t�nder to Borrower r�questing '..
<br /> . '. payment. , . .
<br /> 8.Mortgage Imurarue.if l,ender required mortgage insurnnoe as a oondition of making the taan secured isy this.Se.vrity
<br /> Instrsmcnt.Borrower shall pay tho premiums required to mainmin the mortgage iasuraace in effect. If. for any reason. the
<br /> mort�ge incur.tnce cover�e req�uired by Lender tapses or oeases to be in effect,Bomawer shall pay the premiums.reatuire�to �
<br /> obtain ooverage substantially equivalent to the mong�ge ins�rance previously in effeat,at a cost substantially equivatent ro the�
<br /> oost to Bnrrower of Ute mortgage insuranse previously in ef#'ect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Ixnder. 1f
<br /> . _ ve�o a o,a , � Fortn 8028 ,9190 .
<br /> .
<br /> -dc --
<br />