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<br /> __ S AND I,BBSSD PROPSi�TY. To� contract with any person €or 1���.ng
<br /> - T�T -- o s, n z3.fe __and_Q�ithnut
<br /> _ - -__-£�-�tjte� ��a��-i�t�i�-��p'°��-=3c�S..��--�-_'�' � _ —..--�__–_--_=-- _-
<br /> . xeg�cd to the terntii.nation� of the .For�er of Attorney.� renLb � . , _
<br /> � a11 or any of•
<br /> :aubject to such cq�ditiozia as my at�o�ruey shaii ��e fit, , –
<br /> .?nY, said seal eat�te,,.a� �to��eti. a�� sucTa p�ssaa<�.�tfl possessioa , � , �i� .
<br /> , .::'��xeaf; and ta execute ,a13: sus�•�-a�ses and conc�acts as�shal�.=� ' r ,�, �_
<br /> :. ,�����ssazy,,or proper ia that be��� ��8.to give aotice �to gui�:':� � , °5 .- -
<br /> `; ;,�i�x►t�;;or;�oc�upier the��4�, aad �t� rece.zve and r�cover from al��. «: ";` �,,;�.
<br /> - . :,:s::�,�aints.���a�l d �ac c u�riexs thereof or df any par t t.�e r e o f a l l r e nts, • : ,
<br /> ^V. ;`�t:�rreare o� rent, aad sums of mazLBy�mhic�. now are or shall Hereafter
<br /> �=�:::X�ecome due aud payable in resp�ct ther�of, aad alsa on non-p�ymen t ,
<br /> �thereof or af any part tbereaf to tak� aii aecessasy.or proper means .
<br /> and pxoceedings €or tsrm�iatiag 'the tenancy or occupat3on o� .sucb : .
<br /> teriants..or oacupiero. an8 for e�ect��g tbe teaante or occupiers and
<br /> � . � �ecave�inq. the posaession ehereof. �
<br /> ' 8. Td S��L OR SXCHAIQQB ltEAL OR PBRSONAL �STATS. To sell, .
<br /> eitY►►er�at publfc or private eale, or exchanga any part or part$ of my ,
<br /> � reai eatat� oa ge�sdnai property for euch coneideraeion, Payabie .
<br /> � imtne$iatel.y or upon auch terms as my atterney ehali thinks �it. and to .
<br /> � exacuts auad delfver good and sufficient deeds, Y�iile of eale,
<br /> eudorseflnent�, ass�c�nme�ate, or other iastrumenta �'or the conveyance or
<br /> � tran�fer of the �same, ooith such covenanta•of.v�arraatY or othes�tise as
<br /> my attorney shall �ee fit, aad to give good and effectual receipta for �
<br /> a].1 ar a��r part of the purcb.ase price or Qther cQns�.deration. . .
<br /> WZTH TANGIBI,B PRQPffitTY. To depasit auy� moneys wYaich may� cam�_�� mY : :�, .
<br /> attoraey•s hands as. auch atto�nney with any baius or banker ia m�';.�,�;,:�+.
<br /> and to withdraw any of such moneg or any other�money to which �.; �m� ` •
<br /> ' eatit�ed which� no� is or shall be eo deposited, and eithe= emgl�ray such
<br /> moaey as nty attorney.shal� think �it in the payment of auy d��, or
<br /> interest, 'payable, to m�, or.taxe�, asseg�ments, ��naurance, a�u �
<br /> .. ,:,,, ex�ens�s due anri payab;►� �or to.became due and payab3.e �a acc�t of my
<br /> . .;.��:,.real aud persppai esta�e. os in oic about any o� �the purposes �er�ia .
<br /> . .. :��ttentioned, .�� otherwi6� for �.�use asid benefit� or to inves� ���
<br /> `":', ittoae�r. in my aame 3n an�r.sto�ck�r.�sharea, bonds, ,securitfes os:c��:e� .
<br /> . � � prqge�:�r. r�al or pers4nal, as�� my att��uey may tbinjc proper.. �. ta
<br /> . . �rec��� and give.recei.�sts. fqr. any ia�¢� or d3vidend arissmg ��'� �au�•, • .
<br /> � ..anvestinentg, and� to �rd�y,or d3s�,00se o� al2 and any such �,uv�es��n�s`,:..:;,. �
<br /> ' :: or other �nvestments �os my u��r and lasnefit ac,a►y att�arney �a��:thir�k
<br /> _ � . ��� f it. . � , ; ,. . . •.,. . .
<br /> � � 10. TO�VUTE A,'�;�.�..�'u'OCKHOLDSRS' lKEETINGS� •EXBCLZ'PII PROXI��., AND �
<br /> , � p�jiZ�g �ub9ti+�utP t^+�� owNEit. To vote at the meetinge o�
<br /> •-., stackhold�rs or other tneetings..oE any corporax3�on os campaa�•,.,.or � �
<br /> . ;,:;�.� .ath�xcvi.se �o �::�' as � �atta���-�r grx��. r�it.h nn��� c►f .����4:��:uta.on .
<br /> `'�':�' in re�Aect af any stocks, shares, bonds, flebentures, o�c othe�:�';`�
<br /> � evid�a,�es of .own�raiafp, or securities,- now or hereafter hei�t �,� cne and � - �
<br /> � � ieeued by or on accr�ux�t of aaid corp�oration or company•aad. fc� ��?a� ;;
<br /> ..; .pu�pose, to escecute any prox3es, limited or general, or athex, .
<br /> � � instrumente: . • . . � • . .
<br /> il. TO EXECtI'T�S E38EDS. BILLS, �f0'TES, AND SSMI�,AR INS'Sx�N'!'8. �
<br /> For all or any of .the puxpo�ee herefn �tated; to er�tQ�" into ana sign,
<br /> seal� execute, aakncwiedge and deliver any contracts, 8eede,
<br /> � mortgageQ, or othes instruments whatsoever, and to draw, acce�t, make,�
<br /> endorse, diecetuit or otherw�se �dea]. wfth any. b311s ag c-fxxchange, .
<br /> , check�, promiesoxy notes, ar other commercial. or mezcan�fie �
<br /> fa�struments. � ' � �
<br /> �--;��:c:� ti :� . --- ����' - .m == .. —
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