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<br /> - Ti�a� I� I�eirtg n. �Ph�l�ip�,. of Grand Is].aazci, Hal y� , .
<br /> Nebraska. have taade, .aonstitu�ed. aad aPPpinted aud, by these
<br /> presents, do make,� coastitute and appo3at.tny son Duane PE�i�ii�s, of �
<br /> �� B�rt�.ey, Red �iliow County. I�ebraska, or �y daugh�er. HeI�,H. Webb o� .
<br /> :-'� �a�C; Bou3.der Cou�t�r, Co2ararlaE n�y tnt� aAd 2aor€r�P atto�frtey for � .�-- +:,.
<br /> a�g � ��a�e pla� �3; s�.ead� an�i on zny �a��, s.,?a�ject°�,��:tSs � t <
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<br /> �=;�� ��� � i. TO RBCETVB D$BTS. nAYMEPPT� ANN� PROPLRTY: To ask, demana�i ' .
<br /> _;;;� sue Eor, recaver and recei+�r� a1.1 sums of. mone�+►, 8ebts, dues, goods.
<br /> � wa�res, mexchandise. chattela, effects aad �hings o� whatsaever nature ''
<br /> -= � ar desariptioa which now are or hereafter shall t�ecome 8ue, owimg,
<br /> .�� payable os belong�ng to n�e� fa or by. any rigbt, t�xi�, waye or means
<br /> . � howsaever, and upaa receipt ther�of, or of aay paxt �Yiereog, to make.
<br /> �.� � eig�►, execute and deiiver such r�ceipte; re2easee. or other dis�kiarges
<br /> -- ��or the. eame ree�e�tiveiy ae m� ea�d attorney ehall deem adyisalale.
<br /> �:� 2.,� TO 8E7'TLS ACCaUNTS�. To settle 21ny et�COUAt or reckon��tg ,
<br /> -- � wriateoever wherein i now am or at any �time heredtter e3�a11 be' �.uu any ,
<br /> -� wise in�srested ar Concerned v�itb any pe�cson whemso�ver, a.nd to pa� �r
<br /> �- receive the bal�nce thereof ae the caee may require. �
<br /> " 3. T� SATZSFY S$CQRi�i'Y 2NTBR83TS AND MORTGAG$S. To receive � � � � �
<br /> '� ' every sum ofE �oney which n�w 3s or hereaftex shali be due�or � � � ' :
<br />:� . belonging to me upon the $ecurity ox by virtue of aay�.security �
<br /> i�te�eat or agreemen�,,.or mortgage, and on receipt oE the �u�.l a�nount
<br />