�a� :--o �. � �— ��� __ � T����� — - t -—
<br /> • s- �S� .-.� . �� - � .� �„� — __ �--� --
<br /> ' f'i'f�' d,.A f ti3....a ._:_.��= —���-�— -__ _ - __ — -
<br /> ,r�
<br /> .. . _
<br /> _ . _
<br /> _' - .� - -. . - -..°-°-.—_'_- — -- . -=-`�--- -- . .
<br />_s _ — _ --- -- - -_.� ......_..
<br /> � . � � ' � � ' � � t � ,. � • ' �,�3,`�.•�,�1�4�6 `. . .
<br /> l7.Tran�es oithe @tciptrty'or a 8enefiel�i Inte�sd En Bourower.If al1 or say p�t o��Prope�ty ar any.interest in It.
<br /> '� 'is smld or tra.�ferral tor if a beaef�c�l�imezest in Borr+ayvcr is sold or trans�irsaf uad Sorrnwer is nai o natusaf petson)witheut
<br /> , ` Ix�r's.Prior writta��cansenf, LenBer�w�yy. at iss opiloa. sequi� i�tediate payment in fult af ali at:ms secured by ttus ` .
<br /> Seairity iastrurnznY:Hawever.gtais optian shail not 6e�xercised by[.en6�r jf exercise is prohibited by f�etallatv as of the date . <
<br /> of thic Security Insirumsnt. , . � � .
<br /> - .---- �f�€�u-���s czptist���r�!�Ii g�ve��ai��:t:�t�;�.'€�i.����irz si�a!! �°.s�ai��F st� � -.
<br /> �^11
<br /> . � le;ss than 30 days from�tite da�te tt�,iratIce is dal9v�red or�maited wif�in wfiich BotroWer must pay csi snms secun,d bgi this
<br />� . Security dus�e�it.If Barrow,er fsits to pay these sums prior to the expir¢tio�of this period.I.enQee rnay invoke sny remed'se�
<br /> 'penrntted tsy th�s Secnriry Insuument without fi�tther n�tice o�dem�d an$mmw�r. _ .
<br /> � t8. Borr��'es's Rigi�t ta Reim-mte. 1[ Qorco�xer�me� c�ttaln,�conditisas[s, Bomm.ves�aII havz ti�e rl�ht eo-�iava
<br /> � ;enfor�ment of thi.s Securizy Instrua�ai discont3nued at�tty time prior to the earti�of: (a)S d,ays(or such ether periad a�
<br /> applicabte �w maY sPecifY for teinstatem�r►t}taefore�s�f��f�4h�Pmpe�tY PurSUani ca effY Power of aale oon.ziaed m this
<br /> Sesuritq Iastmnnent:ar(b)enfry af a judgazrn er�f�rcirsg this Secutif}t I�tcumeuE.Those oonditions are that�orro�ver.(a)paYs
<br /> (.en�der atE.sum�wlrich then wontd b2.d�e utsd�r this Secarity Insuameat ancl the Note as if no acceteratioa had oagur�d;(b? -
<br /> 'citre�ai€y default of�y oiher coYenants or a�teemeats;(c)AaYs all eApe�ses ictsurred ir�eaforcing tlus SecuHty.Ir�nt. . . ,
<br /> � . incl�cdiag.6ut n�t i3mited to.reasorlaaDle ataorne�rs' fees;and(d)takes such action Ss Lender xaay reasotrably reqmre to assure
<br /> tiwx the lien of this Sec�rity Instrumen�.Irnder s n m We PmpCrty aac!Barrawer's obligation to pay the surus secured hy .
<br /> this Security Ias�nt s�ail cuntinue unchang�lUpon re�attatement�bX Barrower, this Se�rity�Insuument aad ithe
<br /> , abligatians sei,vied hereby's�all remain fully effedrve 3s if no aooeteration t�ad occurred:Hawever.tiris a�ht t�re�nstrite shall •
<br /> not apQly in t1�s rase of accetetatian aader pazagraph 11. ' • • . � .
<br /> � � 19. Saie o�Nutt;�nge oi Loan SavQcer.The Note or a p�tiat iateresc in tl�e Note (together witb ttsis 3ecurity
<br /> - I�stzn�eat)inay 6e sofd oae ar raore times without prior uotice ta Bormwer.A saie may resutt in a�.hange in tkce entity(Irnowa
<br /> _ as the"Loan Servicea")that collects momhly paymrms stue tmder the Kote and this Se�uity Ittstn�ment.'i4iere also may 5e ane
<br /> or r#�o;te clianger of the Losn Setiviser unretated to a sale o€ttte Mote,�£thcae is a ebange of the Loan SerFicer.Borm�ver will t�
<br /> .� giv�iDi:ryvritten noiice af tb�c�an��;�accordaacc with paragraph i4 ahove aild aFP3ic�''��iv..'Y'he notioe wil!state the name ancl
<br /> �.af the ncw Loan.Sesvir�t�nd the addmss to w5ich paymgqts shnulcd be may�;''�e aotioe will atso anntag�a any othe;.',
<br /> � t�t'"rao�Il ceq�uired Y�P .: ..
<br /> t�t On b iira'hi�faw.
<br /> t ��+1 r i .'�. °�pt�'L3�': $OIPOWCT�k� IIOI CdII$8 Of�1ClRU� �.�`"�JS&�BII{�r ILSh.'� dLSF.D'Sd�s.ST�TdF�.C�OI T�?•35y C��y �� ,
<br /> � ` ��ous 5� on m in the Pcope^� }�3tiaower sh�t,l�oC;dctv�S.?r'�ltaw atryone else ta d�,• ��hno�`�+�Yt�' =
<br /> �` ; . Lrrn�i.g that Ls in violation of any En _;, Law..T��, t�+c�.'seuteaoes s�l!aot apply ta�dis p'res�e.�.'�.k,
<br /> • st���•an die�a�erty of s�alL quaatities � us�.��s'�.$g�.'?.i�y?recoSn?�d ro T�e aFPTOP�a�to'�� r�
<br /> r�,� ' �de�alases�tomaint��aaceafthe�+. . � :•;`;.• �, 5 , � r•� .,• ..• •;:... .; _�'.
<br /> Borrower.�at�T�;�ro�ttptlY Sr�e i.ender�iY�n notice of flny inti�.r4�1,�+,�-..�'�,���d,[u�isii3 or other aaronby an}v�:-
<br /> ;•:� govemmenta!oz�'ulatory agency ar pm�a�party imcotving the P�gert�p�t�aify f T�.�doUS Substaiue or Endmonmentat Law � �'
<br /> . of wluch Bormwer has actuallmowtedge. If Botrowes leams.ar is notiSecf try any governmental or t+egulaiory authority,�that .
<br /> any i�ernovat or Qther reme�iation of any Hazardaus Substance affecain�tbe Pr�perty is necessuy,Bomoaes shall prampUy take-
<br /> a11 necessary rernodial aatnns in�aeordanae with Envimnmentai Law. . ' , . ,
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"4iarardous Su6stances"are t6ose.substance,�defir.ed as toxic or haxardous sabstanas by
<br />, �nvironmQntal Law and the following substanr.es: gasoline. kerosene..other ftamma6te ar toafc petrotcurtr prosluCts. toxic
<br /> pesticsdes and herbicides,volatlle solventg�materials containin�asbestos or fomaaldehyde,and radioxtiv�materIats.qs used in
<br /> this para aph Z0, °Enviro�Law" means fedcral laws and taws�of the jurisdiGiart whcre the Property is'loc.�ed that •
<br /> - retax��.��E�j OF fdlYliQ!lIIICiIG'!2 FFQt?C114T1. ' � - .
<br /> � � NON-jJNiFORM CO<<ENAI�iTS.Bor�ower and Lender fu er c�venant and egree as follaws:
<br /> � Zl.At'¢etetxtion;RenKdies.I.eader shatl give noti�oe to �rer prior to�ce9erattan[oUowfag�orra�rer's 6i•anch
<br /> i►t a�r coven�nt or�riecmeat in t6is Secority Instrummt (but nat priar�to aax��atlon under porapagb l7 anfe�n9 �
<br /> . pp�llksbk.la�v pi»vl�s ot6eewise?•Tht:notice sLaU specifyc (e;l the detantt:(b)t6e sdfon reqaired to care�be defaWe; .
<br /> (c)*d�ltli-�AOt kss thap 30 days itQm tl�e dt�tt the uotjce�s Kiv�.tq BasCOwer�by whkh tbt de[�Wt must be euried;�
<br /> t�tlu��fsdinr+e to ea�t6e detantt on or befure the date specitiai iu�hs nolice msy re�wlt to aecde�tioe�ot tbe sums �
<br /> � 'secQ�ed 6q tl�s Securtt�Instrament and sACe at.t6e Pro�ty.The arAke stu�f�ther inforn�Borrower ot the rlgl�t w
<br /> cda�Rate atter pecde�tba and the rtg6t tP 6riag s c�oari acti'on to A�eet t�t non-esisteaoe ot a deiaolt o�.�'oti�er
<br /> , de�mse aC Hoernwer to�aeia�tbn;smd sak.[f t6e dd�t i5 uot c�ured on ar belore tLe��ate spe�Aed tt tl�t bndoe, •
<br /> I,eader,at i1s optiva;msy ceqaire immediate P�Ymce�?�p 1kei1 Qt�f"t,':aams senmd.by Wis Sec�iqT In�tr��vftho�t
<br /> � fiuther demand a�msy i�i tt�e power of sWe and�:�r�Penrtitted by applla6te law.Lend�r apai!be
<br /> entitkd ta a�Ms�fl rxpeasrs'n�trred In pu�sutn�the a�rl;irs pror�i�ed in this paragr�p�Zl,inctadieg.but not tin►itcd
<br /> . to=re�so�w6k attornevs'fes st+m�cast9 of titte evldema:•:.:. � • � • '. •
<br /> If the power.of saie is ettv�aked,lY�rstee sT�ait recor`�a datpce flt dt[auIt in each wnnt�(u wfiiclt��y part o!the �
<br /> �roperty is tac�ted�nd s6rU m�l wpies��3ucb untiCe�iit the m��rgserlb�.by�FPIk�Dk�a�to�orm�var�ad t0�:•.: _
<br /> -. ii�e oi�t'.�S px+�aii�i 6Y sP�ic�To;;�f,t::�:.."-•fl:.tl::e tf��-'a�3 bq_�'��.-�,-:�ioe s�[figivt pabi�eat3o�;-
<br /> o!sale to,tbt petsans au�1 in ihe manoer 1x�escribed Dy app0ea61e Ya�v.Trastc�vPathaut demand on Borrower,sliall� ' •
<br /> � tbe Proptrly nt priblic auc�(on to t6e 6lghest btdder at E1je time And p�e aad�the terms desiga�nted tn the notFce af
<br /> s�te in one or rnore paroeals auisf in any order��`eustee�eteruiims.e`1t�ustce ma�.�r.�tPbne sst�e of aii or amy pou�:�_�`ie �
<br /> .PropeKY b3' l�ic Announcemrnt r►t tbe ltme and plaee�ai 9ny p�si�}sfy sc�et�atal sate.I.eader or.Its�qer ms� ,.
<br /> pue+ciiast t6e I�1rop�erty at anY sstie. , • .
<br /> . . .. ,:
<br /> � , . � � �am aozs e�so.,
<br /> Pape B ot 8 •
<br /> . �. . + ' . .
<br /> , . . . � ' .
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