..-1 -_..o_ -�_ _- aac-'=�- �-7r.x�.n•.-'_ --- -- _
<br /> «c t-r,r-r.(-`-`'`4 r- 4,C� ---_ - -,, -- :$.: "_'"'�e,r`��� - - - -
<br />. .ic'_ ,f4�C�n-eG�f '1s.�. - - -_ -' .
<br /> .-- --- �� - . ... _ .�.-__.,��..t-._--_
<br /> � • , ' � < , � � ` � . �,���, ����
<br /> . 'paymcnts may'no ta.rr�cr be requirod.ei the ogtion of Lender,if martga�e insur.�ce cn��er�g�(in the�mount and for'thc peri�d ',
<br /> tbas Lender rcguires)PrBVida!bY�insur�r ap�r�ved by Lender egu�beaoa�es availebIb and£s obsait�e6.�orrower shall paq ,'
<br /> tha pretniums rtquirecl W c�aintain bwstgage in�urance in effbet,or to provide e toss,reserve,ua3i1 th�neq�,;n�±s far mortg�age
<br /> - -. �:�;a�°.��°:��s tl . ^°°��y�!�i P!��?�n�!he�v�n Bn*tower a�d l..�de�r or an�licai�lE Jsaw. . _
<br /> 9 Iffipedtoa.Lender or iis u�eni may m�ke rea6ona61e cntrie.s�pon a�nd insp�ctions of the Prapeity. Le�er skal�give , '
<br /> , Bonowet aoric�at tke tim,;,of or Qrior to aa insp�ctimn specifYing�asanahlc carise for the ins�ction: • � �
<br /> �4.S�L.�.T�pe+ec�edr.of�ay���ctaim fnr�clamflg�s,dir�ct�tr c���te�ha�- in cQane�ion ai�any � - -
<br /> coademnation ar ot&er takiug o�aay pare of the Pragerty,or�fo�coiiveyaa�in lien of wndeinnation.are heteby assl�ne�aad
<br /> shall!�e gaid to I�nder. , � '
<br /> . In the eveut c►f a tot�1 ta�ng o€the Pragerty, the proceeds s6ali be applied to the sams seaued by 4hi�Sec�ttity tn ,*� � , •
<br /> whether or not then due,wFth any.�s paid to�ottawer. Ia t�ie event of a parNaY tafdng of th�Prapeaty ia whida the fair . .
<br /> market value of tt�Pc+aperty+i!mnedjatety:.6efore��he tageng is eqnal'to or greate�tbaa tbe amatm't•of tite sums seFared I�Y this
<br /> Secarit�Instruxaent u�iaDedy befot+�,tb�talting,aai�ss Bor�wer anci�der odh�e agree.lt�writing.the sams s�a�..�zd by.. -
<br /> this 5eeurity Instc�uuent shatt be►'edpce�;�p the am�uuni af the gmceods muItiglied 6y the.�attowing fracdo�.(a)tfi�wta!
<br /> , amoimt of the sums secured:immediate�ji��efare she taking,divided by(b)tbe fair maztcet vaiue of�the Property immadia.tety � •
<br /> � :�fase t�e taking. Aay ba(aace shall,b��.pai�to Borrowe,r.In the eveAt of a peifiai,.taking"of the Pmperty ia wineh ti�€a�s
<br /> ' marYet value of tt��rop�ty ia�tet�!t�efms_tfte takin�is•le,ss ti�ac�the.ainouat.of the sum�secured immefiately 6efot�rtb� •�
<br /> talmng,na3e�.�ornmia aud L�ncter otf�'rwise agree in writing or.ci�ie�ss a�slisable!aw otherari�e provides,tite proceeds?;�11
<br /> �, , � be applied:3i��}a��snms saa�ret!by this Secusity Insuuu�eat ahe�th�r�or nai the s�ms��hen das: . � • . .. �
<br /> °;`',�' �ii�ettY is a�¢aned by Borroarer.or i�,��8er notice by I.ender Yo B�roexer tHat the caademnasamffers ta malc��m
<br /> t
<br /> •Tf the
<br /> �`'�ruard ur setrte a claim�lt��mages.Borrower fai�`i�,respons�to Ler�er wlt2i�:3Q days aRer the.�ate.�th��twrice is given, t -
<br /> <�is an.�to c1i��k:4�appt�•the p�'at its optian,either w��ro�arrepanr of the Piroperty or to r�he s;s�, `
<br /> i�k
<br /> . secuied.by dfis Secarity Instrn�erit,tv�er or avi t�dua: � , :1 ,�. ' f ` `
<br /> Unlr�ss�ender and Barrower uttt�is�agr�,in wriang, aap applicaiion of pmcee�¢�r,,�r��►ciP�t sball not.ext��qr 5 , .
<br /> ��" ` ,3►��Wne tlie due date of th���Y��ts r�f�W in pa��rapi�s 1 and 2 ar change the�a¢a�?�r%�aymerjis.'�` � � �`�„�1�
<br /> r� �;� .� li.��sa�Not i��Fttrh�nce By�,�aidea Nat a Vkaives F.xtep�ion of the"4�me t�r gr�fsz�ir.a�a� S �, "
<br /> i �� #J:amortizatio�of the s��t���Cis��ur�ry�t'g,r�nted by Lead�'[o any sucoessar�rt:��'+G��$oiroip���.�' ,s ,:
<br /> `, � ° �ot.ep�rrats�3��eleasse the llabiti t y'o�.�he:��l Bomovv,er ot�r's sncoessors ia inie r e's t�.�e c T 4 a's b s�t'd,�i}t be r e q t��
<br /> `E�;�`;��.P�nKs 88�t'ahY s�r iri 3ntet►.�St�n:refuse r�i'eateud cime for paymectt�,�'a�liercrl�t�t�l3ify.attwrtir',�ou
<br /> �..:;•::::=�5�.the sums s�sod hy.�his Security'Ltstrument is��;ii�son of any'demand made by the originUl�Ba�'�it�r or Borro�rePs .
<br /> , �`:•:�uocessols in ini�rest. �ny farisearance by Leoder in eaercising auy right or remedy shall not b.e a waiver u�or preclude the
<br /> exerrse nf uny right or�emedY• - , . � - . .
<br /> ' l�. SaccessDts an8 Asigos Ba�d;Joint �Several Ida611ity:t�s�Kne�-The covcnants and agree�enca of thu �
<br /> • Security,Instrument s6a11 binrl and 6en�frt the successois end assigns of Lender aad.Bozrower, sub,�ct to the provlsions of � :
<br /> . :_-_-�;�c�:�:-..�,°:a�a..r's�sv�m;.�-�--.W,�--�-�-�t-ar�t'-svJert. �.-�=°,�:ow��°� ��--�.`''��_ . .
<br /> Zs�stYUment but c�ce�not eze�cute'ths Npte: (aD�s ca-signing this Saairity Instrumsm o�ly to rrcortguge,gnRt.and canvey thAe
<br /> Barrow;er's interqst fin•the F[operty under d�e tM�m of this Securiry tu�stmmertt;(b)is not petsonally obligatpd to.pay�hc surtes
<br /> secutod by tAis Security Insarum�ent;and(c)agmes that i.en�ei and any�lher Bcs�rrowei may agcee to e7itpnd,modify.for6a'r ar '� :
<br /> ' m�any axomtnod�t�ons with regard tn the tcrms a�this Securiry•InSUUment or ihe Note without ihat$orrower's cansa�t. •
<br /> 13..I,o�n Chwt�tsi.If theToan secun,d by this Security Insmi�tunt is subjoct to a law which sets maximum do�n chtrges,
<br /> and tttat law is�InaUy interpreted so th�►t t6e uuertst or athes toaa c�arges c+allected or to be caller.tod in oarmection wittx tlie
<br /> . • twp excad tht pem�itted ILnits.then:(a)any such to�n ctsatge sl�all 6e�redi�oeQ by the w�nt nec�ssuy to tnduoti We d�argc..
<br /> . to the permitted lImir;and(A)any sums al�eadY collectaf from Borrower whieh exceeded�mitt�d timits wiil be rcfut�dacl to
<br /> • Bonower: [.endtt imy choaiSe io make this retund by redu�ittg the principal ovred urfdor the Note oz by.maldng a dirttt
<br /> paymem to Boxmwor: if a nEnnd raiuces princ3pai. the reduc�ian wiU be.treated as a•pactia� prepayment Kitl�oqt uiy
<br /> � . � P.�Y�nE ct�a�'Be under the Note. ,
<br /> : ' 14.Notkes.Aay uatice fti$orrow�r pi+nvided for in'this Sc:GSriry Insmuneat sliall be given by d�veting it'.or(sy mailing
<br /> � � it.bg fus!cass mail.«n!eca.a;�l+'�!h!e_.!a�t re[;nir��t,c�of another mPthnd_Tt*�nnti��h�!bC dirtrCted t0 the P[o*�itY AddxC.SS—=-
<br /> , or any other address Bo�rower designate� by nouce to I.ender. My notice to Leacier shal! be given by.first�class inail to
<br /> Lender"s address statcd 6ercin ar any athcr address Lender d,esignates.by aati�to Borrawes. Any rw�ar�provided for in this
<br /> ' Seruriiy InstYUment sTiall bt deemea to have been giv�x to Romowcr or l.ehder when given as providod ia tivs pazagraph. � � " —
<br /> . . I5.Goveming Laa+;, 5�verabitity. 'ffils Sceuriry Instrument s6a11 be govemed by feder�l law and the law of the ' �
<br /> � jurisdiction in.�vhich the l?�+nperty is located.In the event t1�at any Qrovision or tlansc of this Socur�ty iustrnm�mt er the Nate �
<br /> Cbnflicts with applicable la�v,such conflict shall not affxt other pmvisions_of tLis Seturity Insunment arr thcNote 9vhiCh can be
<br /> � given�ffxt wlthout the cac�nfliciing pruvision.To this end the provisians of this Secursty Instnunent and the Nae are dect�roti
<br /> . to be severablc. � • . �
<br /> 16.l�owee'b Copy.B�rrower sriall be�i�en ene wnforined cepy of t�5e Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . form 3�28 9190
<br /> ' . �- � � v.�sms • • � .
<br /> . . .
<br />