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<br /> ..�<.._--,� �- -- . -- _�---
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<br /> . ' ,�� 4 . ,C 4 ` � . . , t������ ��;�� .
<br /> . payrngnt�cnzy nu l�nger.be��qair��t ttsa cr�tia;s af LrnQ��r.If mart�e aas�js�noe oavemge(in the aa'inunt and fumtt►e�enn.!!�
<br /> � ` .th�L,tn,dF: cecJuices)ymvid�d by aa insurer.approvrd 6y'Ltnder a�a�i�be��nts av�llabno aud is abta�naQ,8areowet�!��r.
<br /> � t4�e premis1ms m�uire�#to�aintain mottgage iasuemnc�in�effxt,or to provlda g toss res�rve.until tho rtqkiretr�nt fmr�in�rtg�ge
<br /> ._ .. ._.__
<br /> -- insur�i�eads�in�ra�`w�`apy«rn`tes�a�i�f ir�w�e��iwi�wer��et�i�uF fl�u�5,e Ea�w. , -
<br /> g:ie�tpe�tk►n.Gender or iu.a�ant may make rrasoaabte e�uies u�and inspeaians of tlre�roperty.l.e�der shail�iva
<br /> ' BnrraBrer ts�cise aa the Qimc of as pdnr.to ua�fnspoction�ifyitig retia�ra'bie cause for the inspection. � ,
<br /> ' � a�.'Co►lderiinatloQ.TEte proc¢eds"o�auyt awaaci or�Iuim for da��gQS.dir�t�s�port�equentiaf. ist c�nntxtian widi sstry_ .
<br /> . ca�amarion or c�ther tal�ing�of any pait of the Pmpxrt�r,or for conveyauce in l�of con�emn�tian.are d�ereby assigned ead .
<br /> si�l!be paid t�Lender. <-- � . • _ ' •'� ' • .
<br /> Ia the event nf a mtat talcing af thc Property.the procads shaU bc apQ}ied ta�the suias seaued by tLi�Sec�uity It�trum..°at, ..
<br /> ` ' whethcr.ar aoi ti�en due�with an�►excess paid to Bc�rrauu. Sn the evr.nt.nf a partial ca�ing of ttte Fropett}in wi�ch the feir �.' .
<br /> � uaaricet�aiue of thc Pr�perty imr�ediatety befo�th�ta6dreg is equal to o�grr,�tzr thaQt the amoant nf th�sums sxurod b}r shis'
<br /> . Saca,zty I�s�ment iu�m�liately befare tfle talring.unless Barruwcr aad Le�ler otherwise agree in waiing,the suaffi saa:rad by, ,
<br /> �his Security Ipsuviti�ai shalL bz r�duoed tsy the emo�nt of th�pn�oeeds multiplied by the following fea�Ian: (a}YAe totat .
<br /> a�iww�t pf the suins seru�.ia�tatcty�be�are the.taldng>divided by(b)the farr maric�value of.the Property imsnedI�ety.� .•
<br /> , before the talting. A'ay bal�e siiafl be paid to B4rro�ver. In the event of a part'sal taldng of the Fropetsy ia which the faii
<br /> . urarlcea value of th+e PioPertY�IY b�fore th8 tal�iag�s less thaa the amouc►t of tfie sums secured f mmediaulg 6efore the .
<br /> taking,anless Barrawer and Lertdu ot�eswise agri�I'ti,wcitiag or wiless appiicable taw ot}iciwrise provides,tts�prsteeods shall .
<br /> be agP4igd t4 the sum4 secure+d by this Seauiry I�-wh�ther or not the sums are ti�ed due. ,
<br /> ' If the Pr�npzray is abac�doaed by Bmzower::o�'if'r{after uarire by�.�ender to Barrowep tbat the�Qndemnor bffets to�maYs an '"
<br /> award or seuia.a ciaim�for damages, Honower��ils�to iccpond:Ea Lendet withltt 38 days afiet t6e�e tl�notiee ia�venP
<br /> Lr.nder is auWpzized to ooltect and apply the proc�eids.,at its opttor�.�r ta t+estoration or repair of the Frap�ty or to thc s�s .
<br /> , �by ttis Seeurtty�sttument,w�tet6er os no�ti?t�due, �:`,��';;,.,; .. :.,. .�_,; � � : ; . �
<br /> ' Unl$ss�ee 8itsf-.I3,�rtawer atherarise agr��&i�,writin�;�a�';�p,?�ti�iti�af pmceeds to priacipal shall not exttad or .
<br /> • P.ostpane tfle due ctate t�f�&ty�monthlY�p�nts refeite�fso in parag�apiis I'and�o�ci�ange the arr�ount af suc�pay�ts. .. .
<br /> . � lY.Borriower A'at Itr��i�a�nce By�der.Not a W�fver.Extension'of the time for p�ayment or modi�icaciait
<br /> . , ,uf�uno2tization af the su��cured b�r.�i�Security.f[nsfcoment grantod by Lender tv�ny suocessor in in�erest af B�miwer sE�w11
<br /> •�s�pt operate tb re2�th41�6flity of ft�;ori��o�tryer or Borrawer's sncae�,�itts'in interest. I�erider.shal!c�nt be requircd ta _
<br /> �,��=:tt�nce proceedings a�st asry suco�sor in uii�s;�or refnse fo exte�d tiiri��p paymc.mi or os�erwise i�y amusriz�ion ..
<br /> � . �`�f the surrrs secured by tiris Sac�mty Tnstrmr.ent by.rrason of any aemand���cle [sy the ori�iaal Boi�rowi�::�,r Bu�'ower's .
<br /> sncassors iei intei`rst. My�forls�anoe_�iy Ixnder in exeicissng anY eiSi�t.oi remedy shali not be a waiver o'f vr pr�t�tfle . �
<br /> , � exercise i�f any.rig,bt ot rem�sty. � :.: ,:. . • ���: : , . � �� , � " : .
<br /> � � IZ.Soop�snrs and Assigas$ar�]aint and Sevrral ' ,�(.�f�r.fY,Ca-s�,aers:'The cavenants and•a��•of drIs .
<br /> . . �,`_�Sea�rity Iaurument shall t�xf and.beneSt the sucaessora and as�j`�3��f.E�sttA�'�td Borrower, subject t�:t�'e proyisioas d� .
<br /> paragraph 17. Barrourei's cavenans and agr�ds�shall 6e.j+�i�t:,�sd`'*,�,':�':Ya�sT�<:AnY B4stnwes who c,n=si�tt�is �ficy ; ...
<br /> ' Insmttnent bue daes not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this��.,wty.lastr:^.aent oni,y to mortgage, graiit•anc!wnvey tlsat ..
<br /> , �orrower's lnt�tese in tha Propercy under�he terms of this Securit.y,:�Sizr��ument;(b1 is not pe�,�:�lly o6ligaud to pap�twe sums . .
<br /> �.;,,;; seca�sd by this Securicy Insuument;and'(c)a�ees that l.ender andr et�;�other Barrower inay a�to exte.nd,,malify.forbar or �
<br /> . . -..:<'�malcn any acmmm,odations.witlt regard fathe terms af shis Secutfty Xastrurnent Qr the Note witfiaut tltas Bortfi,�i�r's oonsea�
<br /> • '�,:i;��;,:'.. '. !3:I.oru Cl��es.If the loan socWred by xhis�cur�ty Tnsrr�rnen�is suQject ta a law�which stt$n�iq?�i.�m loac�cwa�ea,
<br /> :"''��r�d that l�+v is finaUy interpreta!so that the inte�t or oWcr la;it�r�tharges call�cted or to tt�:.�.�alectod in canaection wiW the�� "
<br /> . fo�n exce�it�i�t,�Qermittad timits, ehen;:Q�)any svch toan�Chasge s�ul�hb reduced h+�ime a�riu'�ti;neces.w,ry to cafu�oe th�7 x�.�1rEa
<br /> • : to ttiei�mii,ttbd limir,a�d @)ariy.s�irnra"�lready�otleetal from Boiiower whicit��ue�ed{�.�riittc�d limil�+'will be nfi�u+�r to ' .
<br /> Bor�ower. l+ecxler may'�tir�ose to malce thi� rq�nd by r+aducing�the prFncip�E:a�d under.tha�Note oi b�;?�iakit�a,;o�tfiroct '
<br /> payment to Borrawtr: �C.�,� refvnd reduces prirtcipal, the.reductiot��w�I ft;.:ara�d as a Pasiial Prqr+yt�t;witnoai�.��try
<br /> prcpaymatE%ir�ugn Wxirr uie i3vie. . ' .. • � ,.:.';. ' . :: � � •. . ..: . _ .. •.
<br /> l .
<br /> ' '14.Notioes.Any natirg.to Borrower provida!fo:in this S�r�,it�•Inswmtnt shall tie gi�-en by deliveriug it or by n�r7�g '
<br />— _ it by fiist ct�s mail�r►izss�alspic�aib�e;:t�feQtvffes�e�aao�ttcr��a.ihe noa�si�i i��is��u rize;gr�ertp-kpa�re,es- -
<br /> � or any ottter �ddrgss B�t��pwet desiguates by ntsrice to Lender...�y riotire tty+��.;ender sha11 be given bw.�b�.�ciass m�l ta
<br /> . :.�s�'�r'��3�r°.,y�tui t�:�in or�ay'ctt�;,r r.�re�..I.sr.3er d�i�t�by not?r,�:'.i�i��otta:etr.A:ny r.���Z ei;,;(ided for in this
<br /> ' Savrity Ynsttume�nt shall be detmed tdhave be,en given to Borrowep at Lendar wi*.en given�.s.provided in tJiis paragtap�4Y��:: . '
<br /> ' I5.Goveret�.taw; Seretab![ft�L This Soeurity tnstntmn�a�',shall be govert�d by..f�ral taw and the 1'aw of tlx
<br /> juri3dicticm in which the lfinperty is tbcated.In the even't that uti��jcovislon:os claust qf tI+.fV��Securiry Ins�timenR or tha Ndt. .
<br /> � conilicts with applic�trte law,such coNlict st�l uot Ftffect other provisiona of tbi{,y��ecurity Ittsm�merx or�tUe Ndte which pn be .
<br /> g[ven E#foc�withac�t tt�e conflicting piovtsion.To th(�end tfie provisions uf this�eurity Uutrument aact tiiY hote are declared
<br /> to be severable. • � . �
<br /> 16.Borro�rer's.Copy.Borrow•er st�ll be given one cQnformed arpy of the Note and af�1ItL•i�Security Instniment. � . ,
<br /> � " '�`' fonn 3f32A. 9/!O � . .
<br /> - � � . . � , - ' Faye4ci6 ' � � . - - . . . .
<br />