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<br /> �� ' • , � __ • � ' • : ��9�.. �1���;�
<br /> S. �Iwr�uir P�olKet9 inwrino�. Borrower shali i�eep thc imgro4ements aov�saisring or heeeafter
<br /> propect r�insnre�ag�inst Yoss by Sre.hu�rds inc�ed witbin th�t�nn"��i�coverage�tubcl any other hazardg,incl�dia8•
<br /> ___ jaua�g oi ft�;iar w;ui�'�uma,��a�ilit�3'nc..- , ��-��.--lt:i��i�3tsi„�°�,fos ihr t��.t�'iods - - -.-
<br /> tII�at I,e�tier rcquir+es.'The ins�aace canier praviding tlte insuranee s1�!be cheseu by Borrower suDLender man�er�a�er�s
<br /> whlch shati r.at be aareasoP����eld. If BOri�►w�t f�ls tb►pajnia{�aovesa$E descn�4ed BboVe. � ,
<br /> , optioa,o�stain covetage to iunt�t Le�icr's ri�ints�n tite Fi�i�:�����"'`PH 7.. ' .. . : - . -- ' __.
<br /> • . Att iasucnnaa poticies and tenewafs'shall be act�Fiat,le to f.e�er and:hatt iaclude a staadard mortgage clause. a ender
<br /> si�ll.have th�rig6t tfl hol�th�policies and reae�vais.If L�nder requires.Bormwer sLall promP�S&ve to�,ender ail rec�eipts of . ,
<br /> paid DT�miva�s and renzwal�tist,s.In tJ�event of toss.Borrower sliatl giva PsamPt n�ce to the insu�carr�er and Lender.
<br /> I�eadcr ma}:make�pr�nf af.tnss if not made Igon?Ptty E►y Borrower. �. .
<br /> � � Unless 1�`a►id Bormwer aoherdvise sg�ee in writing..ins�uaiue 1Pmooeds sha[i 6c s�plied.m restoration or`sepait.of the .
<br /> PmpertY d�8�1.if tL�zestaratian or cepair is Ecoriomi�atty feas�'ble anc!l�nder's sacuait}gs not lessened.If the reemratian ar. .,
<br /> ' ir,pair is aflt ecor.�miralIY feasihle or.Ler�d+.�'s�rity wa�d be I�sscned.tbe insniance praoeods s�lt be�pplied t4 the sums. .
<br /> secured by this Ses.vi`ity'Instn�ent+-�rhetl�r.�not tTien dae,with auy oa�pai�eo Boirbwer. UE Bo�wer a6aaddhs the
<br /> P�aP�rtY►os does u9i aztswec wit�ut 30 days a�ce fmut L�d�r thal tli8 tostusnc�catl'Ies has offer�d to setde aclaun.thea: ' .
<br /> • L�ndtr may onSta�the uuuraace proceais.;�id� �Y��P�S��P�T ar.�ore tiie FmPeitY o7 so:�aY� ,
<br /> sccared b,y t�is.Socurlty Instrument.whether ox a�i tI►en dut.The 3Q-day period will begin when the notice is givrat: ` . . ,
<br /> � � • �Utslass Lender�d Borrowei a3hstwise agree in wriririg,any appEicatittn of pt�s ta priacipal shall�t�at extend or
<br /> pastpone the dBe d�tc of the momhly Fay�nts refer�t�s ia paragisphs 1 and 2 or ctiange.the amouat of the papm�nts. If�
<br /> ander��ara�aph 2I tEx Pn�ge�g is acqui��¢+lt�.i3ocrower's.ri�ht to auy insumuce policies and,p�oo.eetts�ultin8 fr�
<br /> � •damage to the Property prlor ta tt►e acqaisition ssl�all pass to Lendea m dte ex;ent of the sums secssed by this Secur3ty In�u�ent .
<br /> imtned'uttely prior tp tt�aFqaisition. , .
<br /> �l 6.Oecapr�e�,Preservation,R�taintmiainoe�Pnc►tedion af tUe Pt�perty3 Borro�cds Laan App�i�iun:F.�s�oi�.�
<br /> Bo�rvwor sha]!oowpy,esta6lis�,and usc the pcope�tY�Hbrrower's prir�i�l residence within sixty da9s afttf tt�e eacaxitian�F ....
<br /> . 'th�9aa�ritY Inst�u�t aad.shali cont�iiime to occupy dus Pcoperty as B6trow�r's prinsipe�rtside�ce t'or at ieast oc�yesu after �
<br /> the dato o�r aocugancy:unless�ender ntherwise•�in wr'sting,wIucb cansem shall not he unreasQua6ly vrithlietcl;or unle�
<br /> � exteaetatin� cir�mstances exisg wIuc� are.6ey.ond Botc+dwer's cpnuoi. Bor�owes sball not desuoy, �8a 9r itnpair tiu.
<br /> Fropetty. allaw t#se PmpcttY to deterioxate.ox cammit waste on ttte t��gert3►. Borro,wer sl�ll be in def�2t if any forfeitun
<br /> • actian ar praae�dt�.��her civil or criminal,is izsgao that in I.Ende�'�a�good faith judgment ewil4�suIt in forEciture of ttx�-
<br /> . pco�erty or othervrise maaeriallY impair the lien created dy this Security C�,;.�usne�t•ar�adei s se�ariry inter�st.BamPwer may..
<br /> • �cure such a defa�lt and reiu�tate,as pravIded ia paraSraPh 18.by cansi�g tt�e acd�n cr pracealing,4a be di'smissed�ith a niling '.
<br /> that. ia l.eiader's.good faitt►detomiination. pndudes fo�kitar�.oF the Eotrower's<f�:m the PiopertY.dr othes maurial
<br /> ianpaim�ent of the lien�crrated by thas Secusiry Iaswm�nt�r LendaPs;security i�st• BomoweF:.shall,alsa he ia d¢f�uit if
<br />_ _:'-:-- . • • • ' '
<br /> �Boirovter.daii�g t]td iaus�app�fcatiou pmcc�;.g�o �-i15�"ii�}i�flF�'f�^�''�s--=1-f�rsn.�e�m ar.�tnfs t�S�r(2r.�=_---_
<br /> .tp�proviQe Y..ende�with azry mattrial infomiation)in co.�on with tlte�Roaif e�r'd�by the Note;;�ciuding,�iut no!limit�d,
<br /> 'to.rePnsentatiads concxming Borrowei s occ��ancy of tha PropertY as a piiacipal m�ir`u�ce.If this SefuritY Inst�eat iS o�a
<br /> ' . te�hold, Sarrawrrt st�all cnmp{y wiffi at! the ptovisians of tAc lease..If Borrot�0t acquires fec titte w t�FropertY. the .
<br /> iwctioid aad thc fec.6de shal3 noc merge unless I:ender agrtes to the�,�in wriSag. ,:` . .
<br /> 7.Pir�ni Leodet's RIg��W in tf�e Pe+upatq,If BoTrower Pa�;:i.t�a?.perforu�c6c covenants-ssid agreernents conca�ner3 ia
<br /> `this Soaarity Y�e.�t,os ttxre is�lega!pioc,eedin8 ciwt,may si ,'e�d,y affax:N.ender's righ�iri the PropertY lsuch as t .
<br /> i ia. ,fos�aa or;�t:�;€eiaue ot�a cnforce l�t�+ti�.�nr regulations).tbea L.�S�!►��.. , .
<br /> . pt�icad'ng �Y•.i�?� . � Isndct°s xtions
<br /> . ;,;ppi��.°f���r v�h�tis�,.�r,aoxs'sai�,��G��rated the valne.of:�i�'�t�ertY aad�,ender's.�i�.in the I'c+open!►• in court, �
<br /> :%,..`�"d�i9e�2via�;-�Y.sums seeurM by a li�;whicH.3��priorihf over this Secun �ristniment�.,.apqx�rinS P�Y�B ,
<br /> �•s�on�bie'u�:�s'.fas and eatering on sFie,PropertY to.znahe repairs.Althoqgh I.eu6cr ma�tak�.`s�tflon:utxkr this paragcaph .
<br /> �:`';;�'i•:;.r:i��J�eT daES noi S�eve tir Go sPr cz, ._ . . . ..
<br /> . ...',;, :`s.My cu�aunt�disbursed by Lender uader this par�grnph 7.ahall t�erome addii;,�nai debs of�ormwer socun�d bY��t�3s
<br /> .. , ;;:•
<br /> _ _ ,;.��'w�,.,�r.�s, itnLs.��rower��e�r a�s�z uv�c x h e r�exms o f p�a y m e i�.t,��,5 e anwunts shaU 6rar•intcrest fto�n tbe . , -
<br /> ds�te af disburc�xnent at tAe Nae:rate and s�ali be pay�?f►i;with interest. upori i�a2sr.e frorre i�endtr[a��oriawer�aNczur,�.- -
<br /> � � payment.' . '".� � � '
<br /> �. , 8.Mortg;�Insatance.If Lendet t�aquireEl mort�,^e inuu'ra�x�as e conditioa�o�eu�sg t�c lc�:n:,ecursd by:3.ti���*'y
<br /> �put�ummt.Borrower shalt pay the premi�utps*e9uL+Cd.a3 zoaintai�i the mortgage insurance,in effoct. ii,.fqT any rGason, the. ' •
<br /> ur�tgage it�sutancx coven►ge zequirod bq i:snder lapses.e�ccas�s�to be in effext,Baz�wet shall pay the pre�niums required ta
<br /> obrsin ouver�ge�substant'sa1ly equiva�ent to the mortgage insutance praviously ia effa�t,at u cast substa�d�ily equivplmt�to thee '
<br /> �� cwst io Borrov�r�of the nnortgage insvraicce previously in effxt, fmm an aIternate mottgage insuar appraved by X�ender.Tf.
<br /> subspaitially�eqs�ivalent murt�ge'insuruxe cover�,e is not availabl'e.Batrower shall pay to Lender t�cb monih a sum a;wl ta
<br /> cr�e•tweiilb oP the,yeaily mortgage tnsurar�ve prrmium beiag p�d by$orcower when the insurance caveTage lapsod ar ceisal to
<br /> bs ix�effect.Lender will aooept.us�and retain t1►ese IraYments as a loss teserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. 1.oss trseivo .
<br /> � � � . �3aze ar90
<br /> � � � �
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