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<br /> ti--u:: — _•- - - _'�,.r... '�_z:.,-'r:=� --•�----'�.i�---,..x:. . ..rv . . � �.�sa--�_ ----
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<br /> 18. Wef�b�n i��tL Ynai�r�t�t'iil W a�Trusior'a o�iigtlt�s w�er.�U hom��Dl�� .
<br /> � . .Yi�n+mt,nps���roftNrtoan�+M�TitM�o►a�rs�o►vrRAL�r.Lende►►at0�en�'o .rt�ay
<br /> �T�or n�isy��pa����y�t�aecr r d t�=or�ctS��n�mp o��im�s6e ` ,
<br /> to ths�ropsrty. . . . _ � .
<br /> t6. Xraatterutih�ProptrlyotsB�;t»8ct�ilnt�»altnTruatar. Ueltoranyp2��tatthePropertyo�anyinterealireitls
<br /> � sosdortransfer�Cd(orflab�anetiaE�linterestinTrustorissotdoctransterredandTrustorisaota�aturaiperson)w�ihoui
<br /> � Eea�dePs pr�or wdtter�cansen�i�ertder anay.af Its option.require fsnmediate payment in tuU ot all su�s seeured Oy thts � _
<br /> �Oe�t3 af Tru�i_.?tawrav�.thI��Dt�i�z o.°�.#s�aY�a ax¢:�i��d byl.er.�s:F!�xer�is�ic ptc►h#�irad�y te�3era1�aw as o!tt►a =..
<br /> date ot tt�is OcQd oi Ttust _.
<br /> .;!!e�exerctrQS�s o�tlenA.Len�st�.4lgive Ti�,&tg�nstic�oi aeeeieratian The notice shatl peovids a per�oA of
<br /> notless than 30days trom tPta datethe nottca is detivered or maited within whtch'Frustgrmust pay aii sums secured by -
<br /> this e�ed of trus�.lt Teustor taits!o pay these sums prtor to lh0 explration oi t3�is period,LenEer may dnvoke any.
<br /> remedi�s permitted by this Oeed o!Trust witAout tuctrie�rtoUce or Qemand on Trustar.
<br /> NOAt�dJNiF�RM CCVE1�lANTS.Ttusior and lender turther covenant and sgree as bROwss:
<br /> �11. AeceM�f�tOn:R�n�dt�-Ex�eAi as pravfided in Paragraph 16 hereoi,u�wn Tnistor'�breach o1 any�venelnt ar
<br /> • agreem8ttt of Trust�t tn the Nots ar this Oeed of Trust,includir�g the coven�nts to pay when due anY sams s�ecueed by
<br /> thia Oeed of Tnrst,Lendsr,at Lender's optian.ma�dedare aU otUe sums secured by thls Deed of Trust to be immedtatety
<br /> due�►a1lt�wut tuather nott�e or derrtart�snd may i�voke the power of sate ar�d any ather remedies petm(tted
<br /> by e few.i6nQet shall be er�tfed to�ttect a11 reasona�ie costs and expenses incurred tn pursuing the remedies
<br /> ptmvfded in thts Pa►a�raph 17�inc[�ir�,but naY fimited ta.reasoaabte attomsys'tees to the extant provided bY l�ar..
<br /> Ii Lertder invoke9 the.p�e r of saie,'�rustea sha0 gtve rwtTcs ot�te t+Y PuM'rc advertis�menf tor the fime ar+d irt 8�
<br /> manner pravt4e4 by BWpli+ca6te ta�r.and Lender ar Tn�3tae shall mail aoppy ot the nc�ce of sele to Trustor in the manrter .
<br /> proviQed in Peragtap3►12 tter�ol.Tnistse.without desnan6 on Tn�stor.shell seil tlte Property 8t the time and underthe .
<br /> t�rms des�gnated anQ fn the notke of sate atpubitc aupionto the hiqhest bidder.lsnderor�ender's designee ma}I purcha�e
<br /> !!te Propehl►at any sat�_ . . . .;
<br /> �- �� 7rus�ee sha11�etiver to�the purci�ase�Tou�Ye�'s deeti conveying the�PropeRy so satd without arry covenant or �
<br /> warranty.expressed or#xnplied.The recitats in!he Trustee's deed shalt be prlma tacie evidence at th�truth�of the
<br /> stateme�tsmadetherein.Ttusteeshallappiytheproceedsotthesaleinthetottowingorder.(a)toatlreasd�abtecosts •
<br /> asx#axpe�ses et ths�sal�includ'siig�L�:it nat 1'ESn�tecf to.reasonabfe Yrustes's and�EYs'gees ar�ci costs�i titi�- -- :
<br /> ev�dence;(b}:ia alt sums secured tnr tflis�eed af Trus�aae�(c)the excess.it any�to the person or persons tegatiy
<br /> entitied the�eto.ti the Froperty is se:c8 pursuant�dthis Paragraph:i7.Trustor.or any person hotding possessian of the
<br /> . Property threugh Trustor,s6�au immediatety sa�m�.•tder possession ot the Property to the Durchaser at such sate.ti
<br /> possess�o�is noi surten4ered.Trust�rer su �rson shall be a tenant at witt of such purchaser.shati be removabte
<br /> . by preeess such.as 4orceabte and c�cetaw[ul d, y`.�er,and hereby agrees to pay to$uch purchat�er the reasonable
<br /> tental vatue�,#the PropeRy after�1�. . '�:� ` .
<br /> 18. LeaeB�'s Right to Altow Tmstar to Reinslate. No4withstanding l.ender's acceferation of the sums secaured by
<br /> this Oeed o:��'fust dus�o Trustor's�breach.Lender may.in L�nder's total discretion,discontinue any proce�ifings
<br /> b�gunbylend�rtoer�`.�ethis0eedot7rustatanytimeprioFtoth�sate4ithePropeRypursuanttu.thepowerofsate � .
<br /> contained in.this Oe��#Y[ust or en4ry ot a judgment intorcing this Dee���Trust ii:(a)Trustor�a�s Lender a!i sums.�:;;':::,
<br /> � which wou�d be then due under ihis Oeed of Trust and the Nete had no a�cceleratipn occurred;(b)'Trustor cures at1 ������
<br /> breaches:��any otAer cave�ants or agreemesns at Trustar contained in this Oeed o!Tast;(c)Trustor pays a11 •
<br /> reasonabia exp@rts2s incuaed �y Lende�and Trustee in entorcing the.covenants and agreements oi.Trustor
<br /> . . containea in this.0eed of Trust,and in eniprcing Lenders andTn�stee's�emedies as provided in Paragrag�1'�hereoi.
<br /> �.•�nctuding,but noi limited Co.reasonabie attomey's feex and(�Trustor takes such actlon as:l:ender may reasanably
<br /> ` ' '.requiretoassurethatthqlienofthlsO�eedflt7rust,LendersinterestinthePrtfpeRyanOTrustor's,Abtigatrantopaythe
<br /> sums secured by this Deed olTrust shall continue unimpai�ed.Upon such payment�nd cure byXirustor�this Oeetf ot ,
<br /> Trust anrl tne obtigations secured hereby shatl rematn in tutl torce and efieci as i!n�acceleratten haa occu�r�Cf.TP►e
<br /> � �rights�tanted in this Pacagraplt 18 ShaN in�o way be Cosi.�,rued es allowing TrustOt to�einstate at Tn,�&tq'a?�wiil,it
<br /> being underst�vd that such reinstatement is totalty wilhin t�z3 discretion oi�e�der:;.,: . . . � •
<br /> 19. AssEgnment aP�l��!nts;Appointment o!�uceiver;�nder in Ppssession.As additianat'f��CUriry hereunder.� �
<br /> Truseor herebX assigri�'i�Lendet the rents a�1i��:I�soper�i.provided�h:a3 Trustor shaU.priar to�cceferation undor
<br /> Paragraph t 7 he�eoi or abandonment oi the Rr��try.ha����e right to cottect$nd.retain such rents as they become
<br /> due and payabSe. •`,•.' ' . , � ..�. . :` . . .
<br /> Upon acceleration under Paragr t7.hereai or abantlonme�}t pf the PropeRy,�;ender�in person,by agent or by
<br /> judlc+alty appointed recetver,shait��ntiUed:�ln enter upon.take possession of and manage the�'roperty and to -
<br />_ cotlecitha rents olthe Proporty lnciritt�zgtho�t�ast due.All rents coliected by lenderor the rQCeiver shatl be apptied .
<br /> . t�rst to payment of tAs cost of mac�:,�emecst�t,9 the Prope�y ani! callectton of rents, inctud;ng, bu�not timiie�tru,
<br /> receiver's tees,premiums on recaiu�'s bonds�and reasonabte aKCrneys'tees,and then to the'sums secured by this �
<br /> Oee4 of Trust lender ar�d th�i re�.ct�er shall be liabte to acceu�t onty far those re�YS actualty received. _
<br /> ZO RNw�ti.Upon paymant ot�'ci aums secured by this Deed ot Trust.Lender sha�l.refease this Oeed oi?ntst without
<br /> charge W Truator.4rustor shait pay ail c�ats o!recordatlon.tf a�ny,to t4es extent permftted b�i law.
<br /> 21. Subaltut�Tnutw.9.ender may.for any r�ason ar causo.from ttn�txr.time�ernove Tnistee arMd eDRatnt e auoeesaor
<br /> wstes to any Truatee appolnted hereunder.Withoui ccmreyance ot tt�PropeAy,t�e auccessor�trustee sAaU suoceed .
<br /> ` to ail t)te titte.power an�duties t?�niened upen ttie Truate�a herein and by apAlicable taw. :
<br /> 2Z. Wa1vK ot NanNti�d. t�kcc�mption� Spou�at � and Oih�r Ex��io�s. T�usta watves a91 right of
<br /> homestead exemption in end e�ufcabte and statutory redemption o1 the Propertyrtnd Tf�stor hereby�etinqnishes at1
<br /> ►IyM at dewer,cur4e5y and st8tuta,ty or etQCtive rights in the ProR.e►h►•To ti�e exten3 permittsd by law.Truseor he�eRy
<br /> � waivesandtransterstoLenderanyotherexompttonrightspermitt8dunderapplica�testate4rlederaliawwithrespact
<br /> tb the ProPerty. .
<br /> �3. lender's Catl OptIoa. Nqtxviihstanding any provistan to the contrary cantained in the Note.Trustar hereby
<br /> covenants and agrees that�ende�shali have the rlght.�t tts sole option,to ateclare the enti�e outstandirtg prlrtcipal
<br /> bafance o1 the toan evFdenced by tiie Note and accrued interest thereon to be due a�d payable in full on a date not less
<br /> � than � 3 y8ars trom th�.Oate of the Note.except that l.ender.ii it exerclses such cat! _
<br /> option,�hali sertd rrustor wr�tten notice thereol at least ninety(90)days[but not more than one•hundre.d and twenty -
<br /> (120)daysJprio�tasuehasceletaledloanmaturitydate.ThewrittennoticetoYrust�rtromLenderwilisetforththerein �
<br /> the Lender's acce�erate0 maturity datetor the Ioan.Prepayment in fuit o1 the loan as a direct�esult ot Lender's exercise
<br /> 01 ifs atoresaid tat!optian sha11 aot be subject to any prepaymem penatry otherwise.aDP���abte under the provisions act _
<br /> the Nate.lt the sQaee above tor insertion of a date in this Paragraph 23 is marked"N/A".Lertder does not reserve�catl -
<br /> option. _
<br /> . . - . . . E.�.
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