, ,� . . �
<br /> 4,a �.� := i-`. � i., �.("� . a.-.. �. i.-p�;,`....... .c �7 r �
<br /> 'T.��` .-v-. . `" - : �'��• t-rs =���$r�s�+ '*�.s i � t,a��� ��.` ` c�-'` ..�-�.`. �._
<br /> - �. r-�-�.�.,^.«..r.`
<br /> � — �� ���-r �-�y '�'-4' � i:Y:�.` '�r 6��ra�. �„'P:k.p, . _ , � --- . , �.
<br /> . � . .
<br /> . �` uN��a�on�►.avu�s.Tnnior and Londer oove»tnt st���ytle aa faf'� , �'�5�$��� � . �
<br /> � 1. Paymtnt�lFrirteipalandtnte�e�l..Tnestorsft�UprempUypayv�hendueti�egrir�edpalandtnterestind�ebtedn�ss
<br /> euriAeRaes!by t��Note and t�ts��uQea aa arovtdad in�a Note. � . �
<br /> � ?. Tax�s,Auss�m�n�.as�d Charpa. T�ustor al�ft pay o�cause ta ba pal0 at�taxea.assassrnenta,and other
<br /> charpes.tin�s aaq tmpostUorti attributabte tp the Rto�erty wNcA may Stta�n prFority av2r this Desd oi T�us��nd
<br /> teasehotd paymertta or 8:ourid renla[t any. _ � -
<br />- — �-..-�;.;.flcoti,�,cgP:�i..°.�;. tfr.:�asay;��r�ia��r�vt6eso��eewise.te�+der�v;fir�s�apPiy�ayrs�er�ts�ece�►e6. � -
<br /> � . v,hetherornotdetinquen�tntheioltaw�n�order.(t}toanyappticabiscredittnsu�ancepremtum,(�)toanyapp�icabte
<br /> iat�ahs�tgea.i�t�any�FPtIcBDis ptepaymeat�et18[tfe,y.(4�to eny�nterest tAet Aas accrued and finaUy(S�to the. ..
<br /> unpaid bat�nca ot princi�aR. �
<br /> . �. Pr�oa MoriQsgt�an�O�sds o!Trn�9;Charp�r,i.��as. Trustpr shal9 pertorm att t�!Trustor's obli�ations u�der
<br /> a¢iymortQa�e.de$d otUustaroiher seau►iryapreert�eniwlthalte�►wN�h�asprior�tynverthis Oeed oiTrus�inctu�ing
<br /> T�uatc�s covenar�ts to rpake payments when due. �
<br /> , �b. Huard tnsu►anc�Tr�stor aRel1 keeA U'►e imDrovements no�+r�xisting ar�e`�eafter erecte4 on the propenyr
<br /> insureda�air�stlossbyfir�lfasardslnctudedwithin theterm"extendedcoverage".and suc�+oLher hazatds as Lender
<br /> may requ�re a�d in sucA amounts tor sach perfads as tencler may requir+e.
<br /> The insurance carrier praviding the tnsurance shalo De chosen byTrustor subject to approval by Lender.proviQed,
<br /> that such approvat Shatt not be unreasonably withheld Ail insurance policies and�enewafs4l�ereof shall be in a torm
<br /> .�CCeplable to Lender and shaif Indude a standard mortgagee clause in favar et and in a tarm accepta6te ta�ender.
<br /> lend�rsl�all havetherighttoROtdthepoficiesand�enewalsthereot�subjecttotiseterms ot anymortg�ge.Qeed ottrust
<br /> ot other gecuriry egreemeiit wiih a IFen whieh has prioriry over the Oeed oi Trus�t. . �
<br /> tn the eventot toss.Trustot shali ptv�prompt notice to the insurance ca�rler and Lertder.Lender may maK�proof cl
<br /> � tass tf noi made promptiy by Trysi�r.
<br /> � tlt�ePrcpertyRisabandoRedbyTru�4or.oritT�ustortailsLO�espon9toLenderwithin•30daystromthedatertnticeis
<br /> . _ maited by lendeo ta Tn��tar that the[�sursnee carrier oifers ta settle a clatm for insurance benef,ts. lende�is �
<br /> -�suthoritedto co�fect an�a�pJy ttie insuranae prozeeds at Lender's option eitfi�er to testaration or reaair of the Property
<br /> or to.the suma secured by tnla Oeeai a4 Trust .
<br /> 6, Preservation and Malntenanc� vt �rop�My; te�slhold�; Condominlums; P�anned Unit Qevetopm�nts.
<br /> . T�t-sl�+!!�ltt�pr�JQ�tspstt�sl�at�noi Cosn�+li�a�te oc perrflii ciemolllFgc�.lstagaica�nt.or
<br /> deterloratlanottheProperryan�ahajl�ompty wlththaprovisionsotanyleaseitthi�0eedolTrustisanateasehatd.t! •
<br /> thja Oeed of Tn�st ia on a unit M a cortdominiurro or s ptanned urtit developmenL Trustor shati pedorm a�t ot Trustar's
<br /> � obit�at�ons under the declaraQon artd covenants creating and governi�g the condominium or pianned unit
<br /> devefopmen�tha by-tawa and re�utatlons at the condomintum as planrted unit devetopmen� at�d consticuenl
<br /> document� . �
<br /> T. Proisctton of lendsr'a Seeu�ity. tf Trustor fails to perform the covenants and agreements contatned in this
<br /> nees8 ofT�ustoriianyactlon orproceeding iscomenenced which matertalty attects Lender's interestin ths Property:
<br /> thes��nder.at Lenders op�ase,upon notice to Trus4ar,may make such appearan�es.disbursa sucri.sucns.inctuding
<br /> rea_�,na0te attameys•[eas.a�d take s�ch action as fs necessary to protect lender's i�►leras�If Lende�requ6c�d
<br /> �rt�at�agei�suracaee aa a eoadl�on ot�ak8c�sthe taan secured by thts Qeed of Trost T�:�ar.shall pay the premiums
<br /> re��to�aoaniatn sucir insUtanCS icT r�'��t until suCh time as the�equir�,.,ent tor sucT�insu�ance terminates is►
<br /> a��danae u�i��Trustor'8 8rid l:ender'si written agresment or a�plicaDle la+eo. . � �
<br /> Anyampuntsdisbursed�by lenderpurSUanttothisParagrspbT.withintetestthereon.attheNote�ate.shaltbecome
<br /> additional indet�t�dness o!Yn�stor seraared by this Oeed of Trust Unless Trustor a�sd I.ender agree to other terms ot
<br /> payment,suchs r3i�ounts shali be p3�1�';�a u on notice from Cender to Trustor requesting paym�nt thereot.Nott16R�
<br /> aeMained in tttr�Parapraph T eltall recjr,����ender to incur any expense or taka any action hereander. �
<br /> 8. In:pectTqn. Lendec ra��y make cer�a�se to be made reasonaDte enbies upon and inspections ot the.Properry.
<br /> provIded that lenQer sAaJdf�g��s�Trushr ct�Uae pria�ta any such inspectiaea.specttyis�g reasonabte cause therefoc
<br /> re��to Lende�s intere�t;i�t�"�e prOpett�t. ..
<br /> .8;:�ndemn�tton. Tti��roceeda a#;tt��w8rd or ctalm for damages,dire�er consequenhat.is�.��s�meCtion w'sth
<br /> any c�ontlemRattvn br olhet takinp o9 tlit��ropert y�.or part thereof.o�for cohveyance in;tieu of cande►nnation,aaa,
<br /> heoaby assi�rtct#<and aha(9 be patd to Zender;su6ject to the te�ms ot any murtgage.deed of trust or qiher.secv�+�t�� � �
<br /> ag�t�srtent vritl�;.qr.9ien which has priority over thls DeeO oi Trust � , : . . � �',: ' .. ,��;
<br /> ta:.Trustor Not RsleaY�d; For�bearanc� Sy Lender Not a Waiver. C�tension. of the Gme ��vc.payanent'or
<br /> . mod�;3cationotamoni:atidnotthesumsRecuredbytl�is-pesdo�Tei►stgrsr.i�,�yl.sndertosnys�+c��orin,nteress � .
<br /> of Trustor al�atl�ot operat�to�elease.U eny manner.the Itablii.y ot th�ori�ifeal Trustor and Trus4or's successvrs in
<br /> Inte►es�Leader sfia31 na1 ae reQuited to commence ptoceeding�.a�ainst su�h successor or re��se t�ext�nc�!��r�-t��-__�
<br /> paymer►t ar arifeneriae rreadify amortization�iUfe sum�socure�iry 4his Q��Of Trust by reason of any d�man0 r���r." '
<br /> by Pha oripinal Trustor anrt:�rtustors 8uccessors tn•tiitierest Any torebBar�t�ti�o by lender in exercising any►ight oi :,';�,,:
<br /> '. ��dy h�reunder.or oth�t.wise atiorded by applida�ts law.shai!not be a�r�iver nt or preciude th�enerci�s p!any. � .
<br /> Su��¢rFght ar remedy. �. :. . . . .
<br /> �. ^Jt. Suoc�Ars and Anigns Bound;.iolnt and Sw�ral Nability;Cas{�nsn.The covenants erx!egteemenb henein
<br /> contained ah�ii btnd.and the�ts here►a�der ahalt inure to�the respective successore and assigns ot Lender artd Tnrsior.
<br /> .a�bject to tAs p�sions of Parayraph 18 hereof.AU cavenants and agreements ot Trustor s1�aN be jaiM end sevaral.My .
<br /> 'C"rueqor wtw�ns this De�ed of TNa�.hut doas not euscute the Nots.(e)ts eo-stQninp thir Osb ot Tc�,onty b qnnt
<br /> �a,�d�convey lhat nistor's tntereet in ths Property to Tn�stee urtder the te�na of thfs Deed of Truat.(b?i��r�ot psriori�ily
<br /> . fiabts on the Note or under this Deed a!Troist.and(c)�ees that Lender and any othe�Trustor�Aerou�3er maY agrss
<br /> W sxtend,modify,fo�bear,or make any otAer eo�mmodations w�th regard to tl�o tartna o1 thie DeeO ot Trust or tfie Nots
<br /> without that Tncstor's oansent and without reieastng that Truator or rr,,vditying this Oeed of Trust asto tha!T�stor'�inier�st
<br /> tn tAs Prcperty. .
<br /> 1T. Notice. Excep!tor any rtotice�eQuited urtder applicabte law to be g6ven in anoiher manner.(a)any notice to
<br /> Trosror provided for 1n thi9 Qeed ot T�ust shatl be given by detivering it or by mailing such npiic�by�egu�ar mail
<br /> eddressed to Trustot at tAe Trustor'a address stated herein or at such oiher add�ess as Trustor:Ttay des�gnate by
<br /> notice to tender as provtded herein,and(b)srty netice to Len�er shatl be givon by ce�tilied mail to lendsr'$address
<br /> atated Kereln or to such other address 8s lender may designate by notice to Trustor as provided�erein.Aay notice
<br /> proaided tor In this Oeed of Yrust shall be deemed to have been give�to Trustor or lender when giveri in thB manner
<br /> designated herein. , -
<br /> 13. Govarning I.sw;Seve�sbility. The�tate and local taws appttcable to this Oeed ot Trust shall be the laws at the
<br /> jurisdiction in wntch the PtOpetty is located.exeept that it the Hote specNias the law of a dilferent jurisdiction as
<br /> governirtg.such taw shatl bethaappllcabta law governingtAe Interest rate,/e�s.charges.and ottser terms ol tne credit
<br /> transactlon se�ured Aereby.The toreQoirtg sentencQ shail not limii the applicabitiry ai FeAeral taw to dhis OeQd of Trus�
<br />- .In the event that any provision or ctause ot this Oeed cs Trust or the Note cenilicts with applicabt�law.such conitic!
<br />- sha11 not aiteot oiher provlstona ot this Qeed o!Trust or tlfo Not�which can be given ettect withos,t the contlieting
<br />_ �QY�3on.�ts!l�,;er.�lt�psovl:��,:at!l��:Qa�s#o!Ts�s�s:,e�tssal:at4arcdss#acsdtabesaverabse.�is�secfi�erf��t.-- -
<br /> "costa"."expenses",and"'attorneys'tee�"tnctuee a11 sums to t�a extent not prohibited try apptica0te 1aw►or limited �
<br /> herelti . � �
<br /> 14. Trust,or'sCopy. Trustotshallb8fumishe0withandacknowledgesreCeiptofaCOntormedcopyoltheNoteand
<br />_ of thls Deed of T�ust at 4he tUne of execa�ttan or after recdrdation hereof.
<br />