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<br /> 'POGEf'I�R WtTH ull the imp�mve�ts uow or herrafter ers�ed on the pmpErty.and a11 eASeASeats.ap�nrtenances.and
<br /> fixtut� mow or hereafte:,a part of the O�P��Y. Al�replaoements aad �iditions shall alsa be covered by this Security
<br /> Insuument.AU of the foregoiag is refer�w i�i'iQds S�ty InsmuAent as the°Praperty" �
<br /> - BO1qROV4►ER COVENAN'�i5 that Bomnwer Is las�►fullY selsed of the c�te h�teby wnvayed and has the risht w grant and
<br /> =ooavey t6a Pragerty and t�CU the PtopertY is uaeatcumbered,exc�tor eartanbrances of mruld.Bom�wer wasranb and will _
<br /> � defe�d genera�Iy the tifle co the Property aga5ast atl claim9�demands,subjest to any eacambran�af c�boid. �
<br /> TI�S SECITRTTY INSTRUMENT oombines uaiform covenants for natioamI use and aon-unifoira covenan�rrith{imited
<br /> va�iatioas by�u�isrioa to coastinu�a aniform securit}r inshumeai mverin�rEal propen�t. . . .. .
<br /> 1JNIFORM C�VFNANTS.Bortawer and Leuder covenant ead agree as foltows: .
<br /> l. Pay�ent of Prfndpa!and Inten�st; �gaymeat and L�te Charg�.w. Borrower shall P�mPUY PaY when due the
<br /> pYincipal of an�intc�eest on tlie debt evideaced by the Note and anY P�P�ni and tate charges due uader the Alute.
<br /> Z.Fantls far Tases and Iusurance.5ubject to applicabte iac�r or to a writtea waiver by Lender,Borrower shatl pap to
<br /> Leader on tGe day monthty paycaents are dae uader tiie Note,until the Nota is paid ia full,a su�a(°Fw►ds")fer.(a)yeari}t ta�es
<br /> . �accPCCmenta wluch m�y attain pt�ority ovet tltis�urity Tnc .m flt as a tiea an fihe Pcagerty,(@)year�Y r���FaY�+�
<br /> ar groaad teQss on¢t2e�rty.if aay:��)YearIy 6azard ar�sraFera]t�s�Peet�iums�(d}Ye�IY�aad i�orc�„vr p�� .
<br /> 'dr aay;(e}yea�rjy�ortg�e i��ure pr¢mi�rr�s,if auy:aud Q�anY�F���Y Bosrctitivrer m Lend�r,ins�?*ce,��r��
<br /> t�giovisiams mf pazagngb.�,ia liat of cI�}�aptaent afr maat;age n�ce pt��ai�x?a..'h'��e e��s ase�°.�,&r�'�..: ,
<br /> II�et�saY, �t aay m�e, ou�ieet au�Eusld Fuads in an uc9unt s��t���t3�.�.�r.�S a.�d�r�ffac�,.��� , � �
<br /> � er�ted mflrtga�Re tc�n�.�,(sa�e for 1�otrawer's c�rsw accoust e��tt�e t�4�1�`�C L.a.,�•�e�r.�,�Aao�i�l�,'u�, `., :
<br /> , I974 as�5��lssrt.i�1C, ?�IT,�+.C. �u�a Z�QI et se.�°.;'°1������',;'iit�5,�otite�,`Tk�a't�az�ao eI�C•v�pt�s:r `�• -;;,
<br /> • sets a[e��:,�F��rd$�3c#er�tiy:al>"1�ti�� c�aIIort aa�-Tn�i��r�iirtds��am�t usy�t:f.�eaoeed the Iesser�s`�lt,:';,�
<br /> �t�ar�7�;�-��am�una`a���r+it�r3i�ie aa t�Fr�is a�auii�f data and re�sonabie estirF�ates of eapeudiwxes vf iat+ue
<br /> .�;�i�i:iixv 7z�s-a>r otke�wise in avcordaitee r•�appli�tt����r.. ' _ .. - -.- -. ... . _... . ..__ , •
<br /> .. The Funtts shall be hetd in a�insdtcnion whose deposits aze #�vred by a federal agency. insnramentality, or entiry
<br /> (inctudIng L,ensler.if L,ender is such aa insbitadon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.endes s6all apply the Fuads to pay the . ..
<br /> , Fscroa Items. L,ender may not charge Borrower for holding snd applying ttie Funds.atumaRy analyzing tbe escrow accoun�or
<br /> verifyin�the Escrow Items,untess LeAder pays Bosrower iretere.st on We�unds end epptiea6le law pennita i.ender to m�ice suc�
<br /> a chaige: However, I.ender may reqoire Bormwer to pay a pne�ame charge for an indep�endent reai estate taa t�cporting servIca
<br /> used by l.end�r in connecdon wiQi.�his toan, untess epp�Icabte 1aw provides otherwise. Uniess aA a$reement,is �sade ar .
<br /> agplicable law requires interest to b�paid,I.�ender shall not be regutmd w pay Bonnwer anyinterest nr ramings on the Funds.
<br /> � $otcower anQ t,ender may agre�in writing, however. Qhat'interest shall be paid oa the Fu�ds. ).encicr shall.gi''va�o Bonower�
<br /> wlthput�charge.an atu►ual accuunttng of the Funds, showing credits and debits ta the Funda tu►d the puipose for which each �
<br /> debit to tDie Funds was made.l7ie Funds tire pledged es aQditional securdry for all sams secured by this Sta►rity Iasuumeni.
<br /> . . If the Funds�eld by L�ender exr.eed due auwnnts permiaed to be held 6y appltcable daw,I�nder shaU account to Borrawer .
<br /> for the exass Fuads�n acconia�ce witb tAe requirements of applicable law. If the a+nouat of the Fuads hetd byr Lender at at►y
<br /> tutte is uot suffic�eat to pay the Eccrow Items when due.Lender raay so noNty Borrower in writing,and,in sucb case�orrower '
<br /> shall pay to I.�der the amount neaESSary to aiatce up the deScteacy. B�rrower shall make ug the deflcIeacy in ao more thaa ,
<br /> t;w�Ive u�nthly payments.at Lender's sote d"ascretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fnll of ail su� secuted by this Security Insaument, Lender shaU prampUy refuad to Borrawer aisyy� •
<br /> Funds heYd by Leader.If,under paragaph 21,Lender shall acguire or seU the Property,Leader,prior to the acyuis'rdan ar sale
<br /> . of the Pnoperty.shatt apply any Funds(�d by Lender at the ame of a..cquisitian ar sale as a cre�It against the sums seaued by. .
<br /> tflis Secariry 1',-n,,,�,ent, _ . .
<br /> � � 3.��ID at Atgraents.Unte�a�plicabte!aw provldes o�:envlse.all gaymwnis r�ic�m1?t�y i.ca�er nnder P�iZttk� '
<br /> �II;.�ad 2 shail L��^��ied:.{�at,to any Prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amonnts paya�2e t�£'�paragcapl.t Y►
<br /> thatd.to ante�c�4tre:fbu►x;�,�w priaeipad due;and 1ast.to aay late ci�arges dae under 3he Note.,:: . , . • . , .
<br /> ' 4.CAxs�ts�.liens.Botrower sha?�:�ay all taxes.assesstiment�.,o'�arges.fines end im�posiri�,c�g.attriDutable to the Pm�y�
<br /> , wtuch may a�uri�priorIry over t6is S�rtry Iastniment,and Yeascd�zfit�payinents or ground rt�s.if any. Borrower sha4t pay . .
<br /> . ti�e�se abli�a[ioas in the�nr.er pravideQ in p�agraph 2,or if not paio in.that�....�*:�r.Borrowei'slrnlf�ray the;u ou t;j;�e�i;�tuy
<br /> � w.the peison owod pay�:<Lorra�er shall promptly fnmish to I.en¢eR all naq,�:7�g amounts to 6e patd.under this Daragra�A.. .
<br /> • _ if�arrqwer maYes these .,:�'..ents d'irecd`y.Borrower sfiail - m U -fuinisH to La�er racet-ts evidencin -itte-a -nts. . -- - `
<br /> P.`r P� F Y P 8 P Y�
<br /> � 8orrower sLall promptly discharge r�ny l�en which has priodty'over this Security Instn�ment unless Bonower.(a}agrces in
<br /> - writing tda t�e payment of tlt$obligation secured try tft�lien in a manner acceptabte to L,enaicr.(b)coniests 4n goad fai�the llen �
<br /> by. ar defends againss e�tforosment of the tien in, legai proceedings which ia the Lender's opinion operate to prcvent ffie �
<br /> enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the holder.of the lien an agreement sa8sfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to �
<br /> this Setivrity Instrument. If I.ender detemilnes that any part of the Praperty is subject to a lien�vhich may attain priority over
<br /> tbis Security Instrument,Lender muy glve Sorrower a notice idendfying the lien.Bonawer shnll satisfy the liea or ealce one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. .
<br /> , Fam 8�28 918� .
<br /> � . � os�swe .
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