�_____ . . ..__ .—__. ._ _ i . _.. �. . '_ ._
<br /> � � . . ` . � 95— �AS��e� . _ �
<br /> . . ,�
<br /> '. canQemnntion os ottter taYing of any part�f tae PmFesty,or f�r canveyaace i¢liau aYcondemna�on�nre hereb�r assIgrte�mtd �
<br /> . �shalE he pald ta Lender. - ' ' ' �
<br /> • I�the eveat of a tatal taking of t�e Property��dte proceeds sha11 be applied to the snms seaued try thiF Secuiiry
<br /> � Ias�ument.whs;tties oP aflt ttfen due,with any exxss p�id to�Eorrower. In the event�f a p�tual tatcing.of tt�ht�opertY in
<br /> . wt��`�is�=.��t d,1ue m t�P�:.rty im��iate:��''vse tis:tr.�siao is�cqua!!�or�e�t�a t�m ninourtt af eht�slms .
<br /> • secuted!sy tQis Se�uriEy•Instrument imsuediately i�efiuz the saking,tmtess�rro»�r ead Lender o�er�vtse agree m wri6iig,— ; — --
<br /> � the s�tuta secured by tbis S�urity•Instram�nt shalt Ge r�dnced 6y the amout►t of�?�saoeeds muhiplied by the foltowing
<br /> � ir��io�� fs)stte tatai�st af t1{�su�s�' :���y�fon the te�siag,d3vids@'by(b?t�f�3r.t��t v�1ue of'the _ , � .
<br /> propertq immediately 6efor�the taking. Any bat,nno2 shsill be paid to Ba��rer. In the event of a partiat taking of the
<br /> prop�rty in which the faer nn,u�et valus of the Fropert�r imu�:diateiy before the taking is tess than tRe annount of the smms ,
<br /> sea�ed im}�e�iiately before the�atcing,;unless�orrower und Laader otherw3se ag�ee ia wtitiog ar aaless appiicable Iaw
<br /> w�srwLsa pmvides:che procads aball be agpIIQO'to the sums secured by this S�uricy tn�,mmc,+whetiier�not the swn.s are •
<br /> th�nd�e. . � .
<br /> � If the t�vperty is abaadoned by Barrower.ar if.aftes aot€ce by Leader mo-Barmwer tlsat the�ade�naar offe�s to malce
<br /> an award ar seuls�claim€oz damages.Bmrawer fa�s to respond to�.ender within 30 days atter the date the aorice,is given, _
<br /> .. Len6ea Ls suth�ri7rd w wiiect and apply dte pmr�ds,at is ophon,eid�er m�a�nn or�pair of the PcaptRy or w ihe _
<br /> sums seciired by this Secnrity Instnanent,whether or not.lhe�due.
<br /> Untess Lendes and Borrawe�.oth�wise a�nee ia•writin�.anF�p]icat�an a€pmceads La pri�cipal sP�al�not cauad or 4 .
<br /> ' postpoa�e thc duc date af the monthSg!PaYmtats nfemd toin parag�aphs i and 2 or chang�thc amoo�a of sucf�paymenu.. � .
<br /> ��. S�onaRCr Not Retiet�ed: 1Fbt�earaace By L�r Not st WiiYer. Extsn$ion of tne timae f�payment or
<br />� oaodification of sinortizati�of the su�tns secund izy this Sawzty Ins�nu�nent granUal by Leri3er ta any s�ocessor in.inusest
<br /> of Dorrower shall nut apciate to rete�se the Uab�'itq of du arigistat 8oaower or Bffirnwer�sucx�ts•in inL��.ender ;
<br /> � sHall nct berequi�d tn commei�ce,pco�edings against aay successor in jatenest or iefnse to ext�ad tirase f�i paymeai or
<br /> ot8erwise modify amanezation of the sums s�u�ed�y this Seca�iry Ins�nt try reasan of atty ddnaad�aade bp the arig�nal .
<br /> • Satm�rer ar Bfl:sower�successars.in intecest. Any fc►s6eatancx By Lender in exe�tsing an3►nght ar nmedy sAall aat be a.
<br /> �raives of or p�ctu+ds the exencise of any s.ight or remaly. • .
<br /> iZ: Sacc�ors aad Assigns Boi}ndi JofnA and 5�veraf LiabilitY;Co�rs The caveaants aad sg�cemecrGs of t�ii.g
<br /> y
<br /> . s�tvity Instnu�ent s1�a11 bine and tr�fii the saocessois aaa ass;gns af Lendcir aua sarmcver,subje«to ths pravisios�s of. .
<br /> P�S��•17.�onawerk cavenants.and a�ents shalt be joiai and several.Any B�owcr who co-sigas this Ses�ity
<br /> Iast�u�ttat but does not ex�cut�the Not� (a)is co�sigaiag tflis Secvrit}►Insh�ment anly to maitgag�.grant aad ea�nk�that . �
<br /> � Bartawer�s interest in the Prapetty us�d�er the terms aF this Securiry Instttunem� @)is not peTSenally obLgaud ta p�►y,the s�ms .
<br />" Se�pced 6y this Se�ity h��tmm n-and ic)agtres that I.ender and�y othea�Bmmwer may'agree to�t�,motifgr.fmt�ear
<br /> or matcs any accorr,modatians aith regard to t&��ns of this Secu�rity Insdm�ent a�ths Not.witho�it Hiat Borrowerk .
<br /> cbnsen� ' . .:•:; :�. - . .
<br /> � 13. Loin Chuges. 1f the loaa s�by tb'ss:�fry.InsUUment is sabjax to a Iaw wttich sets ma�imam loaMY : c_� �
<br /> � cfrarges.and that law is fisaliy interpi�eted sa tbat ths intere�t r,��rtber loan chatges collected ur m be wlletxed in caRU�tioa
<br />- vrit�the loas�eaceed the peimitted limits.thea: (a)any such i�:�charge shall Ix redt�ced b�*the aIIaflunt nec�ssary to redQOC • ' •
<br /> the chatge to dfe�t�ed lirq�azM(b�l any sums siready�oi2ected from f�u�ower whicti cxceeded pemmitted limits w71 be ••�
<br /> • _�rtfiuided to Bunv� I.ender may.choose to tnake this�et�nd isq raducIiig ci��iiucipal owod wndtr�►i Note orby�makiag a. ,;;,,:�:
<br /> � ' direct papineflt tp�itower. If a ref�nd reducea princi�pal,the seductiap w�t4 8e treated as a parki�l pnpayratat withaut aay ' . . .
<br /> � p�epay:nent charge under the Note. . � .
<br /> 10. Notlats. Any notice to Barrowet pmvided for in this Security instrament shair be given by delive�g K ar by
<br /> mail'r�g it hy first class mail un[ess applisable law.requines nse of armther�iae....,`��od.'L�notice.sflaII t�e dincud w the A^apeity
<br />; ' Add�ess or any�fter address Boaower designae:�by ryotice w Lender.�Arn�trs�otice w i.endrr shall be given by fast ctaas .
<br />; � � mail to Lender�a�!►�SS staud he�+ein or any othetaddress Lender desig�atgs t9y cotise to Boaower. Any notice provEdQd fbr .
<br /> da Aus S�uitY:�i,�'.:riuntnS shall be dixmecl to 6ave�given to Borrower or Leader�uhen gven as pmxfded in this _
<br />� � 1�3. (�ovtrpi�Ls�w;SevenWlity This 3scusity Instrume�t�.sttall be�govemed�f�clernt taw aad tl�e law of ttse .
<br />' � jurisdi�ttoa in which the A o p e rt y is tocated. Ir•;d�:cvent that an y p r ovisi�t;�'�r.�Clawse of tfi�Security tastrument or thc Note
<br /> ;'; canfticts with applicabte faw.such coc�flict shalE.�tt�..affect other provisioa�.Q�t3t�s sec�uiry h�struaknE or.Wt�tate whici�c�ut ;:.°':
<br />, '}::::','••. . 6e given effax wItMut the eanflicting provtss���:'�b this end tbe Pcavi.5�x,�'�.�f thi's Sow�rity Insa�umeat and the Note.arc . `•:;,�:>
<br /> '.. • . �decland to be sev�rabte. � i,::;`..: : � . .
<br /> . . lb. Borroxer's fopy. Bormw4r shall 6e givcn on�t�arqned sopy o�tbe Note a�td of tttiis Secwity Instmmen� �
<br />� l,.. , • 1�•'iFaader�t the P�operty ar a BensTicIal Ieter��;F3o�rowu.1f aU ar any part af the l3ope�ty or any mcere�t in —
<br /> `:•.�.;. jt is so}d or oransfeaed{or if a bene�cial intemst in Borr;a��:ls solA or tranyferred�and Bajsnwer is not a nanual peYSas�) .
<br /> �"�'`, without l.�nd,tt�prior written cansent:i.ender at�y�at its aon.raNIre itRmediate payment iu fuli o�+��1 sums seearod by .s
<br /> �',°��. this�urity tnsw�nt. However.this option.�not t��i��tised by Lender if exercise is prohibitecl!:i�.�'•federal law as of
<br /> _ • ' ' ths�'d�eoFthisSecurirylnstramenx ..;;.`:,'. � . . ': , . � .
<br /> .: . . , tf Lender axercises ttils optio+a.Lendes sha]!give Bomi�it�r notice of acc�ler�fion.�txftice sUall pmvide a periocJ of
<br /> ' ��,.��;r?�idi less tt►an 30 days from the date the notice is deUvered�mailed wit��wtuc6 Borm�i!�rrawst pay aIl sums sexar�ed irj this �
<br /> . Sea�riry/nsmiment. If Borrower fails to pay thes�sums prior to tite'�,r�siradan of th#s�perial,l.car�ez mgy imoice an}r
<br /> :;d':;.;. � rerncdics permitted by tF►is Secariry Ltstiument writhout further natice or "'��d on Boirower. '
<br /> � . 18. Borrower's Ri�t to Reiestate. If Boao+arer meets certain ca�ditions.Bonrawer shall have.the right w have
<br /> t enforcement of tl�is Security Instrument discantinued at any time paor to the eadier of• (a)5 days(ot sttch othtt period as � . '
<br /> � Sirtg,te Fa�nity--Fa9Ak Maelbl�tddk Mac ITNIFOHM INS7'BUMEPPf'--Unifmtm Careamtv 9Jld fPaB��o16DQB�J
<br /> : -... � , .
<br /> ��_.._�_._ � ___ _ —.
<br /> -..�-� T�T���.��„�STZ�= —�.��a.-..- _�,-���...� ���� .__ ___-....—____ -
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<br />