� .
<br /> �. —��s�..��..r,:�,:.._ . ���-----
<br /> . ___ _ _ — _— ._S _ .1i..?iRVh. ._S'�M �_ _ ______ _ �o.«_r.,-z�,�-.�-.;".'-'______—
<br /> . , . . ,. .. �` . ; � �5, .111��404 �: � � .
<br /> r . p�riads that ilender reguimes. 'E4�e insurnnce c�r providing the uuuraas;e shalt be chasen by�anawer sub}e.ct to Lead�r� .
<br /> � e�tt�vul wUich shall nni!se wt�e�sonu�Jy withheld. If BmtawQr fuils to maiintaia coversge desciibed above.Lmder ivay;at .
<br /> + :.Lender�opriw,aDtain ca4erage co QmtecY Lender�rishss in t�e�roperty in accaida�ce witi�paragrap�7. • .
<br /> • � pit msmance poIicies and renewals sha41 be acceptablt to l.e�der ond shall include a standaN asortgage clguse. Lender
<br /> ---_ — ._si�s1P��� 'c��t�#������?..If l.�us�r te�ii�;.Rorrawer r.hailssrom�v g�ve ta�ndsr all re�igts ' . __ _
<br /> of paid pieaiiiums uad►�enewal aatiscs. In the event of toss,�orc+ower shall g�ve prompt noace to she insurauce caz�ier and �
<br /> Lender. Leader may ma�e pruuf of Ioss if uat uiads pmmptty by Sommver. '
<br /> � �Tatess Le¢der�d Haimwer ot�erwis�e�ee in i�st�iwsg,�p�shail ts�aFFk�d tfl r�or+�.tion ar re�sair of . .
<br /> t�Ptopeit3►daraagc�,if the cesiaiadon or tepair i§economically feasible nud l�ndei�s seauity is aot less�tted. If the
<br /> czstor�tion,or regair is aot ect�nmriicaliy feasible os Leader*s s�vuy 4vouid b�lessgned,the ins�t�nce praoeeds stiali @e
<br /> . apglied W Gze sums secu�d by thig Serurity Instrument.whether or not then due,with arry excess paid tio Brnmwer. if
<br /> Borrower abavldons the Pmperty.ar aots not answer wit6in 30 days a notice from Lender that die ias�uaaoe catrier E�s .
<br /> affer�d ta settle a claim.then I.ender may coll�ct t6e ins�n�aslce proceeds. Leader may¢se thc pmcaeds m np�ut iestore
<br /> ' the Ytoperty orto pay sums s�ured tiy t�Is Sec�ty.b�stinuuent,whether or aot tAen due. 'R�e 30-day perIod wili begin w8en .
<br /> the aaaice i�given. � ' �
<br /> � (dntess I.e�der and 9otrowsr othttvvise agtee�writing.any applic�rion of pmceeds to�itincipal sha11 not exi�nd ar � .
<br /> postpone the'due date af the�tanthlY gaYments iefened Ya in pa�agruphs 1 aad 2 or change the amnunt of�lie ayme�s. I� .
<br /> under Qaragra�ph 2t the.Pcape�y is acquiced by Lender,.Bmrower's nght to an}r insUransx policIes and pzc�ceeds t�vlunS' •
<br /> :` fc�ai damage ro tfie Fmperty�sior t�nc�acquisitioa sha11 pass w ixnder w the extent of tIse s�ms s�red by Wis Seturity . .
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acqufsition • .
<br /> ' 6s' IICC![p�ncp, FseServatioa� Maintln9nOC SIId �'Ot2Mi8D OY fhC PI'OpC�fi9� B�ro�'E1e's Lo�s Applicatiofli •
<br />� Leasehold� Sa�mwer stiall accupy.establish,and ase the Ptaperty as Bnmdwer's psiasipal zesidense witi�ia sixty days after
<br /> t�executiam of t$�s Sesauity Insutnnent�d shall continus to occapy the Prope�ty as Ba�rower�principat cesideu�x for�ac
<br /> teast onc yeat after die date�af occupancy,.�nless Lender otherwise ag�xs in writing, wtilc� consent shait'aot �e
<br /> �nrea�ana6lY wrthhe2d,or untess e�auating cu+cumsrances eirist wiiich a;+e beyond Buauwerk coniroL Borrower shall�aot
<br /> ' desuoy,damage ar impair tke Prop�erry.allow tt�e Plnperry to dcteri +� car comimt waste on the P►vperty. Horrower sD�U .
<br /> be,in ckfanIt ff amy fQrfeitune aciion or pmceeding,w?nether civil or cr�al.is begim tI}at m L�enBer's good faith,jndgment , .
<br /> � .� c.anld r+esnI4 in fotfei�ture of the Pcoperty or otherwise�lly imPair t�e.lien c�atcd by vh's 3ecu�ty dnstr�w�it ar . .
<br /> � L�eaGer's secuiit5►it{terest. Bosrcr�uer ma .cure such a default aad ieinscate,as pmvid��paragraph 18.bY causu�8�act�on ' ,
<br /> . or Pm�ding to be dismtssed wt�u�u�fig tflat,in Lender�s goad fait&de6�mrirlatie�;lP�cludcs fAde€mte qf ti�e Bdsrowecb � .
<br /> inteiest In'the Property or other matecial impaerment of the lies�created by t1�s Sett�i�ty Instta�ment or Lendes�security � ,
<br /> inuzest.' Baaawer shalt also 6e ia defanIt if Borcoiver,.durIng the toan app�icau�an Frorzss.g�+e ma2erially false or ,;�:•�,;� '
<br /> inaccumte information or statements ta i.eader(or fa�Ted to provide Lendet witti aay m�te}ial infotmarion)m cormection vrith
<br />�.. � the,toan evide�tced by the Note, inclading,bni uot limited to, repr�sentations�g Bornuwer'�occupancy of the ,. .
<br /> � � t�eity as a principal resideace. If this Security Instrumeai is on a Ieasehold.Borcuv��ca�`�.tl comply with aU the pravtsions .
<br /> '�;: , c�1i�e tease. tf Bwrawer acquires fee atle to the�ioperty.tYsr tsasehold aad the,fee.ei�e?�faa�l no�aterge am2ess l.eqder agrecs , .
<br /> �� �3b tfie merger iu writing. . . `;�' . `. • .
<br /> ;��" 7. Pe+otectba d Y.eddtr's R�ghts ta fhe Fcoperty. If Bonavvt.r faiLs rQ�gerfoan t�e er;J�nacus and a�+eements ,::". .. .
<br /> . • , �qdatained'ic►this Security insVntment,as there is a legnl Proceedin8 that maY Si$�cahtiY affe�t'E.ender's rigRts in the. ..:+.,�
<br /> for condem�auon or forfeiu�-��.t�eafarct laws or ngulations),then '.�':`,
<br /> � E��ssPertY(smcb as a proceedutg in banlnuP��Y�P�• d Lender's rights,in thc •
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary tm prote�t the value of the Paa;x-��t;tqa ��!�Y• , .
<br /> Lender�acuons may ineIude paying any sums sec�by a lien which l�as priosity ae�r4flis Security Instrum�ent,a�peanng
<br /> in cotirt.paying nasonable attiimeys•fee.s and entcring on the Pcapertyr to ma�e rep�irs,Atthovgh l.ender may tak.e actia►
<br /> � �m�es thia paragrapS�7.Leader does not dave w do so. � '
<br /> Any amaovnts.d�sbursed by Lendcr under this paragra�gh 7 shall became addit;u�r.,�,l debt of Bom�wer s�uned by d�is • ,
<br /> Sec�.uity instmm�n�, Undeca Bomswer en�I.ender agcee to other[esms af paytnent,tl�amount,sDal�beas intuese fmm tHe
<br /> dau of clisbnrsemestt at the Note rate�d sha116e Qayabie.with intenst,upan nar��'r�nm Lender go Borcoa�rei:equ�sting
<br /> .. ,:�r�rment . • . .� •.;.�';� -.
<br /> ry...;. . .
<br /> ;,'�:. S. Martgage Insurante. If I:ender reqnited mqrtga�e 9nswacr�.�s a aond:t�'c�.�:of making the toan se�`�tti��by this . , •
<br /> ` `r �S�curity Instxument,�Boirower shall pay the premiums reqwted to m•.t�(;5:;�.1 th4�'n's(s'�a�e�ns�Eao e�fect«:��:for any' .
<br /> `>r,..;- �nsurance covera uired b Lender la �i �. ,.. , . X P Y
<br /> . .�,�i�s,son, the mortgage ' 8��1 Y P�:,� ��s',i'it� in effect;:•:fdk�� w.u�,•rt�s� a the . .
<br /> •���'r,'amiums n:quired to pb�in coverago,substantialty eqviv�lent to the mortga$e,�v�d�1ce�viot:sl�+�n�f.+�5�ni a cast
<br /> m
<br /> �•��st�stsmfially equivalent td rhe cost to Bonewtr of the mortgage.in�„�p�viou�t�+,,li:eff�st.f�rom aa aitenc�moJ:�.BaSC . • . , .
<br /> .�.i�nrcr appmved by Lender. If substantially equivaient mortgage Ynsur�mce coveiage�S�•noc ava�abte,Boisower shalt pay to.
<br /> . ��,ender each month a$um eqaal to one•sarelNs of the yeariy mortg�;e insurance premium bei�g p�.tsy Borrower�w�en the
<br /> insurance cover:+ge Iapsed or cease8 tu be in effret. l,.er►der will accep�nse and retain bese payme�tvi ar��toss tesecve'vt lieu .
<br /> �� ,�'rt mortgage inswance. Loss�,esen+e payments mt►y no tonger be required.at the c,p��on af Lender,if mart�ge insurance
<br /> . � . : ,t,�verage(in tRe�amoWnt�d far thc penod that Lender requires)Provided hy an in.�qrar,angroved by Lender agadii:becoaie� .
<br /> . avaitable and ls obtained:8orrower shall P�Y the pnmiums requi�8 to atalntau�mort�it�e insuraace in effect,or up�7ravide a
<br /> loss ceserve.�nti1 the requireiuent for raortgage insurance ends in accoiidane�witZ an1•written ag�errtent betareen Borrower•
<br /> : 'ar�d l.ender or applieable law. '• � � ' < .
<br /> 9. ialpection. Lendes ar iis agem may mske reusonable entries upon and 1nsp�crion9 of the Pi+oprrty. Lender shal� :` -
<br /> � �giv�Somower naice.at tho time of or pnor to an inspection specifying reasonable cat:..�e far the inspecdon. '�;���
<br /> � 10. Caedemnatba. 7'he proceeds of eny,,award ar claim for damages,dinec.t rir suusequendal,In wnnecr:i3n��vrith any
<br /> ,, .
<br /> . . Singk Facnity—Fannie MaelFtedme Mae UNISORM INSf8UMEN7—Uniform Covenuus 9r'9! {LeSR.��,�6 pax�+l � .
<br /> ara ula,e�str�ca�,rtz„/. � .
<br /> . mae��i�s�a F�v�s�s�et.�r�r
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