'f' ..a T•::�°`- y 'rV�"�' � �,,,.i-_,.A..�.�..�-=�.z _
<br /> ` J(�Y'�.��'' � �_ ' ._ _ __ _ __ _—..�_'—"_—_ "_� '—— _ ______
<br /> .�.�Y�, � ' —_—��__��-
<br /> ,• •. • ' ' ' � . . ' . . . � �.
<br /> . < .
<br /> a .. ' .
<br /> -- - --- ._ . . - - - - - � � :--- - -- - - -,.����? - � ���`-. -. ;
<br /> , , . • .
<br /> � : : qfhetwise�to aci a�my att�r�ie�r or pm�p.with power of substtt�on. in �
<br /> � res�e+ct of any stocks. sha�xe�.�bor�ds. deb�e�atures. or other evidence�of , � -
<br /> u�vners�ip.,ar.securlties. a�ow or hereaRer held by me and fssued.lry or .
<br /> � on account of said car�paration or campany anad•for ttnat purpos� tQ �
<br /> t�ut+� anp pro�des:I�miLed �or geneaal. or oti�er inst�nurtents. ' .
<br /> , �� � , � ,
<br /> .. • . � 11. � tx A,sje�s b�l�s o�s d similar instr�a�riertts. .k'or �. .
<br /> � • � �ll��r any`of th� gur,�wses�heretn stat,ed, tq enter into.and s1gn. sea�. �
<br /> � � �eaece�te. ac�aowledge, and� dellver any eantracta, decd�; ar Qther� .
<br /> � � iasfir�meazts �vhats�evv�r. and 'to draw. aceept, make. .endorse,� ..
<br /> , . � ; � disc�unt, or of�erwise 'deal wfth any bills of eschange. check�.
<br /> . promissory npte3. or o�Pter co�nerdal�or mercantite insirniments. � . , • �
<br /> � . 12. To da 11 ather Ht,n s pg�cs��im �o:►.*�ecttoa he*s�vith: h� ` .
<br /> � �en.er�l ta dm ar1 qrt8er acts. cte�s, a�atte�, and tliings whatsoever in� '
<br /> � or about�wy.estate: property, a� affa�re..mr to �oncur with persont��' •. � .
<br /> . �afntly fnterest�d wlth myself the�ein in doing all acts. �eeds. mat�r��:.-,-
<br /> _ � . .� ana t�ngs here�n. either parttcularly,or geaeral�y descrlbed.'as fuDly
<br /> . and effec#�ial1.y tb all intents a�d purpases ag I could da.ia my own �
<br /> � FmP� Per�ivi�:;�personally�rese�� it�t�eing m�r intent to g�rant to�mp ..
<br /> . safcl at�r�y`a g�neral power Lo act for me an���;behalf. and not a .
<br /> .. ' � . limited or spe�iat gow+er..Iimit�c� to t� speciBc acts�hereln descrl'i�es1: � . .
<br /> � � . .
<br /> • , i3: ,*"Pbwtr o�attom�y��_� riOtWlt�iS�dfn� dis��[v ��; ...
<br /> , .. . . g�1���.,�4D�1���^�� ^ft r 32�'S�a��r »n�; notic..,.
<br /> . �:::.;
<br /> � � � ��,�:' P�3t�an�to<�e'pmvisions of Nebraska Prubate Cvde Sectians 30�2662
<br /> � � .,:; •
<br /> _ � _ .�• aa�, 3tD-2�c::�I d�clare that 4�is po�v�r of� attarney shall not be : .
<br /> � , a$'�:�d,by my cllsabt�likty ar in�ea�aeitp. and �t the aut3iority g,ranted
<br /> . hai'ein sliall conf:[n�'�`;s3uring any period .wliile I�'am.di�sabled or . ,.
<br /> • . , incapact�ate�l.- �urtb.�'r. pursuant to said`sections. all �uch authartty .
<br /> �hall eom�taue after my death, �untll na�l�ee of suetY death sball have '
<br /> . been recei�red i�y my attor�aey so that h���tas a�c�tual �nawtcdge�of the .
<br /> faet�tbat I have died. Any actian.taken ib good faith by,safd attorney . .
<br /> . . during any peNOd w33ile ft fs uncertain whether 1� am alive. before he
<br /> � �eceTves actual I�owledge of my death, or. i� any event, taksn durtng �
<br /> .. . . 4 .
<br />