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<br /> sums of ffioneg wmich,now aze or s�sll iner+�after becume d�e and _
<br /> . � . paqable in �respect thereo� and also on�non-gayraent�thereof ar af any �
<br /> � . gart ther�og to taY�e sIl aecessaty or pmper mea�s�ar�d praceedings fc�r . .
<br /> , � . �terminiating th� tenancy or�ccupatian of such t�an�s mr occupiers. � . , .
<br /> and� rfos ejec�ing the ten�ts or occupiers a�d recover�g..the . .
<br /> ` � ,pc�sssession thereof. � : , � � . -
<br /> � � . ' g, ��� �����a„ � �F�r�nna estat�. To se�l.��ither at . . .
<br /> . publfc or�vate sale4 or es:�h�nge any part or part� of mp.seal estat� �
<br /> , � o� persrn� property for su�h co�nsfderation, Pa3iable.iQiraediat�ly or .
<br /> . . , upon.such.texms � inY attorney shall 4�fnk flt, an8 to ex�ecnte�_and, .
<br /> • � deliver� ga�d, aRd ��a� .deeda. b�lls �af sale. en��rrsements, � ; �
<br /> ,s.:t
<br /> � , .assig�m�ts. or o#her iaxs�*:�m�nts for ttse conv�yasYCe or tcansfu of . �
<br /> . � � the same.�wltb suGh cove�an�s of waxaanty or othexaise as zny.attoYney .
<br /> .,. ., shaII aee S� and to give gc�d and effectual receipts for all vr a�* p� �_ � '..;.,_
<br /> � ��:; ' �
<br /> �of the p�iari�bhase prYce or,vi�� considerafion. ` . . � � : A
<br /> � r ::;t °
<br /> �` `;' - � �. . :���, � r`�, .
<br /> � .. , g, .,�r4'denbr��`;'3norx ��,,�...��'p i.�es# and 'cathPra�ts+� deal � . •
<br /> ^ "�` moneys which may cbme.ta��bis
<br /> '"' � �/jt'I'=tiarldii'1�1P_ ��. '�i'Q�d�091t�I1y . c', �
<br /> ..,�.'. .
<br /> . , ��t t0
<br /> ..'.�i�nds as such at�orney wi�:'�ny.bank or banl�er in my narr��,. ,. ;
<br /> .,�::-.. ,.. � . .
<br /> . ' :::�th¢lraw any of sueh mone�i or�;�y other �toney to which I �ra '..;;`�
<br /> . ;;
<br /> ' ���en t i t t�d���l a f c h n a w i s o r s h a�I b e s c e��e p o S ited: as�d either employ such :;�:���� . � � ,,,
<br /> �money �t�j�ie shall ibink fjt#��4he payme:�t of�a�y debts..or��iC�est, ; '. � , �?%'.-
<br /> ?�� . . . ,��� � �+ �":.
<br /> ' . � �'b�C�7'L�I,Cr�•'t'�SC9s.'dS�S��Sri1P�7�8►�Q8U1"'d11C@. 'd11t�.�C�C�1��c�BYIt�. : � (S ':'r,;:�:�..'�..�,
<br /> . . . ps�y2�ble or� to���me due:and payable on.ae�aunx of my r��l a�d ..;;;�:,; � . .
<br /> ,� �
<br /> .� . �sonat;��tate, or in.ar. a�Ssa�at�any of the purposes�herein mentfoned. �` :,;:.;
<br /> � ,,.
<br /> , . or�nerwise fcu��i ,�:se �:�����:.�w nr S� ���pg*_ ���h mone��� my� asz:;
<br /> na�me in any st�t+�: sl�ares. bonds:.��ecurities. or other pr+aperty, real � . :;
<br /> � . . or personal; as he,may thfnl��prapsr, and to. �cecei�e aad �'e receipfs . . :
<br /> � . . for any income�or d#vider�ds arising from��ch investrinents:anc���vary :,;;�
<br /> � � or diapose of��and any such 9nvestments or other inve�tments for my .
<br /> 1
<br /> . use�and bene�t as he may thinls flL � . '.
<br /> � � 10. �,'a vote at st�ti�+^�ld�ra' meetin�,g exe ute• flrox# � and ,
<br /> ' � ' Qtheroslce� as�hictitttte far owner. 'Co veie at the maeetlngs of ,
<br /> - � stock�tel��s or othe� ffieetixYgs. af any corporatlon or company. or �
<br /> . � , . . 3 � �
<br />