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<br /> . S. Na7asd or Ptvperf.y I�ran�. BorrawGr sfia6f keep the improve�tettis nnw existing or here3fter e�ected a�thc
<br /> Fmp2rty insnred a�a's�pst tass by fue,i�azards iast�deti wit6in the te�m°extertdad mve�aSe"an�l enY ot�htr haTards.inciading
<br /> A±+c�s��-for vvlticb l.etid�t t+�quli�s insurance.'�is insuzance sha11 be a�intaine3 in the amaunts ats�for the periads
<br /> - - �. i�at Lend.r r�uires.'i�ie insnr�iae carricr pmvl�ng die���e c�oss�rvjr�•-�:•:�e�-ta f� '�'�-��v?�__ ,. _—
<br /> .wiuch'sttalt not,6e udr�ty artth#tetd.If BorravEer fatis ta�ravesa�,e�ibed�Snve, I�nder may,at Leader's" -_
<br /> Qptian.flbiain aoverage to protec�Iender's aghts in tho Property.in accardaase with paragtaph 7. �ause.Lender
<br /> pli irisuranse pollcies and renewals shall be ac�Piable to Ixnder and suaii atchtde a standard moTCSa�e
<br /> shail bavc ti�right to hotd tlie policies asd renewats.If I�nd'es t�quin�s.B6rruo'ver shall p�omptiY gi�+e w A.ender all�eipts af
<br /> . pai�gremiums and renewal�at��s.In the event of Mss,Barcav�er sl�ll give proaspt uotioe Yo th�insatance caYrier and Lender.' ,
<br /> �.I�nder may make proof of ls�ss if aot rnt�pTOmpuY bJ►�'a'er. ���plied to restoratian or�egair of the
<br /> Unless t,zncter aad BorroRer At�rw�s�$S�in wrcting,,insmance proo�eds
<br /> �P�Y�8�:iE the restoration or repair is goanamicaljy feasi'bIs aad Lend�r's�a,ritY is not lessened.ff the�storsrian oz.
<br /> , �epaiY is not eoononsic�4ly f�sible or I.Eader's security wnuld be lesceaed.t�e ins�uanoe Prooeeds`.t�atl b�eFPU�d to the s�s
<br /> �by tLis Se�rity Ina-trumeat.whether or nat thcap due,witi�anY exoess paid to Barmwer. If BaamWer aba�o�s the'
<br /> prope�ty..or does nat amwer aithin 30 days a�tice from Leader that the i�ance earrier has flffered to seW T i�� ..
<br /> ,I.ender may oQltect the Imsurance.Proce�ds. Le�der ua]►�:t�Piooe�ds to teFair or restore the PraPertY .
<br /> secaued by.tfiis Se�unt5►Ujs�nt,whether or not then due.�e 34day peridd w�l begin when the notice is given. ,
<br /> se shall aaf extcnd vr
<br /> � UnIess l�es aas]Borrower.atherwise agree in�$� ��PPlicatiun of�oc�eeds tc�ps�a� .
<br /> � postpone the duc date of the�nt61y paymcats ceferred to in para�rap44s.1 a�2 or C4�ge the amanat of:the payments:,�f .
<br /> wxlet p�a�aph 21 the Proper6y is acquiied by I,eIIder,Boncrwei's right ta aay'iasurai�cc policies and pmcaeds resulting fcom ' ,
<br /> . 'dacnage tathe PropertY prior to the�cquisiaan shall pasa to L�nder to the eateat of the sums s�ued by ttis S�+►ritY Instramem
<br /> . immediatelY Prior to the acqaisition. �orrativer's Loas�Ay�t�aiion:l�d5• " .
<br /> :r 6.Wwg��Pt�rva�ion,Ma�aL�aeaa�A�otect�oaa�t�re.PmPertY; s�fkerti�e�aerutnono� ,
<br /> ' Borruwu shall occuPY,esiablish.aad use the]propeacy ah Borma�e�r's g�n�gat res�ttencs 9vithia sixtY�Y ,
<br /> this Sec�rity.Tnsnument aud shaU con�ue to accupy the Proper�y a.�t3or�wer's�Qrincipal cesideaace for at least one y�aftea .
<br /> the date af oceupancY,unless i ender othelwise agrees ia writmm;•cr�¢6 eoi��#_atl aat be unceasanably witl�sid,or;unl�ss ..
<br /> oatcR��g circums�xs exist wluc6 ate 6eYond Borrow,�r's �nmal. 8o�frs��:sha1l.nos dcsuaY, damaSe or impair t�e
<br /> ' Property: allow the Praperty to deter�arate.or cammit wast�on tir�PraperiY•,�Qimwer shall be in defanlrif auy forFeiteire, _
<br /> acteon or proceading,whcti�er civii or cri�nal.is begun that in I,ender•s good.�ith judgment�wntd rESUIt in forfeitnre o�the
<br /> • property ar otherwise materially.imPair the lien crc�cl by thi5 Securiry�tsunme�t or Lender's secviity inte��.�arra�rer iaaY .
<br /> h 18.by causin tBa aaron ar prQCe�ing to be di�rr�;a�.aith a m9ing .
<br /> � •cute such a defauit�sn,d reinstate.as pravided in p�agrap 8 1 mc ot6er matrrial �
<br /> thaE.in Lsndet's goo�faitA deteT��on. precl focfeiuue of the Borrowe�'s iat�rat ia th�Pmperty'
<br /> impai�ent of the 1'sen ereated Dy dus S�ttitS►L�m I;�t�ter's security interes� Borrawer shaU also be ia d�fault if .
<br /> Bor�owa,�S�.taaa apptication process,fiave maferIally false or i�csurate Iofurmation or stateme�nts to Leader(n*�fa�d1
<br /> � �ta provide Itnder with any material informauon)in oonn�xion wiW ths toan evideaoed by the Note.iacluding,but not ti�itrd
<br /> to.reu�ons concefning Borrower's acc;uparic�►of tfle PropertY�a PT�F�nsidenoe.�f dus Socuriry Insmunent is on a ' , ,
<br /> leasehold, Bo�ower shail comply with all the pmvis�oav �f the irase. L°Sv,�ow�scquir.,.,-feati*��-thn �o}�crt;`•:�--. . .
<br /> leaseliold and the fa title si�all not m�rge unless Lender agnees w�`�e merger in writing. •
<br /> 7.P�qta:tIon ot.I.ea�fer's Rig6ta in t6e Yroperty.If Borrowec fa�7s ta perfonn the cavmants and agnements containod an
<br /> � tlus$ecarity Ii�stn�ment.�or thae is a legat proceedin8 tliat maY signifcandy affec3 l.xader's rig�ts iatlie Fcu�ettY(su�h as a
<br /> • . pr�ceoding in banjauptry.�robata,far condt.�atia»_�►r forfeitun or to enforre laws or ngula6oas),t5en Lendes nny do aM :
<br /> P�Y for whatever is n��ry Eo Dmte�t the value rrt,tl�e PropenY and Le�der•s rights tn the S�rolxrtY• Lende�s actirnis may . `
<br /> include p�ying any sums�secu�ed by a �ien whic2��ias priority ov�r thls S�tiY InsuumetB. appe�ing in S�. PsY�nB
<br /> reasoaxble auomays'fcea acd entering on the Property to mzice�ra.Althou86 Le�der may taYe action undo;this psragtapt�
<br /> .7',Lender does not havb to do so. . . . . : .
<br /> • A�}►amainnts disbursed by I.ender em�er.tLis pata�'aph '7�sf�alI i,eaou�etid:tio+i�1 d�st.of�rsorfer r:cu� by thi9 . �_
<br /> . Secariry Inswment..Untr�;l�oaower and-I�ender a8�to othtr terms of payment,these amounu shalt bear iatetast from the
<br /> date of disbnnement at t�;11tr�G�c:r�at�i:►3nd shall tie P�le►arith interest, upon natice from Lender to Borcower requestin8
<br /> : .. . .: :....... .
<br /> PpY��- .. . .
<br /> 8:��in�ut�oce.If Lrendor required mortgage inswance as a oondition of maYing the loau secutal6y ch'ss�Security
<br /> Instnament:�Bormwer s!�paY the Pnmiumg*ecNirod to maintain.the murtgage insurance in effoct. Ii. for an)•tess�oor the
<br /> . mortgape f�urance cdvc�ge roquu'ai by Lender lapses or oeasrs to be in effed.Borrower sHdll paY:t1�a Premiums requiied to .
<br /> obtain coveaage'subs .t�r.tk�i1Y equivale�t to the mort�,agd�nsusanoe previously ia effect,8i a oost substaatiallY Wuivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrawer of ttse owrtgage i,.m�ttr�ncc?reviausly in effe�t,;,f,aom an altemate mortgage insuns appmvod by ix�der..if
<br /> � suhstantiallY.ecluiva�ent mort&age ui;r�f�eoverage Ls,not av,hli:i#�c�;Bosrower shall pay to Ixnder wcb�wntb a��m egv�l to .
<br /> one-twelltL of the yeazPy,�t:oriBaSe insnr�cce p�mia�m beitig p��tiy Borcower when the insu�nnce aoverag2lu�sed or ce�sed tr► .
<br /> be'vo effect.Lcnder wili�accePt,use and retain t&�c nttyYnen4s as a loss �eser�run tieu of mortgage ir�snr�see. Loss nserve
<br /> _ � : � � Form 3d28 ,9190
<br /> � - . � P�geBolO � • �
<br /> __ —�r.�-..W:l�f�6�a�..-7a�niLfLliV�iA.`Ens:=:i@`s;�( -- -- -- — —
<br /> �t'_ m.,.._Alewrii:�i41x,tL.i"��"z...��=�i��_`+543vA��«� ��4'� ' — ...__- -.'_'a-����,- ._�... ___.._-�._-
<br /> .=in'eM.#IC�P.ec 3�te� �""'�+....*�.'r391YiF�X'3�w'A - -
<br /> '�'[GI��Trt^a.IS�����i�S'�•.8���,���'w7^Li��• 4�f �K �- __ ._. . . .. .. . .
<br /> , .1,k.'l,.�S...'S�a �-�-d.����iS�����y�y*,�"��z �1+�r� i aa - �_ .
<br /> Y :i7 �'jr�' �i r i• � -tA '�"'�ky�. � ?+�` -�e� �.{fi -y - ------
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<br /> _r s. .L_ . _. � _. . . . _ . .._ - . _- . ' :.._�cti�.. tiw-am _�r.eaa�-e�..
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