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<br /> ura..z���a�c�aaxwwwz�trv�a1n��w.ai,. vQ�.r.�i.c.va�avrs°irHa[neiw�maw+.-rvni.•-m�i�ac " •_ �••.- ..'����•����"••
<br /> �---�a�a_a..._ ��-rs-.. _ '_7�s.v-3�1.Ta:l�n...-w��.�w�+a�` ' '� '"__
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<br /> .. TapETHER WiTH ali the'impravemmts cow o;he�a.ttet srrstod on�t►e P�F�Y•'and all casem.ems.uDP��•�
<br /> fixtures n�w ar h�reafter a part of th��Propera1• � �1�oem�ts ar� �d�ditious s'�sl! also be covc�rcd by this 8ccu�iry .
<br /> � Ia�rament.Ali afthe far�egoittg is oeferr�!to in Wis S�c;urity.Inst�ena as the�F�'°P�Yr� ,
<br /> f3fi�u�if��d`�i�t.•v L��°����`-'"�fuity�.�Qf L��?s 1�erehy.onnve�red artd ha5 the right to grattt und
<br /> �s uciena�.e�for encumb�o�r re�cord. �a�eiwer vQa�t�-�:::#�-- • _-
<br /> oa�Y t3�e�rO�"�•ar�th�ttt��rapt►tY' of reo�td: , ' -
<br /> � defe�gen�u�1Y the dtte m ti�e PmPestY ag�all cL•sims and dernands.snbjeot to any eucambr�nc�s
<br /> THIS SECIJRITY INSfftUMENT comt�iaes�niform sovenants for nat�onal use anQ aon aaiform coeerants with limited
<br /> instr�ment oovetirt�real QroPertl►• . � �
<br /> � � variatlons by jmrisdiesUan to oonstimte a uaiforrt►secquity� as.foUo�vs• � �
<br /> , < 'UN�OitM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender cav� ���rmwar sball pmmgtly PaY when due th� - `
<br /> l. Pay�tent�o�PetnsiP�1 nnd Interas�Prtp� t and late cdrar8es du�under the Nate. , . ..
<br /> principal of and iateresc on the debt evidenced by th�.Note and c�►Y F�PaY�
<br /> . 2.�.C�Teac�and I��anea SubjeCt W applicab2e taw or to a wrjtten wnivar by L�endsr,Borrawet shaU paY ta ,
<br /> Leajder on the��monthiy pay,u�nts are du�under ths Nate.unt�i ahe Note is paid in fu11,a sum("Far�ds")far.ia)Y�Iy taxw
<br /> and assassm�nts whtc6 mal►attaia PriontY avet this Securiry Ins�as a liea on the Ptopei4y:ib}Y�Y Ieasehold I�Y�� ,
<br /> or grour��ats on t6e Frop�rty,if�:(�)Y�Y�d or proPcrtY insuram�Preauum�;(d)Ye�1Y�aod insnrance pr�um4.
<br /> if•an}r(e)YearlY mortg�8e insurance premi�s•if any;aad ffl anp sums Payabie by$ormwca to�er.in accord�ee v►�t�
<br /> ttse ptovis�nns af paiagraph 8,ia lien af the payment of ujort;ga��mTUranoe P�n'�.1'he.se items aze called°Fsctaw ttc�ms." . .
<br /> �er may,ac any dme,collec:t and hold Piwds ia a�►a�t�ot to exceed tiie maximum��a le�dar for a fede�ally
<br /> . �
<br /> • t�etyed a�ort�ge.ta.vs maY�e�os Bonawer's�crow arsouAt under tYie fed�ral Rea!E,itate S�ttlem�nt�c�aoedures et o
<br /> 1974 ns amended from ti�tp time.12 U.S C. Secxioa 2G01 et seq.('RESPA"?.unless auoti�r taw thit appiies to t6e Funds.
<br /> sus a le.sser a�nuunt.If sa.I.ea+der maY,a4 any time.oolUxt and hotd Funds in av amoant aat to exceed the.lesserof fiiNre �
<br /> .LenBer may estim�ate the amowit of fi�nds due on tt►e basis of carcea�t data and ceasonabie estiri�tes of expendit� �
<br /> Escmw Items or athe�vvl�e ia accoidan+ce aritL applicable Iaw. • 6 3 federal age�cy, instnun�atatity. or enti�Y�
<br /> 'The Funds sbaAt be hetd in aa institution w$ose depossus ate�nsur�d Y �Funds ta pa�y the '
<br /> • (i�cluding I.ender.if Lender.is such aa iBSHtntton)or in aaS'Federal Aome Lo9fl Ban1c•Le�der��Y��w�t�or , �
<br /> . Sscrow Items.Lender��nnt charge Borcowea far holding aad applying�he Fends.annuatlY, ..
<br /> . ,vet�fying tbe Hscrow I�,unless 4ender PaYs Borcower inte�est on tho Faads and applicable!aw�peamits L.ender to madce�
<br /> a ci�arge.However;L�r maY�[�Borrower to�ay a on�time ci�ar8e fan�n independent t�eal estate tax reportia8
<br /> � used by.,.b;�der in conpetdon with.tais toar►, wniess applicabic taw pmvide�otherwise. .UWess an.agre�eAt Is mado ar
<br /> a h `,7'k�re9ui�es'�.."�st to be g�d,Leader s6all not be re�uir�to gaY Bnrrower any interest or earninSs on the,Fands. .
<br /> PF�C��` i . � in arriting,h�w�r,that interest shall he paid on the Funds.Lend�sh�l,give to Bom�ver,
<br /> . � �..l�arcnwreic aud�.en�ler a�m�;� far�vhich each.
<br /> � �:`witbout�charge,an�,"tu�xccounting�of the Fa�;.�shoaring credits and debi��so the Funds and the p�'�
<br /> . ' debit to tiie FtmsL�"was C��'����P���as additiona�sesaritY for 2`�snms secured by tius Se�.z�?�+,�nsh�• . .
<br /> If the Futr�s held by��r�ac.�i�J ths a,�nounts peimiued to be 6eld by applicabte iaw,Lender sbal!accoant to Ba�row�t .
<br /> for•the excess Fu�fs.in acc3t�aa��t�the�equirements.of applicable law.I B�orao�i in writiag.and.iats¢c�c�.sc�r�wer
<br /> time is r�at sufficieru ca�i:.�r 2t���s��rav�Items wh�,due,I,endeF inay so aotifyE. .
<br /> . Shaii pay to Len¢er the sr�;un;n�Y��:'�i''the deficiency:Ba2rower st�alt malce up the deficiency in na more than
<br /> twetve monthlY PaYuxnta,at i:ender's�ate dl�: . ' �efundi¢o BorroArei eay , �
<br /> �P�[�Y�nt in.fuli of aU.�sx+,c�s securtd_i�:this Sec��.w.Instmme,nt,�Lender�;omP�Y totheacquisitiait:�irsalc ,
<br /> �unds 3x.�d by�tcider.If.under par�gaPh 21,1.e�s�aal�a�"�r scA t�e Propetty.. Pn ,
<br /> o€.th�Frop�rtY.�s�a11 a�PiY acsY Fund�hsld Dy�i���t t��t�e df aoqui�ftz�n or sate as a�crodit agai�st the sums secvred bY: , ::,,, .
<br /> , � �. �.' +��
<br /> . thl9 5ecuritY Instivment: :';� '� . • , � rececvod by ix.�t1��under�a�gn�ghs , t,
<br /> . 3.Applicallon ai A�Y�•t3nlcss appl'sca6lo!aw pmvides otherwi-,�s�,�paymes�ts
<br /> 1 awf 2 shall ba applied:frst,to ariY P�J�Y�nt charges dL�;�er the N�te;second,to axnounts paYa'L�:'z�der ps�ragraph 2,
<br /> tivrd,to interest due;fourth,to Principal dae;and last,ta atty:%�ti�sl�arSe�due imder the Nate.� '
<br />_ �.�g�;;},::,o;.:'a:ro��er�!all�ay aU taxss.assess.��ats,charges, �aes and impositions attributa63e ta the PropaitY • .
<br /> if'�;;Borrawe't s,`,ati Yay '
<br /> � wIuct�may xtta�rc P�Ri��over Wis Sec�riry Insh�meat. aa�l IeaseholQ pa}iz�r�;ts or Sxound r��, s on riine dirxtly .. �
<br /> these obfig�tians in t�ie��anner yravided in.Pa��n�b 2,or if not paid in thzG:�ii�u�er.BO�Tav�'er shall�za���;;�..�
<br /> � 4o the p!�c'son ou�d payanent.Borra'�s�',Fp;'omp�dy furnish to t.ender all r�c`aices of amounts to be gEiifl�ndcr thi����f�aPb:',: :�..'
<br /> � If Bori+o'wer makes theso PaY��df*�t1y�:l3csrigwei shall pm�ptly.fumish tn I.ender rr�ipts evidenciiag,the payma:t�.; �
<br /> .�orrower.sba11 pmmpilY discharge any liCn��h1ch has priority ovet this 5scuriry.lnstrurnent uuttss Borrowtr:(a)a8rees in� � .
<br /> � wri6ng to the payment of the obligation securea,�i�r,',zhc Iiea in a manner acaptable to Leader,@)contests in good faith t�e 1ic� .
<br /> � by,.or defends a$ainst enforceu�ent of the lie�'m',7ega1 Piooeedtn$s wldch in the��nder's apiniori oper�te tQ�grevtnt the . .
<br /> � cnfor�ment of the lien:oz(°)secur�s from the ho2dar of the lien on a�n?satisfacto�y►to Ixuder subordinatin8 the lien tn .:
<br /> this Securiry insnument. If Lend�r determirnes that any part of the Praperty is subject to�(ien which may attain p�iority rner :
<br /> this Secudty Instiument.Lender��give Borrower a.no�ice identifying the lien.Borna�vrr shall satisfy the tien or tak�e one ot
<br /> more of the actlons set forth ahove within 10 da��of the givin�of notice. •,'�
<br /> . ' � . Forn�30.�8 918D , ,
<br /> � . Dage 1 of e •
<br /> . , c.
<br />