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<br /> � i�TB.of which Bandt sf thc 3Y•96 Series tl�e�e wrre heretofore�ue��S70a.m00 principal amo�rt�.�
<br /> � � atl�f whic�wen�aid in�full at ar a8sr maturity_and arc�ta tonger outstaadin�a�d . : • , ` _-
<br /> -��.- -_ - -.---v_�r��c p�svant t�_�e:tenn�:an�'pravisaoffi af the Qrig�l Yadcnture a�d a . � --
<br /> � S�t�stal It�tu€a datc-.i A+iars� t,1S52,tltv C�umgss��3�a a�a�o��oa�to�e -- - - - -_
<br /> � issu��tl�e��', a s l iad�ature.aud to be icceown a�1Fust Martga�e Bon�a.3-3/BsXo Seties du�e -_
<br /> . 1978►of w6�ch of the 3-SBgb Se�ies tt�ere were heret�fare isa�3 Si,000,�OQ0 PsfncdFat .
<br /> ' .�moaaat;'all oF whi�cl�w�re p�is�Cull at or after matarity and are�to�nger au�sandi� and • . � -
<br /> . WE�3t�►s puisuant to the tet�s and pmv3sioms ag the Origiflai Iasbeatwe�and a '
<br /> . gupp�emcnta!'IndentnrG d�ted May 1t 19S3,t�Ze Compaay c�ated a aKw seris af bon�s, to 6e
<br /> isau�d uader the Origina!Iadentur�aad to be Ic�+a as Fust Nfortgage Boads.3�9fa Series due
<br /> i963,of which Ban�of thc3.�496 Seaks t�iece wsc�c,heretofflre iuue�t7tl0.000 PrincsFal aafouat,
<br /> all�af w6icdt.wcre paid in fi8l�at or aftes maturity sad are no longer outstaadia�aad � ..
<br /> .� , �. W� pucsuant to the rerms and psavisia� of th� Ortginal Ins�enta� and�'a :
<br /> ' . �upp4�c.�tal�Wre datad Febauary 1,1935,tTit Com�aay cc�eated a�v+rseri�s af bo�t,to 6e
<br /> � . ����saued undet tl�a Ehiginal TndeaturG an�to be��Cnaw�as Fuat biQrt�Bontb►3.3a96 S�ries dve ,
<br /> � �1�.of which Bonds of the 3.309b Serizs'there�e he�ate issue�S90d.0(p.gnnciPa�amo�nt.
<br /> � all of�a�ere paid in fiilt at ar after anaturitq and ar�;t€�?;longer outatandin�.and . �
<br /> . . . VV�is pw�suant� to.the terms and'•pmvisS�na� of tl� Onginai Indentuc+c and a
<br /> - � Suppiamentat Indcntw4e dated Oct+aber i,l95f,tlie Company created.a steew�eries oE bon�r.w.be . � .
<br /> issuai under dae Chiginal?�}+d�enturG and to be�a at Fitat�Viottgeg�Bonds,4-?/89� Secies dua� .
<br /> � 1983,�of�h.Sonds af the 4�i�% Sez�ites theca wara hetewfore.��51,300,� �P� � .
<br /> • • am�wit,a1�..�wtiis�t.�e paia��ll at or after maturity aad are ao ingger aul�tandin� and �,
<br /> � � . :,; �ii�;.`�s pu�uaat w the terime �, provssiom of ttse �tig�nel Indo¢tuc�e ea� a �
<br /> - � S�gpkai��� Indencure dated Juty i,.19�P.:f�ColnParz� �reated a:�ee�►series of bonda► to be ,
<br /> � is:aed uadf�t tbe Original L�dentu�;�aad wt��Cnowia as F�st PKartgeg�Bo�cb.S 7J846 Serieg due� ::'.:';�; .
<br /> . i9�?�of whi�h Boa� of tha 5.?/896 S�:;e�sce were hcntofore,�s�ed t1,SA0,00U princiPat
<br /> amannt;a13 af v�hich were paid in fu11 at ar a1�f+�e matu3ity and are r�:Tt�ger�oatstanding,•nnd �,
<br /> . . , �;: ,
<br /> . �iltt�i� pvzauaat ta ,the ter� �sl gzovtsians of the 8r�gina! Iad�enwre ea� a
<br /> Suppkmeawt�adenture.dated August I, 19S9,the Companq created a new=erks af bond�,to 6e �
<br /> • ist�ad iinder tUe�rig�nal lia�c�itt�and W b��n`�F'usi�i�rri�gc��+��.rt:,�d�::. =- -_ --�- , -_•
<br /> • � .. � 19�1.of�vhicb Aond�c�f�5.4096 Seriea tbe�.were he�ew€ora is�uez!;S97S,000 pcindpa!amaunt, _
<br /> � ' aU oE vvl�ich�ere p�id in fuD�t a after maromafi�y and are�0 loagqr aat,arWndit� aad . .
<br /> :,,;. � , . . . .
<br /> � ", . W�RpwS par�wnt w tbe terms�a�zd prc��;�of:�.��uaf��r�nture and �� �
<br /> .. �'����;.Su�pkmenul Indmt��re.deted Jpty l, 19E��a��Compaaq srr.ated�'.ta+�w s�ria�ot 6ur�. w 6e
<br /> ���.; 3�ua! uad�er t�e tfti�ai�.IndenturG as�t�isx�'bia�wn as Fitst MQtt;�C Bbada.SY.9b Serie:due
<br /> , -:;: igg7,o�wbi���a1n�o£thG 5'1•9�Setes c&tct were lieretofor�e is��se3�$�1,000,000 Rrincipal aAwuat;
<br /> �'� � `: alt of which a+�a�e p�id ia full at����r maturtty and,ara no bnger outatai�ia� a�d . . .
<br /> . ;: . . . , . ,
<br />_ � � V�tt�t�REns p�:sssaant t0 the cerms��nd provis�oas of t����!�i�inai ��!+�..� a?x� A
<br /> ' � '''� 5uppleaxntsl Indentwce dated Ju1y 1: 1966►�the Company created'¢�xw seties of 6ondi. �.�ae .
<br /> � iss�ad under c1�ee Originv Indeeu.cao►and to be fcio�wn as F'u�t Morc$age Bond�.G'!•96.Seaks.du�e
<br /> �,�of w6icb&�nda of tlze 6Y.96��tia tfltta wete heretofare issuai 33�OO.Q00�S�iga!�;sat, ;
<br /> • aIl of wl�ich 6�bot�a+tdoemed aad arc no.�onger au�ataadia�; atjid . ��`;
<br /> � . �. � � . .'
<br /> . � , • . . .,
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<br /> ...., .
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