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<br /> , <. . gtTP�tE�'�'u�dYVD�nvRE.¢ated the�a�day of Augu+� 'uuieteen h�dred and niaery-fnre .
<br /> 1 ,
<br /> '(1995).made by a�botw�a Notttlt�RHPus��S�tvtc�Co�axY.a canparation organiz�d .
<br /> aad c�as�ng u�der the i�cf t6e State taf Dalaarare(tiere�naRts�alies!the'CompaIIy`�, P�Y ag ' _
<br /> t�s,&� -�, �'i��ii�E 1�tA�a�Tr�tet Bet� �Nat�rt�11'�Er.�ociati�a), a aat€anal barildng .
<br /> ' associat�n ergaaized and�ost�uud�er.tD�taws of the aJnite�States af America attd�rvi�qg its
<br /> � , prinapal��r pt�ce af ltuaiaec�fn�lte Bomyg�of ManBat�a�n,'��3q af N�ti►Yo�lc,Stat�of �
<br /> � AIew Yori�.auooa�r t�'lbe Chase AY�tiot�al Bgn1c of t�e O'itq af Naw Yart�(mer�aa�ter cali�d the � .
<br /> 'Tcuate�7. aad G 1. ,af Ptassau C7auaty,I�tew Yosk,s�uar to Car1:�E.Bucickq . _
<br /> � (4ke Trostx aad�said.G J H�t�L�N3!t tieing h�reinaRer c�ited the�I'nittees,`�r�fi te�an where
<br /> tt�a cant�eext requires may also�iguata their sespsctive pr�os in t�t,the po�t affrce address
<br /> • o€ti�ZTn�steea b�ing Gbrpo�ate Trusi Admtinittta�doa Diviston.4 Ck�e MetFaTerh Cenur•3rd.
<br /> . . Ftoar, Broolctpa, N�ar Yori�'11245), ms Tnsstces untkr ttie rndenwre dated �August 1, 194a
<br /> heninaRer mentmned, patties ef ttre serand part. � � ` .
<br /> . � W�AFi�S fDe Com�au�i tias Iber�em5oi�r.�ecutod aa�d�eli�nec+ed itac rndent�ire(�etziaafter � �
<br /> refetred to ei ti�e'Origi�t I�eutat�'�,dat�ad�Auguu l.i�'4a to the.Trust�6or,ti��a�fty og
<br /> ' t�e bnade of the Companq i,�ed ancl t�o be iuued tbei�d�;r� ' .
<br /> . ` ' ' WHFR�,thc�omPany� from tir�to tim�I�s hetttofore du�►made aad dcli�er�d to tlfe .
<br /> � 'i'nutea certaia indenttues aupplementa! ta the C)rig�nai Tndenture. inciu�in� suppkcncm�l � . . .
<br /> . indtnturts datoa 7anuaty 15.1941,August�8,1945.Stptambcr 23.1946►Oetober I,�946;Juty 2,4.� . . .
<br /> � � l947,.June 1.1948,Sep!um6er 1, 1�J48►Ye�1,19�.August 1f����95�,-March i,l�S2:14[aY�3,1953..
<br /> . � Febtua:y 3,1955,Aug�t 29.1955,Ocwbec 1,1956,July 1,193'l.Au�ist i,195?,J�y�.�9�6l,July
<br /> 1.1966�SePtemfiet,i,1970.Augti�t 1, 19?Z,jut�►1,1973,NOY�ea�ber i�,19►l4.Ma3►x.19riS,Juae 1, �.
<br /> . , 1977,Iu4y 1.1978r D�ocember i,l978,Iu�ap 6.i96?,NaNamber 2,19fl9.Juty i5.1941.N�rrtmbe{.�5. . �
<br /> 1991,:�!t�ba.;�. 199Z a�cl Ekugufc is. 1993 (the origa�.�tt';�;aenwme �s s�pp�e _� at�a . . � :-;
<br /> � amea�xl:�►���eatio�ed suPFk.mes�tal in8eat�rea and�i!t�Suppkmenta!I�T,�tr¢be�ng � �'�:�:
<br /> 6te���,.�r idf�"'er'E�d to as�r�'Yadaature�:amd ' � . � . _ ` :•'. ' . . .
<br /> �'qftt�BttF.� pursvaat�.�w the urms and�pi�rb�ions of�the��0��';;'d�a�t� a� a .
<br /> � Suppkme�t{i1 In�eature clatod Ocwber 1, 19q6 (Et�ieiaafter re�erred tQ as�the '�S+r}{�.�neatat` ., .
<br /> L�denturc d�ced C�ctober 1.1946'j.the Company cxeated a a�r serIa�uf[wnd�,'ta 6C�`�:�ed unda .
<br /> � tbe Urri�inal IndentatG and w be k�o�m as F'u:t.B�fiu�gage Bondi,396 Ser•'.r�due 1473,of wbicb '
<br /> Hondt of tt�e 5erks du�]973 there were berewfQn:.;�sued�549,t1U0 piaaciP�;amauat,a�i of wbi� :�.
<br /> __ �r�:: ,� e:�*r.ft�s��ari� �..+���eo M��r outst.�� �d _ , __ ..__. ;_ _... -
<br /> ,.,
<br /> , , � .
<br /> � Wt�RUS �i�nt ta tha r.'c�i aad pcovi:toru of fhe Ori�in�i �In�tur�c �u�d.a, .
<br /> Sup�leaunW Inaeature d�ted June 1,�1'.)4B,tl�f�amP�ttY creatod a at�r a�erks of ban�r„ w 17e:.. ,:.'
<br /> � i�ued under tlse Ortaia�l Inda�wrG�w b�e 1pc�te�a�Fint iViots�qa�e 8aard��-31898 Serin du� �.;;;;;:�`.
<br /> � � 1978►ofwt�ch auad�of tbe 3-3l896 Serks th4re�ie heretafdre issued S60D.t�?F�+3���� ,.:
<br /> . all a€wl�icch wrn paid in fiila at or aftEr maturitq�nd are�ao Wnaer outstaadin� and � ' : .
<br /> . : wH��s,punuant w tbe teims. aaa pc�avh�ana of rae c�rigmat �inaan�m uuc� a, _
<br /> � � Sappkmennl.I�ndanwre dated Septem5er 1,1948r the Companp creaud s ae+�►atrie�of bonds,to
<br /> ' � be iasued under the QrigJnal Indentur+e.and ta be hto�rn as Fi�t 3Mot3g�e�a Sondi.3Ys96 5eries d� � ,
<br /> � Y978►of w�6 l3oacb af the 3l�9�Seria thtre w�ese heceWfore usued.s?00,000�n�ipal amoune, .
<br /> aIl of which were pYid ia fui�at or after ma�turitg aad are ao bnger Autst�dins;aad � � ..
<br /> ' . . .,,..: .
<br /> . iN�iBREws puauiant to the term: east pc�aM1+isio� aF:ti�e ���1. Incknture and s
<br /> �''�:;..;.. �SuppkmenW Indenture dyytod June 1, 1949,We Compaay cre� �a�w sen�s of boncb, to tae.
<br /> ., : � isaved'unckr the Ortainal Indentuie,aad to�e known a�First��'s+art��t,�, .�onda,3�/•96 Series due
<br /> �� .
<br /> . �., - � _� ^.sn!'�44`"a `#��!''f T.+..�
<br /> ,aF �-' ' _.:I 'y. �..'-='.s! `driT�'r t r --
<br /> R�l t�' 1f_�l�Y�� /R(�1MN5.4 5" - . •��1L -.t _ ti�y.�'��'a' � :,, .
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