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<br /> �_�_—��aY.�l'M..:.�.i�`..-ie.;.t..sT,�..�� +� r`�i��-m.�.�'.5�TIr.���c��������..a,l'��nx.�;'�l'�" s�r�
<br /> _- � ,...a-x�x,v-.;.=��k>F�.�c�+�-• � �s.:._. '_ ' '",,� -'Sr ,.- a�.,#+nwax nc:,x�-. �-
<br /> .�_..�_��...� _ �,.�,.����.� — _ '_ -_'_` - ___
<br /> _ . ' ' . ` ` ` ' ` ( • ' .
<br /> - - �•�tl.,•_ � — ,
<br /> � �delivere� or mai2ed r��P.hin wte3ch �b2fgar �r Bom������d�'pay all
<br /> . sums se�efl � ttYio 3e�urity Zn��erit� I1i.° ObY�gO�' �1' SE9L�CQT�TQ�B .�
<br /> fafl ta pay �treae �uaa prfor to the expirati0m o� thia .per�o3,
<br /> Y�ender �y 3avoke any reme8ies p�roittad by thie Sacurity Iateret�t
<br /> o�f�ham� furthor noties. a�r de�cd�`oa GbiSqor �or 8orrover�. .
<br /> 16. � 8oxticax0rs' Right to Reinsta►te. _! �bliqor and B�rrovesa
<br /> ' mset aasrta3r� �onditions, �orrover� shall hava th� �ight te tea�
<br /> ' enforcement ot this Sece�riLy. xnstrumet�t discant�nued at anp t�ae
<br /> . . prior t+� the earlies a�: �a) 5 days (or such other psrio� as
<br /> appi#.aabie_ law �ay sFaecify for reinatate�ent� b��ore eale o� .the � �
<br /> ,� Property� pursuent t�.anx pover of saie contained •�n this Security
<br /> Inats�uetits �or .(E�� entry o! a �udqteut entoroittg �bis 8eawrity ' . �
<br /> Ins�ruaent. Thase ac�aditzi.ons are that Obliqar or.�c�rov�: (a) �
<br /> � pay Iaendes ail si� w�icb. lhe�r .wauld be flue 'under• tbi� S�aur4ty
<br /> Instr�aent aad the Aote ha� =ao acreleratimn occurs�d; ,(b) cur� any�
<br /> 8'vent o! �etault under �his security Ins�:v�teat ie� Pi►Y �� .
<br /> experises iacurted fn enforc3ng thfs Seaurity Instrat�nt,• iacludiaq,
<br /> but nat limite8 ta, reas�nabie attorn�y's tees; and (d} tako auch ,
<br /> aatfon as Lende�r may se�an�bly requise to assure thnt the lten o!
<br /> . this' sec+�ri�y instx�aa�nt, Lendffir•s rfq�►ts , in ths Pacoperty a�- �
<br /> ' obl�.qor's and IIarrowexs� obliqa�.ten te pay th� suma sa�ur�d by this .
<br /> . Seaurity.In�tr�amenti �shall continue.u�c��anqed. U�on r�instat��
<br /> by Sorrowers, this 5ecurity =nstrument and tiie obl.�qatfona aecnre� ,
<br /> � hereby shall r�af.n fully ef€ec�ive a� if na �acce�.�sation had �
<br /> ecaurred. How�ever, �hi.s sight to rein.atate sha11 nat appiy in the �
<br /> �ase og ac�eleratiox� un�er p�ragraphs 1� �r 35. •
<br /> • 17. Sv�nts o� Defaul�. Any a� �hhe folaowinq events s�ha�l be . �
<br /> . deen�ed mn event af �efau2t h�retu�der: .
<br /> . . (a� O�iligor eha7.2 fa�Z ta pay the princfpal o� int�rest ' .
<br /> " . . � o� the Note when due t � � �
<br /> �(b� Trustor �hall fafl to pay whe� due • any other �
<br /> � � ' anounts secured , hereby th�t . are �tor•s�
<br /> . � obligatfo�t to pa�Yi � . � � � ,.
<br /> . . • . '. (c� Tr+ustoz o�.,�ligo� t�kala f£Ze .a�voluntary. petitiob ..
<br /> . in, ba�7csvgM'ay or shal2�•be ,ad�udica�,�Q a bankrugt o�:�,
<br /> . . insalvent,� ar sha3ib file �y p��9:�on o� ansvtr�::;
<br /> � . _ . , aeek3nq or , acc�ef�sc�g �� -agy�'' reore,��i�atioA;
<br /> � arrangeme�at, ce�gosf����i�n, readjustsent, • "�„
<br /> � " �iquidation, diaeolution ��r s3m�2es �eliet �ar � `�:'�
<br /> �1;,��1�. �nnder any pr�aent.' os �u�ure bankr�ptc�,�.::+, ..
<br /> � �ir�srilvency or other reiie� Por ��.:i�torst or sha?.I: , �
<br /> . � , seek or consent to or a�qeiiesc� i�ii the .appola{•aenti��
<br /> . of any t�is�ee, receiver tr.� liqaidator ot• �ruator
<br /> or Obliqo�;c�r of a11 or a:iy part ,of tha;���perty,
<br /> � � ..� or o! any or all o���the royaltiss.,�avea�t��':rents,. .
<br /> • � . • issuea or pro�it.� thereoP, or;�;�ai�. �#�ake a��..;
<br /> • qette�al asaignment for the benaff����£ +�c�iA.i,xors, a���
<br /> ' 1�- . . �._� , -
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