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<br /> ._x.a=-_.�s,�r�n:��a�•c:...k�r..ya..=.��.v.s.a.au.�..�.Y.�o_ . " � ''t t -���.�`: �_ 'z��ar�...r:�+ic -.-----
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<br /> - ----- -— �igaP�38 t�i�giy-iiiLr'3s"3i'�3i�i a�3 u�n�-u�a-'sis��s`s-�� sLt�l - - - --`
<br /> , charges au].lecter3 er Pai �a ca3lectecl in eoxuae�ian u�it� the Note .
<br /> ' • exceet� the permitted l�mits, thens (a� ar�y such l.oan charge shail .
<br /> . �e reduaed by. the amount necessazy to reduae the cha�ge. to ttae .
<br /> ' � pera�.tted Ii�ftf and �b) a� sum� already cs�3leat� whfah excee8ed '
<br /> � - ge�3tted Zf�i�s•wiil be refuaade�d to the Obligor on.the Aote. • , .
<br /> - ��.. Legis�atimn� Afgeatinq Lendeyc•s ����s =f ���A� Or -
<br /> escpiratian of .appl�.cable la� has t�e ef�ect oP reader3ng aa�
<br /> �. provfeion of tbis securfty �rnment un�nf�rceabi� accerdinq ts ,
<br /> its �eraa, I�ender, at it$ optf�rn, m�y requ.i.re i�edfate paymcnt fn �
<br /> f�Al o! all sams sQcused by.thf.s Security Instrument and �ay imioke .
<br /> aa�r�reme�ie9 pes�3tted by parsgra�h 29. IP ��t ex�rcise8 thf e �
<br /> . . _ � option, Isudes shaii . take the steps s�oecified 3m:;�:�e second � � .
<br /> � paragra�xh o! paragraph 15. , ...`-;.;`�, .
<br /> . . . .. . . �.�; . . .
<br /> - � 12. �tot.iees: Anp notSce ta �or�ccwers p�coRrfd�`'��ar f�n this '
<br /> � � Security �In.st�umesit shall b�.given k� deliverfnq.it .a�' by mail�nng
<br /> � �it by first alass mail unless applicabla Iav req�fras uee ot ��
<br /> . ar►other method. The not�ce. aha1T be c�Cee�d to tYie Prc�pert� •
<br /> Address or any, o�Aerc ad��. Borrawers des�.qa�at� �no�3�ce to �
<br /> I,�rtder. Any no�ice ta �e3e���ha11 be �iven �y tirs��et� aYa�l to
<br /> ,Lend�r�s addresa s��d h�ereia or any. cither a�'rass I,endewr
<br /> � designated by notfce 4�-�osravets. Any.na�iae ps�mnid��'far �.n.�hia,� � .
<br /> . security Ynstr�ent ��al], b�`dr�em�d tt� laave�eett given �o.BOrs�'�a .
<br /> . , � . or i,�aader when.give� as� prca�t�r$ed in tbis paragrapI�. . - . ��'� •
<br /> . �3. Govexa�ing �:a: Severa�ili�. Th�is Secur�. Insts�e.�t .. :,,, :. .
<br /> . sha1��.Pse�qoverned by IIi'ebraska law. � �n.:#*1i� event that�..ay provioion :;.::��;`,..
<br /> ' � ar�� a7.ause bY thi� Securfty imstrnaent conf3�cts t�� appl.icable '�•
<br /> � � Ia�, � such eonPiict ahali nat affect ottie�C.,;�ravi,,� ons o� �thi� ��� .
<br /> . .. se�ur�ty. iastru�eat which can be qiven effeat� wi.thout t8ie � .
<br /> conlliating pravisioh. Ta this end the prov3sfans:ot this Seaurfty �
<br /> � . Instrumen� are d�ealared to be severable. � .
<br /> � . 14. Borrdwers� Copy. Borrnwere shal.l i�e giv�n a copy of..thia ,
<br /> � - se�urity Tnstz�aent. . . . ' :',.:
<br /> . . ' i5: Transfer �i� .the Prepsrty or a Bene�3.ota�.:�:�t�ire��.� 3.� � :�;'„•".;�
<br /> �rxovars.. =f aii a��,:.any part of the �roparty or.��n��_�ii►ter���°in ..:1:�:�::��:
<br /> ,� �it i.a sold or trai�s�erred (�r if any be�e��.aia�l� i�t�tarast��a� s. � "� , .
<br /> �arrawer ie soid or transferred ar�d su�h Sa*ir�nres �a not a aa�iir�7. �
<br /> . . persfln� w3.thout ][��nd.er�s �r�or- c�ri*�e� ��a��Pnt, � �ualn. sale � or • . .
<br /> : transfer ahr�li cansti.tute ar, Lvent of Defeult her�utid��.. and I,�nde�r . �
<br /> nay� at �ts option, require.immediate pnyme.�at ir� ful� "E�f a11 puais � � �
<br /> •' r";;:•:> .secweed by tlz�s Security Ias��cument. t�owever,, �2�'�picfon,:c�i�l�
<br /> �,:�.;•,• rio� be exesafaed by Lender �f� ¢xexaise 1� prahfbfted by fedsraT: i�nw
<br /> � as o� �the d�►�e of .t,h3s Secur9ty instru�aent. • ,.
<br /> . . . � .
<br /> Zf �ender.exeraises this crption, Lender shall q3�i�r�,Oblfgor and .`.�
<br /> �� 8orrowers notiae of, aace�eratlon. TRe notice ahall pravide a• � .
<br /> . �period of not less �han 30 days from the date the notice ia
<br /> 5 �
<br /> • �, . ,
<br /> "-�'�'�r ,+'a_� -' � :.-f -7 �rTRr'�_ s ....l .�1. ._ '__ _ . . _. ._. .. . . . _ _ ,�+`:l t. _- __-__
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