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<br /> S. �st�ard or Frn Insue�nc�.Soaower si�l1 heep the improvemTnts nnw e�4ii18•or herc�f[ter rrctasA am the .
<br /> -P�lerty insur�ed�sgainst i�o by fdre. ha�ir��includ�within th�teiai°excettda!coperr3ge and any ether`t�vards.instudIng
<br /> ftcs�ds or ttaadi►sg.Pos wtucb lender tequises insurtuece:7�is iasuiaaci shall De m3intained in thc arnounts ctnd for thc per�ads ,
<br /> d„n lpnd"r re�uir�s,T�e.i_nsurauoe c�trier pmvidin�the in5umnoe shall tse ehosen Isy Borrox�er�¢bieet to Le�cier's upp.mvai
<br /> wiuch si�al! n�t be unreasonably�vitAbetd.IE 8orrowe��"Is to�ntain t�venr�e�+.�It,�l aLao°, �rs.st+�;,��•'s_ -- -- _.
<br /> o�siic�,csbt3iu eo�.��s�e to p�t I.��'s dgius;n c6�Praperty in�aosdance with P��Ph 7.
<br /> ' A1{insu:auce potici�s ansl ce�sewals shall Ise xcceptabte tm Ltader aad sf�ail incIude o.standard �aw�t�age cL�u�e. Ler:d�r
<br /> s�aU L�ve ct�e right to hoM the polisies u�d c�ae�vals.If L�euder requixes.Bs?rioc+rer sball pmmptly Bive to L,eadcr all recf3pts of -
<br /> � p�d prrmiums a��ewal natioes,in the cvent of loss,Borcower sE�all give prouapt aause to tit�insvrance casrier�d I.endcr. �. <
<br /> ' Ievde�may aiatie praof of lass if na't made Qromptfy Ay Borrowar. ' .
<br /> Ualess Icnd�r and Basmwer mherwise agtee in writing,insuranoe praoeeds shail 6e applied to restoraHon or repair of the
<br /> p;apesty damaged.if the re.�tordtion or tepuis is economicaUy f�'ble a�d Lender's securiry is aot Iesseaed.if the restoiatian or
<br /> � : r�air is nat eeonomically feas�'bie or Lender's security.wouId be�od,the insi!..*��pmreeQ�shatl be c+pplIed to the sums
<br /> �by �,q�ritg�Insuument, ouhether or ant n'�en due,+xit��any,exoess paid to Borrower. If Borrower a�ar�uns the ,
<br /> � 'Pcoperty,or daes�t ansxer wethin 3Q days a notice fmm Lender that the en�+�,�n�carrier ha9 offe�d to settie a eL�im. then .
<br /> � Icnaer may catlect the iasuraace prooe�ds- Ien�r_maY use th�Pm�s to repair or restare the Praperiy or to pay sums .
<br /> secared by this Scxuricy instiumea�t,wfietfler or,aos then due.The 30�day periad arill isegin whe�th$ouatice is givcn.
<br /> Unless Geiuier�ad Barrawer otfierwise� in�vritin$..aay a�plic�tion of praceeds to pri�ipa! sUa19 uot extend or
<br />__ . Fostpone tlie due date of the manthf�pa)mmeats refe�w ia gatagtaPhs 1 acid 2 or cbange tl��af 1�payasenis•Ig
<br /> . . �t*nder parageaph 21 tht Ptapetty is�6y Lwder,Bo���s egbt to auy insuianee poltcies an�pra�ds�sniting fm� ,.
<br /> ' d�nage m the Pmpc�ty priar[o tlie aequisitEo�c sh;aal pass 3o Lendar w ttte extcni oi the sums seca'r�by 8iia S�u1nry Imsuume�t
<br /> imtnediateIy prioi to t�e ac4nisntioa. .
<br /> � 6.oocuram.y,reeservat�r,Matui�xnoe aaa r.�atectio�►ui u�e IPlca�eatp:Barrower's I.o�n Applkatioa;�-
<br /> � Barrower shall ocaipy,�Ii.s�,and use the Praperty as Boaower's pn�,c�ga!aes�deace withip siaty days a$er the executiaa af
<br /> t6ig Seeuritp Iast�ent affi s�if coaUaae to occupy Sie Property as Barmwer's Qrincipa�msidrnce for et least sme year after ,
<br /> . the'date of qocup,ancY,unless�.endes othe:avise ag�es in wriisng,�auhich�nsem sha{1 aot be tmre�ouably withheid,ar imless
<br /> eaaPns:ating,circa.mstauces exist wtuch aze beyond,Borrower's oantrol. Borrower sha11 not desuo3+� daanaBe nr impair the
<br /> Pmo�Cty. allow t�e�Pnoperty�o det�dorate, or�commit�->.ste on the Property. Borrower shall t�e in default if auy farfatw�a
<br /> � �os pmctt�ing,Nhdher r►vil or criminal.is begun tbat m Lender's good faith l�t.covld resWt ia f�rFeitume of tl�e .
<br /> Picrperty or otitervvise materiaUy impuir the lien ereated by�this Sewrity Insuiunent or I�endet's securtty ttrtenst.B�t�+awer attty
<br /> cure sQCh a def�t and reinstate:as pmvlded in paragcaph 18,iry ca�siuS the act�n or pmceeding t�be dismissed witfl a ruling
<br /> tbat, in Lend�r s:p,uod fa�th determinatian, p�clades forfeiture of the Borww�r's inte�ese in thts Pcop�rty or other matta�ial
<br /> imga�rment of the liea►created tN ti�s SeeuritY Insuament or Lender's�ruri,ty int�,rest.Bartower rhall�al�►be in defa�I(if
<br /> Bo�wer,dnriag the toan appSiwtion process,gave raat�tiaUy€alse or inacc�uade i�..�ac�arion or statements to tcndex(or fa�od
<br /> �w pmvide Leader w'rtt�anY material infomoation)in wnaedion with the loaa ev��fi�Y the Note.including,b�not limipcd �. .
<br /> .. . W.representa�ans conceming Borrower's occvpancy of the PraportY as a�?i's,ciFa�;e��.s��►ce.If thIs Seeurit}►Insuvn�ent is on a � .
<br /> 3easehotd, Bormwer shali comply with ai1 the provisions of the teas�...F�'�tGsxg:�..a�uites fee titls ta the Propenty, the �
<br /> � . le�.�t►91d and the fec titDe shalt trot merge ualess I.ender agrees to the u��'r��C�t3u�z.`'�.: ' • ,.
<br /> �`,..,�.Pratectton af I.ender's Rights ia�thhe Ptoperty.If Sorrower fails tb perfo�Zt:�t�e,oavenants and ugraments coataitxd ia.
<br /> .'����'�:;�uritY Insuument.or there is a tegal prootediag that may significantty affec�',�i�der's rIgt�ts�in the Praperl3►(sttch as� .
<br /> � � ���8���Pt�Y•Pra6ate�for condemnation'or£orfeiture�or to enfarce law�or regularions).thm��hder ix�yr do arYf
<br /> . P�,y for whate�:r.�as neoessary tv protect the vaIue of the Property end Lender`s rlghts in the Prnperty. I�ender°6 baIOtL9 mt}! .
<br /> i.nr.��de�SayipB�anY sWns securecl by u Iien which bas prtotity ov� t6is Se�urity Ynst�ment, �8 u► raart•' paY�'�B'°::.
<br /> ra�s�aa6le attameys'foes afi�:entering an the PropertY to make repairs.Alshough l.e�der way taice aaeon under this pangr�li" .
<br /> � 7.l.endea dc�es tiqt 6ave to�y�o. � • �`.: : ��
<br /> � ' � Any amciiatFS d,is6uirsedt riy L.ender under this:ParagrnPh 7 sha1�.becume.�i+3oau1 debt of Hortowet.saa�zod �y t�i:�:;;.
<br /> . �Stxurity Insm�nent. Unless Sctrower�d➢.ender a,�to oGie�te,-�:�rfisi'�i�'3'�:�;,t�ff�..°C�'o►tnts sball Mear interest fra�fi:(�.' .
<br /> . . � due of disbiuserirent at che N�te rate and��shail be payable, witn i�x�:ppaa�oltice'from Lendtr to Borma�er i+eques�i��
<br /> � �wx�nT. . . , ... �
<br /> � 'S.Mortgnge insnr�ce.If I�ader required moitgage insu:ance ns�oondi�v�:af i�aking the toan sarured�zhis Security� •. .
<br /> . �Instramenf; Borrower shall pay�the Oremiums*e9uired t°�m�+;a A;n th�mortg�agc.4r;�urance ia effect. If, foi a�y reus�n.�be
<br /> . martg,a8e insarance covera,ge required by Len�er lapses or oeases to brc�.i�i effed.Boriower shall pay the gremiums reqnired w
<br /> obtain coverage substantialty�quivalsnt to the mortgage insuranoe pr��usly in cff'.e:t,nt a oost sub�twtlally equiva2eht to t&e �.
<br /> cast to Borrower of the mortgage insuranoe previouslY in effect, fram an altera�ri��rrortgaga insura approved bp Lender. IP
<br /> sa�stanvaliy equivatent ma�rrgage insura�oc ooveraga is s��s available.Boimwer shal���y to I.ender each mo�hh a sum equat to
<br /> one-twelfth'�uf the yeariy mortgage insuranae premiam being paid by Bo:rower when the ina+.a�covtrage lapsed.or ceasaA to�
<br /> be in effeca.Lender will aooept.�ue anQ re�un these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insusance.�&sss reserYe .
<br /> . � Wrm 9D28 9l90 •
<br /> � �aae ,
<br /> . �, .
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