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<br /> � �TOti$THSFt W[TH ai!tL�improvemerbts r.uw ar her�ftes etnctsd on tlte prapecty,aad�1�e�me~nts�sOpFo�e�n�,an� ,
<br /> fixwres now o� �ereafter �'past of t�e praperty. All reglaoe�eNs an� additiaas shall.a,sa be oovered by t&is Security
<br /> In..sttuA¢euU AU o.f_t4e�'ore�oanB�s teferred ts in this Securiry Iasisumerttes the°Property.°
<br /> -- - � �ORRO�VER COVENANTS t1�at Bonuwer f�s Iawfulfy�ised of the estate here�y wnveyed en8 has tfie right�o gant and —
<br /> �.r�anvey tY�-�ra�r s�l sh�t�Pcgp�ty i� • ._i�n�berel,��ac�st tor�aim6rauces af�ecnrd.EQanwa warcants aud cvill .
<br /> d'efend gea�ralty tiie tide W ehe Property against att etaims aad dema�ds,snbject co any eacumbrances of r�oar+f.
<br /> TH3S SECUI�ITY INSTA[TIV�iT sombines unifaim oavenanYS far etat�onai use and non�nifarat oov�witb limit�d
<br /> um�iatIom by jw�isdfcdioa to constIUr.e a unifmrm security insuumemt rovetiug real pr�gerty. ,
<br /> LTNffORM COVENANT3.Harrowei and L�nder wvenant and agtee ss foliows: •
<br /> l. l�pmeu!ot Pslt�igal snd Inferest;�y��t�.��8�•�ormw�r s�aU pmmPtty PaY w�xea due ti� � ,�
<br /> .1, Principat of and imerest oA ii�e debt evideno�!by the Note and xnY Prepaya�ent a�late cbarges due e�der ths Note. •
<br /> Z. Ftinds ior T�aes and IIas�snte.Subjest to app�ca62e law or ta a writteu waivet by IRn�der.Boscower shall pay ta+
<br /> lrender on the day marnhly gayments ape dne uader the Note.imtii the Nate is paid in fult,a sQm('Faads�for.(a�Yearly pxes.
<br /> . aad a5sessmtn�s ahicL may attairi primity uver Uus Sew�ity Inst�ent as a lie�on the$rope�ty;(b)Yea�ly te�nola�nt�. ; .
<br /> ` or�und rents on the Praptrry.af aaY:(�)3�Y�T��'P�P�S'����d)ye�iY fland msurance prw�ttt�+t',�s�
<br /> 1f any:(e)•Yariy mortgage insuranoe premiumc,if aay;end(fl anY�ms PaYable by Borrower to Lendu, ia acoo��
<br /> ,. the provisians of par�aph 8,in Iieu of the payy�ent of zuartgage insurance premiums.��se items ate calted"Pscmw I�sis." ;
<br /> I.�nde:may.at�ny time.collect a�hnld Funds ia an amaunt not to exaee�the m�aximum amovnt a lender for a fed�tally
<br /> . rtlate��mortgage loan�may•rea�uire for BomowePs�txaw account nnder the fedesal Real�staYe Seuleu�Pmeedures Arx of . .
<br /> 1974 us aa��i ftvm tisae tn tame. 22 U.S.G Seciion 2b01 et seq.�('RESPA�,unte�.s anctt�er law tt�at a�lirs to ibe Ftmds � .
<br /> sets a t�sser emau�. If so. Leader may. at any time.oollect and hold�unds in�ap aacount uot to exceod the tesse�r amaum:
<br /> ` f.ender m1y estisrizte the smouns of�uqds due aa the basis of a�nent data ansl teasonable�ti�ales of esp�diaue.s Of fanue �
<br /> Escraw Item�ur Qthetwise in aocoxdanae wit�applicabte law. . ' .'
<br /> � 'i4te Fands sh3l1 be held ia an tnsti4ution whoss deposits are insiued 6y a €edera! agency, iasicnmeqtatity, or eatity , .
<br /> • (inriudin$L�ender.i�Lendea is suc�aa institatioa)or in any Federal Home Loan Bsnk.bende�sP�sa13 aPPty the FuLds us pay the '
<br /> HsctPw Items.ix.nder may not chazge Boirower for holding and ap��f�g f�e Fuads,annnally analyz9ag the escmw asc�ti or
<br /> verifying the Esrrow Items.ualess Lea�ier pays Sormwer interest an tite Femds�ztd applicah2e law permits l�ader to make svcb
<br /> a rharge.However.Ixader may n�quir�Borrowes to pag a ane�fm�e charge�uTMuin�ndepeadeat reat estate tax reporting seNice.
<br /> � yse�!by �.�es in connection a:tia this loan, unIess agpiirable law pr+�vid;�`iyt�e�wlse. Untess an agretment is maA�.or� '
<br /> ap�licabla taw requirea interest to be paid,Lender s1i�aU n�t be required to pay..f�i�rower any i�terest or earnings on the Fu�da:
<br /> : ' gorrower and L�ender may agree in writing, howevet,that intcrest shall be paid'an the Fuc�:l.�der shall giv�w Bv�smwer,
<br /> w�thavt charge. an annual acco�ting of the Funds, siiowing�credits aad drbits ta t}�.F�and`ihe gutpcfse for which each '
<br /> debit to the FuBds was aiade.'The Fo�s are pledged as addit�anal security for allszi�s s�:x�d bp t83s Se�xrd�Insmimen�
<br /> If t1��unds held by Lettder exceed the amounts permiaed to be tceid by ap^�!;i�31e 4aw.Lead�r sh�l1,'aco�nt to Borrower
<br /> for d�e excess Fands in�a�rdance with tbe requirements of appfica9�lcs 1aw.If tlie ataount a��e Bands 6eId by[ender at any � '
<br /> time is not suffccimt to pay the Fscruw I4ems whea due.Lender may so notify�orraw�c in wrlting.and.iII svc�case Bomowar •
<br /> shall pay ta Lender the amount neaessary.tu roake up the deficIensy. Borrower s6a�i make up t6e de&cie.uay in no utiore chan
<br /> twetve monthJY PaYments.at Lendcr's soIe d9scietion. . . : .
<br /> vi�� FaY�nt ia fuU of all sums secnred�by this Sewrity Insvu�ens::�t�r sl�all promPtlY.refand to Borrower azry- .
<br /> F�s�sld by Lendcr.If.undet p�rAgxaph 2I,L,endea�shal!acquu�ua�-thti�?ta'pehy.I.e�,priox m the acquisitian or sale
<br /> of tt�e Prope�ty,shall apply arry Fuads fr�d by Len�+er at the.tiairri.n�st�lqisition or�alc as�.i�t against ti�e swus secuaed�y .
<br /> t111SSCC{3fIt7/I11St11tIDeIIl. , `�� . �,f'r . . '
<br /> 3.A�licattom of E�.p�ts.UnIess applicable�F��r:provi��s.�aUleiwise,all paymanis rebeived hy Le�Sermyder pa�agraphs .
<br /> . � • 1 c�nd 2 shall be arplied:�tst,co uay prepayment ctiararges due ande�the Note; second.to amounts payable ander paragraph 2; •
<br /> � third.to interest due:.fourth,to principal due:and last.to any late..�arges due under the Note.,:_. � �
<br /> 4.Charges:tdens.Borrawer sl�al!pay.atI taxes.asses�tersi.�..-shatges.fu�es a�d itnposi�i•irns atbibatable to tne F�v�tt�r
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security inslsument. end!�{j.rs2d paymenu or ground'ct�its. if any. Borcowes shall pay
<br /> thes�obligations ln the manaer prov�ded in paragraph Z,or if not paid in.that.c��ni�er:Borrowei shail pay thGm on titne d9rcctJy
<br /> . t�the person�owed payrt�i.�Bonrower shall pro��.ly fumish to E.ender all nu�s aF amnunts to be paid�c�TMder this paragrapb. ,
<br /> 1f'Boaower makes these paymems dir+ecdy.Bortower 3hall promptly fi:misi�fa I�ender receipts�*�ir�enck�g t�e paytae�its.
<br /> Bpnower shall promptty discAarga uny lien whi�h has gsioti��;s c�ver this Security Insuu�o:ait u�te�s.Bqrnower:(a)agrees•in
<br /> wriNng to the payment of the obiigatIon seaired by t�e llen in a�r accept,uble to Lender;:(�i�con�tests.�s goad faFth the lica►
<br /> by. or dtfencls agatnst enfomment of the lien i�,, t:ga! prooeodings whicn in the LenQer's opinion a'p,�i�te to prevent the � �
<br /> enfnrcernent_of t8ee lien;or(c)seaues from the E�L�.�of the lied an agn;emeni sstisfactaty to I.ertder st;�.vtr!inating the lien to
<br /> � this Security Instrument.If Leader detemaines d��c 3�.,�>�part qf tt:+�Property is snbject to a lie�::.which may attain paoriry over
<br /> this 5ecariry instiurr�ent..I.ender may give Bmrrower a noilce ideatifying ti�e lien.Borrower sitai�satisfy tlie lien or talce one or
<br /> mare of d�e actions set fanh above within 10 days of the giving cf c�ice. •
<br /> . � Fon»80?� 9l90
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