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<br /> ,. , , � �, - � � ` ���+�� ���1�� , —
<br /> . . if��orxowas'a Gop p.Bofrower ehail be gixen oae cbnformed copy o4 the oto eud of ttiiis Security Insteu�ant, `
<br /> � 17 Transier ot the Proper�i ot a Beaaltci�l Iaterest ia Horro��.If all oi'eay pnrt o!thd PraPert9,a�'a�►y
<br /> iaurm2�n it ie sold or tt�ferr� Gd ior it a beneticial iaterest ia Borr�nwer is so2d o�r�errbd aad Ba9sr�o�rer is ao3 a - _
<br /> natural petsc�n)without I.eader's gsier wri�n coa�cnt,Lead�maq,at ita opt�ott� smmediate ent it►iull oi . _-
<br /> t
<br /> � all sums secur�d by tht�Securit9 Iast�nrmen�.FYowever.this option �hall not ba;esercisal b� Lesid�r�f eYercise ie �
<br /> . . paohibitedbgf�deralle�eeoi ihadstoo;���tY���� _
<br /> II Y.ender ezarcIs�tiu�a�on.i.���11 giea�srQaer r�tice nf acceleration.Ti�s��shal!e�1i��s�u�- - —
<br /> . otnotle�tt�aa3�daYafrom t�crlatethauaticeiedefieeredor snailc3wit�ia�rbich B���rm�t�F ' -
<br /> � by tbis Sa�rl►Y Iasttumept.If�orraaer fa�s tapaY th�sumeprcor to theeap�ration oi this periad,Y�ender may iavoke
<br /> eraoti�eot as
<br /> anpnmedi�perautte�dbythisSecurityIastrumeatwiths�utfurth dem doaBorrawer. . ._
<br /> l8.Banoxec's Ri�t to Re#nsRste tf Barco�er meets certain coaditians.Bonoww�srr ehall have�n t�� _.
<br /> cufarcement aithis Sxunt�Iastriiment discantinuod atas�tim�prior ta t��rlier o�(e}S dawer�oi sate�ed m
<br /> as�ppli�b�le taw r$sy sp�fg for ie"�ms�ate�nent)befora sale oi the P pursu�nt tv anYp�
<br /> thig Securitq InaESUmeat;or°��j entc9 0!e '� gment eniorcing this�3ecu�nty Instrumea�Th.ase castditians a�'that
<br /> . . Sarrosver. tsfpsYe Lender al3 sumg which�eu would be due under this Securit9 Incmument end the Nata as ii no
<br /> ' � ecceleratian had oceurro�:�b}cuns anY detauttoi auq other oovanants or ag�eement�(c?PaYe a11 c�penses iacnrcod ia
<br /> enforcing Lhis Sec�ri4p 1ASt�satnb iaclud'sng,but not limited 40,reasoanablFattome f�end(d�,tafces����� .
<br /> Ixader suay reasotn63y roquiro to acaure that the�ieu o�this Securet9lastrume,►t,�de� B�
<br /> Harmm�e�sobli�attantopsy tliesumasecuredby tbisSe�urifiIastrumanteltalloontinueunchangal.Uponreinstatetaeat
<br /> byBarr+nwer.thieSecuri Insttumentandtheobligationssacure8�hsrebyshallremaiafultyeftectiveasifnoacceteratio4
<br /> . 1�ad occamcd.��vever. h 19:
<br /> � r�gAtw reinatateshaU aot apg19 ia the cxse of accelerationunds�F�S�F -
<br /> 19.Stle of A?o3e:Chante of Loaa Servt�xt.The Nntc ar a garNal iaterestia the Note{mg�ether with this SecuatY
<br /> Instrusneat)map be sold oae ot maratim�wlthoutgrtor aotioetn Borrower.A nle m�yre�ilt�n a ctian�e is t,�eentity
<br /> ` (irnowu as itte'Loan Servicxr'��hat collecta moatWp payments dve under the Note sud this Security Instrument.There
<br /> it c
<br /> aiso fnay be a.ae ar motc c3�e.s o#t1i�LoaD Servicer unrelated t,o a sale vt th�Note.h�bove and a�pplic h1a lsw.
<br /> ` Servicds.Borrawer w�l be g�vea written nottce of the charr�s i�accardancs with paragra ,
<br /> � Tt�e notice wIU stste tho asme aad address of the new L�aa seavioer aad the addrtss to w�cb pagme�nts shoul�tae ms3e.
<br /> Tha notice will aLso co�taia auy bther j�nfortuntioa tequired�aPPlicablelaw. storage ar tefease of
<br /> � 20.Ha�udoua Sab�ncav.Horrower�shaU nos eause or 't the preseace.use, . •.
<br /> aSip Hazatdaus Substanc�on or in`tha Pm�.Bortower not dof aoc a]law sayone�w do.at►9th�ag efPati�B
<br /> : the Yraperty�hat iei�violatianoi aaq Envuvnmental Lew.Tha prtceding two senteflces s�all uot pIy w tt►e pr�..
<br /> � vse,�� etorage os the Prope of small quantities of Hazardaus Subs�nces,ths;,are geneial�y reco�izsd
<br /> appro 'tetoaormalrasidead�i�audtotnaiat�nanceofthaProgerty:, ���' � ..
<br /> . �nower sball.psamptlq_giv�Lender wrats,en noticx.of any inerstiga�on.cla3r.x.,�aIIa.laweuit or affier act�on by ;°;:
<br /> � � eay gpvesnmxatel or re�ulamrY aS�Y ar.l�vate party iavolving �3Propa�qe�t� any Hazerdous Substance�' ' �':: .;
<br /> esn vemmentbl or . :`';,�°��
<br /> Environmanntal L�W oi wlnch 8orruwer has�.�1 fc�owled�.tf Borraas��.�aras�br is notified'Isy say go . .
<br /> re�.^^,sp_authoritq:t h aE aap temo v A l or o t fi e r.r e m q d i a ti o n o f a s�y 1 f�i a r d a u s S u ti s t a n c e affertif�g tha�'r a p e r t Y i� :=:;,.����
<br /> 'u�9.�rra�ver ahall psomBuy takaall ao�ry re�a�?�1 a��ia a�ar8aace with E�viroamental Lacv.
<br /> � P..��sed in tbis peragraph 21�,�aus Subetaaces".'�:.d.those subs3a�nces dafinerl es tox'sc os hazardo�r�t�taaces
<br /> bp Bavimnme�tal Lsw eaa th�fa:=�oW�B���S��`'���other fiamnnsblo or tozic patroleurA:�ducta,
<br /> � Wxic c�des snd herbicides, volst�'!e t�a��ts� maurfals caauiniag asb�tos or formaldehyde. and raditr+ctivc
<br /> mat la As v�ed ia thiapangeaPh 20."F���"�nsaentat Law°means tederal.laws and lawa oi tAe jorisdictioa whdre the
<br /> . Prcpertp is locatedthat relate to health,safetq or enviroammtel pro3xtion. � ' '
<br /> NOI�'LFNIF01tMCOVENANTS•8An°wer°nd under fwther�°venant and sgree as ioltow�
<br /> �2I. Accoteratioa; 8emedi�a. �.endes ahall �ive notice to Honower grior to accalesation fol�orr�n= _
<br /> Bonowar'a bre�ch of say covenaat or s�meat ia this�ec�rtty Itss'.sus��!(lSS�i,ay(�s�*�o acc6leratina . . _
<br /> � oa�ar parstnPL 1?oatass applioabla t�w��srovidoa.otherwjse}.The aotice ahall s • s)tho deiault;{b�th�
<br /> ' . . �ctlo�reqsi;ed to cure th�defavlt; (c}�a dsta,aot teas thaa 30:dspa isom tne dato tLo natice is=ivea_ta
<br /> $anowor.by wLich tha defs�tt•must be•turGd;�ad�d)tAst fiilare to.evra the d�i�att on•or l�fate t1}e data ;
<br /> L
<br /> � a�ied�n the aatice may�it iA accele.r+►tion at e avms securad by this Stewtty Instrvment and sale o!
<br /> �t�d Property.ThG�AOt�CO�LA lS{1lt�tT ID�OlQf BOlEt�Q�tOf O�th0 t��1 t0 tC�II��LO�fiter i�c?eolerattoa�aad the
<br /> ci�ht to bria=a covrt sctidn s��sasert tfle aoaa�i�ice o�s dofault�or su other B�S�ase o!Hu�tt�wer to
<br /> '� acceierttion�ad sate.U the dcl�nit is not cnred on os before the date ap�l�ud ia tha aotice.Len�.�t iti
<br /> optloA,mty=eqn►ise immtaiste p�+�yarx�g iit i�s31 oi�31$ume secnred by this Secnrity inst�umeat,w�thout
<br /> further demaad a�ed may involce the q�a�tes oi salo and any other remedits,permltteA by appficablo law�
<br /> �a�„'ta�p�l3�e�sEitled to callzct dl e=penses iacnned ia pwsuins ffi�to�ies psovided in tbia parstapb . _
<br /> �1.iaciudiaQ�but not.limitedto,raaaanable�ttomaoy�'fees�n(!casts of titt�t��a�deace.. ��
<br /> I�the power oi sile 3s invoked.Trtiatee ehall record s nottce oi defsutt isxs�acb c�raty�a whiah t�y ot ,
<br /> e �w to .
<br /> � ,. tho Psoperty.��Cc�c�te�and ehal!msil copies at such raotica in the maaner�rescrit�I�q appltcsbl .•.
<br /> � � • BanoRas aa8��t�e othes person�s pnsctibed by applicablo f�a�..Attar the time:�uis�ed by apgUcablq 1aw,� .;::.:
<br /> � Traste�s ehal!t�va pvblic notice ot dsle to tiieperaoas aad ia the'r�rauner prescri'bed by sp�licsble law.Ttaet�e.`�'��.:�,
<br /> wit�su.t.das�and aa Hoso�e,r,stu11 aell the propertq it pu8��q�actibn to tho bi�he�t[p�daas at tha,.� e snd '�'�.
<br /> p�aoe a�i8 uader the terra��:taated ia the notic4 a4 ssle fa�vaa or moie pucela and in aay ord�t�tuftee �
<br /> � Qete*mines:Trnssee msp�poae ssla of all or a���arce�of the Propera;� !sy pubtic�anounccim�"�t�at ttie
<br /> �timo and pl�ce a�'naq prs��ously acheQuleA asle.d.ender or its��esi�nw s:ay purchsse the Propest'q�t my.I:;'. .
<br /> ssle. . . '
<br /> . . . :;1.
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<br /> 3 • �SNd�D��:+s�o� � . • ' v+u.e e�e tntt�:i .
<br /> .. .,�--av�r; .;e�7n;'-�^�ct�.v y� -�.�'^.-'"`��tY:.�-,�a-- <Y,?t� _'
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