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<br /> ---�.-.-� - _.._=....:._�..�+.-w_:-- ---. _ �..�.,.��,;cr.S+�a�c:-��r.t,..ascy.e�er.uzw w.±=-. ---- ---
<br /> _- --� ._ .�__��_____..�,-�-.._+Tr.-'�.s�-,.�- - . ._.."�,�'��,Y'A�•��w_.�____-____- _ _-_ -
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<br /> , �� . , � . . . � . �, ,�.,.�t���.�� . . .`
<br /> ,', at t�option oi I:eadcr.ii�x►artgaga imsuaxace cavea�ge(ia"4he emourit and for th g�en thgt Lender rmquir�� ,
<br /> prov�de�by�ss insurer appiovtA�g Leas3cr agaia bxomss ava�able and is oD3aiaed.Botrower$ha�l psp the�niuffis
<br /> �roquised to m3ainteus�noatgage insurnnca iq.effeat,or ta plovide�a�ia��:untit td�e s�quirament for�oitgage , --
<br /> �raax e�ds is►accordantx with a.�y�riuenegreement bet�raa Banower and Leader or applicabIo taw.
<br /> � 9.Y��iics-,�.L�tderor i��gent:�sr�mr�s t�a�bte��i�u�a aad i�.snectiarts fli the Prop�.Lender s�$1t
<br /> ' , give Boriaiver aotieeat thetiiaeaf±orpsior Qou►Fasge�icn�-,�+�ci�raa�uab2ec�:for tti�in��. .
<br /> �t0 Condemastioa The p�eeds m!�y aatarc3 ar clsim for,damagrs.direcc ar oonsaiuentiel.u�canaeetiaa�ith _
<br /> any condemnati�a ur ot�sr teldag af any part of the Pmperty��r for ooavepa�ca in lieu ai onademn�t�oa,are heseby� .
<br /> as�igned and sbsll 1+�paid toLendtr. ` :
<br /> In tt�event oi a total ta�in�af the Froperty,tha grooeeds sLaU be applied'w the sums socured by ehia Savsity
<br /> �na�ument,ebetl�or swtthea due�Wit�i aag��id to Borrowes.�S►theevem of a gartial taiciagot the Property ia
<br /> wLich the f�r martcat valne of t�e Praperty immodia'�ely before the teking is tqusl w or gi�eatir than the amaua►t uf the
<br /> �sums�ured by this�5►�.tirity Instrur�eat innm�diatelp batorb the taYia&wriase�onorver aud.Leuder othen�vise agree,
<br /> ia writttig,the sums secw�ed bp t�is SecuritY�strument shaU be r�bp the amuunt at the praceeds multiplied bp
<br /> . tt g
<br /> _ • t�e followiag fraction:(a}the to'tal amouat of�he sums sectired immedietel�befarE ihe tskiag>dividod by{b}the Leir .
<br /> � �Icet vitIue oi the Pr�PertY immediately beiore the tatcing Aap hnIano�ehall be paid w Bon+ower.Tr►the avetlt oi a
<br /> pardat taking oi the Fraperty ia wluch the fair mnrket vatve oi thq Propesty immedlstety before the taking i�i�ttna
<br /> tIle aiabunt oi tho su�ns�curcd�mmedietelp b�efore tha t�Ying,unlese Botrowa aad.L�nde�r�erwise agree ia arcitia�
<br /> ;-.� �or tu��ess spplicable.1sw otherwise pt��.�p�� sbnll be apglied to tha sums secur+ed by this S�taritp �
<br />-�:'�. Instcvtnentwh�erornotthasumsar��dua. � � ..
<br />�',., . It tti� ia a�:by BorroWer.or if.after aotice bp Ltndsr W Sanower t�st the candemaor oHers w
<br /> mnYs an aWar ar settte a ct�!�r daiaages. &+rns�.feils to respand ta Legder witbin 30 day.s�ter tLe dat�dib ,
<br /> � � notice ia givaai,Leader is auttr�ezed to culTect aud a�r,ae proeceds.at im apti�st,either to restoration or ra�sir of the�
<br /> Ptaperty or to the sums sxut+ed by tbis�rity Iflstrqr�z�i,wl�that or not tlt�+due.�
<br /> • Ualess Lender arld Bonawer ot�+erwiee agrae�ts �s.�p �r s�amtion of pmcoeds w ps�cipal ehsll not ern��a��
<br /> � �ostpone t�e due dati of the moatlilY psymer�t�se���ta:��ag,�aphs I �n8 2 os chsngo the amouat oi s�;�� �,;..
<br /> , �..Pc�menta . ,.; .:. , .:.,. ,.: .
<br /> tl. Bcssarower Not ltctased; Fo:bta�c%�Bq��adef Not•a Wdvdr.Eatenstoa o!the Simo fo�.jpi��meat or,
<br /> �� �odi�ication of asnortization of tDs suias sxurod 6Y this Securit9 Instr�m�at�gtanted by Laader w.an��3�or ia� � .
<br /> � isstarest oi.Barra�rer shel!;vot opecate w�ttlease tAo liatx7ity of tho orig�as�t Bart�cs or.BonqAer's•�oia;aa�.:. . .
<br /> � intarest.Laidtr s1�aU nat b�raluirod to cuiamcnce proeeediABa�Sainst any s�cx�ot in iateteet br r:uea to ext�ii�f�;.
<br /> time ior psyanent ar ortfnerwiae madify amartiz�tion ni the suma exurad by tbis Secas�tlr Ias�truiaent by re�spn�of a�3►�� �
<br /> � dctJ�eaB msdo by the origtradi�Borrnwer or Burrow�i'��cc�ore in int�s�t.AqSt forbexrance'Dy Lendet�b�exerc,ising
<br /> �,. ...
<br /> _ ei�y;x,rght or remedp�Asll na(��s waivef of or prx�t�:ti�e eaerciee ot aay rigb��z ramady. . �'�. . .
<br /> = 1�.Sncxes�rs snd Asai�n�Honad:ioiat siis�i�veral Liabitit�Cc�r . The�vGaaa#s a�r�;�taients'
<br /> � ' ot t�is�ccurity Instrome�t shalT bi�d and bcesefit Wo�suaxssass�«s�ga�e�8dr aa$Bosco��r.����•��: " .
<br /> . grovi�oIIS ot Para&'aPh 17.Borrawes's covewwts aad egrexmesrt�s�:l bc joiat and aeveraT.Aay Borto�vet't�3�o"��'.. � �
<br />. �hirs 5xurity Instrumeat�ut daea not execute the Nata (a}.is co-again�g t6is Security Instrumeat only��o mart�gage`r,. . .
<br /> ge�nt eac�coavty that BottoRer's intcceas ia the Properry undet tAe t�ms n+I this 5eeurity�Instrtrms�.t�:Zb)ia nat
<br /> � pereonilly obligated to.Pa9 t�e sume aocurofl bY tlas Savrity�ins��fi enC����e)ap,ras tlut Leades e��wY other �
<br /> Borrower may agreo to exuud�mddiiy.fartxar or mafces�a9 acoommodations Wi�h ngard w the urme o�this 3ecuritY ,
<br /> � Yastrumen�tor the Note ivithout t�ss Bos�r�we�e consea�: � . � .
<br /> l3.Lo�a C1ut�.tt the tan exurod bq thia SecurItq I�trument ie subject to a!sp�rAich eeta.tn�mum��nus
<br /> ch�ucees,aad that lap i�Cin:lly interpretod�e4 tha��#`�e iaterest or othar taa cbugs collected vs to ae,callected ia .
<br /> � .conncccrian with the toan erc�xd.the permittaf h�,.fihea: (s)�ny such Ios�s ch�rge s�h�l!be reduced'�'�the amovnt . .
<br /> aecx�ry to roduce thc�hargo fo the p�mitted 1is�:�and {b)sny sume alrady oollact�l ftoaa B�s^��ves�phich .
<br /> eYCeeded�permittee timita wi11 ba reivadod�co Bono�ver.i.ea&r may chooee to mittca this refoa4,bp r�iucIag thd
<br /> . prineip�l oRe4 uadeF the Nate or by ma�ing d diroCt psymeat to Botro�rer.It a refund feducrs pri�p�1.tDe roductioa.� .
<br /> wilt be tsstatai as e.parttal T�Y�►a�at withovtanY P�Yment eharge�under.the Af�te.
<br /> ' Ls.�i��ii�xs.�My���to „a:r�.pra:�i�f�n�thia Sccurity Inst�tlA'�e�t sLi�l be P}'vda by delt�rit��t or�p .
<br /> . mailia�it isy first class n��ualess applicable law s�res uee of an�ther mcolhod.Thv notioo stull be.�cted to the
<br /> property Adds+ess or any other address Borrower designatss by notice to Lender.Anq aotica tp I.enaer sh�:l be�iven 8Y .
<br /> 4irat cl�ee mail to Lendec'e sddress statod�orein ar anp othar addRSS Lender d�igaat„z by aottoo ta Barrower.Aay;
<br /> notice provided ior in this&ecurity Instrunneat s�nll he deemod ta hsva beeh�vCU to Haca+�wet or Leader whea givan
<br /> �e psoycdad�s�thi�paragraph. . . .
<br /> 15.t�overAin�Law;Severabifity.This Sx�.�3Cy IQSttumeat sh�Il be govesaed by fedard IaN�'the law oi the .
<br /> jtniadictian in WLich the Property is locatod.Iu th�a.�ent that st►y Qravislon csr clause o!tl�iis SecuritY I�ta�ment or tho � .
<br /> � Nota conilicis�ritb a�pliabio Law�such cositlict shall aot J�eet othes provisions of this Sec��ity Iastr4ment ar the Notq
<br /> � wh�ch caa be giv.rn effecc without tSia coriflictiag provision.To txi,s ead the psovisiaas of tE�=�Secutlty 1f�swme�t and .
<br /> tho Noie ara declaretl to L•esevasabl�� . , . � �.
<br /> � � � f«.�ao�� ��� � .
<br /> ��p�Jca»�o� . ►,„s•r a _ . tntit�ts:�;r,,,,,,,_
<br /> ------ ,-f.,��f;`1:����:`.:'�L���x.'4,. .^�r�c,i�t.t� �i:���::.�c:�.��— --— — -------_----
<br /> ---_-===___�..,..�::�si�7+.=''ti --_ ---- --_-_e.
<br /> .�� S� . .. -l�t -��a�,'F'.!i Rv+��r��i�w-.�id�?j��=y-7 ,.� tr!SS'C.Fa•srri��
<br /> e_�����tJ�t_'Y Yt�h i... t�lyf-���}.i�."SaL�:ari.`�',..t�'-• x' � ----�� -- --
<br /> '�'' - - .c�� � . �p�� ` �it��''v'1ir.'�'•!�� t<�t'�-i+}�h�� ' . ra� �_�__. . . - . __ ..._-_
<br /> .���.�7� } t..�. ti�.`- �Ts '�-j.SY.�#.- !''•'�--� � ._.��''.n�'+�ra wan��f � ��. .�
<br /> �� � � ►U,i-;R{. .'`''''�Si'.'�-°.� J - �.....�.�.
<br /> Sr.. .�w�.w. ---- _..
<br /> �it, - .�� 4t a . 'S ' .i . •'rs� 7 �___ _.�R- siiwxw.�r,.�
<br /> . �. . _ , .�.. . S� i� lY. .L:�':� . . •".�--�� - - ' ' . . . .. ._..,_._. 3S��J4'r. _�-
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