�'r�+� . L � . . ��_ . .,_ •'�_2 k-::�{.�.Q.�-�:.�,.�.,. .. '�..*r'.r. '`' .ii;.�, ��'�.•.F�`.� �
<br /> . ."' ;� � o• � • - • .+9SSeae�b'res-=.� tar.� '�.�cc � 3� -- -- -------
<br /> � � -� ': , i- _ �.
<br /> �. . . . __._.._,_ °�
<br /> '. .> -ss�. �..�� ,.�����z�a;�:�n��: ��r'���r� �
<br /> - - - - �����=�—__ - --—
<br /> - = _ __ -- — _ _------ —_ .��;=� - --a----�.�°�` . — <—
<br /> . . .. , < � , ' . ` . � ,. .,
<br /> -, - . -, . . . � �� -�'�.v����. . .
<br /> . . . �- .�. , , , � , �,��_ . . _
<br /> ��' �ecurity� £nz the p�x£oxm�ace of t�ae` �debtedness ana oYs].fgat�one ee�urer� �
<br /> . heacebys a1B,P�Paid r�nts and �11 n��an�ys t�hi�h caay Ycave beea or may herea�t�r � ;'.
<br /> bc �eposited wS.tY� ��'rinstor �b�t aa�y le�ses o� the PsopertY. tb se�e th�
<br /> payrctQnt of any�rent or damages, a�d upon defas�lt in the�per€armanae oE a:ay af �� .
<br /> the ��ovi�io�s h+�reof, Trugtc,� a9�eee� �o de13ver sutch renta.and depasits t�
<br /> seneficiasy. . Deli�esy,. of wri�t�n i�c���� �= �e¢#.�3ary'e �x�r��8e of the . �
<br /> . �ci��Cte gr�ted by �� P���BPh:�� �4 a�y ter�tt Qccu�yi�g,the Property �
<br /> or�aa�y port3on thereof ehall be sufficient to res�u�re said tenant �o pay said�
<br /> � . a�nt ta� Be�eficiazy until gurthex notiae.
<br /> . . ` �If there ahall �be� filed b�r or a�ainst the 'I'�uatar any petition
<br /> FoIIR�t.
<br /> �or prccee�img seeking any� as�aagement �' compog�.tion o�' � or��a�yr atJl�er.
<br /> othe�r relie� �under .or puz�s�s�nt �n the Federal BankruPt�3t
<br /> 'similar ata�ut� ae �is now or hereaftes in �£�ect, oz i¢'tY�e.Trua� shall�have
<br /> adjudic�ted hankrupt or' a�alvent �o�.aay of Ts�u.�tor�r� propertY
<br /> be�n �sequeeCe�red � and �uch �tecree el��ll }xave :aa�►tinued umdischarged and
<br /> ' una�ayed for 90 days aft�r. the�entry theaceflf. then the whoge of the I�Iot� anc� � .
<br /> ` _. i�d�,bzed�n,e$s hereby secuted eha7.1; without notice, at tke Qptian �Qf the
<br /> � Ben�€icf:ary. . become�due axt3 payable. - , . ' � -
<br /> . . �; IIpon_default by Tx°ustor �n, t}ae payment� of os pe�formancs .of't� _
<br /> tez�en� and �cond3.tions of t�e Nate, or any �ceaewala, aoodifiaa�ions or ..
<br /> � � exec�.�fo�e thexeof, the pay�nent o� aaY;other indebeedn�s�. secursd hereliy or,• �
<br /> in'the pe�ax�►anae of �ny ag�eement, cevenant or warrant� herea.n contained or ..
<br /> se� _€orth ia any �agr.eement oa� .inetrua�ent e,x�cuted, hy Ts�ett�r in�coaneatio� �
<br /> � �with the iradebtedness hereby secur�d, Hene€icia� may, . dec3.ax� a11 g�� • .
<br /> � se�ur�d heretiy. ic�ened3.ately �du��.a�nd payable �a��r.�e ��eams ,s��a� �thereupa�u�
<br /> demand, rotest o� natiae'of� an�r.•
<br /> become due and payab�e wf.thou� preseiatment, P
<br /> �Isxndi. Thexeafter, �eneficiary may d�].iver to Truetee a v�ritten clealaration.�
<br /> of @efault and de�,a� for� sale. Trustee �hall h�ve the p+�we� of.�sa�l� af t�e• . .
<br /> Pr�gexCy �and� 3f Se�eficiary. decidea th�. Property fs ,to be� sQld, it shall .
<br /> alepcsit with Trustee tI�is ���ed of Txu�t and the Note or notes and aay othe�';. •
<br /> � d c�c u�a e a t s e v f.d e n e i n g e x Pendi'GUxee securec�:. hereby. '. and. $I�l]. d�liv�r . tcc�:;��.;,
<br /> Tru$tee � wri.ttien•notice of default arxd.e�ection ta� cause �h�:Propert}� to, T�''_:;.. .
<br /> ��o��;, and 'T'za�Lee: ir� tu�:. � s�aa21 .prepare :a .a�mil�►� notice i�. the� �a�`.' _
<br /> � . r�quired by la,w, which e�iall be duly filed for ;xecoxc3 by Trexstee. . � � .
<br /> ,
<br /> ta? A�ter �h� �aps��pf 8uch time ae ��at.y be reqnirec� by laa :�o1laWiar�, :
<br /> � the r�ordatxoa of Natice o� Defaul�, aad notice o� Defaul't .and'�7Qtic�' .
<br /> � . of Sal� havia�..�een givea a� required by law,. Tru�tee, wi�hc,ut den�i� on .
<br /> . Tsuetor. si�al� ae11 the Property laere3nbe�ore deecr:tbed. az�d any and.
<br /> every part °thezeof, in separate �areels or en maBee aa the�Tn�etee itia�y �� �
<br /> � ` elea� and ia�euch .ord�r ae��Tx'�'etee m��r;;determ3ne on .the date� ana a� Ghe .
<br /> � � tf.me'��and,place desigriated in eaid Na��t�e..of Sale, .at pubiic a�ct3os� �o: �
<br /> . the�`highest i�iddler, �he Purc�.ge_F�i�� Pa�ab2e in cash in 3aa£ul m�n�►
<br /> '� of��.the Qni�ed Sxate��at tMe;�ime ci� �ale.� The •person condti�Sn� �Me .:� .
<br /> � sale �ay, for any��auee he oir eh� d��ms expetiient. ,.pvatpone th�:� �a�:ee �
<br /> . .. f�rom ti�ae tc ti.m� uutal i� ��a23� ba. ��:pletsd ana, ��.Pvery su�la c�4;i�, .
<br /> '�" • nati�ce of paetponemet��+.:�shall be..�ivc�..-�y Public dec�a.�atiou t;her�af:`�Y
<br /> ' euch.pexsaxa a� the. time and �ace�la�ti-�al?pointed foz�.ti'�e sale; provi�eett�; . .
<br /> � � � 3f the eaZ��i��� poetpaned t��x;,`.�Qn�er Chaa orr�_• (1) day beyond �the t3a,y
<br /> deai,�#�te8 i�a the.Notiz�.a£ ��,'��:�;,, �xc�xice .ther�of �shall be given in �h� .�
<br /> � : saar�e:`r,�anner ae the origina►l, Notic�'�x� .$ale. Txuseee�sha7.1 er.ecuCe a�
<br /> � �� �.delx�r tco th� pur��aser its Deed ��r�`��ying the proper�y .eo. snld,..i�1� `� .
<br /> � �,:.without any covenant or warr�ity.. e�c�xees or fmplied. � The reri�ala:�:� '
<br /> �� the Deed of any ma�ters .o�'. iEacta .ahall b� aonaluaive pra��' of the
<br /> � � truthfulnese thereof. Aa��:.person, including wit�out la.�itatioa.
<br /> Ben�fciciaxy or Trustee may purchasc� at the eale. 3afd eale ahall be .
<br /> c+ondiucted at the re8;�.estate fos'►r,'i,t�� a part of the Propertv,.r�r at the� .
<br /> •� court house fn �lhe county.in�which �iz� PraperCy tb be sold; c�� 8� p�� �
<br /> � � t;hereof,. is r�ituated. � •' . �
<br /> -- ��. (b� When Truetee selle pureuant �a the po�ers .hErein, �rustee �ahalY
<br /> apply the proceede af the sale to payment of. t�e coste an@� expenses of
<br />,;� � �exe�ecf si.ng. the power o� eale and "of the�. sale, includiag,. w�thout
<br />