<br /> �--r--�
<br /> -.: ,_ . . a<< 4(• ,`r.c • � _ - - �tia kc �;r �," _�xr �� ° - - -�-------
<br /> ut'• e _ `�' .!"�.�:,n��._u� = .
<br /> �������c..�-_�t=_
<br /> --- -_ ----- —.�' - - ---°° -- — --— ---- ----- . -
<br /> � ' ' . ' � �, � ' � - . �c � � - . � . . � � • .
<br /> ,� . . .. . . . . .�. . ' - = .` . _ . ; ...,.,��_,. ����; �-- -_
<br /> � � � . . � ' . � . .
<br /> ��i�►tesea�� at P�e rate her�fnafter pravicdei3 shaal• constitute a lien upon t3�e,
<br /> > .�Psop�rty. e�].�. I�e e�curec3 by th�is�Hted of Truet a arxd 'sh��. be ,inuaedia�e2� . .
<br /> �c�ue and r�payabl� •tp +tha Heneficiasys tb? Aot to sell the Property •or� ax4Y �
<br /> • �Qrtion �hereof w�.thout .the �pprcva� o!E t�e Benefict�a�y in writ3ng: �tr7 in :
<br /> 't�te event of any eale Serein�rohibitied,• then the ent�re iride�itedneae �sscured �
<br /> - �.��°th�s D�ed �L ���t aua2�..;�a�-t�e o�*_i� af tlze BeneEiafary. became cYue and _ -"` --
<br /> pa,yab2�r ti3 that- i.f �the PrQpea��r or aray pa� er Parcel -tti�re�f s�al�: 'b� - .
<br /> taken or -dam�ged .�uder the pc�er of .eminent nTomain, the av�ard, for -a� -
<br /> Prcper�y sa�`taken or damage�l tincludirit�� severauc� dau�agea to �he rem�i l.ng
<br /> uE
<br /> �iremisea)� ahall �s paid to the Sene�iciary aad applied i.n full o� fxt �r a� :
<br /> the option o€. the Bsneficiaxy�`in reducti�oa o€ the indebtedne8s hezeby
<br /> sec�sred; �j) that, th� Beneficiary ehal�,..have ehe rfqht� tu inspect t�ie � ,
<br /> �roperty at. such reasonab�-e tsme� ae �he B�u.efic�iaxy may desire �o detes-�line . . -
<br /> �� Trustor's camp�ia��e witd�.the coveaa�ts.contaiaed fa �hie Deed of Txu�t; �k1
<br /> that� th� 8eneficiary tnay releas� _f�m��Che liera heret3� ariy Pa�t or'garcel of
<br />� • �h� PxoperL`y wi.thout reqEiiz'ing �anY �on�ideratian there�o�. �d. tl? t�at,�.
<br /> q� o
<br /> Trusto� �is. lawfugly_se=zed of eai.�l premises aad Propert� �,a €ee sita+ple, that _ ,
<br /> . the saiaa� ase free �ram a11 liene•aa�d eacumk�rarices except ae may othexwisa. i�e
<br /> a
<br /> :.:. .spectf�ca�:iy uotieci he���n as`.e�aived iA avritiug by the Beneficiasy: � that .
<br /> n
<br /> �::;.''ri*n�st+ar wi�.l e��ute ar prac�tr+� a�► fusther reedeseary as�n�raaces of title aud . . `
<br /> ��`,t`dves hereby wa�atnt gen�rally .the title. to...�aid .Prag�rty and w�.13...�orev�r � .
<br /> : •��:„>.<<.
<br /> � `�,'; d�end t$e same a�gains�`the alaicne anc� d��da of a].�. perebng �shomsoevez. anc€ ..
<br /> , � tihat.Tru�tp�'s �eparatc�: eetate, whetlier vested, conCingeat or in e�cpecC�n�,r,��
<br /> �-., i.e heYebgr� canveyed aiid T�rusLor does hereby �r�s�.� waiue,� x�lease ,all'' .
<br /> :`-"�.�ights ea�d Yienefi�ts of��any�aoineE+tead, dnwer, cu�sy, ap�taise�tenC, exea{ption � ,.
<br /> - an.d etay,la�aa +of �his etate. It �is agreed th��::�te 3nterest picav3.ded £r� is� � � `;
<br /> . �uba�ctian (g). abov� s�a3.1 b�e at ,the same ��e as gpecified in- t2�e Nate .
<br /> secur�c�:.�ereb� on tihe p�facipa2' �hereof after" da�€ault �nc�1 rcaturity. � . . .
<br /> . . ;. .
<br /> . , '���, the eveut ��stcr,', wfthaut�.,ti:�,.pxf.� writte� consent a£ ,
<br /> (.(:�l.' , r��•. ::�:��::�., , � � :
<br /> �. :,rBen.eficiary. .�1. sei1, txan.���r o� cSoYnrey or;;�:��zact..ta s���::ri.;.trane€er cr
<br /> , :`,,
<br /> .� canvey the Pr �'�rty, o� aay paxt thereof or aa�;':.��exest the�e�,�4 th� q�t�.2e� . -:
<br /> ' balance �f th���.ndebtedneea hereBy aecured shall� bec�a and�.�e iminediateiy
<br /> �; ��due a�nd payab�-a�.� t�ie aption of Bene�iciargrs= P�p'vided,<<�•�sowever, B�n.efi�iaiy �..
<br /> • :;�� ni�Y was,ve s�; mot�an to. acce3esate ff, pris�r �to eualx ga1e, tranafex br
<br /> ,. ._
<br /> � conveyance a��<;;.contr�ct therefor, Ben��c�ary a.ud the� �er�en...to _�2xam :tlie� �
<br /> propex�ty i� to` be sold o� trari�Eerred-; ' `, '�h aa:a9x'e��ent..i.n wrix.ing that the .
<br /> '�creai.t, a�' 9uch persaa fs��eatie�actory�'���� BenePiciary anc�'tY�tit Che it�ter��t
<br /> . payab��:�'��ii tiie aume �eaured by�thia D�c� p� .Trueti ahall b� at �u�h.ra�e aa
<br /> ;•�8ene�i�iary�'��s17. rec�uests . , . � :��. .
<br /> . ; ,� ',.�.:. .
<br /> , � . �,p:� ,That �a� furth�r security for the payment of th����iot� askd �h� � �
<br /> .: in�tedness Chereby,evi.deacecl aitd the� perform�tce of aIl.�of :t sha11 and .
<br /> , ��qvenant� .and candie�,t�;�e he�eo£,� T�cuetor agreea that 8e���ic3a�y� �
<br /> r�o�� her�by ha�ve �h��< �ight�� pt�wer and autho�ity duri.n�g .xhe ��nti:�uan�e of . Yr-•:
<br /> ' tY►�s Dee�d Qf �et �o collect �he ret�te. issua� and prcfiCs of tlie Pxape�ty�!.�F,�.:.,';.
<br /> � and of �any :�C.ezsonal pxoperty lpcated t�i�ireon� wit� or withcut �ak�.n�,;1;;,:;:".
<br />- • gasse��iou o� th� gro�s�*_�r �f.?Fected thezeby:. and Tru��Or he�reby. ab�olvt�Iy:`�';:`';. .
<br /> � and uisid±�nd3.tionaZly assigrie'all sucb �c�nts. iasueB and pro€f.te t+�.peif;��3.afa-,_= .� . `.
<br /> � � `�enefl�ciary. � howeuer, :.:Rerehy zan$eat� tio �'arusta�c'a r�f��.3.ec��an and •. • :
<br /> � �zetenCioa o£�,�",�cY� xents. fee�z�:and prafi�:s as thoy accrue anc����c+om��payabl�.,;. ;::. :�.
<br /> � so lohg a� T��.�tor ie Ao� ati sucb time in defau2t wx�h re�pec�� to pa�aent o�
<br /> any fndebt�d��es ee�ed hereby or � in the p�xformance of, any, agreement
<br /> hereundes. 1,Tpon .an�:::s�uch de£a�tlt, Seneficiaay may at any time, eithe� ih `
<br /> person, by ag�t, or� by, recei.ver tv be appointed by a court, without nnt3ce.
<br /> and witriout':�gard to tYre �adequacy of any security• for the fndebte8neee ...�`�°.'
<br /> hexeb�y secur�c�� (a) enter upon and take poaseeeion of the Prepez�ty or any part �. .�•���
<br /> thereof a�d in it� atan name sue for ar otherwiae collect sucb �rents, ieauea
<br /> � atrd p�o�ite, iucludin.g those paeC� du�. .and �un,p.�id. and app3.y ti�ie..saa���;:.�.�ss `
<br /> cog�s and �ex�,oenses a£ operation and � co].l��tion, �.ualudsi,x�:� rea�dna�bZt .
<br /> � . attorney's f��s, upon any indebtedne�o. securet3 hereby and is�����uch ordar aa. ��
<br /> eenef fcf.ary �ra�:y determ�.ne= �b� J.eaee the aame ar any part t�tereot Eos suCh
<br /> �re�ital, term and �pon euch conditiona a� BeneffcSaiy'g �udgment may aictate
<br /> � � or ternifnate or adiuet the� terms and conditions of arry exiating 2ease or
<br /> leaseg: Unless Tz�us�or and .Ben�ficia�y agree othexwfse i.n wr3.ting, �ny
<br /> �appliEaLfon af reuta, iaeues o�c proffte to any iadelotedneas secured hereby
<br /> sh�7.1. nr�t extend oz postpone the due date of the inetallment payments ��a ..
<br /> � • .provided in the Note or change the amount of such inetallments. The entering
<br /> _ upon aad tak�tng po�sesei.oa of the Property, ,t�e co].lection of such rents,
<br /> � isaues and pr�ogits, and the applicatton thereof ae aforee�ial, Ahall not waive
<br /> - or. cure 2ny .defau�ti or notice .of default hexeunder, or invalidate ax�y act .
<br /> �
<br />-° �._, .__dnne .pu�'suant,�to. such_notf.ce. Txuator assigrne ta. Hene��.ciary. ae further � �
<br />=: � �. .. � �
<br />-'i . . '
<br />---� , . . �
<br />