�. � a —��f_
<br /> � ` h f , e;��� ,,,�...`. ��,,,�.,�,a��c�.--• - � __ - - ---
<br /> .. �� _ -� `{__ 1 c hr�a. _ - --- _ � _-r.�ca�.a�r_ _ --
<br /> ._—._—-- _—_.— — — — —_ ___—___��..���.r�wv-i=�c wsa—_—_--__—_ - ___—
<br /> — .__��_.� _— -- = -- ".-��ms _ "— _ _ ° _
<br /> �— _—— — _— _—_--_—_ - ..,--- _r
<br /> - - . - . _. __ _ .. _. - , -. . --- r. , . _ . ,. �
<br />, `` •, S. . . <: ' . . .`. , . ` . . {9�� ����1yIV. . . .. .y - - .c.:<-
<br /> � '.� #. Fia�e.FIoQd and dth�r Nazacyt insuraace.8ono�ver s!mtl insure a!l�improvernaa�s an Q►e Propetiy:wheWx aaw.in . �
<br /> � ex,'suertce or su6sequgncIy eie�tA. a�t any ha7ards,ra�uatt4es'and candngtncfes.inciudit�t7re. ior avhi�tt L,Ettdot requicts ^
<br /> , in�uranec. This insnrance shait be mainiai¢�d ia.c�e atao�tnts and for ihe geriods ahac Lertdec «quircs. Barrower shall�a{ss
<br /> insure at1 imprauemencs on cP�e Fmpet�y:w�ee�er aaw`in exiscenet or's�sbsequenciy;ereeced.againsc Ioss by ftaads co cRe extenc . , .
<br /> ` reqt�ired 8y the.Srcretaty. Alt 3nsutattCe`3ha1t @a earried wi[h camp�ies sppioved by Lender.Th:ins�sr:uic�policies anc!aap . -
<br /> - recs�wals sha�I be heid by Lender aad shall iaclude toss payabte ctauses in favor df.and in.a farm acceptable co.,Leadec. �� �
<br /> • . � � . . . -
<br /> 'in ti�e�ire��of lass. $OYtiliv2F S�i81I giYB LEtidOf.'iiSltiSCtli2LC tlBEitG by!t'.113. LeAdec s��ma�p�af�k 40�if not m?1� - _ _ .
<br /> �raaip�ty by�orrouer. Each insurance co'atpany core�erned,is•hertby au�horized and direcced to make paymnrls for such ioss .
<br /> � direccly ro E.en¢er,instead aE to Bocrower,and co l.ender,joincl�r, dli or aay pact:of.cAe insuraiice pt�t�eds ma}�6e applied by
<br /> � Leader.a�ies op�ion.eichet(a)eo�rzdasrion of che inde5udness.uader che N�ce a�d ehu.5ccuricy Insirusneni:�irsc to any ,
<br /> . deitnqusnc aaiovnts appleed irz the order•in pacagrapb 3,and�hen�o p�epayieent of prineipal.or(b)co Ehe t�car�cion or[epair '
<br /> of�tie dama�rd Prppersy. Any appliraiEan of she pcacads to che principal sha!! noc extend or posc�oae etcce due daie of thc _. . •
<br /> � . �° moatliiy payrrtents whEch are�eferred to in paragnpt�2,or chauge�he amoe�nt'of such paymencs.�1ny exrxss ituurqnce ptoceeds
<br /> �over an awoeinc�requird�o pag aIt ourstanding indebeediiess under th�-N�and this Securiey insc�umea[shaU 6e paid co�he
<br /> eaticy tegalig encitl�d c�sereto. � ' • � . . " ..
<br /> � � � - W cfle e��em af fanclosune_of ehis See�sriry testiumeat or oci�er:tra�sfcr gf.cicle co et�e Pmperey thu e�ainguisites cRe
<br /> . inde6cedness.all ri�bt..ticle.and interest Qf�prrower tn attd to iasura�.c�'policies ie�force shalI passco[he pu�asu.� .•.,:;� r ,
<br /> . . ..,, . .+:;_• , s;r` , . . . t:�` ;.
<br /> S. UCCU�IIC�T;�."�r:'�1ttCli. �S'3i�Dtllt'dlLCPi'��'?+�,;Pt'OfE4'�+���:•0p�� �•`.����.. ��r�'�S �Lq�:ra��tlC�'�,711�'/r(`` �`� _
<br /> �,�Qt�4� .�Q���.fi��i�;l�i�+."1p�w�`�4�1���l�.•.��Y�%�•`���. ,ea,��S�+1rvtLQ�is.�Y.�"�.,,�Qf�f'Li.�..�i'tfL��Sf':�:G��ti�:S1�F_ia,irf5"�37" ', _
<br /> �`�."�Dt+�ez�aci��qt�,;rhs.Sec�rc����,r��.shailto�����'n,€�spropeRS►-��r�::�x���.^ip�.tr`�lidS�ti��rr:�-.zzk�� �� ` , -
<br /> ec
<br /> '� c-,�;e yeaa,�����daco.of ucciipaacy c:�c1u Secrttacjc dete�t,��s recN'urahe�tc wlll c�:��a���i��at 7�'"r,,:'��- --
<br /> ' . � c� unles.ex1�,.^aaang circumstances e�'�;wijict� are lseyo�d ��er'S'caauo�. BorroweF s:t�It ao���'.t}��" ef r� ; <".
<br /> ��aitenua�ing ciR�imstaaces.Borrower shaii 3not cartunic wasce or de�y,damagc or substanciaity�ct�snge th��+`a,,'�ecty or�:"ct� "�' .� �
<br /> . ihr Prapen�+ cc�'�ecui0rate,reasonabte wear and tezr txsepied, [.e�i�er rnay inspcef�tse Propsrsy af�he Propeny is vscar�at� ,
<br /> ab�adoned oe.��,e toui is in default. �.ender may eake r�rasonable aztioa co proiecc and'pr�secve such vac�at or�6iudoned
<br /> �� Propetcy_Borrowtr saa11 also tie in default i�Borcawer.ducing�he'ioaa applieatioa procrx;.p,ave maceriatty f�iss or inucutate
<br /> inforniation.oa swcemenu co LendEr.(or fa�led co provide Leador with any macar9al informacioti)in cunneCtion witi�ehe touz :: �
<br /> evidencett by che ivate. inc{u�ing,but noc.timind�ca.rs�resenc�ciafu conceming Sorraaer's aceupaucy af ttu t�,�npeny-as� '
<br /> principal cesidence. l�.chis 5ecuriry tnserumene Is qa a teasehold,Bomewet shall campiy wtth tht provisi�tl�o!thel4ase. [f '
<br /> gqaower acc�uire�fa�t�te co�t Properiy,the teasshold and fse�tide shail.nos be merged unttss [�eri@er agreesto che meiser i�t,. ..
<br /> .. writing. > . � � .. � � , ; � . -
<br /> � ' � �. 6. Chatge�cu B,oero�rar and Pcateation pt Lender's Rt�,tht�in the Propecsy.Borrower ah�il pay atr�avern�nensaf.ar
<br /> � munitlpal cha�ges, fina and imposiiians thac are noc inciuQe@ in pangrapjr 2:Bprrower shali.pay �h�srobii;uions on time .
<br /> dttxciy_to che erni�y whi:A i3 awed tho paymenc.lf Cailurc to Qay would adversely affeec"�endcr's interesc ln ef�e C+rapeay�u�pon �. .
<br /> Leadec's iequesc BoKmHer ah�fl prompily fusnish�o L,endGr receipu e�+Wtncans chese piymenes. � , . .
<br /> . , -. _. . . . — . . . _ -
<br /> ' �if Horcower fails co m�s thae pay�ts orthe payments ttqtsiYM by puagr�ph 2.Of EdtIS IG�!'�OCllt 9tly Olhtt CQYCIWitf , '�.
<br /> aad agrcemencs contained in ehis Seeurity Instromtn�.or�here is a legal practoding ihac rtwy signiGeadcly affeec Lender's d�hts,., .
<br /> • • in�hG Proper�y (sud►as s pracxeding ia bu►kncprcy.�ar condemouion or to enforct laws or regulationt}.chen,La�dei may do, ..
<br /> and psy whatevet is neces�ary_to pratect the vatue of the,Prapeny aisQ Lende�'s righcs in che�PtoQercy. inclasdting paymrnt of
<br /> �caxes,huard insuraace and o:her icems mencioned in pangraph 3. � ' � • . � .
<br /> Any amounts disburud by Lender un8ac this paragragh shall Qecame an aQQicional_debe of Barcawer'and ba secured by t�u .
<br /> Securiry (nsccuincnt..ThesG amaants shal!bear jaterc�c from che date of disbursement..at che P�o[c ra[e,a�d at[he opcioa oE:
<br /> Gender.sha�d tr�iu[rttcdiacety daf artd payabtc. � . • . .
<br /> . . , .. .. ti. •
<br /> . . � 7, Condemuatioa.ThG praeeed's of any�award or�daim'or d�ges,d'srecs or consequeatiai. in connection wich a,�y
<br /> � 'candt�nnation na other taSc'stra of any part of the Propeny.vr fnr ccaveyance in place of eoiid�mnacion,are hereby assig►i�Y!an�i
<br /> �'shal!bc�ai�i� t.cnder io ihe exern�of che Eul{amaunt of ihe instebcedness�hae n:mains unpa�d undcr ihc�oe�and�tsis S�.�curiev . .
<br /> 1�uErumene.. �.enQer sh�11 ap�iv suci�groc��eds ta the rciluciian�nf dir indeb�edness undcr tiie�o�s and this ScCarity Cnscru�nc�u,.
<br /> ticst tu any �tctinqucni amoun[s applied in ihc ordcr provieicd {n naragtaph 3. aa�l ih��i to prcpaynlen(,of principa{.•�,m
<br /> � � apptication oi�he procceds tv the printipnl shall noc extcnd ar postpone thc ciuL date of'thc mouttdy paYn�c�ts.�wi�icb ari:
<br /> � referrcd to in p:�ragtaph 2,or change ihc amount of such paymcnts: �ny cxecss procexds uvc�an a�suunc rcquired to paL.ill .
<br /> uu�standi�ig iud�-btcclncss�ndcc thc Votc a�tct this Sceuri[y Instrumciu shatl bc nai�t to th�ci�tit�'ILL111}CI1tIlICII 111�ICI0. ��� _ .
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> � . � .
<br /> _ Gt1AG�n•FMS.0281.NE�9et01 ' vage J oi Ci . . . , tn,tuts: .
<br /> • • . . . , ` . � , .
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