c`� i � . F i.y „4' F ` .�: ..�'_::'."�""'Y`._b, ��.. �`a�., ��`�x �t�r.. --
<br /> : � •�" — —
<br /> ���...._._ - 1. t.._ ;stx:�. ��:r';.i�s4n i�ltl u^z��... _ ._
<br /> -- — - - = _ -- _ — =a�;�y-°- ----_-_
<br /> . ,� �� .
<br /> -- . -_�_ z . . ..
<br /> -.._-T=�_. ._..�___-...��� _ -R�.� - . �__
<br /> �•.«..'*- -`-'-------_. -------
<br /> -- - --- - -- -- --� .::- . ___ .:. -- � --- -- - -� --� - -- - - .._ __. . . . _.
<br /> • _ ` . . � ,;�5�,,"�t,��l��.: ' '
<br /> • 't'aGETi�� tivITH ,af!4'�e icnprovr�r,en�s ttaw or- hets3fcac erecteii ori ttie pra�u[y. a�zd a�f e�semsnu. rlghts.
<br /> . appurcenanas. rertts.�oyaicics.mineral.oil aaQ gas ri�h�s�d pr��s.,water righcs�asd stnc�a�Q�1t flxnua now m:hsc�fter a
<br /> pan oi chc propeny.POIt ioptasements aari additions 'shnil also bs w�ectd hy chis St�urit�InSUUmettt.att af t�e fotegoi�t�is. , �
<br /> � . ' f2PGCf2d Ia!R IhiS SGCBIli}i�QS[fFltii�ilt 25�le.:Prepet�y:•. : � . .
<br /> , BORROtVER COVENA�iTS thae Borra:vee is.lawfully seist�,of che rsiace hereby can.eycd;rad t�the dght co gr�►c aad'�
<br /> - , �conv_w. �ciTe P�a�an�fiac rtzo Prqp:m�is aat:naambered:e�cccpc.io:enwmbrastcts oi r�ord. 8crmwer warrants and wi1i, --
<br /> • ' dCfCIId�EriEfdll4 Iht IitIC[4 Ih�PI4FeILY d�tit114t 81l CI8IRi5�C�4R11RdS.sraDjesi so�ny easutn��+ttsgs of t�ord� . _ _
<br /> ' � t. �uymeac of:Prtracigal.tnteies¢and Late Chasge.Borcowes s[t�ll pay when dar cize priacipat af,and interrsc on,!he
<br /> ' , ' ��ebt er�i�nced by che:Voce and laze,char�es dua uadsr the�ioie: _ , ' � °
<br /> , ' 2: �ionthly Paymepts o�Taxe4:Ins�trartee und Other Charges. Bormwsr sd'aU iactude ia each inoutlsiY PaYt�c. �,
<br /> ' � t�gathei with tfte pzittcipai and intes�st as ser fortA in the Nate and�aESy latt cha�ges.an iasta�lment cf aiiy ts)i8xes aa¢speciat �
<br /> . assessmcats tevied or w be ls�r'ied agaiast the Pcopetty. (b} leas¢hotd paymtnts or ground rest�s•on the Frogerry.�an� tc) . ,
<br /> ' �. premtums for it�suraaee required by para�rapb,4� � . . .. . , . ` .
<br /> �. , , , . , . �
<br /> �� Each mor►thty ins�itment for items{��,�),and(c)ahal!squal ant-twelfth of tde anauat am�unu,as�ona�iy escima�ed ,,
<br /> ' by Lmder.Qlns aa artiount sufficiaac co maintairt an addidonal batauce�f noc more�han one-sixch oi[ht escimaced amadncs.'�he �
<br /> �� tuli acu►ual amouut.for each�ceia shall be ascumutated by Leader w�chirt a pertod endin� one mondi befort an item t4ould
<br /> ��� Daome:'delinquenz. �nder shal! hotct che antauncs cotteurd ta unsc w nap icears.ta). @). arid fcl 6efan chey become
<br /> •r,- 'Qeliii9uent. '•:,�'J_;-i . •,s,. �
<br /> + . .�. . .. , - _ , . _ ,;,:•_;� .
<br /> � ; , i s, �;' . •'+.;� .__ . . . ,.,.;.,, • .;
<br /> . :- �r
<br /> . , t�`',��ay t�,�-:.��c�tai of[�Q paymenc� hefd by f.end�;��or items�(�}. (b): �nd 1�rl�;:s�ge�er ivi� �he.fucure taoachty_ •_.
<br /> . .•�payir.��:s-.�r.suc�..ite��Dayabte'c�9:�tder prior to[tse duc c�a�'�aY d�ctr�co�s.�ci�t9x';='i�or�.chan unasixch che escicaa[ed •
<br /> amount��payf�:cies�iired co pay such iterns wheyi dut..an��f�ay:�e�s;�^:zhc Na���.c�:rreac.'thcn E.ender sbali either ;:::;`;
<br /> tefitrtd ti��"iz���'{'nne-sixth+oi tht es[itiiated payments ar c�it�tha-cte�'�overa�.ie:�•,a af che escimued��aymeacs�o . ;,;'
<br /> ; i st�b5��a�t�Ymtnts by 8omower�xtite optioA of Bur[ow� 11E.�Se tota�uf tlit t�Yra�{�.�Y�crf{��-er fot.iitaR;�a).(6). �
<br /> or fr�:�?�-i:�iufficiaic ta.pay.che.�.er�wiuq daG thm Bocroi�ip���half pay ta Lendet a.,;':�wit��s�ary`ro mak�up cht
<br /> ,:�f:�: • . •
<br /> <,:�:;�.: .daf�ien�j on or bePore che daf�c�e icem brcomes due. � '. � � ' � .
<br /> �;t;., .. . . • .
<br /> ' .As,usrd in this Securiry instrumcnt, �•Secre[ary'' meaas.rhe Sec�tary of F{ousing and Urban[)e+relopme�lt�or his ar her `
<br /> , drsignee. 4n any ytu in which rhe Lender mus��av a mongage insurrnee pnmium co the Seerecuy t�ch mnnt6ly ptynkt►[ sAall
<br /> . alsa�iriclude eicher.(i)an inscall�uenc of.cAt annual r�orcgage.imsac3nee premtum co be paid b�Lentkr ca tlie Secn.�ary:ar(Qi)a
<br /> �' monchty e6arge in�tead of a moe�ga3e insurancs pr¢mium it ct9ia Security Insitument is ttetd by shb Sareiuy. Exh monthty �'
<br /> � � � irs�.11mens nf th�mqxcga�insurcr.�e premiunt sit�li 6e ia an asnount saff►tie;n to xeumuiace tho full�►ual�moR�e insut�sicr.• . �
<br /> pn�ium wi�h Lender onb manth prior co the date che Poll atutua!�r..ortgage insusancG premiam is dua to cho Secretary,uc ii chis' . _
<br /> Sceuaty Insttuhseat is held�by ehe Secrttary,each monthly charge shalt Qe�in_an acnaunt equal to oneawelfth of opt•Ayt pe�cent . ' .
<br /> of the outst�ndiag principalt b�laa:e due on the Note. • . . ,
<br /> � If.8qrrower tenders w R.enG:r che fiitl p�ymeac of all su,ns secured by chis Secariry Inscrumena.BormweF's xcounc shatt . �
<br /> 6e credittd arich the baiuxe�remaining fer all inscallmenu for items (a).(b). and (c)and any rtar�gaga insucaiice pnmlam. '
<br /> instsilm�nt dtat Cender has ao[becpme ohCi��cd co pa5r to tht St�.raary,and,S�,edder sfui!prampcly rafund any e�cetss�funds:o
<br /> � Borcower. Immalia[ely prior ta a'.�orectosure sate of the propeny or.ics acc��:.sitian,by Ltpder. Borcawer`s ac�couni;slf�lt be
<br /> , credited�with any bal�ttue reinaining far a!i ips�aiIments for icems f af.(b).ar�te�. . � •
<br /> � 3. applicatian of Pnymcnu.�tt payrt;c.a'j�i.nder paragtapf�s 1 an��':Qi�:riJ be a�plied by LaenQCr a;foilows: ' • �
<br /> . •�arc-f0 Ijlc ii70Ct�i�2 ifi5Ui31tC0 QtQttitYtlt i0 bC jldlli u�f atW9i',jCt tQlUC SCCt2iaty Vf�e�iftc��tt�3siinIyCitdi�by titz�tCiei�ry�' ' °
<br /> ins►r�ad•of tht manthiy mor�gage i�suiance premium: . . • . � '
<br /> �. S�:c�nd_to any taxes. sptcia!asssssmmts, teasehold payrnenrs or ground ronts. anQ�Fte:flo0d�.;�thcr hazar¢insucance'� •
<br /> prcmiumt.as cequirecf: . . � , ..�..,., . � .
<br /> . . '�'�,j' c,to in:erest duc under the�occ; . � � •
<br /> . •� .o i� to ampttization ot thc�°rincipa!of thc``o►c: , , � �. .
<br /> if � to Iatc.harges duc uncic.�r�Etc�ota . � . . • � • �
<br /> . . . � .
<br /> GNlACM•PM5.Q281.NE 19410� Vage 2 or 6 , in�na�i: •
<br /> . . . • ' . � t . •
<br /> -- ��_.-_-��_---
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<br /> -�'� +x9rt sa���•'s:`e..�Zi'Ryi�-��y �/'�u���_y)�•'L�r.v ' �n,Fn s- w.:- �..
<br /> = fioa"�.'�+t_�����/s3b�1`i�r�j���.�rrl-'�'a.�. -1 -_ .
<br /> �1^'�25�7��"°��4-� �8"k,�-���kT���Fl�+y�,���9q�F��w���,r
<br /> �.�.73.od?Siiv.s.,�- ti i�.3t cv vu � r A � -�. �,� . � — .— -
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