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<br /> ���,�,oa�z�- a�...�- �'�'='�»�`b17'�'.ir�."� ,. ., .. . . . �F-�,.� `�-.•�,' `°'2S' . df.t;�� �?{.�-sar_rrc'�o.�-mararr-_� -----__ -
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<br /> . D��Y�1 toI►ae�'be ceQuYr2d.�t tbe ap�ioa of L�ender.if mortgage iasw�an�a�trora�e(^en tbe�moanr s�ffi for tRe peri�, .
<br /> < that Leatdea.c�quires)Px4vided by.an insurer approved 6y[.ender again becomes avaitable an4 is obtained.Bomuwer stuilI pay
<br /> the premiusas req¢�r+ed to m�intain�mortgnge i�uaase in effecx,or w provide a loss tes:rve.�ua4il ths requiremsnt fer taor:�age �
<br /> insur�ce eads in aaco�aace c�±ith any•wsitten a�rneut berneen Bomower aasl�ndcr or�icab4e law.
<br /> , 9.I�a�i.�dez ar it�.agent may at�aice reasonable enuies u�on and inspecaions of the�opeity. Leader shall give
<br /> $�axo�ver notioe at the tia�e of oT prior tn an iasg�t�oa sp�ifyi�g ceasonable cansa foi t�te ia�tion. .;
<br /> 10.Conde�mr�a4iari.'i`he gTOCeeds of any.awazd`or ctaim for damages.direct or ca�se�ue�ttiat. in connettio�witb a�t .
<br /> candemn.aFion ar otber taking of aay part of tlie Proyerty.ar for aonveyauce in Iieu of eottdemraunn,are hereby assi�d und ' ,
<br /> , shall be paid m I.eader. � .. .
<br /> In th�eveat of a tafal taltiag of tfie Ptapeity.the prbc�eds s�aU 6e spplied to the surds secarect tsy ttris Sea�riry It�uume�t, �
<br /> wheth�r or aot then dne,with auy eaioess pazd to Barrower. In ttes event of a partial taking of the Amgerty ia wi�ch nhe fair
<br /> n�cicet vaiue of tLe Pauperty immediately before the taking is equa!ta Ps g�ter than th�amaa�nt of the sams�sec�ed by this
<br /> '. Sac�uity Insunmznt i�iateSy before the tal�ag.unless$orcow�s and Lender ot&erwise agree in writing,tit�siuns se�ured 83r
<br /> . titis Secwity Insatunent sbalI be reducad by the amount of the p�s muidgtied by ths foUowing fiacaon: (a)the totat �
<br /> aa�our�of the snms secured imme�liateiy before tt�e�tsing.divided by @}the fair markei vatue of the Propeity immedi�te�y
<br /> befut�the qking. Ray 6atanse shall be gaid to Borcacvea. In the event of a parti�l talria�of the Ptoperty ia which the fais �•. •.
<br /> � ' ma�rket value of the Propeaty immadiatdy 6efore the taldng is less tha�n the aa�uat of tl�e swms seaued immediately befare the
<br /> • talung,�mless Borrawer a�xi i.ender otherwise agree in writing ar nnless apglica63e law othartvise pravides.the grocveds shall ,
<br /> �. �appiie�to the s�ams seivred 6y ttus Security]G�saument witet�er or rwt th�spms are uiea�due. � . .
<br /> If the Praperty is a6nntianed b�y BoFroccer,or if.after nntice by Lender to Borro�rer tbat the caffiemnor offcrs tb make an .
<br /> arrard tn sett2e a daiml for damages,.Bormwer faits tn r�poad W Lender aYthin 30 days alt�r tl�t datt,the notice is givea,
<br /> . Ir.a�r is a�atiz�d w coI{ect aad aPWY the pmcePds.at its optian,either to restaration or r�mir oY the Property or to tbe sums �. .
<br /> serured 6y.d�s Security Instrome�►t�whether or aot then dqu' . � . ,
<br /> � QnIess I�f�r and Bom�wer othe�w�.agm�in a�riting.anY;�'plication of pmoee�s to principal shall not ezt��ar
<br /> . Postpone id�drve�iate of the momhly payme�ts:�ferre�W in paiagrap4is 1 and 2 or c�nge the sa�u�t'�t of sucb�'ayment's. . . .
<br /> la.Bonuwer Not Released;Fot�ear-.�By I.�Aer Not a Nafver.Extension of the ti�e�a payment or madi��4ion
<br /> . of amorti�aunn of tlie sums secured by this Security Iastru�ent gransed by I.eader to a�r suca�ssor in•irrt�rest of Bo�rawer sl�all�
<br /> " � no¢operate to release the liability of the or�giaal Bo�rmwer or Bor�ower's successois in inierest: I�nder shall nai 6e reqQired to...:
<br /> commence prooeedings against any saocesso7 in imterest or�efuse to�d time for payrn$nT or oti�swi�e modify an�ro�din��., ..
<br /> � of t�e sums se�a-*ed by this S��y Inswment by i�easoa of aaq:.: ,.i�r�in�td made by the origi�$�Bdmower or gorrowet•'?o;;;'
<br /> � sucxessors in�n1�es� Any forb�arance 6y Lendes in ex�rc�sing aify�'flr remedy sh�lb not be a waiver of or precIude ttce '�
<br /> e�i�t'',r=e of any�right tir r�medy:. . '� . . •;:: " :• :
<br /> . ..��.',.�.Succssnrs and A���� Bound;doint an@ �l�Lda6ility;.Co-si�.;�e oayrq�anu affd agraements Qf th�
<br /> '� .. Insttument.shaU 6ind and benefu.'�e s�ccessc:�s`2a�assi ' .
<br /> :•�4rsty. Sns pf.Lender ana�Bnrrowet�..��a�.6jed to the pravisions of . .
<br /> '�: �atdg�ph' I7. Bo=rower's covenants and a;�ments sha�l 6e joint and sev�sa!_ AnY BorrP��'F'�o co-signs this S�i,
<br /> � �trbment bnt does aot execute the Note:(a) is co�signi��'this Serurity Insuunseni only to azo�i�,e.grant and convey t 'h,��'rt;. �
<br /> �ri.>trower's interest in�he Praperry under the tem�s of ttri�.SECUrity Insuument;(b)�s rcot pe�sonalty'obligat�q�;��Y the suins. . .
<br /> . �tiit�d 6y this Sec�riry inst�ument;and(c)agr�s tt�at Ii�t3tw anct un�.other.Borro�rer��f,hy agree to extend,niaiiai;y, forhear or, . -�
<br /> � d►�e any accomriiodations with regazd to tH�tercas of this Secamty Instrumeat or the Note without th�t Eorruwei's consent:..,.:_, � .�
<br /> � 13.I,oen�rgc�.If the loan secured hy this Security Instruinent is subjapt to a ►aw whIch sets maxi�Ioan c�r��: .
<br /> aud that law i.g'(�s�ally intetgreted so that the intez�f�:;q�her loan charges'oollected os to be cp(leded�in connectian with tdir�:'::
<br /> Io;n excoed+1I�e pemiittsd lirr?�ts,then: (a)azry such tea�oi�cge s�all b�redadcd bg the arrsoant tieaessary to Taiuee t9e chaige, .
<br /> to tlur Qernuiae�l timit:and(bj a�y surtt�aiready.c�oli��"wil;:�rom Borrow�r afiich esc�de0 gemritted limits witt be refu.aded to �
<br /> • BU�r:��ret. �n�er may chnase co�m�1ce th:��:fiand.�p'��n,ing the priqci��l owed w�der the Note or by making a dirett
<br /> �WN��� 'fl�uFiower. If a refund redud:5 1'-�'in�iFal, tfte mQuctiae;�a�:ll be treated as a t�� P�Y��wit6out any:.
<br /> �3y[�ent charge ander the,Note. • �.,� „` . .. .: �. .
<br /> • �.��;`.�i4.Noticcs.Any Ro�ce to Borrower provided for aQ,t{tzs Sec�uity��nstrument shall be given by deliverin�it or bp maiIing � _
<br /> �• . �t�!�r first ciass mail u�ess applicabie!aw�res use aC�er teethod.The.notice s2�a11 be directed to the I�roperty A�s '
<br /> or'�i�nny°otfier addt�ss Barrower des3gnates by mouce to'I:ender. An�} notice to Lender shalt be given by fust cl�s rdai.t W.�
<br /> , H,�tniet's address stated herein ar any�other aQMess i,endcr designate�.�y natice to Bosrower. Any notice pmvided fur in ti;��s%-,
<br /> �Sccurity instrumcat st�alt be de�med to have b�en gvcn to Bozrawer as Y.ender when given as provi,ded in this paragrapfl. .
<br /> � 15.GoveRaing [s�w; �evera511ity. 'Flris Security Lasuvmem shall bC govemeA by federa1 law and the Iaw of the '
<br /> � ' yu,cisdiction in which the Propetty is located. In the eveat that any pruvlsian or c[ause of this;Securiry Instniment�ot the Note . � �
<br /> ' contticts w.ith appliwble law.saeh conilict shall not affect othCr pravisions of this Security Instrumerit or the N'ote which�c�n be . �
<br /> gEven effect without th�mnflicting provisioa.1fo this end the provisions of this Security Instnuur.�:�and the 1Note ar�c declarar�
<br /> to be severabls. " ' '
<br /> 16.Bon�ower's Copy.Boanwer shall be given oae conformeil oopy of the Note and of this Stcarity tastru�ent. � •
<br /> . ' ' for�nt 3028 9/90
<br /> • v�e�e
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